I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 428

Fiskes deflected the intruder’s attack to the side and dodged to the other side. Screamer’s hand, with hook-shaped blades attached like fingers, was stuck on the wall behind her.

After dodging the first attack, she activated the nano Spartan module mounted on her body. The body resembling a human woman instantly turned dark blue.

The feature of this module is nanomachines, which dramatically improve the physical abilities of cyborgs or androids. Fiskes struck Screamer’s hand from the wall with his reinforced fist.


There was a powerful roar that tore through the air. The fist she swung was damaged, and the enemy’s claws were greatly bent.

It was an unexpected result. Contrary to intention, the hooked nail did not break, and in fact, the side that hit it suffered more damage.

The attacked Screamer pulled back its curved claws and turned around sharply. The tail on its tail took advantage of the recoil and flew towards her.

Instead of dodging, Fiskes activated the shield module implanted in his chest. A purple shield appeared in front and absorbed the energy contained in the tail.

While protecting with the shield, the left arm split and the plasma rifle hidden inside popped out.

I tried to counterattack with that, but it was too late. This is because the Screamer attacked by spouting white flames with an arm equipped with a cylindrical pillar.

Its firepower and heat are estimated to be at least plasma level. There are limits to protection with a shield. Fisces jumped to the ceiling to avoid the fire.

The luxurious carpet on the floor quickly turned to ashes, and the metal walls and floor melted. The entire room instantly became a sea of fire.

Fiskes thought. Continuing to fight like this is not a good choice.

The Supreme Commissioner’s body is so strong that it is difficult to compare it to an ordinary android. However, this is only for survival and not for combat.

Just then, the Screamer stopped spitting fire. Steam spews out from a pipe rising above the spider-like body. This is to cool down the rapidly rising heat.

Now is your chance to get out. There is a monster walker available in the ship’s armory. You have to go there.

She crawled toward the collapsed wall, holding herself upside down from the ceiling.

“Where are you going?”

Just as I was leaving the room, a projectile made of psychic power cut through my back. Fortunately, no major damage was sustained thanks to the Nano Spartan module.

She ran down the hallway outside the room while the nanomachines from the module repaired the damaged area.

“You can’t run away.”

A sharp cracking sound is heard from behind as metal collides. The Screamer chases after you, flexing its eight legs.

There are many pirates on this huge ship. They’ll show up soon to catch him.

At that time, the sound of multiple footsteps was detected at the end of the hallway ahead. They were definitely the ones who came to catch Screamer.

However, their behavior as they appeared from the front was different from what she expected. The armored suit he was wearing was covered in blood, and a look of fear was evident on his face.

“Hurry! “We have to run away before that guy comes…kwaa!”

While the pirate in the lead was speaking, his body was crushed like scrap metal in a compressor. Soon others met the same end. Only red blood remained where the armed pirates had been.

The situation was so bizarre that even the Supreme Council could not understand it, but one thing was certain.

There are people other than Screamer who have invaded this ship.

Fiskes immediately changed his destination. Instead of going to the weapons depot, go to the hangar where the aircraft are stored.

Since the enemy is stronger than expected, using walkers is pointless. It would be much more reasonable to escape and hide on another nearby planet.

She fell into a detour in the middle of the hallway and put strength on her strengthened legs. However, I fell before I could take a few steps.


She looked down at her twisted legs. Even though the nanomachines were still operating, the broken bridge was not repaired. It was due to unidentified amber particles floating around the lower body.

“Didn’t I tell you there was no escape?”

Screamer crawled towards her as she fell. It ripped off the left arm equipped with a plasma rifle with its curved claws.

“Did you catch it?”

A second intruder is visible behind the screamer.

The identity of the opponent was a female Wolff with the head of a bird. However, unlike regular Wolff, it had wings made of amber particles on its back.

The situation is not good. The particles block the effects of the Nano Spartan module, so you can’t escape.

So she changed her plan.

“Tool of the dangerous creature ‘Aimorph’. “Fiskes Twelve requests negotiations.”
“You mean negotiations?”
“It is presumed that you have come to obtain key parts for ‘Prometheus V2’. “Is it true?”
“That’s right.”
“If you remove me, you won’t be able to use the machine even if you find the parts.”

Screamer, who was flicking his claws menacingly, stopped moving when he heard those words.

“What does that mean?”
“For Prometheus V2 to work, an active top committee member is needed. “Without me, that weapon is useless.”

This is one of the reasons why Prometheus V2 cannot be mass-produced and operated.

Because so many more functions were added than the previous model, it was impossible to control it with a regular ship computer. It could have been managed successfully only if the top committee member had the brain power.

The opponent is a screamer whose performance is so good that he is waging an information war against the Supreme Commissioner. He probably doesn’t know that it would be beneficial to accept her offer.

