I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

Chapter 5:

Chapter 5:

March 8th.

With only two days left until the start of the new semester, Philip received a summon through the maid. It was a summon from none other than Felicia Oswald.

A brief moment of awkward silence passed between them as they sat facing each other at Felicia’s office desk.

Felicia was the first to break the silence.

“… You will be joining me for the first and second-year classes.”

She looked at Philip with eyes filled with unease and suspicion.

Felicia Oswald was an exemplary lady, known as a prodigy. At the age of seventeen, she awakened her sword skills, becoming a source of pride for the Oswald Viscount family. Immediately after graduation, she was recommended and became an instructor.

By the age of twenty-three, she had mastered advanced sword techniques, enabling her to strike targets from afar. This achievement solidified her qualifications as a professor.

However, at twenty-six years old, she was now facing the most challenging crisis of her academic career.

‘… Why on earth did my parents send that child here?’

She was well aware of Philip’s usual behavior.

Whenever he had some pocket money, he would offer it to women in high-end brothels, surrounding himself with a questionable crowd and indulging in mischievous escapades. He was the epitome of a troublemaker, expelled from the academy for nearly killing a senior two grades above him.

‘He has been quiet for the past few days. I don’t know what he’s been up to, locked up in his room…’

Philip opened his mouth quietly, under the cold gaze of Felicia Oswald.

“Is that all you have to say? Nothing else?”

“No. That’s not it.”

Felicia’s mind quickly cleared, and she narrowed her eyes.

“This is my final request as your family and your sister. Since you’ve come this far, I won’t blame or betray you. Instead, when teaching the students, take it seriously. The ones we teach… they’re merely fourteen, fifteen years old. It’s too early for them to be hurt by someone like you.”

Philip let out a soft sigh. He considered arguing against her concern for the kids, but refrained from doing so.

“Well, I truly intend to do it properly.”

However, Felicia remained unconvinced, her gaze revealing no trust.

“And tomorrow is the entrance ceremony. It’s a class where parents will be observing.”

“Of course, I’m aware.”

It was an information which was already received by Philip, a fact he was well aware of.

After the entrance ceremony at Privia Academy, each department organized observation classes for parents to understand how the classes were conducted.

“In your case, all you have to do is a brief self-introduction and assist in my class. I… genuinely dislike your behavior, but I think you can handle that much.”

Philip could sense her emotions.

Suppressing her intense dislike and disgust as a professor, and channeling those feelings into fulfilling her sense of duty. It wasn’t something anyone could easily accomplish.

For a twenty-four-year-old young lady, it was an astonishing level of responsibility.

“Your constant pressure is making me crave a drink after such a long time.”

Felicia reacted strongly to Philip’s joke.

“Are you truly insane? Can’t you be serious even for a moment? How far will you take this…?”

“It’s just a joke. A joke. People are allowed to make jokes, you know.”

Felicia glared at Philip as if she wanted to annihilate him, but soon let out a deep sigh.

“Please, Philip Oswald. I don’t expect you to last long here. If you can just refrain from causing trouble for a few months, I will even beg my parents, on my knees if necessary, to allow you to return to the family. Deal?”

“What are you talking about? I plan to stay here for at least five years. I want to spend more time with you, sis… ugh!”

Philip quickly dodged the teacup Felicia threw at him. Thanks to her heightened magical abilities, Felicia’s long blonde hair swayed in the air like rippling waves.

‘She’s really furious.’

“… Get out. I don’t want to see your face right now. If you continue with this attitude during tomorrow’s class, I won’t forgive you.”

“Fine, let’s meet tomorrow then.”

Philip swiftly exited Felicia’s laboratory as if escaping.

‘Why is the Master so cruel? She seemed like a kind sister, but why does he tease her like this?’

Neria complained, expressing her discontent. Philip chuckled and responded.

“Your reaction is quite adorable.”

‘Well, maybe. By the way, Master, are you ready? You’ve been busy fighting with Neria’s previous owners these past few days, but you haven’t made any preparations for the class.’

