I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 439

I Became an Evolving Space Monster Chapter 439

“Twisted Abomination: Your body is familiar with things beyond the universe. The effects of some of the unique talents have been reorganized. Some of the body, special defense, and internal organ characteristics cannot be used. Bioplasma and psychic power are added to attacks using energy.
* Transcendent cognitive ability: You can sense the reactions and emotions of living things through intangible energy fields emitted outside the body.
* Asymmetrical Beings: Instead of their physical abilities deteriorating, their energy manipulation abilities increase.
* PS: With this, we are one step closer to the borderline.”

‘Twisted Abomination’ is the only characteristic created from the characteristics of Apex or similar creatures.

This trait was very different in nature from the ones I had previously obtained. This is because it is the only characteristic that changes the effects of other characteristics.

‘Characteristic reconstruction.’

In the game, there was no way to change the effect of one characteristic other than fusion.

This is also the case here. Fortunately, the previously acquired ‘Nightmare Horizon’ was the only case where the attribute effect changed. Of course, even that hasn’t changed as much as this time. To the point where a text box was created containing only the changed parts.

“Would you like to check what has changed due to ‘Twisted Abomination’?”

When I selected OK, a lot of text appeared.

「* Features with limited use
① Flesh series: claws, reinforced hind legs, heated spine armor, fins, webbed feet, bone beast, monster’s reinforced wings, insomnia host
④ Special defense series: Stealthy maneuver, refractive shell
⑥ Internal organ series: strengthening endoskeleton, bioelectric discharge tube, Berserker synapse

* Characteristics with reorganized effects
Organic evolution: The ‘clever underdog’ is replaced by the ‘unknown usurper’.
* Unknown Stealth: Transforms you into a small creature specialized in body modification and camouflage. The collapsed state does not exceed a maximum of 2m. In this state, only some characteristics can be used, but unique perks are provided instead. The maximum duration is 7 days and the cooldown is 30 days.
-Skinwalker: Transforms into an intelligent body by consuming genetic information and specific organic substances stored in the body. Exhausted genes cannot be restored.
-Leather House: While in the Skinwalker state, you can prolong the duration by securing new specific organic materials. However, from then on, the status can only be maintained if certain requirements are met.
-Unusable characteristics: Nest, environmental adaptation, multidimensional organism series characteristics, unique characteristics, strong enemy’s mark characteristics
Great Infectious Agent: The existing enhancement target categories of Infection and Nest are replaced with ‘Mental Contamination’. You can select up to 3 of the infection and nest-type characteristics to apply special effects.
Herald of Havoc: The effect of the talent is now reflected in the user’s energy field. Hallucinations now apply more strongly to affected targets. ‘Insanity Bomb’ can be designated arbitrarily.
Complex Spectral Body: The shape of the spectral body changes into an octahedron that surrounds the entire body, absorbing some of the energy that could not be reflected.
Dragon’s Heart: The heart can consume all the energy it generates to create a large-scale psychic storm. “After an explosion, it goes into a dormant state for a certain period of time.”

‘It’s still a lot to see again.’

If we look at them in order, many of the physical characteristics are banned. The special defense and internal agency categories also no longer have the ability to use the feature.

If we look at the characteristics that are subject to restrictions, they are all closely related to activities using the body.

What this means is that hand-to-hand combat capabilities have been greatly reduced.

‘It’s definitely going to be difficult to fight in close combat with a body like this.’

I looked down at the wing arms, which had significantly shrunk in size. The arm where the huge skin had disappeared could no longer be seen before.

It’s not just the wing arms. All arms, including the fighting arms that serve as legs and the small arms on the chest that are used for detailed work, have rapidly degenerated.

With this, it is difficult not only to support your body, but also to scratch your back or the top of your head.

As the size of the arms became smaller, the wide armor became narrower. The body changed from a body reminiscent of a crab or a spider to a long, thin body like a snake.

However, the way it moves is completely different from that of a snake.

Now, instead of lying on my stomach like a snake, I am floating in the air. The long, bifurcated tail hangs downward, with half of it touching the ground.

An invisible, intangible energy is supporting me. Using this, I can float and move my body. Like No. 26, who flies with psychic power.

‘Or I have to use the erosion tentacles with my feet…’

As the size of the carapace decreased, the tentacles also protruded outward. The six tentacles, like the tail, are hanging out on the floor.

