I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

Chapter 58:

Chapter 58:

“… While I can manage to acquire everything else through various means, obtaining the leaves of the World Tree requires a direct trade with the elves. Curiously, within elven society, these leaves aren’t regarded as exceptionally valuable. However, due to the intricate ties to the World Tree, exporting them becomes an immensely challenging task. The elves have crafted it so that access to these leaves is denied unless the intended recipient appears in person.”

“So, ultimately, it implies that I must personally undertake this journey. What’s the typical duration of travel to that region?”

“In less hurried circumstances, the journey takes approximately ten days.”

“Looks like I’ll have to plan for this during my upcoming vacation. Could there be a possibility to adjust my itinerary around that time?”

“Fortunately, altering our plans shouldn’t be too complex. Since we’re already planning to move in that direction, we can feasibly tweak the schedule by a day or two. Will you be accompanying me on this trip?”

In the reception room, Philip was engrossed in a conversation with Lisriel, delving into matters related to ingredients for their concoctions.

The other ingredients mentioned by Privia might be resolvable through financial means, yet the leaves of the World Tree were something that required one to reside in elven territories to even see them.

“As I previously mentioned, my sister is bound to orchestrate some clever maneuver with the ascension. Despite her awareness of potential challenges, she embraces them with the aspiration to overcome them.”

Lisriel’s chuckle revealed her pristine white teeth as she gazed at Philip, her eyes gleaming with what seemed like sheer delight.

“Now seems like an opportune moment to unveil your coveted Golden Seal.”

“Feel free to manage that as you see fit, I will follow your plan. After all, a merchant’s psychology is well known to merchants.”

“My sister is likely to set an inescapable snare. That infuriating… Oh dear, my sister has perpetually harbored animosity towards me. There was even an occasion when she envisaged stripping me of everything and selling me off as a harlot. I was a mere sixteen years old then.”

Evidently attuned to the narrative, Philip discerned the considerable resentment Lisriel held towards her sister.

“Since my childhood, I’ve never entertained the idea of becoming the owner of Joseph Association. Ambitious pursuits, like ascending to power, have never been my preference. The inevitable successor rivalry became my path, a necessity to safeguard against my sister, Deluan Joseph. While I had a familial bond with my brother, my sister’s intentions were merely manipulative.”

Observing Lisriel narrating her story, Philip exhaled heavily.

“You’ve endured quite a journey.”

Having such siblings was undeniably one of the most daunting experiences.

“If the concept of ‘greed’ were personified as a woman, her very embodiment would mirror the image. It’s truly intriguing. I’m left wondering what expression my sister will wear when she loses all that she’s held onto throughout her life.”

Although Philip was curious about her intentions, he refrained from prying. The sheer exhilaration radiating from Lisriel’s countenance hinted at her thorough preparation.

“Of course. As long as it doesn’t involve taking lives, I’m willing to assist with anything. Best of luck.”

“… I’m grateful. Your presence is a genuine stroke of luck.”

Leaning in, Lisriel grasped Philip’s hand. While he assumed her reaction was merely out of gratitude, Lisriel was far from incapable when it came to managing her emotions.

Yet, her magnum opus encountered an interruption from an unexpected visitor before reaching fruition.

“Instructor, it’s urgent!”

Lua’s urgent voice spurred Philip into action. The door swung open, revealing a scantily clad Lua, clutching a towel.

Before Philip could utter a word, Lua impatiently tapped her foot.

“The princess is in tears! Where is the queen?”


Taken aback by Lua’s unanticipated revelation about seeking the queen, Philip briefly pondered, ultimately deducing the underlying motive.

‘Could the princess be crying while looking for her mother?’

“Let’s move swiftly and check on her.”

“Uh, let’s go together.”

Philip swiftly rose from his seat, prompting Lisriel to furrow her brows momentarily before hurriedly joining him. Despite the interruption in their moment, she was determined not to miss the sight of the princess crying as she sought her mother.

It was an experience that money couldn’t possibly buy.

* * *

“Sob… sniff… Mommy… sob.”

Camilla Velopair Calaria buried her face in Lua’s bed, her sobs echoing in the room. Though her words were hushed, her trepidation within the unfamiliar surroundings was palpable.

In the midst of it all, she had endured an ordeal akin to physical abuse, an encounter completely alien to her previous experiences, causing her emotional resilience to crumble.

As soon as Philip and Lisriel entered Lua’s chamber, they were met with the sound of Camilla’s weeping.

“What happened here?”

“Well, you see…”

Janice, who had been silently comforting Camilla, recounted the troubling actions of the bathhouse fairy with an expression of unease.

“The Fairy did this?”

Philip’s gaze turned toward the bathhouse, his features twisted in annoyance.

‘A clueless brat, not aware of their own age…’

Seated at the bedside, Philip assessed Camilla’s condition thoughtfully. As he drew near, Camilla’s tears seemed to ebb slightly.

“Are you alright?”

“I… I believe so…”

“It doesn’t appear that way.”

“Then, why ask?”

The intensity of her reaction meant it was a mildly annoying prank turned into a terrible experience. Philip gazed at Camilla’s red eyes, and once again, he recognized that she was also a young girl after all.

“The fairy that troubled you has lived for millennia in the Singyuru Lake. She’s an entity beyond the reach of human laws. There’s likely some responsibility on your part in this matter.”

