I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 238.2

Chapter 238.2

If you are loyal to me, I will surely be loyal to you!

After hearing this, many of the common people were truly moved and decided to stay.

But at that moment, a young man full of vigor stepped forward.

To be honest, Ive had enough!

He said angrily: Your Majesty, look at what weve been through this past year. How many natural and man-made disasters have we endured?

Since last year, you wanted to implement reforms, to develop the economy and improve peoples livelihoods like the Great Xia. We all supported you wholeheartedly! But what was the result? The reforms failed, our economy took a severe hit, and our purses are empty!

Later, the crops failed due to various reasons. You sent troops to the Great Feng Dynasty to solve the food crisis, but not only did we not get the food back, we lost all our men! My brother died in that battle, and we couldnt even find his body!

After that, we suffered a once-in-a-century Ice Disaster. As everyone knows, the situation was dire. In that disaster, my cow died, and so did my elderly mother. Every household was in mourning, and the atmosphere of the entire nation was bleak!

We hoped for some improvement this year, but its been worse than the last!

At the beginning of the year, you offended Great Xia, causing them to send troops and take away much of our food and wealth!

Then came the chaos of the nine Khans tombs, where millions of martial artists brought havoc to our land, making life hard for the people!

And now, drought and locust plagues

He voiced a strong accusation: Your Majesty, do you know how hard this year has been for us?

I know its not entirely your fault, but we are just ordinary people who want nothing more than to live peacefully. Whats so wrong with that? Why cant such a simple wish of us be fulfilled?

The other common people felt as if they had been struck in the heart.

Remembering the hardships of the past year, they couldnt help but feel overwhelmed with sorrow.

Yes, this year has been too hard!

I dont even know what the point of living is anymore!

If it werent for my children, I would have given up long ago!

The Great Luo Emperor once again spoke soothingly: I know, I know, please dont get too agitated. Everything can be discussed peacefully, everything can be solved

Your Majesty, how will you solve these problems?

It was the same young man, crying out in anguish: Have you solved any of the natural and man-made disasters that have happened in the past?

This The Great Luo Emperor was at a loss for words.

If the same things happen in the future, can you solve them?

I The Great Luo Emperor was speechless again.

A single thing hasnt been resolved!

The young man said with great disappointment: So, why should I continue to stay here? Id rather rely on myself instead of placing my hope in you! So please, Your Majesty, grant us mercy and let us go!

The other commoners echoed in unison: Please, Your Majesty, grant us mercy and let us go!

Their voices shook the heavens!

The Great Luo Emperors heart was struck with a heavy blow at that moment!

The people of Great Luo would rather leave than endure hardships with him!?

In other words, he was abandoned by his own common people!

Could it be that his wholehearted devotion to them has led to such an outcome?

He gave everything for the nation and its people, only to meet this fate!

At that moment, he seemed to see through human nature.

His heart grew cold, and he burst into desolate laughter: Very well, very well, you all have disappointed me! I have given so much, only to be repaid like this! Now I will tell you

You are not allowed to leave! Not a single one of you!

Even if you die, you must die on the land of Great Luo!!!

His last words were almost a roar.

The people of Great Luo became more agitated.

Why cant we leave?

Just because youre the Emperor doesnt mean you can act like this!

Youre going to get us all killed!

Some of the people had already come to blows with the soldiers, and a battle was on the brink of erupting.

But the Great Luo Emperor said coldly: All troops, heed my command! Anyone who tries to break through, beat them with sticks regardless of life or death!

Your Majesty, many people will die this way! an official pleaded.

Theyre all heartless and ungrateful, their deaths are of no pity! The Great Luo Emperor walked away with a flick of his sleeve.

After he left, a violent conflict erupted!

With the Emperors order, the soldiers were particularly ruthless.

In a short time, blood flowed like rivers, and wails filled the air.

Foolish emperor! Foolish emperor!

Foolish emperor, you will not die a good death!


After returning, the Great Luo Emperor immediately issued an order to conscript troops.

All healthy men between the ages of 16 and 60 were to be enlisted in the army.

This move caused an uproar throughout the nation!

Every adult male is to become a soldier. Is this a call for mass conscription? What is His Majesty trying to do?

Conscripting so many troops, what else can it be for if not for war?

Why do we need so many people for war? How can those without training be sent to the battlefield? Isnt this madness?

His Majesty is being foolish! How can he do this?

Alas, Great Luo is going to be in another chaos!

By this time, soldiers had already run to each town and neighborhood to reinforce and expand the army.

They went from house to house, and any man who met the criteria was taken to become a soldier.

Old Zhao, your son looks strong. He can be a soldier!

Old Zhao begged bitterly: But hes only 14 years old!

What about 14? He looks grown up, so he can be a soldier!

But hes my only child, the only descendent of three generations! Please have mercy and let him live. Ill kneel before you, please

Old Zhao knelt down as he spoke.

Pleading is useless. This is an order from His Majesty!

Can I take my sons place?

The officer looked at Old Zhaos empty leg and shook his head, No, youre missing a leg and cant fight in the war. Your son must serve. Quickly take him away!

Dad! Mom

Such scenes were happening in many households.

Families with many sons saw all their men taken away, leaving only the women behind.

In some cases, entire villages were emptied!

They wanted to resist, but how could they fight against the army?

So, everywhere, there were tragic scenes of wailing and despair.

At the Great Luo imperial palace, Song Yufei arrived in a hurry and urgently asked, Your Majesty, it is said that your action has brought disaster to millions of common people and left a trail of bloodshed! This is not the act of a wise ruler. If this continues, it will surely alienate your people. I urge Your Majesty to reconsider your orders!

The Great Luo Emperor became furious upon hearing this, Fairy Yufei, it is they who have abandoned me! Over the years, I have given so much for them, and now, they abandon me at the first sign of trouble! Since they are disloyal, they cannot blame me for being heartless!

Song Yufei tried to persuade him again, Your Majesty, the people are ignorant and need guidance, not bloody suppression! If you can solve the food shortage, the people will naturally return to your embrace!

Am I not addressing the issue now?

The Great Luo Emperor said loudly, Great Luo has no grain, and the best solution is to seize it from other countries! To do that, we need soldiers! Thats why Im recruiting troops and preparing for battle!

But your mass conscription has already caused public outrage!

Im doing this for their own good! They complain about the lack of grain, so Im letting them go and seize it themselves! If they get the grain, theyll survive. If not, they might as well dieits a waste of grain to keep them alive! Ive given them so much, so its time for them to repay me!

Song Yufei was shocked!

She never expected the Emperor to utter such cold and ruthless words!

But Your Majesty

Fairy Yufei, say no more. I have made my decision! The Great Luo Emperor waved his sleeves and left angrily.

Watching the Emperors retreating figure, Song Yufei felt that the Great Luo Emperor had changed.

He had become very unfamiliar and somewhat frightening!


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