I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.0 Ch.145 I Shall Take Responsibility

Vol.0 Ch.145 I Shall Take Responsibility

The next day Wina walked into the Prince's room to start her shift. She was walking funny after Mathew fucked her in the bath, and his semen was still flowing down her legs. But luckily her dress was hiding it from unknowing eyes.

Everyone who was working in the Prince's chamber that day was Miss Rose, Miss Anne, Sir Douglas, and the Queen.

They were surprised that Wina came to work after they thought she would take the week off.

The Queen looked her up and down with a raised brow.

"Lady Wina? I thought I gave you a week off. Why are you here?"

Wina curtsied before the Queen.

"I am sorry, Your Majesty, but I... I'm not getting as much relaxation as I hoped..." Wina was too embarrassed to tell her Majesty that Mathew hadn't given her a second to rest. And her body loved it to such a level that she feared she might become addicted to his firey passion.

Queen Rianna had a puzzled look on her face.

"I see... Well, you seem to be walking funny. Maybe you should take one more day off? I don't want my son's greatest protector to be injured or fatigued."

Wina's mind was in a haze. She couldn't believe that her body was feeling this way. Her mind was telling her that it was a bad idea. But her body wanted to stay with Mathew and continue fucking him.

'Dammit Wina! You are a proud assassin. Stop being so weak-minded!'

She had to force herself to not moan as her vagina throbbed for Mathew's touch.

'I'm a proud assassin! Not a horny whore!' She scolded herself.

Wina took a deep breath to compose herself.

"No, Your Majesty. I'll be fine. I have a lot of experience being on my feet for days on end. This is nothing to worry about."

Rianna had a worried look on her face. But then she got a whiff of Mathew's scent. And understood what was going on.

"Hmmm? Very well. I'll trust your judgment." Rianna said with a know-it-all smirk.

Wina smiled and nodded at her Majasty while her heart was pounding and her pussy aching.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"By the way, Lady Wina? Is Sir Mathew a bit aggressive?"

Wina's heart fluttered.

"Aggressive?" Wina asked while being caught off guard.

Queen Rianna nodded.

"Yes, you're walking a bit funny. I hope he has been treating you like the noblewoman you are."

Mathew's face popped into Wina's mind for a moment which made her blush. While her heart pounded and pussy continued to torment her.

"Y-Your Majesty, that's..."

Wina stammered trying her best to answer the Queen but her mind flooded back with memories of all the things Mathew did to her. How he tied up her arms and legs. How he teased her nipples and clitoris as she failed to break free. How he would fill her up to her heart's content.

'What am I thinking!? Stop this foolishness! You are not some common woman! You are a proud assassin and you're a servant of the kingdom! And if Miss Rose finds out you are a loose woman she'll probably look down on me and probably make me lose my position!'

Wina cleared her throat and fixed her posture.

"S-Sir Mathew has been... Treating me w-well. Yes." she said in a shaky voice.

Rianna smiled and turned away.

"I'm glad... Sir Mathew is a wonderful man. And he is loyal to those he loves. Just make sure to take care of yourself. He's quite the vigorous young man. And it would be a shame if you ended up being bedridden. Just because of some, 'extracurricular activities'."

Wina blushed and shook her head. But her heart fluttered and her mind was in a wreck right now as it kept flashing back to all the times Mathew took her.

Miss Anne giggled at the way Lady Wina was acting. While Miss Rose smiled and shook her head at Wina's stubbornness.

"I'm glad that Sir Mathew and Lady Wina are getting along." Miss Rose commented with a smile.

"I wish I could have a man like Sir Mathew. He's so strong and handsome." Miss Anne gushed, her cheeks reddening at the thought of having a man like Mathew. To sweep her off her feet.

"It's against the rules, Miss Anne," Miss Rose scolded the young maid.

"Yes, ma'am. I know. It's just a wishful thought." Anne said with a sad tone.


When Wina heard that it was against the rules to be having a relationship with a coworker, again. She started to panic. She usually was good at keeping a straight face when she was a lone wolf and knew she wouldn't be coming back after a contract. But now she had someone she cared about and she didn't want to get him or her in trouble.

"Hmm? Lady Wina? Are you worried about having a relationship with Sir Mathew?" Miss Rose asked.

"What!? No! I... I mean, yes, but... No, that's not what I'm worried about!" Wina said in a panic. Never has she been so easily flustered like this.

