I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 32: Chapter No.32 Lord Ashwood


One of the most powerful noble families in the kingdom of Blackthorn, but that was before the war against Vampires because of some feuds and mistrust between Ashwoods and the Blackthorn—The royal family of Blackthorn, which resulted in Ashwoods losing their Duke title and being demoted to a mere Count house.

Now they stand on the brink of redemption or further downfall depending on the Royal family's upcoming decree.

Only two duke houses are remaining in the Blackthorn Kingdom, them being Rutherford and Clearwater. Lord Ashwood now wants to assert his dominance once again in the power struggle within the kingdom.

But it requires a sacrifice to one of the remaining duke houses to gain their support.

That sacrifice being ???


[Samael Ashwood's POV]

As I walked through the heavily guarded corridors of the Ashwood estate, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The grand castle loomed above, a testament to the Ashwood family's former glory and current ambitions. Every step echoed with the weight of history, and the tension in the air was palpable.

Though maintaining a facade of professionalism, the guards couldn't hide their curiosity and unease as they glanced at me.

"Don't get lost, half-breed," Jason muttered, his disdain evident in his tone. He followed closely behind me, his presence a constant reminder of the power struggle within the family.

I ignored him, focusing on the path ahead. The estate's interior was as grand as I remembered, with opulent tapestries, gilded decorations, and ancestral portraits lining the walls. The echoes of footsteps reverberated through the marble halls, creating a haunting symphony that seemed to whisper the family's secrets.

Finally, we reached the doors to the grand hall where Lord Ashwood awaited. The guards stationed there pushed the heavy doors open, revealing a room filled with the senior members of the Ashwood family and the family elders. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation and tension.

Lord Ashwood sat at the head of the room, his piercing gaze fixed on me as I entered. His presence was commanding, exuding an air of authority and expectation. Beside him stood my stepmother, Lady Isolde, whose icy demeanor only added to the oppressive atmosphere.

"Samael," Lord Ashwood's voice was a deep rumble, carrying the weight of authority and expectation. "You have returned. And not without causing quite a stir, it seems."

My eyes locked onto Lord Ashwood's, and I fought to keep my expression neutral. Inside, however, my emotions churned—a mixture of anger, betrayal, and a fierce resolve to protect my family.

"Yes, Father," I replied evenly, my voice steady. "I have returned."

Lord Ashwood's gaze was cold and calculating, assessing me as if I were a pawn on a chessboard. "You have caused quite a disruption, Samael," he said, his tone carrying a hint of reprimand. "But it seems you have also brought back some... valuable assets."

My fists clenched at my sides, but I forced myself to remain calm. "I did what was necessary to protect my family," I replied firmly. "Mother and Alice were in danger, and I couldn't stand by and do nothing."

Lord Ashwood's expression darkened slightly, but he nodded in acknowledgment. "Very well. We will address the matter of your actions later. For now, there are more pressing concerns."

He gestured for me to step forward, and I approached the long table where the family elders were seated. Their eyes followed my every move, their expressions a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

"Before we proceed, there is an important announcement to be made," Lord Ashwood continued, his voice commanding the room's attention. "The Ashwood family stands at a crossroads. To secure our future and regain our former glory, we must forge alliances with the other noble houses. This will require sacrifices and strategic marriages."

A murmur rippled through the room, and I could sense the unease among the elders. My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for Lord Ashwood to continue.

"Samael," he said, turning his gaze back to me, "you have proven yourself capable, despite your... unconventional methods. It is time for you to play your part in our family's resurgence."

I narrowed my eyes slightly, trying to anticipate his next words. "What do you mean, Father?"

Lord Ashwood's gaze was unwavering. "You will marry into one of the remaining duke houses. Specifically, you will marry Lady Eveline Clearwater."

My heart skipped a beat. Lady Eveline Clearwater was not only a member of one of the most powerful noble families but also a key character in the novel. Her marriage to the protagonist was pivotal to the story's progression.

I took a deep breath, my mind racing. "And what if I refuse?" I asked, my voice low but firm.

Lord Ashwood's eyes hardened. "You will not refuse," he stated coldly. "This is a matter of family duty and survival. You will do as you are told."

I felt a surge of anger, but I forced myself to remain composed. "Very well," I said, my voice steady. "If this is what it takes to secure our family's future, I will do it."

Lord Ashwood nodded, seemingly satisfied with my response. "Good. The arrangements will be made, and the announcement will be official soon."

