I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 13: Chapter 1: Part 1

Book 13: Chapter 1: Part 1

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Chapter 1 Gathering of the Holy

Part 1

Im back

Oh, youre back!

When I returned home safely from the underworld, Kuuya-san greeted me.

Umu, umu. I know what went on over there, thanks to my main body in the underworld. And that girl is

My name is Meiko. Im very sorry for the trouble Ive caused you

Meiko had met the main body of Kuuya-san in the underworld and had informed her in advance that the Kuuya-san, who was now in front of her, was a thought body in this world.

And Meiko had apologized to many people, including me, for the trouble she had caused in the underworld with her power.

Even though I told her that we didnt mind, its probably not the case from her own point of view.

Good, good. Ive already received your apology. Above all, there was nothing you could do about it. As for me, Im just happy that youre safe and sound.

Thank you very much.

With the warm words of Kuuya-san, Meiko bowed her head deeply.

As we had this exchange, Night and the others came over and jumped into my chest.

Woof! Woof, woof!



Oops everyone, Im home.


As I petted Night, who was licking my face, Ouma-san came in next.

Hmph, it seems that the problems of the underworld have been taken care of. However, it seems that you are bringing a strange being with you

Oh, let me introduce you. This girl is

My name is Meiko, and I will be staying with Master. We are connected through a soul contract, and I hope that we will be able to live together in this house from now on

After saying this, Meiko bowed deeply.

I dont have the right to decide whether or not you live here but a soul contract? What does that mean?

Well you know there was a problem in the underworld, right?

That is. I dont know the reason, but

The reason for that is me.

Meiko explained about herself while lowering her voice.

That she had been sealed in the underworld, and that she was the crystallization of the malice of the great sinners of the underworld

I had no desire to destroy the underworld or anything like that. However, regardless of my intention, the spiritual power that resides in my body had gone out of control My spiritual power contains heinous malice condensed from the great sinners of the underworld so if left unchecked, it would have a great impact not only on the underworld but also on this present world.

Mmm I still dont understand what you mean by spiritual power, but is it safe?

I think you are right to be concerned about that. But thanks to Master all the spiritual power that was in my body was absorbed into his body.

What are you doing?

After listening to Meikos story, Ouma-san looked at me with a look of astonishment.

That spiritual power or whatever it is that originally resides in your body must be dangerous to some extent. And that, too, there is enough spiritual power of Meiko to cause problems in the entire underworld, and it includes the malice of the great sinners, right? How can you take that on yourself!?

T-that was the only thing I could think of at the time

Even if thats the case, think a little about your own safety! What if something happens to you?

I-Im sorry


Ouma-san was worried and angry at me. Besides, Night also gently patted my hand as if to reprimand me a little.

Then Kuro, who was inside my body, muttered in dismay.

You really are reckless, arent you? Just like you were when you took me in from Yuti.

Speaking of which, I put the spiritual power inside my body without your permission, but is Kuro okay with that?

At that time, I was in such a hurry to absorb the spiritual power that I didnt have time to think about Kuro living inside my body.

Yeah, Im fine on that point. From the start, Meiko is close to the origin of our Evil. The wave of incredible power thats swirling around inside of you right now is, from my point of view, quite comfortable.

I-I see. Im glad to hear that.

If anything, its more amazing that you can take in so much malicious power into your body while it has no effect on you.

As far as sorcery is concerned, Yuuya still has a long way to go, but when it comes to just manipulating spiritual power, Yuuya has become quite skilled. Besides, combined with the power that Yuuya had originally acquired, that malicious intent does not seem to affect Yuuya.

It was probably because I had acquired the power of Evil like Kuro that I am able to control the malicious intent, and the other powers such as [Divine Authority] and [Holy King Authority] must have helped keep it under control.

Whatever the case, it was comfortable for Kuro, it helped Meiko, so it was probably a good result. Im going to keep quiet though because Im afraid that if I say it out loud, theyll get angry that Im not reflecting on my actions.

 Going back to the story, all the spiritual power that resided in my body was absorbed by Master, and I, who was originally a mass of spiritual power, became a part of him in a sense.

So that leads to a soul contract, huh?

The underworld is a place where souls drift. This contract is more profound than anything else. As Meiko said, it is safe to say that Meiko is now a part of Yuuya.

Yes. If Master calls for me, I can fly to wherever he wishes.

Can you do that?

I was surprised at the information I had never heard before.

I was only aware that Meikos spiritual power was just an addition to my spiritual power, but I had no idea that she had such a different ability!

Yes. When I was in the underworld, I was so busy suppressing my own power that I could not wield it as I wished. However, after Master took in my spiritual power, I was able to handle it with all my might without worrying about it going out of control. However, in that case, I will be allowed to use a little bit of the spiritual power that has been absorbed into Masters body

T-thats fine, but for now, Im just glad that theres no problem with Meiko.

