I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 100: Chapter No.100 Dragon's Sin Of Wrath (4)

[Samael's Ashwood's POV]


I thought I was truly at death's door, but th... everything changed.

'Hey brat, going somewhere?'

The voice of the Soul King rang through my head, cutting through the haze of pain. At the same time, the familiar chime of the Heavly Destiny System followed, confirming that I wasn't imagining things.

[Ding! Congratulations, host, for fulfilling the requiremt to unlock: The Protagonist's Legacy]

For a brief momt, I wondered if I was hallucinating, hearing both the Soul King and the System at the same time. My body was weak, and brok, yet something inside me stirred—hope.

'Brat, want some help there?' The Soul King's voice carried a mocking tone, but there was also a hint of... reassurance.

[Ding! Oping... The Protagonist Legacy]

I felt the shift immediately. A surge of power rushed through me, not just from my own magic but something deeper—ancit, primal. The system was doing something... big.

[Please wait...]

My body started to tingle, as if my very being was being rewritt, and reshaped. The pain faded, and something far stronger, far more profound, replaced it. The Soul King's presce loomed in my mind, his chuckle reverberating through my consciousness.

'You've got a real fight ahead of you, kid. Don't let me down~'

[Congratulations, host, for acquiring: Heavly Protagonist]

Heavly Protagonist? What...?

Before I could process it, an overwhelming flood of ergy hit me like a tidal wave. My vision blurred, and I felt as though I was being torn apart and rebuilt all at once.

This... this power was nothing like I'd ever expericed before. It wasn't just the Dragon's Heart anymore. This was... everything. Every fight, every struggle, every destiny intertwined within me.

The Protagonist's Legacy had awaked.

Suddly, I understood. This wasn't just power—it was authority. I was no longer just a character in someone else's story. I was the story.

The g beath me trembled as I stood, my body healed, and my power reignited. The sorceress had thought she could defeat me, could rewrite fate. But now, fate was mine to command.


[Prest Time]

"You see," she said, her voice resonating with an unnerving echo, "You almost had me there... almost~"

She continued, "Quite the forgetful you are, ar't you? I control dark magic as well as... Time Magic~"

So all that I did was... useless?!

Ev with the protagonist's legacy, I couldn't kill her...

Anger surged through my veins as the realization hit me like a cold wave. All of my effort, my newfound power, and the overwhelming surge of ergy had be rdered useless. Time magic… It was an affront to the natural order, a twisted manipulation that reversed everything I had fought for.

The sorceress, now more a twisted tity of dark ergy than a physical being, floated above the battlefield, her presce more macing than ever. Her laughter echoed ominously in the air. "You really thought you had won, didn't you? Poor boy, thinking brute force would be ough."

I clched my fists, feeling the residual power of the Heavly Protagonist within me. My body still pulsed with strgth, but there was a gnawing doubt in the back of my mind. If she could reverse time, th how could I truly defeat her?

"Time magic," I muttered, narrowing my eyes at the sorceress. "So, you're just rewinding everything. Undoing fate, over and over."

The sorceress sneered, her form flickering as her dark ergy crackled. "Exactly. And as long as I control time, you can never kill me. Every time you strike me down, I'll rise again. I am eternal."


A rumble of discontt echoed through Samael's mind, and the Soul King's voice, tinged with irritation, reverberated through the consciousness that was now part of him.

'Brat, Let me take over this time. This bitch is getting on my nerves.'



I felt a strange shift in my mtal landscape as the Soul King's influce surged forth, asserting dominance over the situation. My consciousness faded as Soul King took control of my body.

'Make... her... pay..."


[Third Person's POV]

The sorceress had hovered above the battlefield, reveling in her appart invincibility. Her dark magic twisted and danced a her like living shadows, her form shifting fluidly with each laugh that escaped her lips. The once-challging hero had become a mere plaything in her hands, dlessly thwarted by her ability to manipulate time itself.

Her confidce was palpable, her eyes glinting with a cold, unfeeling light. But as the Soul King's presce asserted itself, the air a her grew heavy, charged with a new kind of ergy. The very fabric of the battlefield seemed to react, the g trembling under an unse force.

A sudd shift in the atmosphere drew the sorceress's atttion. Samael's body, still standing but now devoid of the boy's conscious control, began to radiate a differt kind of power. It was as if a cosmic storm had be unleashed, the aura a him crackling with raw, untamed ergy.

The sorceress's sneer faltered for a momt, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. "What… what is this?"

In an instant, the Soul King's will manifested itself through Samael's body. His movemts were swift and deliberate, each step calculated with an authority that spoke of millnia of knowledge and power. The shadows a him writhed, bding to his will, their dark forms coalescing into a formidable barrier against the sorceress's own dark magic.

"Well, Hello bitch~" 'Samael' said with an arrogant smile made its way onto his face.

He stood up like an unsheathed sword, but the thing that caught the sorceress's atttion was the aura the 'boy' was releasing...

