I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 11: Chapter 1: Part 4

Book 11: Chapter 1: Part 4

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Part 4

Alright, Its nice, isnt it?

T-thats good

While preparations for the school festival were underway, I also practiced with the band.

This time we are going to play three songs. I wondered if I could do three songs even though I was a beginner, but since we chose songs that seemed easy, it seemed manageable.

I had found out that the Flame Guitar that I got when I defeated the devil bear a long time ago could be connected to the Earths amp through a connector, so I was assigned to play the guitar.

Well, its only natural since Im the [Nobleman of the Drums]!


At first, the plan was for me, Ryo, and Shingo-kun to form a band, but I became the guitarist, Ryo became the bassist, and Shingo-kun became the keyboardist.

Akira was also a novice drummer, but perhaps it was because he was a [Nobleman of the Drums], as he said earlier, and he was improving quite quickly.

However, since everyone, including Akira, was still a beginner, we couldnt try out the more difficult songs, but even so, I think we are getting good enough.


The song is also very good.

Is it really?

Yes, this bandI sing in it.

At first, I thought that since Ryo had invited me to join the band, he would also be the vocalist, but when we started practicing, he asked me to be the vocalist.

Naturally, I refused, saying I couldnt handle such a big role, but I couldnt say no to Ryo and Shingo-kun, who both agreed on the idea.

After all, its just as I thought. If Yuuya is going to be the vocalist in the center, it will look great on stage.

Y-yes! Yuuya-kun were so good!

You are indeed my rival!

I wonder if thats true

Although Ryo and the others praised me in this way, I was not confident at all. I didnt know any popular songs, and I had never even heard of the songs we were going to perform this time.

I had never even been to a karaoke club, and my singing experience was limited to chorus singing in music class.

But now, the [Hells Microphone] that I got from the hell frog had a positive effect on me.

I had started taking lessons by mistake right after I got that microphone, and I had gotten myself into a lot of trouble, but after I was chosen as a vocalist, I had been actively taking lessons in my free time.

To be honest, I was hesitant to use that microphone due to the trauma of the first lesson, but having no experience singing in front of others, I had no choice but to rely on it to avoid dragging everyone down as much as possible.

I had no choice but to rely on that microphone to keep up with the others.

Ill do the best I can.

That was all I could say.

After practicing a few more times, it was time to go, so we decided to split up.

Akira had a different route home, so we parted ways, and the three of us, Ryo, Shingo-kun, and I, headed home.

Well, I said it in the heat of the moment at first, but I guess it turned out alright!

I-I guess so. Ive never touched a musical instrument outside of music class before, but its fun.

Right! This could be a good hobby for the rest of my life.

Ryo was right. After practicing this time, I realized that it would be a shame for it to be a one-time-only experience.

Thats how interesting it is to play a musical instrument.

Ive never been able to find the time to use the [Flame Guitar] properly, but now Im thinking Ill be more proactive about using it from now on.

Speaking of which, I didnt know what kind of artists were invited after all.

Y-yeah. I guess its a surprise on the day, after all.

Were going to be on the same stage as them, arent we? Kuh! Im looking forward to it!

As each of them was walking around talking about the upcoming school festival, they were suddenly approached by a voice.

Huh? Yuuya-san?

Eh? Mi-Miu-san?


S-shes the real one!

To my surprise, I ran into Miu-san, who was a popular model. I knew that she lived in the area, but I had never expected to run into her on my way home, so I was surprised.

The same thing happened to Miu-san, who looked at me with a surprised expression on her face.

That uniform come to think of it, Yuuya-san is a student of Ousei Academy, isnt he? I found out about it from an article on the previous ball game.

Oh I-Im sure that happened too.

The president of Miu-sans agency wanted to cover the event closely, so a lot of crews came to the ball game.

As we were having such an exchange, Miu-san suddenly noticed the quiet Ryo and Shingo-kun.

These are

Oh, they are my friends, Ryo and Shingo-kun.

Hmm? Ryo? Shingo-kun?


I introduced them, but there was no response, so I called out to them again, and they hurriedly pulled me along.

Yu-Yuuya! How could you be so calm!

T-thats right! That model Miu is right in front of us!

I-if you put it that way, I guess youre right

Ive been modeling for a magazine together, and through that connection, I took on the role of Miu-sans boyfriend, so weve had some interaction, but now that I think about it again, its a crazy situation.

