I became a legion lich

Chapter 257 - 257 Past enemies

257 Past enemies

‘But speculating like that won’t change anything. I sent some aberrations along with the second wave of soldiers, so I’ll be able to get all the information on what happened since our fall.’ He thought as he straightened his posture on the throne and drummed his fingers, shocking all evolved demihumans.

They were absolutely silent even after they finished digesting the information the aberrations had shared, but only because they didn’t want to interrupt their king while he was thinking. Seeing him sit up and tense up, however, shocked them so much that several exclaimed in surprise.

Showing tension to an enemy was the same as recognizing him as a threat, something none of the evolved demihumans understood why. Everyone saw that the humans were relatively strong, but nothing they couldn’t handle.

The evolved demi-humans lived in isolation on the Doravon continent and had no knowledge of outside the continent, so they had no idea of ??the enemy’s strength and thought that the power they demonstrated in the last battle was the maximum power of the enemies.

The conquering king also hadn’t shared any information about the enemy gods, making the surrounding demi-humans mistakenly think that their king was the apex of the world.

“We’re going send the next wave of demihumans now, but this time sending real warriors, not rejected trash. I want them to focus on human territory, where there’s a greater threat. Let the weaker ones explore the south, which is does not appear to be under human influence.” The conquering king ordered after thinking for some time, making the demihumans around him smile crazily.

All of them were excited to go to war and test their new bodies and power in a real war, but the conquering king forbade all clans to send their powerful warriors, wanting to first assess how the situation on the continent of Caprio was.

According to what he remembered, the continent of Caprio was an almost completely destroyed war zone, so he wanted to investigate how much was left and which species dominated before deciding how many soldiers to send.

He also wanted to keep as many soldiers as possible in case the angels decided to invade, but it turned out to be an unnecessary concern.


“Looks like we’re finally going to war for real!” The solar champion spoke as the temperature around him rose by several degrees to match his excitement.

“I really want to face one of these warriors wearing white armor.” The champion minotaur spoke as he licked his fangs in anticipation, but the king’s next words poured cold water over them.

“You will not go on the attack, only a few thousand soldiers from your respective clans will.” He spoke solemnly and silenced any words of objection with a glare.

“Your bodies have already become accustomed to your evolved state and we can continue to progress to the next stage of your evolution. You are the closest to reaching the true lineage of giants, so you must stay here until you finish your evolution.” With those words, any thoughts of objection disappeared from the demihumans’ minds.

Many demihumans had joined him out of fear, but after experiencing the power that came with evolution, they swore allegiance. Everyone was eager to reach the true power of a giant, so they readily agreed to give up the fight.

All the demi-humans who joined the banner of the conquering king most wanted was to evolve at once, but he himself had limited the process, for the safety of the demi-humans.

The process of evolution was divided into three different stages and would require a break of several years between processes, much to the annoyance of demihumans eager to get stronger.

Furthermore, time was not the only limitation for demihumans who pursued evolution. It took a minimum level of power and strong willpower to resist the painful process of evolution.

The evolution process would take days and the bodies of demihumans would be broken and rebuilt several times, so only those with a strong will would resist.

The first stage of evolution was something any demihuman could do and survive just by clenching their teeth, but the second stage was almost impossible for demihumans who hadn’t yet passed the first barrier of progression.

The death rate was incredibly high for anyone who was in the fifth layer or below, 99% of demihumans who tried it would die horribly.

In the third stage it would be the same thing, except that the limit would be the second barrier of progression in the tenth layer of life. Until now, the only one who had refined his bloodline to reach true giants was the conquering king himself.

There were several demihumans who were already above the tenth layer on the Doravon continent, but everyone who had undergone the process had died.

After demihumans went through the process of evolution, their bodies grew and evolved, but their cores remained unchanged and unsuited for their new bodies.

They would need to spend years training to develop every layer of their core, only to go through the next stage of evolution and spend even more time training again.

Only a few dozen demihumans had achieved this feat and most of them were present in the throne room.

“Then we can finally reach the full power of a giant! When we become as powerful as our ancestors, we will be invincible!” The troll champion roared in excitement and the conquering king inwardly chuckled at his excitement.