‘It’s not easy.’

How can I explain it? It’s quite awkward because it feels like you’re using your wing bones to walk. It is much easier to control your energy and float.

‘I’m glad I got used to this quickly.’

The sensation itself is similar to when linked to the nest. The difference is that this side requires controlling the body and energy field simultaneously.

Still, it wasn’t that difficult in reality, thanks to the body’s new transformation.

Unlike the torso, which has degenerated to the point where walking is difficult, the auxiliary organs under the head and chin are more developed than before.

If you look at the head in the center, its size has become very enlarged. If you include the head and carapace, I think it would be approximately 6 or 7 meters long.

Currently, my body, including the tail, is approximately 30 meters long. Proportionally, it can be said that the head has grown significantly.

Inside the enlarged head shell are new organs that support the brain.

‘It’s a bit hard to call it an auxiliary brain, it’s difficult to explain.’

There is no exact name, but I call it the ‘manipulation organ.’

In fact, the role of this organ is to control the energy field that protects me, and to understand and manipulate the flow of various waves.

The manipulators are also connected to biological pipes carried into the head carapace. The pipes, which rise in a short, blunt shape, continuously emit energy fields under commands from the operating organ.

Six horns, manipulation organs, biological pipes. With so many things going into my head, it is bound to become heavy.

In order to support the weight, the snake-like long neck changed into a short and thick form.

‘Instead, the left and right heads didn’t change much.’

Unlike the head in the center that went through an upheaval, the heads on both sides were not much different from before.

The only thing that has changed is the position of the neck.

If you look at the back of the head in the enlarged center, there is an empty space. This was originally where the monster’s tentacles should have been, but the left and right heads moved there.

The monster’s tentacles then moved under the jaw and between the joints, taking up residence with the auxiliary organs. Even now, if you look at it, you can see a bunch of abundant tentacles hanging down like a beard from under the chin.

Both the auxiliary organs and the monster’s tentacles have moved in place, but their appearance has not changed. However, thanks to the newly created operating organ, its function has been greatly improved.

From daotranslate dot com
‘The psychic breath has also become very powerful.’

I looked up at the large scar left on the ceiling. This is the trace left by the psychic breath fired targeting a group of outspacers.

Even though it was not aimed directly and only slightly grazed, it has tremendous power. I think this would be comparable to the cult’s orbital weapon ‘Rainshin’.

‘It would be perfect if the power could be reduced.’

It is easy to increase energy output, but the opposite is the problem. It is quite difficult to lower the power or manipulate the flow in detail. A month had passed since I obtained the twisted abomination, but it was still difficult to manipulate.

And in this regard, an unexpected side effect arose.

The people who died after seeing me were all affected by the energy field and died. No, to be precise, the cause is the unique characteristic ‘Messenger of Chaos’ reflected in the energy field.

Due to the effect of Twisted Abomination, Herald of Chaos has been changed to a permanent attribute. In addition, its power became so powerful that the brains of beings with no tolerance to psychic power would instantly melt.

The problem is that this energy field does not distinguish between friends and enemies. Anyone who touches the energy field receives the Herald of Chaos effect.

This is the reason why we could not bring our heavenly mother.

Because she has reached the level of deification, she is resistant to psychic powers. Still, she was unable to completely avoid the effects of the energy field.

It wasn’t like I was hallucinating or anything, but instead I had a nightmare during my sleep. She said it reminded her of the moment her husband, Father Daeji, died.

As each day passed, it was clear that she was becoming more exhausted, so I had no choice but to move separately from her.

The good news is that other children, except Heavenly Mother, do not suffer from illusions.

I looked at No. 26 and Aadhai, who were playing around by destroying a building.

From daotranslate dot com
Sea Demon and Red Gallagon are immune to mental attacks based on psychic powers. Sea Demon had the ability to hallucinate himself, and Red Gallagon had an invincible defense characteristic.

Rather, No. 26 liked me wearing an energy field. He says he likes it because it resembles him. It seems plausible because both their appearance and the way they move are similar.

On the other hand, Aadhai did not seem to like my change.

From Gallagon’s perspective, it’s an understandable reaction because it’s hard to see my appearance as handsome right now. Still, he left a comment that it was good because the energy field had the feel of a strong person.

