I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 4: Chapter No.4 Dungeon Dive (1)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]


It's been some time since the protagonist left to give the 'good' news to his sister, I guess. I have successfully managed to prevent him from offering himself as a porter for the dungeon exploration team, but now I have a whole new set of problems to deal with.

I never intended to be the one to cure Lily. How did I even come up with that idea?

I sighed deeply, trying to calm my racing thoughts. This is what it means to alter the storyline, I suppose. Unexpected consequences and the need for quick thinking.

What did I know about curing mana poisoning? Absolutely nothing, but I couldn't let Ethan know that. The protagonist needed hope and direction, and I needed time to figure out a real solution.

The truth was that mana poisoning wasn't entirely unheard of in magical circles. It was a condition that resulted from an over-accumulation of mana within a person's body, leading to severe health issues. The symptoms Ethan described fit the bill perfectly. The only way to cure it was to extract the excess mana, typically done through a mage with a higher circle.

Or not...

Now that I remember, there is another method, one that doesn't require a mage of a higher circle but rather by using a specific method to purify the mana and gradually draw out the excess. It involved a rare herb called "Mana Weave," known for its ability to absorb and purify mana.

The herb could create a special elixir that would help alleviate Lily's symptoms and eventually cure her mana poisoning.

Feeling a renewed sense of determination, I made my way to the nearest apothecary. I needed to find Mana Weave and gather the necessary ingredients to prepare the elixir.

The apothecary was a quaint little shop tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. The shelves were lined with jars of various herbs and potions, their scents mingling in the air to create an almost intoxicating aroma. An elderly woman stood behind the counter, her eyes sharp and inquisitive as she looked up at me.

"How can I help you, young man?" she asked, her voice gentle but firm.

"I need Mana Weave," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "Do you have any in stock?"

The woman raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by my request. "Mana Weave is a wild plant found only in devil's nest forest," she said slowly. "What do you need it for?"

As people don't know the uses of Mana Weave, I had to come up with a plausible explanation. "My sister has been feeling unwell, and I've heard that Mana Weave can help alleviate her symptoms," I replied, hoping that my lie sounded convincing enough.

The woman regarded me with a thoughtful expression, her eyes scanning me as if trying to gauge the truthfulness of my words. After a moment's hesitation, she nodded and disappeared into the back room of the shop, returning moments later with a small bundle of dried herbs.

"I only have a limited supply, but this should be enough for your needs," she said, placing the bundle on the counter in front of me. "But be warned, Mana Weave is a rare and dangerous plant. If you don't know how to handle it properly, it could do more harm than good."

I nodded solemnly, accepting the bundle of Mana Weave with gratitude. "Thank you," I said, mustering a smile for the woman's benefit. "I'll be sure to use it responsibly."

"It will be five silver and seven bronze coins," the woman said, holding out her hand expectantly.

I sent a shred of mana into my space ring to retrieve the required amount of coins and placed them into the woman's outstretched hand. With a final nod of thanks, I turned and made my way out of the apothecary, the bundle of Mana Weave inside safe and secure.

'Now that, One problem is dealt with, let's take the protagonist's spot as a porter for the exploration team and meet the main heroine, as per the original storyline,' I thought to myself, feeling a sense of satisfaction at having averted one crisis and set the stage for the next.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I made my way back through the bustling streets of Kaitoria City, my mind already turning towards the challenges that lay ahead. Time was of the essence, and I couldn't afford to waste a single moment in my quest to change my fate and rewrite the story of my life.

But as I navigated the crowded streets, a nagging doubt lingered at the back of my mind—a question that demanded an answer: Was altering the events of the novel truly the right path to take? Or was I merely trading one set of problems for another, unknowingly setting into motion a chain of events that could lead to even greater dangers and uncertainties?

But despite the doubts that gnawed at my mind, I couldn't shake the sense of determination that burned within me. I had been given a second chance at life, a chance to rewrite the story of my fate, and I wasn't about to let fear or uncertainty hold me back.

With each step I took, my resolve strengthened. I had already taken the first step towards changing my destiny by preventing the protagonist from entering the dungeon. Now, I needed to seize the opportunity to take his place as a porter for the exploration team and meet the main heroine as per the original storyline.

But as I neared the outskirts of the city where the exploration team was gathering, a sense of trepidation washed over me.

As the leader of the exploration team, The heir of the Rutherford House, knows me. And if I casually join the team in the protagonist's place, it could raise suspicions or lead to unwanted attention. I needed a plan to seamlessly integrate myself into the group without drawing any undue scrutiny.

I paused for a moment, considering my options. Then, an idea struck me.

Hiding my face with a mask is the most optimal solution. and with a hood, my unique hair color won't give me away. I quickly acquired a simple hooded cloak to complement the mask, ensuring that my distinctive features remained hidden. With my identity effectively concealed, I approached the outskirts of the city where the exploration team was assembling.

As I drew near, I observed the group from a distance, taking note of their movements and the dynamics among them. The heir of the Rutherford House stood at the center, issuing orders and overseeing the preparations with an air of authority.

With a deep breath to steady my nerves, I stepped forward, adjusting my cloak to further obscure my face. As I approached the group, I adopted a confident stride, projecting an air of competence and readiness to join their ranks.

"Excuse me," I addressed the heir respectfully, my voice muffled slightly by the mask. "I've come to offer my services as a porter for the expedition. I understand that time is of the essence, and I am fully prepared to assist in any way necessary."

The heir regarded me with a scrutinizing gaze, his eyes narrowing slightly behind his own mask as he assessed me. I held my breath, hoping that my disguise would hold up under his scrutiny.

After a moment's pause, the heir nodded in acknowledgment. "Very well," he said, his tone measured but decisive. "We can use all the help we can get. Welcome to the team."

A sense of relief washed over me as I was welcomed into the fold, my true identity safely concealed behind the mask and cloak. With each passing moment, my confidence grew, bolstered by the knowledge that I had successfully infiltrated the exploration team without raising any suspicions.

"What's your name?" The heir of the Rutherford House's voice interrupted my thoughts, pulling me back to the present moment.

"Uh, my name?" I hesitated for a split second, realizing that I hadn't prepared a suitable alias. Thinking quickly, I settled on a name that sounded plausible yet unassuming. "Call me...A-Atom. Just Atom."

"Atom...quite a unique name," the heir remarked, his tone betraying a hint of curiosity. "But I suppose we all have our quirks. Welcome aboard, Atom. I trust you'll prove yourself a valuable addition to our team."

"Thank you, sir," I replied with a nod, relieved that my hastily chosen alias had passed muster. With my cover secure for the time being, I turned my attention to the tasks at hand, eager to immerse myself in the expedition and carry out the next phase of my plan.

As the exploration team set out towards the dungeon, I fell into step with the other members, my mind buzzing with anticipation and uncertainty. Meeting the main heroine awaited me, and with her, the pivotal moment that would set the course for the rest of my journey.

But even as I pressed forward, a nagging doubt lingered in the back of my mind. Was I truly prepared for the challenges that lay ahead? Or was I merely setting myself on a collision course with destiny, with consequences I couldn't foresee?

Only time would tell, but for now, I remained determined to see my plan through to the end, fueled by the hope of forging a new destiny for myself in this strange and unpredictable world.




[To Be Continued]


Hello My dear readers,

Attention please, I have tried my first first-person point of view in this chapter at the suggest of one of the readers.

Comment your your views on it.

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Thanks For Reading.

Peace Out✌️

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