I Have A Sword

Chapter 818: Where Do You Live? Point It Out

Tianxing Civilization? What garbage is that?

Everyone present was filled with disbelief.

The Tianxing Civilization was a Tier Five civilization, and she referred to it as "garbage"?! This is just ridiculous!

The mysterious figure burst out into laughter. "The Tianxing Civilization is garbage? The ignorant truly know no fear…"

The mysterious figure opened his palm, and a divine rune appeared. It then transformed into a beam of divine light that shot into the depths of the starry sky.

Xin Yu's expression changed drastically. "He's blasting a beacon to the depths of the vast expanse!"

Xin Yu was about to make a move, but an invisible pressure enveloped her. She turned and stared at the towering blood corpse. The towering blood corpse stared at Plain-Skirt Destiny and chuckled.

He opened his mouth to speak when Plain-Skirt Destiny waved her sleeve.


A sword pierced the towering blood corpse, pinning it to the ground. His mind went blank, and his eyes filled with disbelief.

He was about to make a move, but he was suppressed before he could even do anything.

Plain-Skirt Destiny raised two fingers and slashed out. The heads of the ten thousand experts clad in black armor took to the sky, dyeing the starry sky crimson!

The experts of the Asura Civilization and the Junlin Civilization were horrified, looking like they had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

Plain-Skirt Destiny then opened her palm, and ten thousand storage rings flew into her hand. She handed them over to Ye Guan.

Ye Guan was overjoyed. "Thank you, Aunt!"

Everyone present was at a loss for words.

Plain-Skirt Destiny swept her gaze across the eight blood corpses and pressed down with her right hand.


All eight blood corpses were forced to kneel down.

Plain-Skirt Destiny turned to Ye Guan and said, "Sword Intent."

Ye Guan was stunned. However, he recovered quickly and released his Invincible Sword Intent.

Plain-Skirt Destiny directed his sword into the foreheads of the blood corpses, immobilizing their souls using Ye Guan's sword intent.

Ye Guan could feel the souls of the blood corpses. A mere thought from him was enough to obliterate their souls. Ye Guan realized just then that his aunt wanted him to make use of the blood corpses.

The mysterious figure trembled and asked, "Can I surrender, too?"

He was truly desperate and hopeless, especially when he saw how ten thousand heads had flown up into the sky with just a wave of Plain-Skirt Destiny's hand. He had sobered up completely, realizing that Plain-Skirt Destiny wasn't someone they could fight.

Plain-Skirt Destiny asked him, "Do you know why I spared your life?"

The mysterious figure's voice was trembling as he replied, "Because I'm still useful?"

Plain-Skirt Destiny replied, "Where do you live? Point it out."

The mysterious figure's expression froze.

Ye Guan hurriedly walked up to his aunt and said, "Aunt, they're homeless."

"Is that so?" Plain-Skirt Destiny replied nonchalantly, "Next time, create a bigger mess."

With that, she vanished into thin air.

Meanwhile, the Path Sword sticking out of the mysterious figure shot into the sky and disappeared into the depths of the vast expanse.

The mysterious figure crumbled into nothingness and with that, the Arcanist Civilization was truly no more.

Everyone from the Asura Civilization and the Junlin Civilization were silent.

They stared at Ye Guan as if he were a monster.

Meanwhile, the eight blood corpses were still kneeling, unable to move.

Just then, everyone looked up and saw ripple-like waves coming from the depths of the vast expanse.

Xin Yu's expression changed as she remarked, "That's a signal from the world outside. Someone has sent a signal source to us."

She then opened her palm, and a runestone rushed to the sky, capturing the signal source.

Ye Guan asked her, "What did they say?"

"I don't know. I need to go back and analyze it," Xin Yu replied, shaking her head. Her expression was grim as she added, "The coordinates of this universe region have been exposed. The Tianxing Civilization probably knows where we are now."

The Tianxing Civilization!

Everyone's faces turned grim.

Every civilization in a universe region would do its best to hide its location, but the mysterious figure had just blasted a beacon into the depths of the vast expanse, effectively exposing their location to everyone out there.

The Tianxing Civilization just had to intercept the beacon, and everyone here was doomed.

Everyone present became worried.

Ye Guan was about to speak when the mysterious ancient character within him trembled slightly. He frowned. What's going on? Is this ancient character related to that signal source we captured just now?

Ye Guan asked Xin Yu, "How long will it take you to analyze that signal source?"

Xin Yu replied, "I don't know. I need to go back and talk about that with my team."

