I Have A Sword

Chapter 809: Erya Eats People

Chapter 809: Erya Eats People

Quite a few people noticed the movement of the stone gate, and they panicked upon seeing it close by itself.

However, the majority of the people inside paid no attention to the stone gate; their gazes were fixed on the eight blood-red coffins.

A young man excitedly pointed at the coffins and exclaimed, "Big Sister, do you see those coffins?! Can you guess what's inside of it? I bet there are beautiful women in those—or so the adventure novels say."

A woman who appeared to be in her twenties stood next to the young man. She was wearing a dark green dress with delicate features—clear brows, red lips, and pearly white teeth. She was an exceptional beauty.

Unlike the young man, the woman became worried when the stone gate closed by itself.

"Big Sister, imagine if we end up obtaining the inheritance of a Tier Four civilization. Our clan would be so proud of us, and we'd have a special page in the family archives," the young man remarked. Then, the young man sensed something and turned to look at the woman beside him. He saw the worry in her eyes and smiled, reassuring her, "Don't worry, Big Sister, I was just joking around. There are so many talented people here. The inheritance has nothing to do with me. I'm just here to take a look and learn. If things become dangerous, we'll escape immediately. We won't take any risks."

The woman nodded slightly. "Okay."

The young man then turned and looked at the eight blood-red coffins again with eyes full of unconcealed excitement and curiosity.

Meanwhile, the worry in the woman's eyes deepened as she stared at the blood-red coffins. Her instincts told her that this situation was far from simple. She had brought her younger brother here to broaden his horizons, intending to watch from afar before leaving. She knew their capabilities well enough to understand that the inheritance of a Tier Four civilization was beyond their reach. However, the young man had suddenly charged beyond the stone gate. Left with no choice, the woman followed him in, but the gate suddenly closed behind them, making her feel uneasy.

The woman looked around. Her gaze swept across the crowd before finally settling on Ye Guan and his companions. Without hesitation, she pulled her brother closer toward them.

The young man was curious, but he remained silent as he stared deeply at the blood-red coffins in the distance.

Ye Guan looked at the woman and noticed how she was trying to get closer to him.

The woman revealed a friendly smile upon sensing Ye Guan's gaze. Ye Guan smiled back before looking away.

Just then, a mysterious figure appeared in front of the coffins. The noisy crowd fell silent, and the cavern became so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.

Everyone all reached the same conclusion—the mysterious figure was an expert of this Tier Four civilization.

Dai Zong's expression became solemn upon seeing the mysterious figure.

The mysterious figure swept his gaze across the crowd. He smiled upon seeing Ye Guan and Dai Zong. Then, he turned to face everyone else in front of him, saying, "Welcome, everyone."

The worried people relaxed upon witnessing the mysterious figure's friendly demeanor and tone of voice.

The mysterious figure opened his palm, revealing a light screen that rose slowly into the air.

The screen was huge, stretching thousands of feet wide and tall, like a giant scroll hanging in the sky.

Everyone was puzzled, including Ye Guan and his companions.

All of a sudden, Yi Nian appeared next to Ye Guan while eagerly licking a candied hawthorn.

Ye Guan smiled at the sight. He took out another candied hawthorn and peeled away the wrapping before handing it over to her. He did all this because he knew that she was down to her last piece.

Yi Nian took the candied hawthorn with a smile and licked the one in her left hand first and then the one in her right alternatingly.

Ye Guan shook his head. He realized that women loved candied hawthorn. Little White and Erya did, and so did Yi Nian.

In the future, he could probably leave the house without his Qingxuan Sword, but he had to bring candied hawthorns with him.

Just then, images appeared on the light screen.

The images showed towering palaces and buildings reaching tens of thousands of meters in height. These structures were magnificent and spectacular, stretching from the ground and all the way into the starry sky. Apart from these towering palaces, there were other buildings that the crowd had not seen before, such as a towering crystal pagoda emitting strange beams of light. The pagoda was emitting mysterious waves of energy that dissipated into the depths of the starry sky.

There was another peculiar structure—an enormous halo made of an unknown material. It was tens of thousands of meters, and it rotated slowly in midair. The halo seemed capable of influencing even the stars, as the crowd felt like the stars up above were orbiting the halo.

The light screen slowly shifted, revealing a patch of a starry sky.

There was an incredibly massive demonic beast in the starry sky. It was so massive that it seemed larger than a whole planet. Three horns were sticking out of its head, and each horn was a thousand meters long. It was covered in thick scales, and every breath it took seemed capable of making even the starry sky tremble.

Everyone's mouth dropped open in disbelief upon seeing the demonic beast.

Even Ye Guan and his companions were shocked beyond words.

