I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 13: Chapter 4: Part 3

Book 13: Chapter 4: Part 3

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Part 3

After all, when you think of idols, its the photo session, isnt it!

After the stage was over, I thought we were going to start the clean-up work, but suddenly, Kitaraku-senpai said something like that.

As I tilted my head at the unfamiliar words, he told me.

Many people would like to take pictures with their idols, you know.

I-I see

However, since this is the first time Ive heard about this today, Im wondering how Lexia-san and the others will react

I dont know what that photo thing is, but I think its good, isnt it?

Hey, dont be so quick to accept something you dont understand.

But theyve prepared it for us, you know? Besides, its a social event with our audience, isnt it? They came today, so we have to ensure they have a good memory of the event!

Lexia-sans words were the deciding factor, and to my surprise, a photo session was held.

I had expected that most of the audience would be male idol-loving fans, but since the venue was mainly junior high schools, many of the audience were girls, and they enjoyed taking pictures with Lexia-san and the others.

At first, Lexia-san and the others did not seem to understand what photography was all about, but soon they understood, and they began to devise various ways to entertain their audience, posing in idol-like ways.

U-um! Can I take a picture with you?

Hmm? Its okay. Come on, come closer.


Luna gallantly pulled the girl audiences hand and held it as if to take a picture with her.

Another member of the audience took a picture with Yuti and Merl.

Um Can I have a photo with both of you at the same time?

Affirmative. No problem.

Fufu. Then, please come between Yuti-san and me.

Kaede, on the other hand, is

Can I have a photo with you, please!

W-with me?


While being pressured by the girls, she smiled somewhat shyly and took a picture.

And Lexia-san is

Look, you should look more graceful!

L-like this?

Ara, thats great! Keep it up, and lets take the picture!

For some reason, she was taking pictures while instructing the audience on how to pose.

As the photo session progressed smoothly

U-um! I really enjoyed your performance earlier! So, uh!

It was a boy, probably a junior high school student, who seemed to be trying to tell Lexia-san and the others what he thought of the stage, but perhaps because he was nervous, his words were not quite coherent.

However, there were still others in the audience waiting in line to take pictures, so we couldnt spend much time on this boy alone.

Lexia-san and the others were seriously listening to the boys impressions, and even I would like to let them continue the conversation, but

Hey! How long are you going to make me wait!

One of the audience, who was waiting for his turn, said so impatiently.

I immediately responded and approached the irritated audience.

Excuse me, could you please wait a little longer?

A little more, you say Im already, kuh


The man was about to raise his voice for a moment, but for some reason, when he saw my face, he instantly became quiet.

I-I dont know, but lets continue for the time being.

I am very sorry. Lexia-san and the others are taking a little time because they value their time with you all, but your turn will be coming up shortly.

I-I see then, well

Thank you for your understanding.

The audience pulled back his words when I said that.

I was relieved to see that he was a kind man, and I approached the boy who was expressing his passion for Lexia-san and the others.

Excuse me. Thank you very much for enjoying the stage this time. However, we have time on our hands this time, so please come back another time.

I told the boy as gently as I could so as not to make him uncomfortable.

The boy looked surprised for a moment when he saw me but soon became apologetic.

I-I-Im sorry! I was so nervous, I just

No, no. That means you enjoyed it so much, and we are very grateful for that. Then, in the end, lets take your picture.

Sure! Lets take a picture.

After finishing the photo with the boy, it was the turn of the audience, who had been waiting for his turn.

Well, that if possible, can I have a picture with that staff, too?

Huh? M-me?

I was surprised, and the audience covered his cheeks.

I-m glad you looked me in the eye and listened to me even though I was behaving badly like that Is it no good?

N-no, its not that I cant do it

The only thing is, when I was tilting my head and wondering if it was okay for me to be in the picture, for some reason, Lexia-san was nodding her head profoundly.

I understand I understand! You are attracted by Yuuya-samas kindness, and it makes you push for it, right? But Im Yuuya-samas number one fan!

What are you competing with?

Defeated. I lost to Yuuya

What are you talking about?

Amidst the tsukkomi from Luna and Yuti, he ended up taking a picture with me in it as well.

Despite this little incident, everyone was able to finish the photo session with smiles on their faces.

Lexia-san and the others had left earlier, and Yuuya was helping to clean up after the stage.

As Kitaraku watched the stage, he was thinking about what to do next.

I think its fair to say that todays stage was a great success, dont you think?

Right I didnt expect such a good stage performance.

The President of Star Productions was a little excited.

Even from the point of view of the President, who watched a wide variety of entertainers on a daily basis, Lexia and the other girls looked fantastic on stage.

If you add to that the visual appeal, the singing and dancing, and the great personality I cant see any reason why they wouldnt sell well. At first, I wasnt sure what would happen, but if this is the case we can take these girls in.

The companys President said this in a somewhat probing manner, to which Kitaraku laughed.

Hahaha! Youll have to ask them about that.

I cant stomach that. What are your plans for the future?

Asked this by the president, Kitaraku stared off into the distance.

Well first of all, we will continue to plan around those five members, but we may increase the number of members or create another idol group, and so on.

I see. Of course, we can help you with that, cant we?

If you want to help us, then by all means.

I wont allow you to come all the way out here and say goodbye.

Hahaha, thats scary. Also, since this stage was a success, I thought we could make use of the girls for the open campus as well

Come to think of it, the idea behind the project was to increase the number of students applying to Ousei Academy. Now that I think about it, I think its pretty messed up but I wonder if its okay. Unlike other schools, Ousei Academy focuses more on the inside, right? If there are too many applicants suddenly, it will be a lot of work.

Well, Ill let the teachers do their best.

Its so refreshing to leave everything to others.

The next plan for the Kitaraku is to start looking at the open campus.

Phew its getting all late

I was finally on my way home after the stage was cleared out.

In the midst of all this, the image that came to my mind was that of Lexia-san and the others.

They were all so beautiful

I could see Lexia-san and the others shining brightly as they danced on stage, as well as all the hard work they had put in up to this point.

People who can work hard toward a single goal were just that amazing.

On the other hand, Im

Lexia-san and the others had come to study abroad in order to bring back as much of this worlds technology and culture to the Kingdom of Arcelia.

Even Kaede was working hard in club activities as well as practicing for this idol stage.

Everyone was living their lives with some kind of goal in mind.

But I dont have any goals at the moment.

Since I went to the other world, I had experienced many things, but I hadnt thought about what I want to do in the future.

Whats going to happen to me in the future?

I involuntarily look up at the sky in vague anxiety about the future.

As I was walking around thinking about that.


Suddenly, the sky turned red.

It was not the color of a sunset or anything like that, but literally, the sky turned bright red.

What happened?

Moreover, the sky was not the only thing that had changed.

The surrounding buildings were the same as usual, but for some reason, there was no sign of life in the area.

While I was puzzled by this mysterious phenomenon, a voice called out to me from behind.

I found you.


I turned around in a hurry toward the voice and was absolutely stunned.

Because there I found.

Im going to defeat you.

The me who I was before the level-up, was standing there.

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