As Philip spoke, a hint of a sob emerged from Camilla’s throat, and her cries rose once more.

“But she shouldn’t have tormented you under my protection. I’ll sternly address this issue. How about we investigate together? What’s your take on that?”

Philip’s words continued, igniting the flames of vengeance in Camilla’s now fiery eyes.

“… I’ll come.”

With determination, she straightened herself, gritting her teeth. Never before had she experienced such seething anger. Facing a commoner girl for the first time in her privileged life, she was overwhelmed with an indescribable sense of shame.

‘I can’t possibly forgive her.’

“Yes, I imagine you’re quite taken aback. Trust me, once I’ve firmly addressed the situation, such behavior won’t recur.”

Without hesitation, Philip led Camila to the bathhouse. Fairy Yuna greeted them warmly.


Despite her youthful appearance, Philip was well aware of Yuna’s millennia-spanning existence. Sensing an issue, she quickly offered an explanation upon seeing Camilla and Philip together.

“T-the young lady was impolite to me first. I merely indulged her playfully.”

With a deep sigh, Philip pointed his finger at her.

“… Please hold your tongue. Is behaving decently really such a challenge? Regardless of provocation, the moment she stepped into this house, she came under my protection. You should have gently reprimanded her and let it go. If that had been the case, I could have understood and overlooked the matter.”

Speaking firmly, Philip reprimanded her with a touch of irritation.


“No excuses will suffice. Your conduct was inexcusable. You spoke without seeking permission. If this pattern continues, I might need to reconsider my commitment to protect you.”

At his words, Yuna’s thoughts began to churn as she fidgeted uneasily.

“What are you implying? You previously agreed for me to stay here.”

“That was when you treated me with respect. In light of recent events, I sensed a lack of respect from you. I cannot share a roof with someone who disrespects not only me but also others around me.”

Yuna’s ears caught those words, which seemed to suggest an exchange of herself to the dragon in return for a transformative elixir. The Fairy’s heart trembled in fear, and tears streamed down her face as she choked back sobs.

“Please, reconsider… My very essence is intertwined with you. If we part ways, I… I shall meet a dreadful fate. Is that what you truly desire?”

Philip’s demeanor remained impassive, his gaze unyielding.

“While I may not wish for such an outcome, it appears your fate has slipped beyond my influence. I hold no intention to harm you or exploit you further. However, I have no desire to see your face again.”

Yuna’s desperation grew, her sense of urgency intensifying in response to Philip’s firm stance. Only now did she fully grasp how beneficial it had been to remain near Philip despite his attitude.

An artful balance of indifference and benevolence.

The image of Philip engaging in light conversation with her during their visits to the bathhouse seemed like a distant memory.

Had she settled near a tranquil lake or river instead of encountering the dragon, she might have become blood and flesh for some spiritual being by now.

In her most fortunate moments, she would have bided her time until she regained strength, constantly fleeing without any assurances. However, the moment she was expelled from this place, she would undoubtedly fall under the gaze of the fearsome dragon with her fate sealed.

‘I… must remain by his side.’

With this realization, Yuna lowered her head and begged in a voice tinged with humility and desperation.

“I… erred in my judgment. Please, grant me one more chance.”

Despite her earnest plea for forgiveness, Philip’s resolve remained unshaken.

“Even if you had demolished the bathhouse or caused this entire residence to crumble, I would have pardoned such actions. Yet, to torment an individual who has sought shelter under my roof is tantamount to challenging my authority.”

“No such intention ever crossed my mind. Truly. I assure you, I will not repeat my mistakes. Please?”

Yuna’s plea was so pitiful that even Camilla, who had been observing silently, felt a pang of compassion. Camilla’s hostility towards her kind was gradually dissipating, and she began to gauge Philip’s reactions.

With a sigh that betrayed his reluctance, Philip relented.

“… Consider this pardon my final act of goodwill. Once, I forgave your attempt to use me, and I extended the courtesy of allowing you to remain in my presence. This act of forgiveness will be the last. Offer your apology to this child.”

Yuna’s face brightened in an instant. She moved her short legs and approached Camila, grabbed her hand, and sniffled as she cried.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I was wrong… Sniff.”

Camilla felt her heart melt and nodded.

“It’s, it’s okay.”

“I’ll watch over you from now on.”

Philip said this and held Camilla’s hand, leaving the bath.

Alone, the Fairy Yuna stood in place for a while, sniffling.

“… How mean.”

In truth, she, too, was a fairy with a conscience, so she didn’t really think Philip’s actions were too much. She was just saddened by it.

Fairies were not a species that aged mentally even after thousands of years. Even the ancient fairies who existed in the distant past had childlike aspects, and they still enjoyed mischief.

But that didn’t mean the accumulated life experiences of thousands of years would disappear. Fairy Yuna shed tears and thought about Philip.

She never believed she wouldn’t make mistakes again. Therefore, what she needed was a way not to be driven away even if something went wrong in the future.

“… It can’t be helped.”

She stuck her hand into her throat. As if made of water, her hand effortlessly pierced through skin and muscle, reaching her heart.

And when she pulled her hand out the next moment, a water-colored bead the size of two finger joints was resting in her palm.

Yuna intended to use it to buy Philip’s favor.

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