I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 12: Chapter 3: Part 2

Book 12: Chapter 3: Part 2

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Part 2

While everyone in the surroundings was buzzing at the student council presidents surprising statement, another two people came to this class.

One is Kaori, and the other is a female student whom I have seen greeting at an event. So, this person must also be a student council member

Then, the girl and Kaori came straight to the student council president.

Senpai! I thought I couldnt find you but what are you doing without telling us?

No, I think momentum is important in everything!

Please put yourself in the shoes of those who have to deal with it!

The student council president didnt seem to respond at all but simply laughed cheerfully. W-what amazing mental fortitude

The student council president then stopped the female student with his hand.

Well, calm down! Im just trying to persuade Tenjou-kun.

E-even if you put it that way Yuuya-san, youre having trouble because hes talking too much all of a sudden, arent you?

I guess so

Thanks to Kaoris words, I managed to nod my head, albeit a little hesitantly.

I dont even know what made you decide to start that school idol project, but what Im most curious about is why you consulted me about it

That reminds me, I didnt tell you about that, did I?

Senpai! You should explain it to him if you want to get him involved!

Thats fine; Im going to tell you now! Well, regarding the school idol project, the purpose is to promote this academy. The other day, the school festival showdown with Nittei Academy made me think of something.

It seems that the school had a lot to think about after witnessing the publicity power of Nittei Academy during the school festival showdown.

This is because Ousei Academy only conducted its publicity as it had in previous years, while Nittei Academy, on the contrary, advertised through all kinds of media, including TV and the Internet.

I think the current Ousei Academy is attractive enough, but I think we can create a different atmosphere by introducing a new approach here and there. As part of that, I decided to start the school idol project.


And thats why I chose you to be in charge of the project, because frankly speaking, you make a good impression on the teachers!

Youre so frank!

I was surprised to hear him say that so openly.

B-but I dont think I have a good reputation among the teachers

Thats not true, you know. Hey, Sawada-sensei.

I didnt want to say it in front of Kitaraku, but its right! Its because you are active in all the ball games, the athletic festival, and the school festival, and on top of that, you dont go out of control like this Kitaraku. In that sense, the teachers think very highly of you.

So thats how it is. As you can hear, Ive gone a little overboard, and the teachers are watching me closely! I thought it would be a good idea to appoint you, who has a good reputation among the teachers, to be in charge of this project!

Youre really frank, arent you?

As was the case earlier, the student council president seems to say what he thinks too much

But I guess thats also his charm.

Now, Ive explained all this to you! Tenjou-kun, would you be willing to take on this project?


I was about to decline the offer since I still didnt know what exactly I was going to do, and more importantly, I didnt know if I could be of any use to them.

Hey, Luna! You have the nerve to keep me waiting!

Bored. I couldnt wait any longer.

Ah I forgot about Lexia and Yuti

Lexia-san and Yuti couldnt wait any longer and even came to this class in the high school.

Although Lexia-san came to this world as an exchange student, she is still royalty, and no matter how safe the environment in Japan is, there is no guarantee that something dangerous will not happen to her.

That said, there have been incidents related to demons recently.

So, although we were in different grades, we would meet up and go home together every time. Since we were going home from the same place and, more importantly, we were not involved in any club activities, it was easy for us to meet up.

Lexia-san and Yuri were already at the meeting place as usual, but when we didnt show up no matter how long they waited, they came to pick us up.

Then, seeing Lexia-san and Yuti, the student council presidents eyes lit up.


Eh? M-me?

Yes, its you! That overflowing aura why dont you become a school idol of our school?


The student council president, as soon as he saw Lexia-san, started scouting for her to become a school idol!

The female student council members rushed to stop him, but the student council president wouldnt stop.

You have talent as a school idol! I really want you to show off that talent!

I- its too sudden; I dont know whats happening

The student council president began his presentation as if he had been waiting for Lexia-san, who was puzzled.

At first, Lexia-san seemed to be in doubt, but her expression changed as she gradually listened to what he had to say.


I dont really understand it yet, but it sounds interesting! And besides, Yuuya-sama is going to take care of me, right? Ill definitely do it!

Eehh! Im not really.

Wont Yuuya-sama help me with this?


Lexia-san looked at me with a sad expression on her face.

When I couldnt speak at the sight of her, Lexia-san continued.

I wanted to experience a lot of things in this school I see. I cant cause any trouble for Yuuya-sama Dont worry; I just have to put up with it. So dont worry about it, Yuuya-sama

I-I understand! Ill help you! Ill help you!


As soon as I unintentionally agreed, Lexia-sans sad expression changed, and she smiled happily.

I was a little confused, but the fact was that Lexia-san would like to experience many things in this world, and its not good to make her sit on the sideline.

Then its just a matter of me doing my best.

I dont even know what Im going to do so I dont even know if I can do it.

Then Lexia-san looked at Luna.