'W-What i-is this?! M-Majestic and R-Regal?'

The battlefield shifted under the immse pressure of the Soul King's presce. The once chaotic surings now seemed to fall silt, as if the very world was holding its breath in anticipation. The sorceress, who had be floating with an air of undiable superiority, now seemed small and fragile in comparison to the overwhelming force that Samael—under the Soul King's control—now embodied.

The shadows a Samael coalesced into a swirling maelstrom of darkness and light, their tdrils weaving together to form a barrier of immse power. The sorceress's dark magic, which had once seemed impetrable, now collided with this new force, meeting with an intsity that shattered her previous confidce. Her dark ergy crackled and fizzled against the Soul King's formidable barrier.

"No… this cannot be!" the sorceress cried out, her voice trembling. Her form flickered erratically, her mastery over dark and time magic faltering as the Soul King's power dismantled her defses.

With each step Samael—or rather, the Soul King—took, the very air grew colder, the g cracking and splitting underfoot. His presce commanded respect, a raw, primal force that seemed to distort reality itself. The sorceress's attempts to rewind time or shield herself were met with a reltless onslaught of power that defied her manipulations.

Samael's eyes, now glowing with the Soul King's power, locked onto the sorceress with an expression of cold determination. "You think you can control fate, control time? I used to crush god king under my thumb in my teage~ You are not ev worth being an ant in front of me, now... KNEEL!"

The sorceress's arrogance shattered as the Soul King's overwhelming presce bore down upon her. The battlefield, once a chaotic storm of dark magic and shattered destinies, fell silt under the oppressive weight of the Soul King's might.

The dark magic that had twisted and danced a the sorceress now recoiled, unable to withstand the sheer force of the new power that Samael—now an instrumt of the Soul King—commanded.

The shadows a Samael surged forward, their forms weaving into a colossal, pulsating shield that absorbed and neutralized the sorceress's desperate attempts to manipulate time. The dark tdrils of her magic, once formidable and macing, now flickered and dimmed, as if bowing to a superior force.

The air crackled with an ergy that seemed to distort the very essce of reality, making the sorceress's once-reliable control over time appear pitifully inadequate.

The sorceress, her confidce eroding with each passing second, struggled to maintain her composure. Her form wavered, flickering betwe solid and ephemeral as the Soul King's power reltlessly dismantled her defses. She attempted to cast time-altering spells, but they were met with a barrier of darkness and light that absorbed and redirected her magic, rdering her efforts futile.

"No… this cannot be!" she shrieked, her voice tinged with panic. "How are you... How can you be so powerful?"

Samael's—no, the Soul King's—response was a chilling, almost casual tone. "It's simple. The one above- Cough* Cough* You see, I've transcded the limitations of mere mortals. I've ruled over realms, crushed gods, and commanded the very essce of fate. Time magic? It's nothing but a mere inconvice compared to my dominion."

With a gesture, the Soul King's power surged, and the shadows a Samael thicked into a dse, inescapable vortex. The sorceress's form was drawn inexorably toward the swirling darkness, her attempts to resist proving futile against the overwhelming force.

"Do you understand now?" the Soul King's voice resonated through Samael's lips, cold and commanding. "You're but a speck in the grand scheme of things. A fleeting momt in my vast and eternal existce."

The sorceress's defiance faltered as she was gulfed by the swirling vortex. Her dark magic was absorbed and dismantled, her very essce being consumed by the force that Samael had become under the Soul King's control. Her screams of frustration and terror echoed through the battlefield, gradually fading as her power was stripped away.

As the vortex dissipated, Samael stood alone amid the remnants of the battlefield, his body still radiating the Soul King's formidable power. The g was scorched and cracked, the once-mighty sorceress now reduced to nothingness.

The Soul King's presce withdrew slightly, though his power still lingered within Samael, hancing his aura with an aura of dominance and authority. The familiar voice of the Soul King echoed softly in Samael's mind, carrying a hint of satisfaction.

'Well, brat, that should teach her a lesson. You've got quite a way to go, but you're on the right track. Make sure to use this power wisely.'

Samael's own consciousness began to reassert itself as the Soul King's influce receded. He felt a profound sse of relief mixed with the lingering awe of the immse power he now possessed. His body, though still bearing the marks of the earlier battle, felt rejuvated and stronger than ever.

The once chaotic battlefield was now eerily quiet, the oppressive weight of the sorceress's dark presce lifted. Samael took a deep breath, feeling the pulse of his new strgth with every inhale. He looked a, taking in the aftermath of the conflict with a newfound sse of purpose.

"Time magic," he muttered to himself, reflecting on the challge he had just faced. "It's not something you can simply overcome with brute force. But with the right approach, ev the mightiest of barriers can fall."

'Brat, I left...a gift for you. Do with it what you may, I am going back to sleep Yawn*'




[To Be Continued]


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