I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 411


Imperial army camp late that night.

Colonel Short, head of the Reich Imperial Army’s intelligence headquarters, gathered the spies under his command and gave them notice by handing out 10 cotton plaques to each.

“It is a solemn order from His Majesty the Emperor that all military personnel within Polsky Castle be killed, regardless of age or gender. However, only those who have this card will save the lives of the owner and his or her family.”

Everyone who received the plaque treasured it as if it were a gift.

They needed at least some kind of bait to carry out internal operations so they could find people who would cooperate with them and carry out their missions.

“Once again, if you give something to a child or woman in the castle out of pity, you and your entire family will be executed for treason for disobeying His Majesty’s orders.”

There were two main reasons for doing this.

This is also because the card handed over could be misused by the Warsaw guys and become a medium for leaking information about the Imperial Army.

Another reason is that the will of the Emperor and Marshal was very firm and determined to exterminate everyone except those who betrayed Warsaw.

“So, after using this tile and returning, record the number of tiles used and the reason why the tile was handed over in this Myeonsa tile usage record. And if the agent fails to return for some reason, all the cotton badges he took that day will be invalidated. “Please note that we are handling this carefully.”

The agents answered in unison.


“Okay then, let’s sneak into the castle.”

Colonel Short and other agents succeeded in safely infiltrating Polsky Castle through a loophole hidden in the wide castle wall.

The colonel immediately gave a signal to disperse.

“I wish everyone good luck. It’s okay if the internal operation fails, so just come back safely. dissolution.”

All agents quickly dispersed into groups of three as instructed in advance.

The colonel also began to hurriedly wander around the castle with two agents under his command.

“…Colonel, there are two guys patrolling over there, what should I do?”

“Just leave it alone. “It’s just annoying to have to kill things like that and then go on high alert.”

“All right.”

“Still, if we follow them, we will be able to find out the location of the barracks where the soldiers are stationed, so let’s give them a try.”

The Warsaw soldiers on patrol continued chatting calmly, unaware that a spy was behind them.

“I can’t sleep at night. What kind of nonsense is this? “I don’t need anything, I just want to go in and sleep right now.”

“I admit that. “We are a third-line reserve unit, so we don’t have to go to war, so shouldn’t we do this?”

“You were born a very patriot. Why do you want to fight for the Grand Duchy like those crazy people in Bastion, even though your whole body is torn to shreds?”

One of the soldiers patrolling struck the back of the head as he scoffed.

“No nonsense. We are a reserve unit, but you told us to prepare for dispatch in case of an unexpected situation. So when you were riding on the wall, did you see the crazy dogs on the wall? ”

The guy who got hit on the head grumbled at those words.

“… Don’t even say anything, I saw it too. Four officers rushed at me, and all four fell for about 10 seconds. Honestly, how can the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, let alone people like us, defeat that guy? “It was dark.”

“If you look at the patrol route today, there is Watchtower No. 2. “That’s a good place to desert. Do you want to just desert?”

“What about your parents and family, you crazy person?”

Colonel Short, upon hearing such grumbling, suddenly had a good idea.

‘I think we can recruit these guys?’

“Just looking at those guys, it looks like their loyalty to the Grand Duchy has completely waned. Let’s try to recruit them.”


“As soon as you enter the alley in front of me, subdue me and put a gag in my mouth.”

Colonel Short and the two agents quietly and quickly followed behind the two Warsaw soldiers, making no sound as soon as they entered the alley.

“What the fuck? enemy!”

Although they noticed it midway through, the elites of the Intelligence Command were not embarrassed by it.

“Shut their mouths first!”

The agents immediately knocked them to the ground with their mouths covered and immediately gagged them.


“I heard gags are really good for times like this. “Please make all the noisy guys quiet.”

And the colonel made a very shallow cut to the throat of one of the soldiers with a knife.

“If you don’t want to quit your job, it would be better to stop running wild.”

The two soldiers nodded at those words.

“It seems like you understand what I’m talking about. That’s good. Ask directly. Do you want to live?”