Ye Guan pondered briefly and said, "Research it in my tiny pagoda."

"Okay!" Xin Yu nodded vigorously.

Ye Guan then turned to look at the people of the Junlin Civilization and assured them, "Everyone, don't worry. I'm sure the Tianxing Civilization still has no idea where we are. Otherwise, the Tianxing Flame would be here by now."

Yi Nian glanced at Ye Guan and quietly licked her candied hawthorn.

Dai Qing sighed at Ye Guan's words and said, "I really hope that's the case."

"Brother Ye, as far as I know, you're from the Guanxuan Civilization, aren't you?" Dai Zong asked.

"Yes," Ye Guan replied with a nod.

Dai Zong smiled and said, "Would you mind taking us in?"

Dai Qing and the experts of the Junlin Civilization were stunned, looking a bit confused.

However, they soon realized that they were not in an alliance with the Guanxuan Civilization. If they were attacked by another civilization, they'd be in grave danger. The members of the Junlin Civilization stared at Ye Guan, realizing that entering an alliance with such a powerful civilization would definitely be beneficial to them.

Ye Guan smiled at his suggestion and said, "Of course, I don't mind."

He then took out a transmission talisman and passed it to Dai Zong, adding, "You can use this to contact my sister, Little Ai. She manages all affairs in the Guanxuan Civilization."

"All right," Dai Zong said and put away the transmission talisman.

Ye Guan cupped his fist to everyone before disappearing into the tiny pagoda with Xin Yu, Yi Nian, and the eight blood corpses.

Dai Zong's expression was complicated. He felt a bit uneasy when he recalled how Ye Guan had said that he was from a civilization that was barely a Tier One civilization.

Thankfully, he wasn't dumb. If he had harbored any ill intentions, the Junlin Civilization would have disappeared by now. Dai Zong felt relieved that he hadn't made a wrong decision back then.

Dai Qing said, "The vast expanse is truly vast. No one knows just how many experts are out there. Our Junlin Civilization is as insignificant as an ant in the grand scheme of things."

Without a shadow of a doubt, the lady in the plain skirt could easily annihilate the Junlin Civilization.

Dai Zong smiled and said, "Father, when are you going to retire? I'm getting a bit impatient."

Dai Qing directly walked up to his son and slapped him. Soon, Dai Zong's miserable wails echoed throughout the place.

On the other side, Taia Tian's eyes were filled with mixed emotions. The Asura Civilization had been conquering many civilizations over the years, and they were invincible wherever they went. It could be said that the Asura Civilization had become an unstoppable force in this universe region. Thus, the people of their civilization had become truly arrogant. The Asura Clan and the Xuan Clan were just one of those arrogant people. They dared to be greedy and commit evil because they thought that they were invincible.

However, the reality was that there were some people they could not afford to provoke. Otherwise, their civilization would end up getting annihilated.

One had to be humble at all times!

Just then, Dai Zong looked at Taia Tian and smiled. "Clan Leader Tian, we have to talk about what's next."

Taia Tian nodded slightly. "I agree."


When the eight blood corpses arrived inside the tiny pagoda, they were immediately stunned by the scene that greeted them.

They were still alive, as the Plain-Skirt Destiny hadn't erased their consciousness. Instead, she immobilized their souls using Ye Guan's sword intent. Aside from that, it could be said that there weren't any changes to them.

The blood corpses exchanged glances upon realizing the intricacies of the pagoda's spacetime.

The towering blood corpse's face was grave as he muttered, "What a divine artifact..."

A complex light flashed in his eyes. This time, the Arcanist Civilization had truly shot itself in the foot.

The remaining blood corpses revealed the same complicated emotions as the towering blood corpse. They were convinced that they'd be able to revive the Arcanist Civilization and restore its former glory.

However, their ambitions ended before they even began. How tragic.

Just then, Ye Guan appeared in front of them along with with Yi Nian.

Yi Nian glanced at them while licking her candied hawthorn.

The eight blood corpses immediately felt uneasy upon seeing Ye Guan.

Ye Guan suddenly opened his palm, revealing the mysterious ancient character. He looked at the towering blood corpse and asked, "Do you know the origin of this ancient character?"

The towering blood corpse shook his head and replied, "I don't know its exact origins because we obtained it from an ancient ruin. However, I do remember the ruler of the Arcanist Civilization saying something about it back then."

"What did he say?" Ye Guan asked.

The towering blood corpse replied, "A noble from ancient times!"

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