I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 10: Epilogue Part 1

Book 10: Epilogue Part 1

Heres the chapter, enjoy~


Part 1

Well, thank you so much! Youve been a big help!

N-no problem.

A little while after I finished slaying the false dragon, Lanael-san came back.

I really wish I could have helped you, but there was a movement with the main body of the False God just above and I was called back. Im sorry.

Lanael-san bowed her head apologetically.

But Zenovis-san indifferently told her.

If you and the others in the upper dimension had been more firm, this wouldnt have happened.

Ugh T-thats true, but

Be that as it may, the false dragon has been defeated. You have no more business with us, do you? As promised, return Yuuya to his original time.

Of course, of course! B-but Observer-samas still want Zenovis-sama to cooperate with us


Zenovis-san looked at Lanael-san in a troublesome manner.

Ive told you many times, settle matters in the upper dimension in the upper dimension. Dont involve me in it.

I-I know that! Thats why Observer-sama says he will welcome Zenovis-sama into the upper dimension!

I have told you repeatedly that I refuse to do so. Why do you insist on me so much?

In response to Zenovis-sans genuine question, Lanael-san seemed reluctant to answer but spoke honestly.

The truth is, in the battle between the False God and Observer-samas, Observer-samas side is currently at a disadvantage The reason is that the False God is trying to invade our world using a large number of sentinels, just like the Genesis Dragon that the two of you defeated. Their number is more than Observer-samas expected


In order to counter this army of false gods, we need to ask for help from beings with power equal to that of Observer-samas! But such beings are few and far between

A-and Zenovis-san is one who fulfills that condition, isnt he?


Lanael-san drooped down powerlessly.

In this case, I should say that Zenovis-san is too amazing or that the observers are too different in dimension

Zenovis-san, who heard Lanael-sans story, nodded without changing a single expression on his face.

I see. I understand what you said.


I understand and refuse.

No way!

Zenovis-san ruthlessly refused, and this time Lanael-san sank to the ground.

But there was more to Zenovis-sans words.

I refuse, but as an alternative I recommend Yuuya.



I was stunned by these unexpected words. I immediately understood the meaning of the words and shook my head in panic.

W-wait! To recommend me thats impossible, isnt it? Im not as strong as you, Zenovis-san!

For now, yeah.


I told you, right? You are strong. And theres a good chance youll surpass me.

N-no way

Thats why Im recommending you. Of course, it will be tough at this stage, but Im sure the observers will do something about that.

Zenovis-san seemed to have already decided in his mind that I was going to go, and he turned to Lanael-san once again.

So, thats it. You can take him with you.

N-no, even if you say that!

No matter how much Zenovis-san told me, it was not so simple to nod my head.

After all, we will fight a powerful enemy just like the false dragon I just faced. 

The false dragon was defeated because of Zenovis-sans power, but it was not necessarily defeated because of the help of observers.


B-besides, Im going back to my own time, you know? So I dont think I can participate in the battle against the false gods

The passage of time is different in the upper dimension and in this world. By the way, the only reason Lanael was able to manipulate time to get time for your training is because she was forced to pull time from the upper dimension. And even if you returned to your original time, it would only be by a few days in the upper dimension.

Is there really that much difference in the speed of time!

As I thought this, Zenovis-san suddenly thought for a moment and realized something.

I see. So this is how it happened, and youre the one to inherit it.


Then let me put it this way. Instead of giving away everything I own, you should go.

Zenovis-san smiled mischievously at me, and I was stunned.

I didnt know how and why you had inherited all my armor, etc., including my magic circuit, but perhaps this is the moment.

N-no way

At this moment, you are making a contract with me. That is why, in the far future, you will have my property.

The words struck me with such a feeling that everything I had ever done before seemed to connect. [T/n: Yes, welcome, Time Paradox-chan.]

Why was it so easy for me to inherit Sage-sans legacy when I first visited another world?

And now that I am here in the past, everything connects, including the fact that I am the first otherworldly person in this world.

However, there are still some things that I dont understand.

B-but the future Argena didnt know about me, you know?

Then Lanael-san, who had been watching what was going on, opened her mouth.

Oh, about that all the information related to this false god will disappear from this planet.