“Okay, there’s no need to kill him. I’ll remove the gag, so don’t scream or make any noise. Otherwise, I will kill you right away.”

Even when the gag was removed, the two did not make a sound.

It was a good sign that they would cooperate in espionage.

“Inform Polsky Castle as much as you know, such as the location of the barracks you are stationed in or the guard duty hours of the food and weapons warehouse. Then, your life will be saved.”

“Are you sure?”

“Or what? Are you just going to keep your mouth shut, remain loyal to the Grand Duchy, and die? “Or choose to survive, even if it means being a coward.”

Those who were already more concerned about their own safety than loyalty to the Grand Duchy nodded.

“We don’t have a map, so I can’t really explain how to get there, but I can guide you. “It just so happens to be the route we patrol…”

“Really? Then, start with guidance. If you mess up, I’ll immediately drill a hole in your throat so you can’t make any sound and then tear off your limbs and kill you. “Think carefully.”

The traitors who betrayed Warsaw began to provide polite guidance in a desperate attempt to survive.

“This is the 10th Armory, and a little further from here is the 15th Food Depot…”

After hearing those words, the agents, including Colonel Short, recorded everything one by one.

When the guidance was over, Colonel Short handed each of them a cotton plaque.

“What is this?”

The colonel chuckled.

“It’s your life. Once our imperial army captures the castle, they will kill everyone in this castle, regardless of gender or age. “When the castle falls, if you hold this card and stick with your family, you and your family will all be saved.”

The traitors were delighted to hear that.

“Is that true?”

“In return, since you received this, you will have to pretend to be on the side of the Warsaw guys and cooperate with the Empire as much as possible. Then turn it off now. “When imperial spies approach later, show them this and cooperate with them.”

Colonel Short didn’t really care whether these guys told it like it was or not.

The reason was very simple.

‘What idiot in this world would voluntarily say, ‘I betrayed my allies in order to survive’.’

“Captain Halter, you brought an oil bottle, right?”

“Yes, I brought it.”

“Let’s start a fire near the warehouse, armory, and barracks. If possible, it would be good to burn all the soldiers and supplies, but the purpose of this operation is their internal strife, so causing great confusion is enough.”

The colonel and his agents moved near the food warehouse that the unsuspecting traitors had told them about.

The guys on duty looked quite serious, but there was no sign of them noticing.

“Place some dry twigs around and pour oil on them. And then you know Sergeant Jenkins?”

After getting ready to start the fire, Jenkins started it with a fireball.

Then he fired the same fireball at the roof of the building made of straw.

“……You crazy guy did a great job. Even if just one food warehouse is burned down, the officers are guaranteed.”

“I will burn harder.”

With such momentum, they set fire to each of the armory barracks in a similar manner and quickly began to flee.

Normally, I might have been caught by sight…

“Armory! Turn off the armory fire! “If you burn all the spears and weapons in there, there’s no answer!”

Another officer captured the soldiers and sent them to another location.

“Food is more important! Protect the food warehouse first! “Whether it’s a water ball or an aqua splash, hit it!”

Meanwhile, one soldier sleeping in the barracks died of suffocation due to smoke.

“Fuck you, Kellogg, Kellogg…”

As this chaos broke out, the higher-ups immediately gave an order.

“There must be people around who did this! “Arrest all the suspicious ones!”

When one area of the interior became a mess due to Colonel Short’s actions, flames began to rise simultaneously in other areas as well.

The interior of the castle fell into great chaos, and on this day, Polsky Castle suffered a huge loss of materials.

4,000 swords, 6,000 spears, 2,000 sets of armor, 1,000 sets of full body armor, 40 matches of food.

But what made everyone suffer even more than that was that…

now there was a fear that no one could sleep safely in this castle.

On the other hand, Peter Yeager succeeded in making the enemy lose their morale and supplies and obtaining various information from inside the castle.

“You give the other person a treat and your team benefits. “What a beautiful military operation this is.”

A word from the author (author review)

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