PS-111 and Isabelle were also unaffected by the energy field thanks to special methods. When her PS-111 created her and her brother’s bodies, it did something to her brain.

‘Isabel wasn’t very happy, though.’

When she found out about this later, she got angry and the two of them didn’t talk for several days. Of course, we have reconciled and are getting along well now.

“Supply has been completed. Please tell ‘her brother’ to prepare for departure.”
“… Tell her sister that I haven’t found anything useful yet so she should wait longer.”
「For reference, it is understood that information can be secured more efficiently when using MPS. 」
“Oh, is that so? If you’re going to do that, you can do it yourself. Why do you make it to us? “What do you think, Aimov?”
“I want to get the most efficient results possible…”

I put the communicator down on the floor without answering.


It’s true that there’s still a little bit of sediment left, but it’ll get better soon.

Anyway, the most noticeable things after obtaining the Twisted Abomination are two things: the creation of an energy field with unique characteristic effects, weakened physical abilities, and enhanced mental abilities.

To briefly summarize, it can be seen as a high-risk, high-return change.

‘There are other impressive changes…’

I’ll have to look at that later. There is something I must do first now.

I released the text box and looked around.

The reason we came here is because of two main goals.

One is to recharge PS-111’s energy. Perhaps due to the fusion of the brains of the enhanced Prometheus and the Supreme Council member, energy consumption increased dramatically.

Moreover, there are more things to expend energy on these days. This is because I can no longer travel faster than the speed of light.

Since the ‘Monster’s Reinforced Wings’ trait has been banned, he is using Prometheus’ function to transport me. It is difficult to cope with this by consuming only small amounts of organic matter and minerals.

In the end, we had to find a separate way to obtain large amounts of energy.

‘For example, attacking a space city like now.’

The VA-04 star system where we are is well-known in the game as a resource supply base. I chose this place as my target because it was a place where I could obtain the necessary energy and resources.

‘But I didn’t know there were outspacers.’

Due to the outspacer appearing out of nowhere, this is the only place left in the star system to obtain energy.

The new goal is to find out why they are here.

‘There’s no way you would come here for no reason.’

I understand that the group of outspacers is dominated by the 4th ranked returner group. Megacorp is tightly controlled by the ruling faction.

It is necessary to find out whether the 4th place declared war on the ruling faction, or whether they attacked VA-04 for some other reason.

If the former situation is the case, you will frequently encounter outspacers while roaming Megacorp territory.

‘Then the chances of meeting the queen will increase.’

For Outspacer, the queen is the core of production and at the same time a field commander. Due to the nature of Outspacer, which commands a huge number of soldiers, a queen, a middle commander, is absolutely necessary.

And if the ruling faction or the returning faction are at war, the number of queens deployed on the battlefield will be very large. If we do well, we will be able to secure one more of her unique characteristics before catching Akira.

In order to understand the movements of the Outspacers, Isabelle and I were walking around the ruined city collecting information.

‘Anyway, it will be difficult to get information like this.’

None of the city’s survivors survived the effects of the energy field. As time passed, she either went crazy and committed suicide, or her brain melted and she died.

The organ of mimicry is valid because it is not banned, but this makes it meaningless to disguise yourself as a human.

‘or not….’

I thought back to the information I had seen and heard so far.

The status of this space base, the characteristics and behavior of the owner, the Edgerton family, the variable called an outspacer, and…

‘Newly acquired abilities.’

What if you put all of these together? I can continue the investigation in the best way I can.

After thinking about it, I sent a wave to Isabel and PS-111.

“From long ago, whenever something important happened, you didn’t say anything and handled it alone?”
“I can’t respond even if you criticize me based on information I don’t remember.”
“And you say you don’t remember if you’re at a disadvantage like this every time. “Why on earth are you doing that…”
[Zuz zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzu zuzu zuzu (Wait a minute, both of you. I think I should use ‘Unknown Stealer’ as well.)]
“Aimov spoke well too. Unknown…what?”

The waves sent by the strengthened tentacles of the monster reached the two in the distance. The two immediately stopped fighting after seeing the wavelength.

“Are you planning on using your transformation abilities?”
“Every time you use that, it consumes genetic information. “Didn’t you only want to use it when it was really important?”

That said, there is no better situation than now to use that ability. I explained to them both what to do next.