It is a ridiculous situation to find myself in such a situation with a very popular model like Miu-san

That was exactly what happened when I went to a summer festival with Miu-san, and naturally, the reaction of those around me was great, but when I hear passionate speeches like this from both of them, it makes me feel the reality of the situation.

Rather, Im getting as nervous as I was when I met Miu-san for the first time!

Um whats wrong?

Yes! N-no, its nothing.

Is that so? Huh? What is that thing youre carrying on your back?

The three of us were all in a hurry, and Miu-san turned her attention to the guitar on my back.

Thats a guitar, isnt it? Can you play guitar, Yuuya-san?

Im going to form a band with the two of them here at the upcoming school festival, and were practicing for that stage just now.

Eh! Yuuya-san?

By the way, the vocalist is Yuuya too!


Yuuya-san sings

In the midst of the surprise, Miu-san began to ponder something, as she didnt expect Ryo, who had been frozen until a moment ago, to say such a thing.

Come to think of it, Kanade-san is also going to perform live at Yuuya-sans academy, right maybe I should sneak out to see her?


Oh its nothing! Well then, Id better get going. Everyone, please do your best to prepare for the school festival.


We parted ways with Miu-san and watched her back for a while.

And then everyone exhaled as if they were released from tension.

Puhah I-I was so nervous

I couldnt help but talk to her

B-but even so, her aura was incredible, wasnt it?

Yes, indeed.

Miu-san has an amazing aura even in magazines, but when you meet her in person, you are even more overwhelmed.

She was beautiful in every aspect of her behavior, and she must have worked very hard for it

As we were walking home again, surprised at our unexpected encounter, a black car suddenly stopped next to us.



Moreover, following that car, a line of similar black cars started to form one after another.

Ryo and the others were surprised when the doors of the cars opened, and a large number of men in black emerged from inside!

W-what the hell is going on?

W-who are these people?

As I and the others were surprised at the sudden appearance, one of the black-clad men standing in a circle around us opened his mouth.

Are you Yuuya Tenjo-sama?

Huh? Y-yes, I am, but

I didnt expect my name to come up, so I gave a curt response and the black-clad person who asked me contacted somewhere with what appeared to be a radio.

Here, target confirmed. Im going to secure it.

Yes? Secure?

I twisted my head at the completely unexpected words, and the black-clad men swarmed me at once and restrained me as I was!



I was put into the car before I had time to resist, and the car started off without any resistance.

Hah? W-what the hell was that?

B-but more importantly, Yuuya-kun was kidnapped!

T-thats right! Is that kidnapping? Thats a lie!

A-anyway, call the police and the school

Ara? Whats going on?


Ryo and Shingo turned around to find Kaori standing there.

Around the time when Yuuya was kidnapped by a mysterious group and Ryo and the others were in turmoil.

Lanael had returned to a place called the [Heavenly Realm], which was located in a different dimension from the world where Earth and Argena exist.

Then, she explained the situation to her superiors, the observers, and advised them about the participation of Iris and the others in addition to Yuuya.

One of the observers raised his voice.

Even I am annoyed that we have to depend on people from lower worlds, and now you want to add more? I wont accept such a thing!

But it is also true that our forces are inadequate. Shouldnt we bring them in?

It will be of no use to us to borrow the strength of those from the lower worlds! Those who cant even inflict a single wound on us cant possibly be able to deal with the false gods!

I agree. Even if we were to give them the means to oppose the false gods, would they be worth the trouble?

Starting with the first observers opinion, words were exchanged one after another.

However, many of the opinions were rather negative toward Yuuya and the others.

Then one observer, the only one who was silently watching the situation, quietly clapped his hands.



With that single word, the observers who had been exchanging so many opinions became silent.

After confirming that the surroundings had become quiet, the observer who clapped his hands asked Lanael.

Zenovis isnt coming, is he?

Y-yes. As I told you before, Zenovis has completely handed over his role to Tenjou Yuuya.

I see However, not only this Yuuya but also his friends wish to lend their help.

T-thats right.

How good are they from your point of view, Lanael?

When asked this question, Lanael answered honestly, remembering Iris and the others.

If it is a battle without the [Divine Authority] I think they are stronger than us apostles. However, compared to the observers, I cant say that they are any better

I see.

After listening to Lanaels words, the observer pondered for a while.

Then he made a decision.

I understand. Lets first confirm it by meeting them in person. And bring them with you.

! Yes!

Thus, it was decided that not only Yuuya but also Iris and the others would be called to the [Heavenly Realm].

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