I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 79.1

Chapter 79.1

Lin Beifan looked at the consort with a smile, full of anticipation: My beloved consort, you tell us!

Wang Xiangjun furrowed her brows in deep thought for a moment, then said, Your Majestys actions are indeed also for the sake of the common people!

Bai Zhu was baffled: He indulges his own desires for fine food and drink, collecting delicacies from all over the world. Do you say this is also for the common people?

Wang Xiangjun nodded and smiled, saying, Sister Bai, the vast majority of our countrys common people are now well-off. They have food to eat, money to spend, and houses to live in, so they have more pursuits!

Among all pursuits, good food and drink are indispensable, so His Majesty gave it a push from behind!

Theres a saying that goes: What the upper echelons enjoy, the lower echelons will follow to an even greater extent! As the monarch of the Great Xia Kingdom, his hobbies will inevitably become the pursuits of the common people! If His Majesty likes fine wines and dishes, the people below will surely cater to his preferences and focus their efforts in this area!

In the long run, this will inevitably lead to the development of numerous fine wines and dishes, enriching our culinary culture!

Wang Xiangjuns beautiful eyes glanced at Lin Beifan: Your Majesty, am I right in what I say?

Lin Beifan nodded and smiled, saying, My consort, you have spoken well. I indeed have this intention: to promote diversity in food and drink, to let everyone eat better and drink more exquisitely! In this process, if I satisfy my own cravings, whats the harm? As long as the people below are not mistreated, then all actions are positive!

Your Majesty is wise! Wang Xiangjun declared.

Bai Zhus heart had already been persuaded by Lin Beifan and Wang Xiangjun.

However, the deeply ingrained notions that had persisted for so long made it difficult for her to verbally accept this way of thinking.

Although everything you do is for the country and the people, you are spending too much money. You need to be more frugal

Lin Beifan spoke out loudly, Since ancient times, many people have thought that money is something to be saved! They believe in living within ones means, in both increasing income and reducing expenditure. They think that one should spend only as much money as they have! From top to bottom, whether its the common people or the Emperor, thats what everyone believes!

It has become so customary that people think saving money is right and spending it is wrong!

The poorer you are, the more you try to save money as if thats the way to a better life!

But in my view, this concept is wrong, and its outrageously wrong!

Bai Zhu and Wang Xiangjun, both women, were greatly shocked: Why is this wrong?

Theres nothing wrong with ordinary people saving money, but as the ruler of a nation, you cannot save money!

Lin Beifan declared emphatically, Because what if the total amount of money in a country is fixed and unchanging!? If I take a bit more, then the people will have a bit less! If I am wealthy, then the people will be without money!

If I save money and dont spend it, the people will have even less money!

Do you know what this kind of saving behavior is called?

The two women asked in unison, What is it called?

This is called

Lin Beifan tapped the table lightly, enunciating each word, Competing with the people for profit!

The hearts of the two women were struck heavily.

These words seemed to possess some kind of magic; they sounded somewhat unreasonable and forceful.

Yet they were also incredibly apt.

So, I must spend money, lots and lots of money, spend as much as there is!

Lin Beifan declared loudly: By doing this, although I will have no money left, the people will have money! Do you know what this is called?

The two women asked in unison, What do you call this?

Lin Beifan gave a slight smile, This is called hiding your wealth among the people!

The two women felt another blow in their hearts.

They felt that these words were too impactful!

Profound and vivid!

The two women carefully savored Lin Beifans words again.

Since ancient times, many people have believed that money is something to be saved!

From top to bottom, whether its the common people or the Emperor, thats what everyone believes!

It has become so customary that people think saving money is right and spending it is wrong!

The poorer you are, the more you try to save money as if thats the way to a better life!

But what if the total amount of money in the country is fixed and unchanging!?

If I take a bit more, then the people will have a bit less!

If I am wealthy, then the people will be without money!

If I save money and dont spend it, the people will have even less money!

So, I must spend money, lots and lots of money, spend as much as there is!

Even though I am out of money, the common people will have money!

Each statement sounds like nonsense.

Yet each word was a gem, overturning their values and all their understanding, leaving them unable to recover for a while.

Although they still didnt quite understand, a strong intuition told them that what His Majesty said was right!

