I Don’t Have Any Magic Power but I’m Having a Blast at the Academy

Chapter 83

I Don’T Have Any Magic Power But I’M Having A Blast At The Academy 83


I headed towards the occupation site of Xiaoming known as “Checkpoint” on the northern boulevard of Downtown.

As I passed through the worn-out streets and neared the main road, the atmosphere became more chaotic.

I heard rumors about several deaths already, restrictions on movement, and the like.


I glanced at the object placed on her white palm and looked at Amelia with questioning eyes.

In her right hand was half of the healing potion I had given her.

“Just take it.”

“I will, but I want what you have besides this.”


“You just wiped your nose with that hand.”

“Who said I wiped my nose? I just touched it lightly.”

Amelia, flustered, tried to explain, but I didn’t respond.

Amelia, with pursed lips, pulled out a small case from her pocket.

“To your left.”

“Oh, got it.”

Nervously, Amelia opened the case and handed me the recovery pills with her left hand.

Only then did I relax and accept the pills.

Amelia’s face turned stern as she emphasized,

“And, I wasn’t wrong.”

“Yeah, you weren’t. Just a slight mistake.”

“Ugh, seriously…”

Leaving the sulking Amelia behind, I headed towards the checkpoint.


Initially, my plan was to assess the opponent and, if deemed necessary, subdue them with just enough force to show dominance.

Excluding the unique environment of the Academy, in the superhuman society at large, I seemed to belong to the strong faction.

However, seeing the reality of what was known as a checkpoint, I couldn’t help but change my mind.

A street in an old downtown area.

Around 30 Chinese individuals were blocking the street with guns and knives.

A burly man from behind was shouting in an unknown Chinese dialect through a megaphone.

They were mercenaries from the “Xiaoming Guild.”

Some superhumans lay sprawled on the ground after being overwhelmed by them, while the mercenaries kicked them aside to clear the street.

Well, up to this point, it was a sight that could commonly be seen in a checkpoint.

The issue was the state of their souls reflected in my eyes.

Most of them were tainted with deep darkness, but a few were so obscure that it was hard to even look at them.

It wasn’t just darkness, but it was vulgar, filthy, and ‘unstable.’

This was the reason for my change of heart.

That was a mine.

And not just any mine, but a time bomb that could explode at any moment.


─Yes, please go ahead.

A voice came through the earpiece.

She was standing on the rooftop of a three-story building, overlooking the street as it was.

“Could you close your eyes for a moment?”

─Why should I close my eyes?

“Stop. This is Xiaoming’s checkpoint.”

I was now closing in on them while talking to Amelia.

A mercenary approached me.

“If you want to pass, agree to identification check.”

“Just a moment. If I say go, let me go.”

I have no intention of killing anyone if I can help it.

While this world is relatively lenient towards death, it goes against my ethics to kill indiscriminately.

Even in their category, there are minds that haven’t completely abandoned being human, like undeemons.

However, the mine before the frenzy, it was not.

“This punk, can’t you hear me······ cough!”

“Write proper Korean, punk. It’s so messed up I can’t understand a thing.”

A Chinese mercenary, who was spouting awkward Korean, was punched in the jaw by a rain stick and collapsed.


Seven rain sticks floated around me.

Only then did the mercenary bastards all turn towards me.

The mercenary holding a loudspeaker warned in Chinese, but I cleanly ignored it.

Soon, the sharp fangs of the rain sticks were aimed at the mercenaries.


A rain stick filled with antimagic trembled. And.


It struck like lightning towards the ‘mine’ mixed among them.



With a dull sound, red blood dyed the air.


The faces of the Chinese mercenaries who had been mocking the appearance of the rain sticks froze.

Silence fell over the surroundings as if someone had poured cold water. The silence didn’t last long before it shattered.

“How, how can a rain stick······”

“Is it magic?”

The shocked mercenaries mumbled incredulous words.

However, the one more shocked than them all was Xiao Ming’s leader, Zhang Wei, who knew the identity of the fallen mercenary.

“What kind of dog-like thing is this······”

He pondered while looking down at the headless ‘mine’.

Zhang Wei, who could boldly soar in the black market without caring about anyone’s gaze, had received support from the Mine Association.

And Zhang Wei himself had become a mine.

In the black market that rolled only with ‘money’ regardless of whether one was human or mine, that status didn’t matter.

But the mine who had received support from the Mine Association had fallen victim to a ‘rain stick,’ an outdated weapon, in just one blow, not a gun or magic.

“······Is this even possible?”

As Zhang Wei looked down at the fallen mine with a skeptical expression.

Boom─! Boom─!

Two consecutive booms echoed.

Zhang Wei raised his head to look at the source of the noise he couldn’t bear to ignore.


His chest sank, and two bodies with pierced abdomens lay on the ground. And both of them were ‘mines’.

Realizing this, when he turned his head, he locked eyes with someone looking this way.


Pale-faced Zhang Wei took a step back.

“···Guild Leader?”



“That monster, that, that creature. Get rid of all of them! Kill them quickly!”

At the haphazard command, Xiao Ming’s mercenaries drew their swords.

In the midst of rushing out, a girl made of light appeared from the opponent.