The fact that Yuuya-san had come to this time period and the existence of the Genesis Dragon, which became a sentinel of the false god, will all be erased from this world. For Observer-samas, the fact that the sentinel of the false gods was created in the lower dimension is an incident that they want to cover up

I see. I wasnt particularly aware of this, but I suppose it is significant that we fought in this place. Of course, it would be harder for even observers to falsify information in a place where many people are present. But if it is just Yuuya and me, it is still possible to erase the information, right?

Yes, thats right. However, since Zenovis-sama is originally from this era, only the facts about Yuuya and the false gods sentinel will simply be erased.

In other words, if I return to my original era, everything I experienced will be erased from this planet.

But its still there as my memory, and its still firmly

S-so thats why I didnt hear about the other Genesis Dragon in the future

I think thats probably what happened If there was only one dragon from the beginning, then the information must have been falsified.

Otherwise, there is no way Ouma-san would not have talked about it, and there is no way the world would not have noticed such a big event as the disappearance of one of the Genesis Dragons

I understand that the information about the false gods, including me, will disappear. But if thats the case, it wont make sense for me and Zenovis-san to sign a contract here

Since we will make a soul contract. Thats not a problem.

A soul contract?

Even if I dont remember you, the one who made the soul contract will surely carry out that contract. In this case, I will have to make a lot of preparations for my successor without knowing who that person is.

I-I wonder if Zenovis-san doesnt find it strange to be in such an ambiguous state?

Id be absolutely creeped out by the idea of preparing a legacy for someone I dont know who is, and Id probably throw it out in the middle of the process

Theres nothing wrong with it. As long as I move that way, you would assume that there was some reason for it. If it were me, I wouldnt be manipulated by anyone. I will always understand that I am doing it of my own volition.

A-as expected of Sage-san!

Then Zenovis-san held out his hand.

So, will you do this favor for me?


Zenovis-san stared straight at me.

I have been able to acquire many important things thanks to the legacy that Sage-san has given to me.

I have had encounters with Lexia-san, Luna, Yuti, and Kuro.

I met wonderful people like Master Usagi, Iris-san, Odis-san, and others.

And Night, Akatsuki, Ouma-san, and Ciel.

I wouldnt have the family I have today without Sage-sans legacy.

Without anything else, I was just an abused high school student.

I would still be spending miserable days on Earth.

But now I have a place on Earth.

I cant thank Zenovis-san enough.

That is why

I understand. I dont know how much I can replace Zenovis-san, but if I can be of any help to Zenovis-san even just a little!

I shook Zenovis-sans hand.

Thank you.

When Zenovis-san smiled gently, something warm permeated my body through my hand and Zenovis-sans.

It stayed around my heart for a while, and then it seeped into my body.

This concludes the soul contract. You are now my successor.


When Zenovis-san told me this with a somewhat radiant expression on his face, my eyes lit up.

Well Zenovis-sama is as extraordinary as ever Its amazing that you succeeded so effortlessly in making a soul contract that has a terribly low success rate and, if it fails, will destroy both souls



While I was surprised by the bombshell from Lanael-san at the last minute, Zenovis-san laughed out loud for the first time here.

The next moment, my body was gradually enveloped in light.

W-what is this?

Oh, it looks like its started!

I was panicked by the suddenness of the situation, but Lanael-san continued calmly.

Dont worry! Its just that Observer-samas are preparing to send Yuuya-san back to your original time.

I-I see

For the moment, I realize that it is not dangerous, so I look at the situation.

What can I say its a strange feeling, a little like the scene when you defeat a monster.

Its like my body is gradually turning into particles of light and disappearing but strangely enough, it wasnt terrifying.

After all, the sage, Zenovis-san, is right in front of me. So Im sure everything will be fine.

Well then, Yuuya. Im really glad to have met you.

M-me too!

When it comes time to say goodbye, sadness comes over me.

Perhaps sensing my feelings, Zenovis-san smiled softly.

After you leave, I will forget you. But my soul will remember you. May your future be blessed.


At last, I can return to my original time.

Just as I thought that, Lanael-san dropped another bombshell.

Oh, by the way, the Evil that was fighting Zenovis-sama here was called forth in the time when Yuuya-san was originally present, and that Evil will be brought back to this time with Observer-samas power, but it will be troublesome if he resists, so it would be helpful if you could hurt him moderately!

Hey! Eeehh

The Evil is supposed to appear right in front of you, so dont think too much about it and just slash it with your sword!

I hurriedly tried to ask for more information, but to no avail; I was sent back to my original time.

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