'Oh no... I hope she doesn't find out! Or Mathew will lose his position as a Royal Knight!'

"Hmm... I don't see a problem with you two having a relationship. As long as you two don't misbehave in public." Miss Rose said, giving her approval to the two.

Wina did a double take.

"What? I... I am?" She asked in disbelief.

"Well, you are exempt from this rule." Miss Rose assured her.

"Yes. It's a reward for saving the prince and weeding out the spies in the castle." Queen Rianna added with a proud smile.

"B-But how did you know I was courting Sir Mathew?" Wina asked out of curiosity.

Everyone in the room, including Sir Douglas, gave her a knowing smile.

"It's not hard to see. You have this dreamy look in your eyes when you speak of him." Queen Rianna said.

Wina blushed and had a tiny smile showing on her beautiful face.


Then young Miss Anne chimed in, "And we can smell Sir Mathew's scent on you."

"E-Eh!?" Wina's face washed white with dread.

Queen Rianna and Miss Rose looked at Anne with a disapproving glare.

"What did I say, Anne?" Miss Rose asked.

Anne's face flushed, and she turned away, "Sorry, ma'am."

Wina was mortified.

'But I thought I cleaned myself thoroughly! How can they still smell him?'

"Lady Wina. Don't mind Miss Anne's words. We are all adults here." Miss Rose said, trying to calm the situation.

Wina nodded, her heart racing at the fact that everyone knew.

"So, how are things going with Sir Mathew?"

Wina cleared her throat while her heart was racing, and her pussy still aching.

"Very good... A-And also a little too good? Maybe?"

Miss Rose and Queen Rianna smiled.

"Well, that's not a bad thing, is it?" Miss Rose asked.

"No..." Wina said as she looked like she was lost in thought.

"Then why do you have that troubled look on your face, Lady Wina?"

"I just... I have a duty, and I'm not used to this type of attention."

"What type of attention?"

"The... Sexual kind. I'm an assassin and warrior, not a courtesan."

"But you are a woman. And as such, you should enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. The Goddess knows that I enjoy my husband's touch. So why shouldn't I enjoy it?"

Wina nodded, as her body continued to tease her.

"That is true."

"And as the personal bodyguard of the prince, it would be expected that you have a man in your life... Who knows... If you bear a daughter. I will be willing to have her marry my son. You will have a secure future for you and your child. A very secure one." Queen Rianna said with a wink.

Wina blushed at the Queen's declaration.

'I-I know I screamed out that I would love to get pregnant to Mathew... But that was me getting lost in the moment! But still...'

"Thank you, Your Majesty... I will consider it... If the opportunity presents itself."

"Of course."

Queen Rianna smiled and then looked out the window.

"It's getting close to my tea time. Are you good with feeding Quinus when he wakes up from his nap?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Good... But please do take a rest if you aren't feeling well."

Wina curtsied, her cheeks burning with embarrassment after everyone was focusing on her new love life.

"I will, Your Majesty."

And with that Wina went about her business as usual. Helping Miss Rose and Miss Anne clean up the Prince's chamber while Sir Douglas kept watch.

Wina couldn't help but notice that all the prince's room looked normal. Like there wasn't an attempt on his life a few days ago.


Quinus finally woke up from his nap. He wasn't feeling too hot after the Galebane Fumes infected his body. Luckily the antidote worked. But he felt like he was dealing with a hangover.

'Ugh. Where am I?' Quinus thought to himself, rubbing his head.

"Lady Wina. The Prince is awake," Sir Douglas said.

Wina hurried over to the 6-month-old who was stirring in his crib.

"Aww... You look like you are still recovering." Wina said as her heart fluttered at the sight of the baby.


"Don't worry. You'll feel better soon. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up and fed, shall we."

Quinus's face was red.


Wina picked him up and walked over to a rocking chair. When she sat down with Quinus. She opened the front of her dress to show a pair of engorged breasts begging to be suckled.

"Here you go, my Prince. You're probably very hungry."

And the Prince started happily sucking on her breasts.


Wina blushed when Quinus latched on and suckled her.

"Oooh... That feels so good, Quinus. Suck me. Drink my milk." Wina whispered.

She couldn't help it. Her pussy was still aching. And her nipples were sensitive. Thanks to Mathew.

'Damn! What's gotten into Wina? Wait! I know that smell! She got laid!... Dammit! I'll have to wait for like 13? No, 14 years before I can possibly have sex, again... Man, that's going to be hell.'