“It is analyzed that if you choose that method, you can save up to 40% of energy consumption.”
“It’s not a bad idea, but wouldn’t it be dangerous?”
[Zuzzu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzu (I’ve tried similar operations several times. It’ll be okay)]
“Ah… I see.”

There was no opposition.

‘Unknown Stealer’, a new transformation form that replaced ‘Clever Weak’, which was one of the perks of ‘Organic Evolution’.

Now is the time to use that card.

“Approaching Edgerton Resource Management Hub.”
“What is the rescue signal?”
“It’s still detectable.”

A gorgeous situation room that looks like it was carved out of marble.

The leader of the special rescue team dispatched from the Edgerton family nodded his head while sitting in the captain’s seat.

Now, a month after the major air raid, battles are taking place throughout Megacorp’s territory. Edgerton is also undergoing a large-scale invasion by Outspacers.

Each ship is in a disappointing situation, but the reason for sending a rescue team is simple. This is to understand the enemy’s specifications and size through survivors.

Edgerton is a family that focuses on building spaceships. They are great at studying the enemy’s weaknesses and improving their ships. By gathering as much information as possible, the development time for warships for anti-outspacers can be shortened.

“It has been confirmed that the outspacer has withdrawn, but we cannot be reassured. “If VA-04 displays any uncertain biological reaction, report it immediately.”

High-tech warships produced during the civil war carefully narrowed the distance to their targets.

And soon, an external camera captured the space city in ruins.

“Tsk. “It’s miserable.”

The special rescue team leader clicked his tongue when he saw the huge crack in the outer wall surrounding the city. Just by looking at that, it was easy to guess how fiercely the managers of the Resource Management Center fought.

However, the future of the people rescued by this ship has already been decided.

Regardless of the fierce defense, it is clear that they were defeated. They will soon be billed for giving up all the information they know. A claim for damages sent from the city’s owners, the Egerton family.

If you think about what happens after you get the bill, you might be better off dead.

“There are no abnormal signals in the star system.”
“good. “Send a rescue boat.”

Of course, what happens to the rescue target is none of his concern. At the command of the team leader, the rescue boats loaded on the warship moved.

「Rescue Team 1. Landing completed near the first command tower.”
「Rescue Team 2. Entry into the dome completed. “Approaching the 4th Command Tower.”
“The gravity maintenance system is working. Residual oxygen in the area was confirmed to be 25%.”
「Rescue Team 1. Zone map synchronization complete. “Start moving to the bunker.”
「Rescue Team 2. Landing completed near the 4th command tower.”

A rescue team consisting of combatants wearing reinforced suits, Hulk mutants equipped with plasma launchers, and combat androids moved to the bunker.

In the warship’s situation room, everyone watched the hologram map sent by the rescue team with tense eyes.

「Rescue Team 1. There are 3 minutes and 11 seconds left to arrive at the bunker. “No other survivors were found.”
「Rescue Team 2. Moving to destination. As expected, no survivors were found… Wait a minute!”

While the operation was proceeding smoothly, a soldier who was moving to the 4th Command Tower bunker suddenly shouted.

“Rescue Team 2! Survivors found! “Survivors found!”

The rescue team leader was surprised to hear that survivors were found outside the bunker.

In a space city, the circular dome plays a role in protecting the city and stabilizing the internal environment. If there is a problem with the facility, the survival rate of residents drops sharply.

So no one here expected to find survivors on the streets.

“Wait a moment. Where exactly did you find it?”
“This is the legal team office in the building annexed to the command tower. They claim that they came out after hiding in a shelter.”
“Legal office.”

Because the Legal Team Office is one of the important facilities, there is a shelter inside. It was clear that they had survived by consuming the oxygen capsules in the shelter.

“How many people are there, and what about the capital?”
“There are a total of 10 survivors. Of these, nine are middle capitals who were conscripted as soldiers, and one is a third capital with experience working in the legal department.”
「Rescue Team 1. “We rescued three people who sent a signal from the bunker.”
“Have you verified your identity?”
“There are three of us: the temporary food management team leader, the 1st Fortress Artillery management team leader, and the mineral research team leader. The general manager is presumed to have died while out on reconnaissance.”
「Rescue Team 2. How do I do this?”