“I’m more than prepared, overflowing with readiness. What I lacked from the beginning was knowledge about swordsmanship. Teaching itself wasn’t a problem. With the vision I obtained, I now have a general grasp of what swordsmanship entails.”

‘Is that so? How did you manage to understand it?’

Neria had heard from Philip about the concept of the “Moonlight Sword” as a form of swordsmanship, but she couldn’t comprehend his words.

“I just have a vague understanding, you know? It may take some time to formally delve into it, but I feel like I will achieve significant progress soon.”

‘Oh, I see. Master, you’re truly remarkable.’

And another day passed.

March 9th.

The central square of Privia Academy was teeming with sixty newly enrolled students, accompanied by their families, relatives, or attendants.

After briefly attending a few ceremonies, Philip made his way to the storage room to prepare for the observation class. It was there that he encountered the instructor who would be overseeing the lower-grade classes for the first time.

“Once again, I must stress that if you cause any harm to Professor Felicia, I will personally ensure that you face the consequences,” she warned.

Her name was Diana Frenhall, and she was twenty-six years old.

With her blue hair and impassive demeanor, she exuded an air of sternness that would make one believe she had a fierce gaze, had it not been for her inherent beauty.

Philip was familiar with her. She was the sole person in Privia Academy who could be considered Felicia’s “friend.”

Philip was already aware that despite being younger, Felicia referred to Diana as her sister.

However, there was also an underlying antagonism between Diana and Philip.

“Instructor, if I may, the observation class is about to begin. There’s no need for you to burden me at this moment,” Philip spoke calmly.

“… You’re right,” Diana conceded.

However, Philip was able to communicate to some extent, so he felt a sense of relief as he checked the necessary items. It was the responsibility of the instructors to ensure the condition of training dolls and practice wooden swords, among other things.

“This one is rotten on the inside. Even though it seems fine for now, it will easily break with a few strikes from a wooden sword. And what’s with the poor handle wrapping on this wooden sword? What if the kids get splinters in their palms? Who is responsible for managing the warehouse?”

Philip approached the preparations with enthusiasm, causing Instructor Diana Frenhall to look at him with surprise.

“I heard from Felicia that you’ve never done anything properly in your life. What are you doing? Not working?”

“No, well, I am actually quite dedicated to my tasks, Instructor Diana.”

“We can’t just overlook the items the children will be using. What if they get hurt due to negligence? How anxious would the parents who came to observe be?”

“Uh… you’re right.”

‘What’s going on? What’s happening?’

Diana Frenhall felt a profound sense of confusion. Philip’s image was vastly different from what she had heard through rumors and from Felicia.

‘He’s not pretending, is he…?’

It was hard to imagine that someone like Philip would thoroughly inspect items meant for the children if he didn’t truly have that intention. In situations like Philip’s, people usually have other motives.

“I suppose we’re mostly done now.”

The flawed textbooks were clearly marked to avoid any confusion, and Diana was in awe of the meticulous organization and categorization skills, ensuring easy retrieval.

Felicia refrained from discussing Phillip in detail with Diana, as she didn’t want to delve into dark conversations with her only friend.

Diana had only heard bits and pieces of the stories for the past few days, so she didn’t have much time to develop any preconceptions or biases.

“Indeed. Instructor Phillip. Let’s now prepare for our observation class.”

‘Perhaps Felicia has misunderstood something about her younger brother. After all, she hasn’t seen Instructor Phillip for several years.’

‘Is this young lady unexpectedly skilled in interrogation? She keeps drifting off.’

Both instructors, with lingering misunderstandings, made their way to the martial arts principal’s office, where the observation class would take place.

* * *Vd

“Welcome, esteemed guests, and new students. I am Felicia Oswald, the instructor responsible for the martial arts classes of the first and second years.”

The observation class involved the selection of approximately twenty new students.

Phillip searched for the twin protagonists but unfortunately couldn’t find them in the principal’s office.

“Could they be in the lecture hall of the Magic Department?”

When the semester began, the first and foremost task was to deftly manipulate the child who would become the main protagonist. Even if it meant sacrificing others, the protagonist had to be molded into a reliable ally.