Lin Beifan took a casual sip of wine, looking very pleased with himself as he declared, Now the facts have proven that my approach was correct! Otherwise, how could we have developed the Xia Kingdom into a great kingdom in just half a year?

The two women were speechless, willingly bowing to Lin Beifan and praising, Your Majesty is wise!

Bai Zhu lifted her head and completely revised her opinion of Lin Beifan.

It turned out that he had been using his own methods all along, enriching the people in secret, allowing the nation to quickly become prosperous and strong.

It was just that his methods were too unconventional and not understood by outsiders.

She herself had not understood, and so she had misunderstood him.

He was wiser than many emperors, a truly enlightened monarch who genuinely cared for his people!

Beautiful women love heroes, but they also love saintly monarchs!

Bai Zhu gazed at Lin Beifans exceptionally handsome face, slightly mesmerized.

In the past, she only felt that such a good-looking appearance on a foolish emperor was a waste, as if the heavens were blind.

Now, she felt that the heavens werent blind; she was the one who had been blind and had misjudged.

As she pondered, she unexpectedly thought of the futureif he truly helped her take her revenge, would she really offer herself to him?

Bai Zhus cheeks turned a faint red, realizing she was not as resistant to the idea as before!

But Your Majesty, many people outside are saying you are a foolish emperor

Pay them no mind!

Lin Beifan said with a faint smile, Those who know me know I have my concerns, those who dont know me wonder what I seek. Let them talk; it doesnt bother me in the slightest!

The two women were once again in awe!


Lin Beifan wanted to collect information about fine wines and delicacies, and the news spread quickly throughout the land.

Good gracious, this foolish emperor, after causing a stir in the imperial palace, is now starting to stir up the world of gourmet food!

He wants to collect the finest wines and delicacies from all over for his own enjoyment, such extravagance, such a waste of the peoples labor and resources. Its a disgrace for a ruler!

Hes always been a foolish emperor, so its not at all surprising that he would do something like this!

He never learns, just keeps messing around. Im just waiting to see when hell fall and come to ruin!

Many people sneered and criticized harshly.

However, many common folks were very much enticed.

His Majesty wants to collect all the fine wines and delicacies from across the land!

Anyone who offers a wine or a new dish that His Majesty likes will be rewarded with 100 taels of silver, which is equivalent to four cement houses!

And if someone presents a brewing method, theres an additional reward of 1000 taels!

In the end, theres still a chance to become an official

For the common people, this was like a pie falling from the sky.

Who doesnt know how to cook, who doesnt have a few special dishes up their sleeve?

If the dish you make pleases His Majesty, then youll soar high in an instant, becoming a person of high status!

Thus, many commoners took action and signed up to participate.

A culinary craze also swept through the populace.

After a day of hard work, everyone didnt rest but instead studied cooking and brewing, striving to satisfy Lin Beifan.

As a result, many pots, tiles, ladles, and basins were sold out, and many ingredients quickly ran out of stock.

In the end, because there were too many applicants, Lin Beifan decided to hold a grand food festival.

He first let the people below conduct a selection, choosing 100 dishes and 10 types of fine wines to enter the food festival for his tasting.

Lin Beifan noticed that Li Linfu was very enthusiastic about these matters, so he entrusted the task to him.

Minister, do a good job! If this is well managed, I will reward you generously! Lin Beifan encouraged.

Yes, Your Majesty, your humble servant will certainly not let you down! Li Linfu said with great joy, thumping his chest in assurance.

After receiving the support of Lin Beifan, Li Linfu was full of energy and set about his tasks with vigor and haste.

This culinary festival caught the attention of chefs from all over the country, and everyone was excited.

This was an opportunity to make a name for oneself!

If ones dish was selected for the culinary festival, it would be like showcasing ones face in front of the entire nation, making both the chef and their dishes famous. With fame, wouldnt making money be easy?

Moreover, there was also the chance to gain the Emperors favor, not only earning a generous reward but also the opportunity to hold an official position

In short, the benefits were too many!

As a result, even more people signed up to participate!

What started as a gourmet festival to satisfy Lin Beifans desires had unexpectedly evolved into a national event.

It even attracted many chefs from abroad to take part.

The assembly was bustling with talent, each showcasing their unique skills, all hoping to make it into the festival and seize the opportunity to be in the spotlight.

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