As I turned to leave the grand hall, I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. My actions had set off a chain reaction, altering the destinies of those around me. I had to be careful, strategic, and above all, determined to protect my family and navigate the treacherous waters of the Ashwood estate.

Outside the hall, Jason caught up with me, his expression a mixture of smug satisfaction and lingering hostility. "Looks like you're finally being useful, half-breed," he sneered.

I ignored his jibe, my mind already calculating the next steps. I had to find a way to leverage this forced marriage to my advantage.


[Eveline Clearwater's POV]

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, I AM ENGAGED?" Eveline's voice echoed through the lavish chambers of the Clearwater estate, her face flushed with anger. She paced back and forth, her golden hair shimmering in the sunlight streaming through the ornate windows. The luxurious surroundings did little to calm her stormy disposition.

Her father, Duke Clearwater, stood by the large mahogany desk, his expression one of calm resolve. "Eveline, this is not up for debate," he said firmly. "The engagement has been decided to strengthen our alliances and secure our position within the kingdom."

"But we are already a duke rank house!" Eveline's voice trembled with a mix of frustration and disbelief. "Why do we need to align ourselves with the Ashwoods of all people? They are barely holding onto their title as Counts!"

Duke Clearwater's gaze softened slightly as he regarded his daughter. "It's precisely because they are vulnerable that we need this alliance, Eveline. The Ashwoods have resources and connections that we can leverage. Moreover, this union will stabilize the balance of power within the kingdom, which is beneficial for us in the long run."

Eveline stopped pacing and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "But Father, Samael Ashwood? He is practically a stranger to me. How can you expect me to marry him?"

"He might be a stranger to you, but from what I have heard, he is a capable young man. Do you know which circle mage he is?" Duke Clearwater asked, his tone suggesting there was more to Samael than Eveline realized.

Eveline frowned, curiosity momentarily replacing her anger. "No, I don't. What circle mage is he?"

"He is a Top Second Circle Mage, and he is only sixteen years old," Duke Clearwater revealed, his eyes reflecting a mix of respect and strategic consideration. "Despite his youth, he has already achieved a remarkable level of magical prowess. His potential is undeniable, and such talent can only benefit our family."

"Now tell me, what was your rank when you were sixteen?" Duke Clearwater asked, a hint of a challenge in his voice.

Eveline hesitated, her anger giving way to a moment of self-reflection. "I was a First Circle Mage," she admitted, her tone quieter. "But still, Father, magical prowess alone doesn't guarantee a successful marriage or alliance."

Duke Clearwater nodded, acknowledging her point. "You are right, Eveline. But it does show his dedication and potential. Samael's abilities and the Ashwoods' resources can complement our strengths. Together, we can achieve much more than we could separately."

Eveline sighed, feeling the weight of her father's expectations. "I understand the logic behind the decision, Father. But I still wish I had some say in it."

"Your feelings are valid, Eveline," Duke Clearwater said gently. "But sometimes, our duty to our family and our kingdom requires us to make difficult choices. I trust you to handle this with the grace and intelligence you have always shown."

Eveline nodded slowly, resigning herself to the reality of the situation. "I will do my best, Father."

"That's all I ask," Duke Clearwater replied, a hint of relief in his voice. "You have always made me proud, Eveline. I do not doubt that you will continue to do so."

"But Father I want to meet Samael Ashwood," Eveline interjected, her voice steadier now, though still tinged with uncertainty. "I want to meet him before any decisions are finalized."

Duke Clearwater regarded his daughter thoughtfully, sensing her need to understand the man she was destined to marry. "Of course, Eveline. That is only fair. I will arrange for you to meet with Samael at your earliest convenience."

Eveline nodded, grateful for her father's understanding. "Thank you, Father. I appreciate your consideration."

"It is important that you feel comfortable with this arrangement, Eveline," Duke Clearwater continued. "A marriage built on mutual respect and understanding will be far more successful than one forced upon you."

"I understand," Eveline replied softly, her gaze drifting towards the window, where the sunlight danced on the leaves of the garden outside. "I will reserve judgment until I have met Lord Samael."

Duke Clearwater smiled warmly at his daughter. "That is all I ask, Eveline. Now, I will make arrangements for you to visit the Ashwood estate. Take your time to get to know each other. It will benefit both of our families."

Eveline nodded once more, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst her reservations. Perhaps this unexpected engagement could lead to something positive after all.




[To Be Continued]


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[Word Count: 1743]

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