He had never seen such a massive demonic beast. Its size was simply unimaginable. Ye Guan reckoned that a swipe of its claw was enough for it to destroy a planet!

Xin Yu stared at Yi Nian and remarked, "Miss, you don't seem surprised at all."

Ye Guan quickly turned to look at Yi Nian as well, who was staring calmly at the demonic beast.

Ye Guan's curiosity was piqued. "Yi Nian, aren't you surprised?"

Yi Nian licked her candied hawthorn and replied, "I've seen bigger ones than that."

"Bigger ones?" Ye Guan asked.

Yi Nian nodded and gestured with her hand, saying, "This big."

"Where did you see them?"

"At my workplace."

Ye Guan did a double take at Yi Nian, realizing that she probably wasn't just an ordinary worker.

Xin Yu chimed in, "Lady Yi Nian, what kind of work do you do?"

Yi Nian pointed out. "You're prying into my affairs."

Xin Yu and Ye Guan were at a loss for words.

Yi Nian went silent and simply stared at the light screen.

Just as Ye Guan was about to say something, the mysterious figure smirked and asked, "Do any of you know what kind of demonic beast this is?"

Everyone shook their heads. They had never seen such an enormous beast until now.

The mysterious figure smiled and said, "This is a Star-Devouring Beast. It feeds on stars, and it is strong enough to destroy star fields. Our Arcanist Civilization captured this thing, and it subsequently became our guardian beast."

The Arcanist Civilization's guardian beast?

Everyone was shocked and horrified. It was such a terrifying demonic beast, but it became a mere guardian beast of the Arcanist Civilization? That was just unbelievable!

Ye Guan glanced at the demonic beast and transmitted, "Master Pagoda, can you tell my father to capture a beast like that for me? I think I need a pet."

Little Pagoda replied, "Tell your father to capture Erya and make her your pet."

Ye Guan's face darkened. "Are you saying that I should become her pet instead?"

Erya as a pet? How absurd. Even his father only dared to tease Erya a bit. He'd never entertain such a thought.

Little Pagoda said, "That demonic beast is strong, but it definitely can't beat Erya. With Erya around, do you even need another demonic beast?"

Ye Guan pondered briefly before nodding. "I guess that's true."

Then, he was reminded of something and asked, "Master Pagoda, does Erya see herself as a human being or as a demonic beast?"

Little Pagoda replied, "When she makes mistakes in front of Madame An, she sees herself as a human being. When she does bad things, she sees herself as a demonic beast, as human beings are reasonable beings, while demonic beasts are far from reasonable. In front of you, she sees herself as your ancestor."

Ye Guan had no idea what to say.

Little Pagoda added, "And Erya eats people, for real. I'm not joking here."

Just then, the mysterious figure in the distance said, "Let me show you something even more impressive."

He pressed down with his right hand, and the light screen flickered. Immediately afterward, an ancient tree appeared before everyone. The tree stood tall in the midst of the starry sky, and its branches seemed to extend tens of thousands of meters away. There were some purple fruits hanging from the tree, and they were all covered in faint streaks of light.

A mysterious character was suspended above the tree. The character was written in a peculiar way with half of it crimson in color while the other was pitch-black. It rotated slowly as it hovered above the tree.

The crowd's curiosity was piqued.

The mysterious figure noticed that and explained, "The ancient character above the tree gave birth to the tree. We acquired that ancient character from the ruins of an ancient civilization. The tree is the reason behind our civilization's rapid advancement, as its fruits will change one's physique and bloodline. By consuming just one fruit from the tree, one's bloodline and physique will transform, improving by leaps and bounds. Thus, we call the fruits—Immortal Dao Fruits. Eating just one fruit will kickstart one's journey to immortality!"

"Is there any more of that fruit?" someone asked.

The mysterious figure's smile faded away. He pressed with his right hand, and the scene depicted in the light screen changed once again, quivering violently.

The crowd was confused by the light screen's quivering.

Fortunately, the light screen stopped trembling just a few seconds later.

However, the crowd's confusion was replaced by shock as the light screen depicted a powerful lick of flame descending toward the countless buildings down below!

Ye Guan was stunned upon seeing the flame. It was the Tianxing Flame!

The mysterious figure cursed angrily, "The Tianxing Civilization... those sons of bitches...!"

Everyone present was caught off guard by the mysterious figure's cursing, and they all stared at each other in confusion.

Behind the mysterious figure, a voice suddenly sounded from one of the blood-red coffins. "Be cautious with your words."

The mysterious figure sneered, "What's there to fear? The Tianxing Civilization can't hear me anyway. If I can't beat them, can't I at least vent out my anger?"

Yi Nian stared quietly at the mysterious figure and was no longer licking her candied hawthorn.

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