In response to his subordinate’s question, the rescue team leader said indifferently.

“First, secure all identified survivors. “A detailed examination can be done on the ship.”
“All right.”

About 30 minutes after the rescue operation began.

A rescue ship carrying a total of 17 survivors returned to the warship.

A word from the author (author review) This is the changed text box content.

「Race: Unidentified hostile space creature
Status: Eucharist (Transcendence Level 2)
Goal: Survive (successfully evolve 4 times).
Characteristics (15 body series/7 psychic series/7 infection series/12 special defense series/13 nest series/5 internal organ series/3 environmental adaptation series/3 multidimensional organisms/10 space monster series) dog)
① Body-related (type in effect): Claws (restricted), Reinforced Hind Legs (restricted), Heated Spiny Carapace (restricted), Grip Strength, Enhanced Vision, Insulated Skin, Fins (restricted), Flippers (restricted)
-Body-related Fusion Talents: Regeneration, Mimicry, Bone Beast (Limited), Beast’s Reinforced Wings (Limited), Insomnia Host (Limited), Reaper’s Maw, Hijacking
② Superpower-related (types being applied): Humanity, Dragon’s Heart (only), Clairvoyance, Ultra Control
-Superpower-related fusion traits: Predator Sense, Monster Tentacles, Dark Shroud
③ Infection-related (type in effect): Contaminated blood, auditory hallucination bugs, enhanced contagion
-Infection-related fusion traits: Parasitic Colony, Gremlin Moss, Acidic Fungal Glands, Rot Fungal Organs
④ Special defense-related: Pain reduction, resistance, disease resistance, perfect immunity, mental defense, stealth maneuver (limited), gamma ray resistance, illusion of hell, aquatic adaptation (limited)
-Special Defense Fusion Talents: Protective Color, Deflective Carapace (Limited), Fortification
⑤ Nest-related (type in effect): Expansion Enhancement, Smog Tower, Ruler of the Environment, Swamp Creation, Unclean Mixture, Miasma Enhancement, Living Garden, Human Sacrifice, Clown Weed, Water Demon Pustules
-Nest-related fusion traits: Symbiote Spore, Ghost Nest, Demon Tree
⑥ Related to internal organs (type in application): Strengthening the endoskeleton (limited), strengthening the toxic secretion glands, superior homeostasis, bioelectric emission tube (limited)
-Fusing traits related to internal organs: Berserker Synapse (limited), Ultra Jelly
⑦ Environmental adaptation-related (types being applied): Inorganic digestion, Medusa organ (only), warp organism
⑧ Multidimensional organism: bio-plasma synthesis, colony consciousness terminal
-Multidimensional organism-related fusion characteristics: Deep space plague
⑨ Space Monster (Unique): Complete Organic, Nightmare Horizon, Organic Evolution, Great Infector, Herald of Chaos, Complex Spectral Body, Variable Bioweapon, Black Devourer Cannon, Eldritch Mimic, Twisted Abomination
Mark of a Strong Enemy: Marauder’s Unshaped Polyhedron (Dice of the Void), Colors of the Abyss, Shape Ruler, Starlight Coordinates, Hydra Split
Holding type (6)
-Physical enhancement type, superpower enhancement type, infection enhancement type, nest enhancement type, internal organ enhancement type, environmental adaptation enhancement type.
Characterization possible type (2)
-Special defense enhancement type (12/16), multidimensional creature enhancement type (3/4)
Space Monster (Unique) Type Level: Level 2 (Number of attributes required to achieve Level 3: 9/12) (Reward: Essence Rearrangement, Double Helix Monolith)
*Incomplete characteristics (7)
Gills, giant creature, natural healing, saw blade tentacles, mimicry, catfish house
**Token of Incomplete Strong Enemy (0)
-What to obtain: None
Available systems: Unique attribute synthesis, attribute enhancement”
Evolution conditions
「‘Holy Eucharist’->‘Ascension’
Essence of Flesh: Choose 1 of Megacorp CEO/Wolf incarnation (not achieved)
Essence of Spirit: Vortex One (0.5) (not achieved)
Essence of Wildness: Choose 1 of Aimorph Adult/Outspacer High King (not achieved)
Test of Ascension (not achieved)
Unique attribute 12/15 (not achieved)
Type 6/9 (not achieved) 」Watch next episode”

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