While I was thus explaining about Meiko and marveling at her abilities, Lexia-san and the others, who had gone shopping, returned.

Were back! As expected, this world is so interesting!

Im tired

Affirmative. Shopping with Lexia made me tired

There, Lexia-san was in good spirits, and in contrast, Luna and Yuti looked exhausted.

Then, Lexia-san noticed Meiko, and her eyes widened.



Whos that woman!

That way of speaking!

I couldnt help but retort to Lexia-sans shouts.

But Lexia-san didnt care; she just kept coming at me.

Who in the world is that woman over there, Yuuya-sama?


Yuuya. Could you please tell me as well?

Even Luna?

Luna, who must have been exhausted just a few minutes ago, was just as close to me as Lexia-san was.

When I was panicking at the sight of these two, Meiko bowed gracefully.

Im Meiko, and Ive come to serve Master.


I explained to Lexia-san and the others, who looked at me suspiciously, what had happened in the underworld.

Such a thing happened while we were shopping or rather, Yuuya is always involved in something, isnt he?

Youre right

As for me, I just want to have a peaceful day, though

As I was thinking this, I noticed Yuti with her face downcast.


It was because I also told her about Archer-san, Yutis master the Bow Saint, whom I met in the underworld.

I looked straight at Yuti, who had a sad expression on her face.

Yuti. Archer-san was always thinking about you. And I may not be as dependable as Archer-san, but Im here for you too. So

Its okay.

Yuti interrupted me and smiled slightly, though she looked a little sad.

Gratitude. Yuuya, thank you.

Yes! Dont worry; were here now too!

Hindrance. I want you to leave us alone.

What do you mean by hindrance?

When Lexia-san said this while holding Yuti, Yuti instantly returned to her usual mood.

Well, its okay. After all, it means that Yuuya-sama was active as usual!

T-thats not such a light thing to talk about

More importantly, Meiko!


While Meiko was puzzled by the sudden pointing of a finger, Lexia-san continued without concern.

I understand that you were saved by Yuuya-sama and became Yuuya-samas maid as a favor to him. Therefore! You should also serve me, the future wife of Yuuya-sama!

Fufuture wife!?


While everyone was surprised by the unexpected statement, Meiko was shocked that Lexia-sans words seemed to have been taken seriously.

I apologize, Im terribly rude!

No, its not! I dont have that kind of relationship with Lexia-san

Thats right. Lexia just keeps saying it unilaterally.

What? Its going to happen someday.

Where does your confidence come from?

After I managed to clear up the misunderstanding with Meiko and finished introducing Lexia-san and the others once again, Lexia-san and the others accepted Meiko somehow.

I thought about it when we went shopping today, but I figured I wanted a maid! I may have to ask Meiko to do a lot of things for me from now on!

Dont bother her too much, okay? Unlike us, Meiko is new to this world

I-Ill do my best!

Support. Dont worry; well support you too.

Meiko breathed a sigh of relief at Yuti and Lunas words.

Then, Lexia-san seemed to have thought of something.

Right! Meiko is a maid, a maid in this world, isnt she? If thats the case, Ill see if she has maid power!

M-maid power?

What is that power?

As I tilted my head at the unfamiliar words, Luna retorted in exasperation.

Lexia What are you talking about?

Is there something wrong with that? She is going to work as a maid in this house, right? Then, dont you think its necessary to find out if she really has the ability to work as a maid?

N-no, Lexia-san. You dont have to go that far

No, Master. I will accept this challenge!


When I was surprised that Meiko would accept Lexia-sans challenge, Ouma-san, who was also watching the proceedings, let out a sigh.

Hah Is the important talk over for the time being? If so, Im going to go now.




Y-yes. I guess Ill be leaving now.


Night and the others, including Kuuya-san, were a little taken aback by Lexia-san and Meikos situation and went to another room with Ouma-san to keep their distance.

Ara, I thought Id let you all do the judging since youre here

Judging? What are you going to do?

First of all, the food! I want to show you the results of my training as a bride, and well see whos a better cook.

Oops, I want to get out of here, too

I wont let you go! And neither will you, Yuti!

Failure. Lexia, so sharp.

Lexia-san caught Luna, who was about to leave the place and gave Yuti a sharp look as well.

W-will it be okay? Lexia-sans cooking is Oh, I want to head to the room where Ouma-san and the others are too!

Meiko was also sealed in the underworld until now, so I wonder if she can cook

Despite these concerns, Meiko shows a willingness to do it.

That is fine. I will show you my power as a maid!

Then let the cooking competition begin!

Why are you even doing this?

Thus began the cooking duel between Meiko and Lexia-san.

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