Of course, youre going to do it too, arent you, Luna?

Eh, me too?

Hmm sure, you have an aura as good as hers youre hired too!

Eeehhh!? I-I havent said Ill do it yet!

When Luna mentioned this, Lexia-san smiled somewhat meaningfully.

Ara, really? If Luna doesnt want to do it, I wont force you to do it, you know? But in return, Ill ask Yuuya-sama to take care of me.



Lunas eyes widened at Lexia-sans words, but at the same time, she felt a reaction from some of the people around her who were watching what was happening.

Luna didnt want to do it sorry.

Mm I see Its unfortunate, but it cant be helped. Then

do it! Ill do it too!

Eehh! Luna!

I was surprised because I didnt expect Luna to join too, and she muttered something with a determined look on her face.

I cant fall behind Lexia here

Fufu. Thats my Luna! So, what about you, Yuti?

When it was decided that Luna was going to participate, Lexia-san smiled happily and approached Yuti, who had seemed unconcerned until now.

Question. What good will it do to be an idol?

You will be taken care of by Yuuya-sama!


No, I dont think thats a good thing

Agreed. Then Ill do it.

Youll do it? I mean, as for Yuti, I feel like Im always taking care of her

I was surprised that even Yuti would be willing to participate.

I thought Yuti wasnt interested in this kind of thing

Hohohoho! Well, it was a bit haphazard, but weve already got three participants! Hahahaha!

Whats really going on here?

At the student council presidents words, the female student council member let out a tired sigh.

Despite her, the student council president looked around the class.

For now, I think three is fine but its worth the effort. Is anyone in this class interested in becoming a school idol? We will probably put out a call for applications to the entire school later, but wed appreciate it if you could come forward here!

The whole class was abuzz at the student council presidents call for applications.

H-how about you?

It sounds kind of fun, but Im not sure Id feel comfortable lining up with those three.

What about the boys?

Im curious, but then theres Yuuya, the absolute idol

As I expected, it was too sudden, and although everyone discussed it, no one in particular seemed to come forward.

The student council president, who took notice of the situation, nodded his head once.

Fumu Well, it was very sudden, after all. For the time being, its just these three



It was the moment when the student council president was about to close the recruitment process.

To my surprise, Kaede raised her hand, looking a little embarrassed.

T-that school idol thing? Can I participate, too?

Then, following Kaedes lead, Merl raised her hand as well.

I have little basis for judgment and was going to wait and see what would happen This would be a great experience, and I would like to be a part of it!

Oh, two more participants! Thats great! I hope you will contribute to our school as a school idol!

Since there were no additional applicants other than Kaede and Merl, it was decided that Lexia-san, Luna, Yuti, Kaede, and Merl would become the school idols.

From the student council president suddenly coming to me to this point, I was surprised that the story had already taken shape so far, despite the fact that I was told about it out of the blue, Sawada-sensei, who had remained silent up until now, let out a sigh.

Hah I didnt stop you because I thought it would be a futile attempt, but its still going as smoothly as ever How can this guys ideas go so smoothly?

Dont just say its useless to try; I was hoping youd stop him

Nekota, thats impossible. This guy wont stop at anything. Or rather, he never listens to people in the first place

How can he be the student council president if hes like that?

I guess its another one of those qualities that make him a leader.

The female student council members who came with Kaori also let out a tired sigh along with Sawada-sensei. W-what can I say? Good luck.

Nevertheless, Ive also been determined to be in charge of the school idol project without knowing the reason why.

What am I going to do now?

While I had such anxieties, Kaori approached me.

Yuuya-san. Um Im sorry. You got caught up in our circumstances

N-no, thats fine, but it looks like Kaori is having a hard time too.

W-well but its more fun than just trouble.

Kaori was smiling bitterly, but she probably meant what she said.

The fact is, the conversation was carried out quite forcefully, but I guess this student council president Kitaraku has the ability to make everyone around him smile.

But I wonder if Im up to the task. I dont even know what Im going to do yet

Dont worry! Im sure Yuuya-san will do well!


Yes! If only I didnt have to work for the student council, I would be joining Lexia-san and the others


Ah, i-its nothing!

As we had this exchange, the student council president was thinking about something with a serious expression on his face.

Since we have gathered so many attractive people, we have to put more effort into other parts of the school so as not to waste the charm of these girls First of all, the music is right! Lets ask that popular artist Kanade Utamori-san! Weve already made a connection at the school festival! We also have to think about costumes and hahaha, you have a lot to think about, Nekota-kun!

And please put yourself in the shoes of those of us who get caught up in it every time

Isnt that great! Its more fun than that! Alright, lets get moving right now! So, Tenjou-kun! Well talk more about it soon! See you later!


The student council president said all he had to say and left.

W-what can I say.? He really came and went like a storm

I had never met the student council president before, but I just kept being overwhelmed by him.

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