I have Nine Lives

Chapter 185: A fight that would decide the war (1)

Chapter 185: A fight that would decide the war (1)

The clashing titans were unobservable even to Binela. Who was currently the strongest combatant that viewed the battle.

Felix's attacks were precise, and his defense was airtight while he tried to recover the bodily strength he lost for dying once.

He and Marshallo were currently in a pretty equal fight, but he would be able to push the odds in his favor if he recovered to full strength.

Now that he was slowly incorporating instinct into strategy, creating a perfect blend of battle sense, he was able to direct all of Marshallo's attacks into the surroundings, basically taking no more damage from him.

The damage that Felix redirected to his surroundings was creating more and more spaces where the spatial laws were broken and fragmented.

Felix was basically held between a rock and a hard place as he fought Marshallo, considering that the broken space wasn't safe at all.

Spatial lacerations would appear from time to time which the duo had to dodge if they didn't want to get bisected.

While their bodies were tough, and at first, the spatial lacerations didn't do much to them, their continued fight stirred the broken space even further until it reached a level that it could implode at any time, creating an explosion of spatial lacerations which would turn the fighting duo into cut ribbons.

The situation they were in wasn't favorable for either of them.

But caught in their fight, they ignored the surroundings and only dodged the attacks that got too close to them before continuing. Actually, Felix understood that this place wasn't a good one to continue the fight, but Marshallo was pressuring him too hard. Making him unable to escape from his continuous attacks easily.

Felix frowned as he felt their surroundings getting increasingly unstable and the fact that the spatial lacerations were getting closer and closer to them, and they also appeared way more often than before.

Even Marshallo realized what was happening after some time, then he stopped attacking Felix and said:

"This isn't a good place for our duel. With our strengths, the normal universe wouldn't be able to handle the clashes from our strengths. Come with me."

Felix sighed as he followed Marshallo out of the broken space, which made them visible to Binela, Marquina, and the other observers.

Binela was puzzled why would Marshallo stop the fight this early. Both fighters looked like they could on for a long time. And knowing him, he wouldn't stop unless there was something that was going to interfere with their fight, but then she shook her head as she looked at the collapsing space some meters away from them.

She wasn't sure where they were going to continue fighting. So he grabbed Marquina by the arm and dragged her to follow them from behind.

Marshallo knew they were being followed by the duo, but he didn't care.

He made his way towards the empty spot in front of him before he took out a small pocket-sized arena that looked to be made from white marble. He threw the arena down, and it started to grow as big as a football field length-wise, stopping when it reached its full length and the height of around 200 meters.

"Now, this is a good place to fight. We won't be troubled to unleash our full power in here."

Marshallo jumped into the inside of the arena as he waited for Felix to jump in as well.

He cracked his neck and fingers as he waited for round two to begin.

Binela and Marquina looked at everything that was happening from the side as Binela's eyes widened when she saw the white marble-like arena:

"This is..."

Marquina didn't know much about the arena itself, but she didn't ask Binela about it as her eyes were glued to the upcoming fight resume.

Felix stretched his body as he jumped into the arena and took in a deep breath before entering an offensive stance, he put his right arm behind him while keeping the left one in front of his body. His stance kept his body a little bit lower as he moved his fingers towards himself in a gesture to tell Marshallo to come at him.

Marshallo smiled, showing his full set of white pearly sharp teeth, which looked no different from a shark's.

He licked his lips as he ran towards Felix with a wide punch which looked very easy to avoid.

However, when Felix tried to move his body and dodge the attack, he realized that strong pressure was making his body unable to move. The same laughing and screaming skull that appeared behind when he first made himself known, appeared once again behind him, as it imposed a strong restriction upon Felix's body and made him unable to dodge the wide swing that Marshallo was currently taking at him.

The more he charged, the stronger the swing became, to the point that Felix felt his hair stand on end as the strength of the incoming punch would break a hole in him if it landed on his body, or just evaporate his head if it landed on it.

Felix reinforced his body with all of his boost techniques as he held his ground and gritted his teeth as his eyes became serious.

He would stop this charge attack and retaliate by throwing the same amount of force back to him, maybe even doubled!

Felix kept one hand above the other as the attack struck inside the gap that he made, making Felix easily catch ahold of the hand that was ready to hit him in the skull, the whole power coming from the charging attack was released in Felix's body making cracks appear on his skin and blood to flow freely from it.

The strength didn't dispel from Felix's body as he simply contained it therein. Then as he captured Marshallo's hand in his grip, he sent all of the strength surging in his body towards his right leg, along with a combination of strength coming from his body which made his right leg shot directly towards the currently immobilized Marshallo head like a missile.

Felix's leg exploded into a shower of blood as the strength combination was too much for his body to handle, but an indent appeared in Marshallo's skull as it broke, and blood started to flow quickly from the back of his head.

A new leg appeared as Felix regenerated it quite easily, but it wasn't the same for Marshallo, he clutched his head as his vision swam, and blood still flowed from the back of his head where he was struck by Felix's leg counterattack.

He could feel that his brain was leaking from there as it became mush after Felix's attack.

He laughed wildly as he slapped the back of his head with a fiery palm making the opened wound cauterize so he wouldn't bleed anymore, as for his jelly brain? He didn't care about that as he could still control his body and fight!

Continuing like this would surely further his brain injury and kill himself, but it didn't seem Marshallo cared as he launched himself at Felix while shouting gibberish in an excited tone.

Felix ignored his gibberish as the aura that made his body unable to move was removed. He jumped from an ax kick that was ready to hit him in the head before he regained his balance, lowered his body, and struck a heavy body blow towards Marshallo's kidneys.

Blood started to drip from Marshallo's mouth, but he ignored the damage as he put his hands together and hammered Felix on the back, making him fall to his stomach and create cracks on the marble arena floor.

Felix felt that his inner organs were crying after that attack, he didn't protect himself properly as he was in an unadvantageous position, so his body had to absorb the impact, making him unable to redirect it elsewhere in time. He thought that he could push Marshallo back and continue his assault, but the man didn't even flinch after that body blow which surely crushed his kidneys into mush.

Marshallo shook his head as he felt lightheaded, the injuries started to get to him, but he continued to smile as he continued his attack on Felix, he grabbed him by the neck, then he picked him up from the floor and started to hit him in the face multiple times.

However, the more he hit Felix, the slower the attacks became as the strength seeped out of his body, it wasn't that he was losing energy, but the injuries that Felix did to him were getting to him.

Felix's attacks were vicious and struck towards vital areas, the counterattack that he gave using the kick and the gathered force from Marshallo's charge was something that injured him heavily.

However, he still didn't die from that, showing that his body was extremely sturdy.

If it was anyone else in the same situation, their head would have been blown to smithereens.

But no matter how battle-hungry Marshallo was, he couldn't ignore his injuries to fight even further, could he?

Marshallo's eyes started to lose light as they turned into complete whites showing that his consciousness wasn't there anymore. However, life was still inside his body.

His heart was beating, and his breathing, while irregular, was still there.

Felix wanted to finish him so he could get rid of one of his lives, but the moment he liberated himself from Marshallo's grasp that was around his neck, he found a sudden punch in his gut!

He took a few steps backward as he clutched his crying stomach and looked at Marshallo. Thinking that he woke up, only to find that his consciousness wasn't present, the white of his eyes was still present, and there was no expression on his face...

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