‘I shouldn’t remind you that even after finishing the evolution, you’ll still spend almost a decade training, at best. Each progression takes longer than the last, so they won’t see real action for a long time.’ He thought, but kept the thought to himself.

“You can now return to your respective territories and select the evolved demihumans who will participate in the next invasion. Also select your replacements while you and those powerful enough will be busy evolving.” The conquering king ordered.

The demihumans walked out of the throne room while chatting animatedly, getting more and more excited. In their minds, they all thought that when they completed their evolution and trained their cores to suit their body, they would be as powerful as the conquering king or at least approach him.

They didn’t know that the conquering king was already almost reaching the level of a demigod and the other demihumans would still be ants compared to him even after becoming giants.

Left alone in the throne room, the conquering king silently closed his eyes as he watched the evolved demihumans walk away. Once he was sure there was no one else for half a mile, he spoke apparently to no one.

“What do you think of this situation, Kulul?” The conquering king spoke as he looked at the empty space in one of the corners of the room.

‘It’s weird, but we can’t draw any conclusions right now. The world seems to have changed a lot since the age of glory of the giants. There are a lot of things that didn’t exist during that time, like these teleportation crystals, for example.’ The creature standing in the corner replied as it looked excitedly at a teleportation crystal in its hands.

It was similar in appearance to the freaks, but its size made the champion look like a child in comparison. He was 10 meters tall, with a deep blue color like the ocean instead of blue-green, and a pair of membranous wings were folded over his back like a cloak.

He was Kulul, an eldritch, the giant who spawned the aberrations. He had been inside the throne room the entire time, observing all of the Conqueror King’s interactions with the demihumans, even watching the battles the aberrations shared through the demihumans.

Kulul had used mind manipulation to get everyone in the throne room to ignore him. Even aberrations who could feel the mindwaves were unable to realize they were being manipulated, thanks to Kulul’s control over their abilities.

“This thing is really new, but it’s incredibly useful. Being able to cross huge distances in an instant and consuming only mana is an amazing resource. Too bad the purple spheres these things create are so small.” The conquering king agreed with a sigh.

“Most crystals are too small for the ever-growing demihumans and it’s very difficult to find crystals big enough for giants. I had to share the teleportation crystals with the weak goblins because they were the only ones small enough to use it.” He spoke irritably, but Kulul just laughed.

‘Stop being bitter. We couldn’t use them anyway, so no use complaining, Atlas.’ Kulul scolded him.

“Let’s stop joking around here, Kulul. How is the situation around the world?” Atlas, the ancient champion and god of strength asked.

‘From what I could see, a lot has changed. I couldn’t stray too far from the mainland to avoid being discovered by the yggdrasil, so I had to manipulate birds to share senses with them.’ Kulul shared all the information he obtained during the last few months of the investigation.

Information from three continents flowed into his mind, with the exception of Nytrer, sharing information from all different realms and species. He had detailed information on different countries, even human empires.

“I see, so they really are at war with each other. It’s strange that the Gods aren’t as active as before and it seems like a new human god has been born, but something must have happened for them to avoid getting directly involved.” Atlas muttered after he finished assimilating the different information Kulul shared.

‘I’m also curious about this, but I haven’t been able to find out much. I also couldn’t send birds to Nytrer because the continent is surrounded by leviathan fog.’ Kulul agreed with him.

‘I will continue to gather information discreetly to try to find out what happened to the Gods. I suggest you do the same and don’t reveal yourself until you recover all your power, there’s very little left to reach our glory days, so wait a little longer.’ Kulul spoke as he left the throne room.

‘I don’t know why the gods aren’t more active, but I couldn’t care less. Soon I will reach my power again and I won’t need to continue hiding here.’ Atlas thought in anticipation, a bloodlust taking over his mind.

‘I really hope you enjoyed your life while it lasted, Eishin. It will make your despair even greater when I destroy everything you love.’ he thought with savage fury, his lips pulling up in a cruel smile.

He got up and left the throne room, planning on training to vent all the fury he had built up in anticipation of their battle.

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