“What’s this?”

“…Is it a spirit?”

All eyes turned to the unfamiliar form of the spirit, focusing on the girl bathed in light.

And then.


A tremendous burst of light erupted.


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The mercenaries who were looking at the girl fell to their knees, clutching their eyes.

And just like that, the bodies of the three Maiens turned to ashes.

From the moment the first Maien died to the disappearance of the three bodies, it didn’t even take 15 seconds.

When the light finally subsided, what the mercenaries saw above them were seven strands of rainbows.

Before they could even react, the rainbows descended like rain.


Handling seven strands of rainbows in the human realm without any mistakes is impossible.

Especially without killing dozens of humans, only ‘subduing’ them.

But with the Grand Gram, it was possible.

Because Gram’s Sword Spirit was imbued in each divided rainbow.


Steel rain fell.



Shoulders, legs, and backs were sliced, and the mercenaries hit by the rainbows were thrown into chaos.

The seven rainbows weaved through the mercenaries, quickly subduing them.

Of course, handling all 30 mercenaries to that extent was impossible.

The mercenaries who emerged from the swamp of rainbows rushed towards me. I glanced at them briefly and turned off my nerves.

“This crazy bastard!”


The enraged mercenaries charged forward after being ignored. However, before they could even approach, they fell under a meteor shower pouring from the sky.


“Thank you.”

─This is just the basics.

Amelia’s confident voice echoed.

─But why did you close your eyes?

“To avoid being blinded.”

Amelia opened her eyes as Anastasia’s light dimmed.

Because of that, she did not witness me dealing with the mines.

Even the stained corpses seemed to vanish as if washed away by Anastasia’s light, leaving no room for speculation.

It wasn’t a pleasant sight to behold, so it was better not to know.

“One escaped, but…”

I gazed down the alley where the last remaining mine had disappeared.

Though Anastasia’s light had surely illuminated the alley, the guy brushed it off and fled.

“Well, I suppose I can take my time.”

I had already attached a “tail” to him.

Observing as Amelia’s magic and Anastasia’s light tidied up the scene, I slowly made my way towards the alley where the guy had escaped.


“Huff, huff…!”

In the dark alley, Jangwi ran anxiously, constantly looking back.

There was no specific plan of where to go. It was just an obsession to get away from that monster-like guy.

Once he felt safe, he planned to seek help from the Association to deal with that monster.

“Couldn’t even handle it. Why would such a guy be on the 1st floor…”

In the Black Market, there existed an absolute difference in power.

The number of floors an ordinary person without talent could ascend was at most up to the 3rd floor, “Normal.”

From the 4th floor, it was the realm of talent. Only monsters born with innate abilities could ascend.

Having briefly tasted the bitterness of the 4th floor, Jangwi knew better than anyone how monstrous those beings were.

Of course, Jangwi, now a mine, was stronger than before.

Even if a Noble from the 5th floor came, he was confident in evading.

But that guy was an exception.

Antimagic, spirit of light.

He was a monster possessing both abilities that a mine must avoid even if it meant death.

Suddenly, Jangwi furrowed his brow as he looked up at the sky.

“Why is that brat…”

He had been bothered by the blue bird circling the sky, but he ignored it and ran aimlessly.

Escaping the 1st floor was the best option, but to do so, he needed to reach the central warp zone, so he moved in the opposite direction.

There was a high chance that the guy was looking around the warp zone.

“Damn it…!”

Jangwi, running until his breath was ragged, cursed.

He reached a dead end. Frowning, he tried to turn around to change direction.

–It was right at that moment.

Thud, thud.


Jangwi froze in the same position as he was turning.

Thud, thud.

The echoing footsteps in the alley sent chills down his spine.

“How could he already…?”

The eyes of Jangwi, who turned around, shook.

A monster who had single-handedly destroyed a guild stood before him.

It was when Jangwi harbored doubts at the incomprehensible sight.


A blue bird descended and perched on the creature’s shoulder, its ruby-like eyes gleaming mockingly.

“······Damn it.”

Jangwi’s face twisted grimly.

Before long, a blue flame demon engulfed him.

That was the final sight Jangwi witnessed.


“Well done, Parang.”

As I watched Parang devouring the mana melting in flames, I tossed a large chunk of red mana stone to Parang.


Watching Parang nibble on the mana stone, I nodded approvingly.

“Capturing mana is indeed the best.”

Just by capturing four mana, Parang’s level jumped from 3 to 4.

“If more of these guys show up, it’ll be a breeze.”

There was no need to dig into the background of the mana beings. The Mana Association specialized in enticing and devouring stragglers.

Then, I heard Amelia’s voice through the earphones.

─Where did they suddenly disappear to?

“Chasing the runaway.”

Responding to Amelia’s call, Parang suddenly settled down and spat out a small spirit stone.


This one was quite big.


“It’s nothing.”

I chuckled as I picked up the spirit stone.

Anyway, Hansul’s issue was resolved for now. All that was left was to grow.

It was about time to acquire the main characters’ ‘exclusive artifacts.’

“Whose should I start looking for first?”

Thinking about the ‘exclusive artifacts,’ I slipped away from the alley.

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