I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 173: Red Sea Auction

Chapter 173: Red Sea Auction

The noise that drowned the entire area finally died down as Ling officially commenced the auction. It took a considerable time before I could get used to the silence that befell the room... not that it's a bad thing, of course.

"Sect Master, I have about 2000 gold in my possession. If you need more money, you can have all of them." Ye Zhiyun didn't hesitate to offer as she leaned in closer to my face.

Too close!

"Yongrui! If you don't mind, I have 2500 gold in my possession. What's mine is yours, Yongrui. Besides, the Spirit Beast Core you gave me is worth more than all the gold coins I possess." Shi Meili graciously offered as well. Just like Ye Zhiyun, Shi Meili also leaned in towards me since she was on the other side of my seat.

These girls, I really should teach them a thing or two about personal space.

'You say that Yongrui when a few days ago, you were wishing for Wu Yan to straight-up hug you. What hypocrisy.'

I didn't know if I just said that to myself or if it was the System triggering my conscience... but in the end, I decided to ignore it. Now, where were we? Oh yes...

Counting my 20000 gold coins and there accumulated 4500 gold, my overall coin count is 24500. That's a lot of gold coins! Why are they willing to part ways with it? Do I really deserve all those gold coins?

And why am I thinking about all this? Yongrui, where did you get the gall to covet their gold coins when you have enough for yourself?!

I turned to Shi Meili and then to Ye Zhiyun as I puffed my chest up. "As I said, I have enough money for myself. If anything catches your eye, I'll be more than willing to bid for everyone. Think of it as a gift from me."

"B-but... " Ye Zhiyun and Shi Meili simultaneously blurted out but they stopped themselves short. It's as if they were caught in an uncomfortable position where they couldn't impose on me. Well, that works fine with me, I guess. If they both agreed to my offers, I don't think I'll survive this auction. As I said before, I only have enough money for myself. Any more than that and I'll end up in someone's trash can without a single bronze coin.

Why did I offer to buy anything that catches their eyes? That's because the situation called for it. If I didn't have the confidence to offer them something, then the two of them might insist on treating me on this auction. That's just the kind of ladies they are and frankly, I don't want to impose on them. One might think that they didn't want to take my offer... but frankly, it was me who didn't like it. I was just giving them a taste of their own medicine... something like that.

"Since Shelter Leader Shen Rong wanted this year's auction to be interesting, we'll start with one of the most priceless and renowned treasures around the world," Ling called out.

A wooden table with wheels was then brought out of the curtains, containing the treasure Ling spoke of. Shen Rong glanced at it and he smiled to himself. Seeing that Shelter Leader was pleased with his performance, Ling proceeded with the juncture. "This treasure has been passed down to many generations until it ended up in the treasury of the famous White Dragon Sect. They aren't here right now but they've wanted to sell this priceless treasure for quite a while now. A few years ago, White Dragon Sect had given this item to Shen Rong as a gift to signify the beginning of an alliance. White Dragon Sect's Sect Master specifically said that Shen Rong should give it to someone worthy of it. But currently, Shen Rong hasn't found someone worthy of this treasure. Only a select few have the knowledge to use this and even then, only a handful of that select few can use this."

As if on cue, the lady who brought the wooden table from behind the curtains then removed the cloth that covered the item. To my surprise, it was just a pot.

Yes... a pot. I don't know why it's a priceless treasure since I've known a good few evil 'witches' who have them in their cupboards. I'm kidding... but that pot is just so unappealing, to say the least.


"This is the Essence Pot "


The what?!

Before Ling could finish his sentence I raised the number beside my seat, indicating that I was the first one to bid. Of course, a pot that hasn't been used for more than five years would look like that! Why didn't I recognize it?

The Essence Pot, made by an unknown Master Potter that took the world by storm. But just as how fast he reached the limelight, so was his demise. At thirty years of age, this unknown Master Potter was rumored to have died mysteriously, but his legacy has remained in this world until now. Before he died, he made three Essence Pots, a pot that can produce the most potent of Essences, if used correctly. Only the most proficient Alchemists are allowed to use it... but after the outbreak, the amount of Alchemists around the world has decreased to a terrifying degree. That's why I wasn't able to recognize it, no one has used it for more than four years... of course, it would look like a witch's cauldron!

Instead of addressing me, Ling smiled and continued on with his explanation. "This is the Essence Pot that has concocted countless high-grade essences and pills and until now, no one has unlocked its full potential. A lot of world-renowned Alchemists have used this Essence Pot to create the strongest of Essences and Pills. But right now, there is no one in this region who could use it. The last Alchemist to use it hails from the White Dragon Sect and he died when the outbreak started. And five years later, there is still no one worthy of such a priceless treasure, Shen Rong didn't have a choice but to sell it away so it could find its rightful owner. The opening price for this Essence Pot is 200 Gold Coins. Bidding will now commence."

Since I was the first one to raise my hand, I knew that Ling would pick me first. It's just basic auction etiquette.

"That gentleman on the VIP Seat!" Ling called out to me, pointing his hand towards my direction so everyone will know that I'll be the first one to bid. This is another auction basic auction etiquette as well the Auctioneer has to be super expressive so buyers wouldn't doubt him.

This is my chance!

"1000 Gold Coins!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

A hush fell among the crowd, much to my bewilderment. They stared at me as if I came from a different planet. As an even weirder silence filled the crowd, I awkwardly sank into my seat as I questioned my existence... did I do something wrong? During an auction, do I have to say something else aside from the price? Did I say something wrong?

No, I didn't say anything wrong... then was it my appearance? Am I ugly? No... that's not the case either.

"The young gentleman is willing to buy this for 1000 Gold Coins! What a moneybag! As expected from the Sect Master of the Tang Sect!" Ling screamed even louder than I screamed.

Tsk~ so he knows who I was. Why does he keep calling me the young gentleman then?

When the bidding commenced, a few people raised their hands but now, there aren't any hands raised. It's as if their arms are unwilling to place a bid against me... is 1000 gold really that much money? I mean, this is an auction, right? The price should at least climb to 20000 gold coins for all I care.


"Hey, my dear disciple, did I do something wrong?" I whispered towards Ye Zhiyun.

"Ah- eh, you see... " Ye Zhiyun went on to explain that the average amount of Gold Coins someone could have is just 2000 Gold Coins. With that said, I more or less screamed a price that's half of everyone's fortune... or something like that.

"If you have 2000 Gold Coins in your possession, you're one of the richest people in this region. Even our Shelter only has 3000 Gold Coins in our treasury." Shi Meili pointed out as Ye Zhiyun was explaining.

"The same could be said with the Tang Shelter. our Shelter only has 4000 Gold Coins and we didn't have any shortages when it comes to supplies. The 2000 Gold Coins I have is half the fortune of the entire Tang Shelter, that's why I'm planning to spend it wisely." Ye Zhiyun continued. "At first, I thought you were kidding when you said you have enough money for yourself... " She trailed off as her gaze landed on Ling who was desperately calling for other bidders.

"Going once... Going Twice... Going THRICE! SOLD TO THE YOUNG GENTLEMAN ON THE VIP SEAT FOR 1000 GOLD COINS! Thank you for your patronage!"

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