But the answer that came back was again beyond her expectations.

“I know.”
“You know?”

“We confirmed through simulation that high-performance computers are needed to operate weapons stably. “The identity of the part missing from the warehouse is Prometheus V2’s operating system: you.”
“If we subdue you and check your memory, we can find out how to control it. “There is no need to negotiate.”

Negotiations broke down.

Now there was only one path left for Fiskes.

“Initiation of incineration protocol. 10, 9….”
“Huh? “Is this really possible?”

In the past, after Pyrrha Eleven was destroyed, all Supreme Council members had self-destruct devices implanted in their bodies. This was to prevent information leakage due to unexpected circumstances.

“It’s a self-destruct timer!”

As the countdown began, the data in my head was quickly deleted. Thinking ability also rapidly deteriorated.

The last thing Fiskes saw before his brain shut down was a bundle of cables creeping up on him.

“2, 1…Stop incineration protocol, medium, zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuungdaaaan.”

The Mother of Heaven breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the supreme council member come to a precarious halt.

‘The operation almost went awry.’

The reason they came here was to bring back the key parts of Prometheus V2, the Supreme Council.

Originally, PS-111 was supposed to infiltrate the ship alone. She was planning to go to various bases on the planet with Aimorph and fight the Rankers.

That changed because of a question that PS-111 suddenly raised.

The question is whether the general public can easily assemble and disassemble Prometheus V2, which has a complex structure.

That super weapon is a delicate item that could be damaged or explode if you make a mistake while assembling it. No matter how much it was done to prevent it from falling into the hands of the enemy, it was not easy to reassemble it every time it was needed.

PS-111 guessed that Prometheus V2 was being managed by the Supreme Council or at least someone equivalent to him.

It was definitely a reasonable hypothesis, so Aimoff and she changed their plan at the last minute.

If there is a high-ranking android on the ship, it may be difficult to subdue PS-111 alone, so she goes along.

And their judgment was correct.

“I didn’t know that the Supreme Council member would attempt suicide.”

This is the first time since I saw the Mutant Screamer self-destruct in the old home of Aadhai. Even though it was 20 seconds that time, this time the countdown was only 10 seconds.

If PS-111 hadn’t acted quickly, it could have been a disaster. She thanked PS-111 for attaching his cable to the back of the Supreme Commissioner’s neck.

“Thanks to you, I survived. thank you.”

Instead of answering, PS-111 rolls its red camera eyes back and forth.

If it were any other time, he would have shown off with a confident attitude, but it was unexpected. The guy now looked like he was feeling anxious.

“What’s wrong?”
“Due to the incineration protocol, 90% of the Supreme Council member’s memory data was lost. The control method for Prometheus V2 has also been deleted.”

The Mother of Heaven was startled by the sudden lightning strike.

“Can’t it be restored? “For example, using this ship’s facilities.”
“It is impossible because it has been completely erased. “Even if I could revive some of it, it wouldn’t be of much help because my memories would be incomplete.”

PS-111 also seemed to be disappointed that this had happened and began stabbing the Supreme Council member with its claws.

“I came here to get a super weapon, but it ended up being a shame.”
“That’s right.”
“Still, the variable of the supreme council member was removed… huh? “What are you doing now?”
“So I’m changing my plans.”

At first, I thought he was venting his anger, but when I looked closer, it wasn’t. PS-111 was in the process of disintegrating the Supreme Council member’s body.

“I will implant Fisces parts into my body and control Prometheus V2.”
“what? “Is that possible?”
“Yes. The memory storage device is destroyed, but some of the data processing units remain. If I connect my brain here, I can use it.”

Heavenly Mother is not an engineer. However, I could tell that the method presented by PS-111 was not easy.

“…What if I fail? You said that last time. “If you touch it incorrectly, the weapon will run wild and explode.”
“It’s not that there is no possibility of that happening.”
“You know that, but you still try?”
“If you succeed, you can become an even better person than you are now.”

PS-111 nodded and continued speaking as he continued his disassembly work.

“My goal was to discover who I am. To achieve this, I must protect the part of me that knows about ‘Penelope.’”
“So you need to become stronger? To protect us?”
“Yes. “I believe that any middle child will understand my judgment.”

The Mother of Heaven looked into the other person’s red eyes with her amber eyes.

It is an eye made up of a camera lens. It was normal to not be able to read any emotions, but somehow she felt different. It is said that the red eyes contain the emotion of ‘confidence’.

“When you say that, it seems like you are confident that you won’t fail. What can I do to help you?”
“I want you to prepare to go down to the planet as soon as I complete the transplant.”

With that, the Mother of Heaven left to take over the bridge.

“It will not fail.”

PS-111, who was left alone, looked at Fiskes’ computing device that had just been taken out and made another promise.

“Watch next episode”

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