I Have Become A Demon God. Did You Just Ask Me To Be A Minor Villain?

Chapter 34: Divine Gifts! Letter from the Demon God!

Chapter 34: Divine Gifts! Letter from the Demon God!


Su Mo gazed at the unconscious protagonist in one of the palace rooms and whispered. Upon entering the palace, Su Mo swiftly set up a small magic array in his quarters using a magical disk he had brought. Though the arrays range was limited to Su Mos room, its level was exceptionally high, having reached the level of forbidden spells.

Setting up a more advanced magic array would have been arduous, given the fleeting amount of time and the limited use of his Demon God power. Nonetheless, this magic array served to cover up Su Mos movements. There would be no issues as long as he didnt make too much noise in the room.

Through his phantom eyes, Su Mo had already learned of the protagonists remarkable gift. Unlike a system or Grandpa Ring, this gift was inherited. The protagonist was endowed with an extraordinary gift.

A bronze-level divine gift.

Su Mo realised that the protagonist possessed a bronze-level divine gift, and if they were to cultivate the power related to this gift, their harvest would increase exponentially. It was no wonder the protagonist had joined the Knights of the Temple and made remarkable progress.

When he discovered the protagonists golden finger, Su Mos next move was to deprive them of it. It wouldnt be too challenging for a silver-level villain like him to deprive a bronze-level golden finger. In just three minutes after killing the protagonist and spending 100 villain points, Su Mo could strip them of their divine gift.

With this in mind, Su Mo moved his finger, and a flame surged out, instantly killing the protagonist. You have killed a bronze-level protagonist and earned a villain value of 100 and a luck value of 10, a prompt appeared on the villains panel. Killing a protagonist could also grant a small amount of luck upon becoming a silver-level villain.

Su Mos hand moved again, attempting to grab more luck. This time, he had to be more cautious since he couldnt act recklessly. Even with the cover of a magic array, he had to be careful while in the capital. Even large magic arrays couldnt be set up within the capital. The magical arrays in the royal capital formed a unified system, and any slightly larger magic array would be immediately noticed.

While it was not an issue for Su Mo to set up a small magic array in his room, he had to be mindful of his actions and save some luck. He wasnt too concerned about the risks and continued seeking luck.

Would you like to consume 100 villain points to acquire the protagonists gift? The prompt appeared again.

Yes, Su Mo chose to proceed.

You have successfully acquired the bronze-level divine gift, the prompt confirmed.

Su Mo successfully incorporated the gift into himself after eliminating the protagonist. He then withdrew from the magic array and silently used the items exchanged in the Krypton gold system. For today, Su Mo decided not to act against the two individuals outside.

Outside the palace, the two protagonists were hesitant to leave the other guards, as they feared that Su Mo might suddenly appear and attack them.

Dont worry too much. He wont make a move without reason. Lets continue with our tasks and not give him any excuse, one protagonist reassured the other.

The group members instructed us not to flee. They must want us to assess the relationship between the Earl of Blackstone Territory and the Queen of the Crescent Moon, the other protagonist speculated.

The two chatted through their panels, but the surrounding guards were oblivious to their communication.

Its not realistic for us to escape now. There are too many people staring at us. Once we leave the capital, it will be too easy for other villains to kill us outside the city, the two protagonists comforted each other.

Escaping seemed like an improbable solution for them, given the countless individuals watching them. If they dared to venture beyond the city, other malefactors would likely easily track them down. After weighing their options, the two protagonists had no choice but to heed the advice of their fellow heroes.

They planned to remain vigilant and prevent Su Mo from causing trouble. Even so, they still felt uneasy and uncertain about the nature of Su Mos relationship with the Queen of the Crescent. The two couldnt even wink all night, tormented by their worries.

This is so humiliating. Well have to repay them with interest someday, one of the protagonists muttered resentfully. The situation left them feeling powerless and resentful, unable to take any action at the moment.

Meanwhile, deep in the Abyss, a group of powerful demons emerged from the shadows and took to the skies. These demons were not weak, as they could fly through the treacherous Abyss and ravines.

As they approached the Phantom Dynasty, they were intercepted by one of the Phantoms stationed in the ravine.

Those who come to the Phantom Dynasty shall be stopped, the Phantom declared.

We are under the command of the Spike Demon God. The Demon God has a letter that he wishes to deliver to your God, a demon-level messenger said as he flew out of the Phantom Dynasty.

Spike Demon God? Barbaras interest was piqued as she listened to the phantoms report. She hurriedly flew from a nearby space gate to meet with the demon messenger.

After receiving the letter, she quickly scanned its contents. This matter is urgent, the demon messenger had warned her, and it was clear that the message held significant importance.

As the demon messenger and his group returned to the Abyss, Barbara flew back to the core of the Phantom Dynasty. She wasted no time retrieving a magic device to decipher the letters contents.

As Su Mo listened to the conversation in the palace, his heart raced with anticipation. With a quick finger motion, he activated a magic disc on the ground, triggering a magic array that blocked all communication in and out of the room.

Next, he summoned a white demon worm, the Mother and Child Demon Insect, which he possessed. Despite being separated by great distances, the demon worm could communicate with other members of its kind.

As the female demon worm sent out mental waves that only Su Mo could understand, he received the message from Barbara in the Phantom Dynasty.

The Spike Demon God handed Su Mo a letter, but Barbara didnt dare open it without his permission, and she might not have been able to open it anyway.

Barbara, please open the letter, Su Mo commanded through the female demon worm.

In the Abyss, Barbara retrieved another device and carefully placed the letter inside before opening it. As soon as she did, a small Spike Demon God jumped out of the letter.

Huh? A phantom? Didnt I instruct you to deliver the letter to your Demon God? Who are you to speak to me! the Little Spike Demon God bellowed at Barbara.

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