I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 192: PLAN A. NOW IN MOTION: PART 4

Chapter 192: PLAN A. NOW IN MOTION: PART 4

Elise left the prison cell laughing her lungs out and Evelyn was left alone again in the cramp space of the prison cell.

She was left in deep thought after she recalled what Elise just said to her.

"This world revolves around me! Because I'm the heroine of this world and you're just an extra made to make me shine so don't resist because your fate has already been written!"

Elise emphasized that everything will move according to her actions and she looks like she was convinced at the thought as she seized the iron bar that was between her and Evelyn.

Evelyn just looked at her at that time but her mind was already pondering the possibility that she isn't the only one who was in this world.

Of course she was shocked at first but thinking about it, there was a possibility that there are other people like her that reincarnated to a different world.

In the corner of the dark room of the muddy and stinky smelling cell, Evelyn was revising her plan.

She already expected that something like this was going to happen after Pope Nelson summoned her and looking at how Prince Adley reacted that time, there was something that the Pope needed from me that Prince Adley didn't want to abide.

"It feels like there's a crack in their alliance still, I didn't expect that they would move fast. I really must have something in my heart that they needed the most."

Evelyn's sunset eyes gleam so sharp as she thought about how she will stab them in the back when they least expected.

She smiled when she tried to think about the faces of the people who thought that everything was going according to their plan.


In the mansion where the rest of Evelyn's company is already having a fit of anger at the sudden news that shocked them to their core.

"Where is Evelyn? Tell me!!"

Cabel was gritting his teeth and was also gripping his palm into a ball of fist. He's already trying hard to suppress his anger.

They left the patient's room and were talking inside the parlor room. Some of Evelyn's contracted spirits were going back and forth and some seemed to be talking in the air.

"I thought that everything was according to the plan?! Then why the hell didn't you know that something like this could happen? What's the use of someone beside her if she can be 

"Calm down, Duke Cabel Evelyn already told us last night that something like this could happen if she got captured by Prince Adley. Everything still is going according to what Evelyn instructed besides" 

Bern explained to Cabel and at that moment a crow flew inside and landed on Bern's arm. He simply took the string that was attached to its feet and smiled after he read what was written inside.

"See told you, everything's going according to plan."


The day has already set however for Evelyn it's just getting started. She was standing and leaning at the side of the iron bar where the lights that come from the lit torches can't reach.

"Did you deliver the message?" Evelyn suddenly talked and a man's voice answered its question.

"I already did I also saw that red-haired dude waiting outside the temple walls and the people who went with you here already dressed like temple knights."

Evelyn smiled at how fast her subordinates acted and how she was elated that she made the right choice to make one of the Pope's assassins to become her ally.

"Good job, Nine"

"This is not free I'm charging you with this one"


"By the way the Crown Prince also sent a message saying that the plan is ready, he's just waiting for you also Duke of Emsworth also contacted Sir Gilbert and also said that he's done his part and can move whenever you're ready."

"Is that so? I guess I'm done acting like a fragile lady. Tell them to be on standby, I think someone will come and get me out of here"

Evelyn smirks at the thought, since there seems to have already been a distrust on their part, isn't it tempting to help them see each other in a new light?

The greedier they get the easier it is for Evelyn to infiltrate them and make them hate each other to their bone.

"You're thinking of something evil again" said Nine.

"No,,, I'm just taking the opportunity that they will offer themselves at my table I should enjoy it, right?"


Cathy returned to the mansion in Priscilla street as early as possible where the others are already waiting for her. Evelyn already instructed her what to do once there was an unprecedented event that Prince Adley will try to do to her.

She was already aware how dangerous it is when Prince Adley decided to separate them in different quarters. Still, she felt relief whenever Evelyn talked to her through their link.

When she felt that Evely's presence was not in the mansion where they were held and when she can't contact her through their link, she felt like something was odd, because Evelyn never failed to reply to her even though it's in the middle of the night.

That was why, on that same night, she escaped, she already knew the structure of the mansion and how many guards and staff are stationed in the house.

She also memorizes the time that the guards change shifts. She immediately escaped through the window after she melted the iron bars that were placed on them. 

The guards were nowhere near her quarters and she immediately proceeded to do her plan. After that she got outside, she set the storage room in fire as well as the kitchen.

Remembering how she returned without stopping and until she got to a nearby village at the end of the woods was making her exhausted again.

It was thanks to a horse that was at the shed of Prince Adley's secret mansion that she can get out of the place much faster.

She didn't get much of a wink and just rushly went into the other village where there was a guild that she can get a teleportation scroll.

That is how Cathy returned after a day after she found out that Evelyn went missing in the secret mansion of Prince Adley.

"What did the spy say?" She asked Gil who was left to look after Cassandra and Sir Erich.

"He said that Evelyn is in the underground prison of the temple of light and told us to be on standby"

Cathy was amazed that Evelyn seems to be calm even though she was kidnapped in the middle of the night.

"That child she will definitely hear a lot of scolding from me when she returned!"

Cathy chuckled as she heard what Gil just mumbled as he placed his hands on his head.

"We should trust her, Evelyn knew more than anything how dangerous it was when she started to devise this plan." Cathy said. 

Right now, Cathy and Gil were in Evelyn's office and were looking through the map that Cathy had drawn. 

Then a maid announced the arrival of Young Master Allan.

"Did you hear everything from Duke Emsworth?"

Gil didn't even greet him and Allan didn't find it to be disrespectful towards him considering the situation that they were in.

"Is my sister safe?"

Gil and Cathy then looked at him with doubts in their eyes. 

'Now that their curse seems to have weakened as the time went by, their concern for Evelyn seems to resurface I found this funny.' Cathy said to Gil through their minds.

Gil didn't answer what Cathy said sarcastically but instead replied to Allan's question.

"Yes, she's safe for now"

"What did you-?!"

Gill didn't let him continue to talk and just told him what he had to do.

"This is what Evelyn asked you to do well, if you don't want to, we can just asked the Crown Prince about -"

This time, Allan didn't let Gil finish.

"I'll do it!"

Gil smirked and unfold the map that Cathy meticulously drawn.

"This is the map where Evelyn was held captive by Prince Adley she asked that you seized that secret mansion as soon as possible"

Allan saw the map that was drawn and asked.

"It's in the middle of a vast forest? I see It's in the outskirts of the capital where a part of the land was a vast forest and the other side was the monster's den. A perfect location to conclude meetings with a little time needed to spend and the others will not suspect where the Prince Adley is:"

Allan folded back the map after he examined it.

"I'll definitely capture them so please safely rescue my sister."

"Of course you don't need to tell us that That's always been our role since the day she abandoned her family."


Allan was speechless Then he bowed, which made Gil and Cathy's brows raised. The prideful heir of the Duke of Emsworth who is the most powerful clan in the Kingdom are eating his pride and asking them a favor.

"Please take care of Evelyn"

Gil felt his sincerity and sincerely replied without hesitation.

"We will"

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