“For the sake of convenience, I will skip the formalities. I hope you understand, esteemed guests. Before you embark on your martial arts training, it is essential to grasp why the sword, out of various formidable weapons like spears, axes, and whips, has been the weapon of choice for many.”

Felicia’s voice had a delicate, girlish quality, yet it carried a peculiar charisma. Phillip watched her lecture with a content smile.

“Is that the renowned instructor, Phillip Oswald?”

“What was the headmaster thinking, admitting such a worthless individual to the academy?”

“Well, even prestigious institutions cannot maintain their reputation indefinitely, can they?”

‘I can hear everything you’re saying, you bastards.’

Phillip calmly closed his eyes, suppressing the surge of anger. Though they spoke in a refined manner, their words held contempt.

“So, the headmaster intends to undermine the academy by allowing incompetence to infiltrate, articulated in such an elegant manner.”

It didn’t agitate or infuriate him. Suddenly, he felt as if he could hear the voice of Professor Emil resonating within his mind.

‘It must have been tough, right? Those worthless individuals belittling you as a good-for-nothing, a piece of trash. It must have been amusing to witness those arrogant, privileged fools babbling nonsense without any substance.’

That was exactly the situation now. They were ignorant people who knew nothing.

“… As more lands were conquered and cities emerged, even in narrow alleyways, the sword became the weapon of choice for the nobility, providing ample combat effectiveness. Additionally, our first master, Solbein, developed techniques to accumulate and harness magical power within the body…”

Unbeknownst to them, the class was steadily progressing towards the midpoint. Soon, it would be Phillip’s turn to step forward.

“Now, let me briefly introduce the instructors who will assist in today’s lesson. Instructor Farenhall?”

In response to Felicia’s call, Diana stepped forward.

“Welcome, everyone. I am Diana Farenhall, the instructor who will guide you from now on. Those of you who have older siblings may have heard rumors about me. I assure you that those rumors hold true, so you can expect great things.”

‘She’s known as the Ice Instructor, right? Although I’m more accustomed to calling her Blue.’

Phillip chuckled as he recalled information about Diana. The expressions on the new students’ faces were diverse.

The students with older siblings grew pale, while those who hadn’t heard rumors seemed to ponder their good fortune of encountering such an attractive instructor.

“Then, Instructor? Would you be able to give the students a brief demonstration of your skills?”

“Yes, Professor.”

Although they were sisters in private, Diana treated Felicia with a subtle sense of superiority in this public setting.

She respectfully bowed before drawing her sword from her waist. Approaching the practice dummy positioned in the center of the martial arts hall, Diana swiftly struck it with precision.

In a fleeting moment, it happened. Whether it was a mere glimmer of the blade or the manifestation of sword energy, only those with a certain level of expertise could truly comprehend.

Soon, the training dummy’s head and lower body were sliced into four separate pieces, tumbling to the ground.

“Did she split the sword energy into three strands in that brief contact? I’ve heard rumors, but this is truly impressive. If it were my first time witnessing it, I would be completely taken aback.”

“With such achievements at her age, any knightly order would eagerly seek to recruit her. It’s remarkable.”

The parents couldn’t help but express their admiration. Being heirs of martial arts themselves, they could objectively assess Diana’s skill level.


“What? How did she do that?”

“She’s quite intimidating…”

The new students were left speechless, their mouths agape with astonishment.

Among them were children from notable and prestigious families, but the knights of those families had never showcased such advanced techniques merely for someone’s entertainment. As a result, the majority of the new students were witnessing such sophisticated skills for the first time.

Even as skilled warriors from ordinary families, their swordsmanship was of an exceptional level.

“That concludes it.”

Diana returned to her original position, which happened to be opposite Phillip.

Phillip gulped nervously. Despite his preparations, the anticipation of this moment was unavoidable.

“… Next, Instructor Oswald?”

Despite the composed tone of voice, the gazes directed at Phillip seemed brimming with anxiety.

Now, it was his turn.


Translator’s thoughts:-  Hope you’re enjoying thee

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