Quinus started suckling a little more vigorously. He was frustrated at the fact that he had to wait before having fun with a fine woman.

"Oooh! Y-You are hungry. Aren't you?"

Quinus looked at the beautiful woman with hazel eyes and chocolate brown hair and couldn't help but be captivated.

'Well, I hope the guy she's with is a good dude. But he better not hurt her... I can tell that Wina is a very kind person.'

Wina smiled down at Quinus, her heart fluttering, her body trembling, and her nipples tingling.

She never really wanted kids before. Now every time she bonded with Quinus. She couldn't help but fantasize about bearing a child.

"Mmm... Oooh..." Wina moaned softly as Quinus continued to suckle her. All she could do was close her eyes, tilt her head back, and part her lips, while her chest rose and fell, as her breath quickened under the Prince's touch.

Her fantasies of having Mathew's child. She imagined him raising them, spoiling them, and making her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world was getting stronger and stronger as the pressure inside her breasts started to fade. Thanks to the Prince relieving the buildup of milk from her bosom.

"Ooooh... That feels so good." She moaned under her breath.

Quinus was happy and healthy as he continued to drink.

"Ah... Ah..."

Wina felt the milk starting to flow and couldn't help but whimper, her legs trembling, her mind foggy, her vision blurry.

'F-Fuck. This isn't good. My pussy is aching and throbbing so much. I can't take it. I'm losing my mind. I need Mathew!'


Wina moaned and shuddered, her legs turning to jelly as Quinus finished drinking her milk.

"Y-You all done your Highness?" Wina asked, her voice husky, her legs shaky.

"Ah." Quinus squealed in his baby voice

"Good... Now let's get you to Anne. So she can clean you up."


"Yes. That's a good boy."

'Dammit! My tongue still doesn't want to work like it should! Haah... Well, at least I know how to make a woman feel good... One day I will become a man!... I think I'm losing my mind being stuck in a child's body again...' Quinus thought as he smiled at the wet nurse.

Wina couldn't help but smile down at Quinus.

"Miss Anne. Can you give the Prince a bath, please? I-I need to run to the bathroom myself."

Miss Anne smiled and nodded, taking the Prince to be bathed.

"Of course, Lady Wina. You are always welcome." The young maid said with a nod.

"Thank you, Miss Anne. I'm glad the Prince is in good hands."

And with that, Wina made a mad dash to Mathew's room.


Mathew was lying in his bed staring at the ceiling.

"Dammit, Mathew... You need to control yourself... Haah... Why is Win the only woman that drives me this crazy? I've been with dozens of women and none of them ever drove me as crazy as she does. I'm gonna push her away like an idiot at this rate."

He sighed.

"But I want her... I want her so much. Fuck!"

And just then the door opened and shut in a hurry. Standing there with her back to the door and a blush on her face was none other than Wina.

"W-Wina? What are you doing here? Is the Prince ok?"

Wina couldn't hold back anymore as she jumped on top of Mathew.

"Oh, gods! I can't take it anymore, Mathew! Take me! Please! I need you inside of me again!"

She couldn't stop herself from ripping open her uniform to show her beautiful breasts.

Mathew looked up at her, his cock growing, his balls tightening.

"What has gotten into you? Are you sure you're not ill or something?"

"I'm not ill! This is your fault, Mathew! Y-You and your damned dick! Ever since you fucked me I haven't been able to think straight. Every time I try not to think about you. My pussy throbs and your face pops into my mind and it's all I can think about. I'm losing my mind! AND YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING!"

Wina was desperate as she rubbed her wet pussy against his cock, moaning and shuddering, as her legs quivered.

"Then I shall take responsibility, Win."


And with that, the two kissed passionately. Their tongues dancing, their hands roaming, their hearts racing.

"Ooooh!" Wina moaned, her legs giving way and Mathew used his right hand to slide her panties to the side.

"I'm sorry I've made you this way. But I'm not going to stop. I will make sure to satisfy your needs, Win. Until you are fulfilled."

Mathew's voice was full of lust. His heart raced.

"Please... Please fill me up with your seed! A-And you better marry me after this!"

Mathew smiled, his cock growing even more, his balls tightening.

"Anything my Queen wishes."

"Ahhhnnn!" Wina happily squealed out as Mathew's cock enters her.

And with that, the two made love for the rest of the day.

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