I Become Master of Danger Zones as Incubus With Mastery In Genetic

Chapter 43: Becoming An Adventurer

"Hhhnnhh," Alros stretched his body, feeling slightly sore from the night. However, with his Stamina Regeration, he was complete rested.

The same could not be said about her last-night stand in. The cat woman's were closed, yet the night before, it stared at the ceiling, her eyes glassy was she sometime let out a moan or two.

Her body was also a mess, sweat covered it as well as her lower part being stained by both her pussy juice and his seed, the seed and nectar dripping from her abused pussy.

Wh he call it a night, she had whimper as her mind was thoroughly ruined by the rough sex they did. He gtly carrassed the sleeping woman, as she seem to move slightly, though clearly too unconscious to do anything about it.

Shaking his head, he began to make his way out, clearly satisfied by the arrangemt. It was wh Diana did not come out did the staff take a look at her and the room, which lead to a lot of question to the cat woman later down the line.


"What should I do?" he asked himself. Now that he already inside the city, he began to get bored. If it was in the Lunos Forest, he might be able to do something productive, namely making more mutated monsters and preparing another attack on the settlemts.

However, with the soldiers in nearby province likely sweeping the area, returning would be suicidal. So, his best option is to stay hidd. But, he could not just depd on the money from his spoils.

After all, in the case of interesting treasures that would allow him to make his monsters stronger appear, he would likely spd all of it just to get such thing.

To prepare for his expditure, he need a job that not only pay well, but will also help him in some way. As he walked aimlessly, he found something of an interest.

"Do you want to be an advturer? Do you want to hunt monsters and earn money from doing it? Do you want to earn both fame and fortune? Th join us and become and advturer. If you want to go to the Advturer's Guild. This sounds promising,"


"Welcome to the Advture Guild. What kind of service do you want?" a receptionist asked him, making him look at the sign and yes, it read Advturer Guild.

"I would like to become an advturer," he told the woman, who merely nodded before motioning him to follow her.

He did so, and as they walked towards, somewhere, he took peek on her big ass. They s9on arrive into an office, to which she oped it and led him inside.

As she motioned him to sit, which he did so, she put a piece of paper on the table. "Please sign here and fill in your information," nodding his head, Alros did so, though of his answer is the truth. Except for the name, which he use his name in the previous life, Edwin.

"Alright Mr. Edwin, I will tell you more of the guild, from the ranks of advturers and missions, along with some of the more important rules you cannot break," he had accepted such lecture and prepared himself accordingly.

"First, there are several advturers rank, from F-Rank to A-Rank. The same is true for missions as well, which is from F to A. Because you are a newbie advturer, you are only at the F-Rank, so, you can only accept the F-Rank missions only.

Most of which are easy, just simple gathering and subjugating weak monsters like slimes. Only wh you get your rank up to E-rank can you take on commissions on hunting down stronger things, from goblins to wolves.

Th, there are the rules you need to follow. The rules are mostly easy ough to follow like don't lie about your commission, we have magic tools that detect those. And do not cause harm to civilians and fellow advturers, or your status as advturers will be revoke and you will face trial and punished accordingly.

There are more, but it will take an tire day for me to tell you, so I will give you the Guild's Rulebook. And if you want to take a mission, there should a mission board there," he pointed at part in the lobby.

Giving it some thought, Alros walked towards the mission board. Unfortunately, it is crowded and he did not want to earn the ire of others, for now. Wh the number of people dropped did he get the chance to see the mission board.

He quickly scour for some easy missions and spot one, destroying a nearby group of slime. He took it, before heading towards the receptionist and hand it over to her.

She nodded and explain some more thing, to which he list before leaving the building, eager to do his first mission, at least that what he look like. After all, he merely want the reason to leave the city and check the suring area for any new monsters.


"This is easy," Alros exclaimed, killing the last slimes. While it may be troubling for some newer advturers, he is a Greatee Demon, and had dealt with them before. If he could, he wanted to subdue them but decided against it, as he need to give the mana core as a sign he completed the mission, something he can only get by killing the monsters.

He looked at the sky, determining it is only noon. As he was a demon, the hunger did not affect him much though it is nice to eat sometimes. However, he decided to not return. After all, if he showcase his abilities to much, it might earn too much atttion in the future.

He still need to assess whether doing so will be a good thing or not. For now, he will stay low until he learn more of the place. Not to mtion, spding more time in the forest will allow him to meet more powerful monsters.

While the forest is not in a Mana Zone, it still adjact to one. This cause excess mana to travel into the forest and create the monsters in the forest. The only reason why there no attempt to remedy this is because it is an expsive job do such thing, not to mtion, mana core is an ideal way to gain income.

This is the sole reason why the Sur City capable of becoming a Tier City. Alros began to head deeper as he focus on his Mana Search, trying to find more monsters for him to subdue.

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