I have Nine Lives

Chapter 192: Marshallo and Felix vs twins

Chapter 192: Marshallo and Felix vs twins

Even though Marshallo had given the twins the ultimatum, both he and Felix weren't even at half their usual power while the twins were currently at full power, putting both Felix and Marshallo in an awkward situation, especially if Marshallo got killed once more.

If he died again, there was a high chance Felix wouldn't be able to help him before the twins got to him and ended his life.

Marshallo's body started to glow as spatial energy seeped from the surroundings and went back into his body, making Felix raise his eyebrows. What did he just do?

The twins frowned asymmetrically as they realized what Marshallo was doing, and they glared at him while saying:

"You broke away from your revival spot?"

"Stop asking the obvious, you freaks."

The twins gritted their teeth as they glared at Marshallo:

"Who made us this way? You have the gall to call us, royal blood, freaks, after what you have done?"

It seemed there was more of a history between the duo than Felix learned at first glance.

But now was not the time to learn about any of that.

Felix made a move. Disappearing from his current position near Marshallo and appearing to the right of the twins. His eyes were cold as he nodded towards Marshallo's direction, making him appear on the left of the twins. Both of them knew the twin's special ability and battle power, so they wanted to make sure they wouldn't split up.

Felix put his arms over his right side while Marshallo did the same on his left side. The twins frowned as they felt their arms being kept immobilized.

Their power was waving back and forth as they activated their orange aura and a blue-colored shield started to cover them along with Marshallo and Felix.

Felix frowned as he let go of the right twin's arm and jumped away while Marshallo did the same thing. They could both feel that the shield would have trapped them alongside the twins in a domain where they would be put at a disadvantage against the merged duo.

Their senses told them clearly that getting near him in their current situation wasn't going to cut it. They were a little bit too weakened to fight him head-on, even 2v1.

They needed to evade him until they regained a little bit more strength, or else one of them would fall in battle!

And from what it looked like, Felix wasn't going to be the one who did.

Marshallo was half a step slower than Felix, so he could only barely get out of the twin's barrier. But that didn't mean he had escaped for good.

The twins took one step forward, lightning engulfing them as they activated the lightning armor they learned from Felix.

However, a similar image happened with Marshallo as lightning engulfed him as well. They both had learned the lightning armor, but considering how well-rested the twins were, they immediately appeared above Marshallo as they cupped their hands together above his head. Trying to disintegrate him with a beam of energy.

Marshallo smiled as he saw the proximity he was in with the twins even though he knew about his barrier-domain ability.

The twins realized something wasn't right the moment Marshallo smiled, and they immediately found a hand going through their chest. However, the hand didn't affect them at all as they had already instinctively separated. While also canceling the energy attack that they wanted to use against Marshallo.

But the moment they separated, they realized that they fell directly for Felix's and Marshallo's trap.

The barrier domain could only be called upon when they were merged! But it was impossible for them to knew that, which made the twins realize that they must have gambled on that.

"You two!!!"

But Marshallo and Felix didn't care about the twin's words as they grabbed them by their left and right sides. Since they were separated, they were both weaker and unable to activate the thing that could scare Felix and Marshallo away.

However, while they were separated, their defenses were strengthened by a lot. Putting the quartet in a passive situation, but that situation was the best one for Felix and Marshallo, as they would be able to rest and regain their power. And when they were back to their peak, they would be able to kill the twins, even if they were separated.

The twins knew that they had made a fatal mistake coming back for Marshallo, but they thought they would be able to be the fisherman who reaped all of the benefits only to end up being the cicada that was unaware of the oriole behind.

They overestimated themselves, thinking that they would be able to do anything to these two peak powerhouses even when they were this weakened.

"Let us go! The Royals won't take kindly if something happened to any of their relatives on our planet outsider! Marshallo, you should ever think of going back if we lose all of our lives!"

Marshallo shook his head as he looked in the sole eye of the twin that he captured then he spit him in his half-face as he said:

"Not only will I go back to our planet. But I will also get rid of your relatives!"

"You... who do you think you are? You are all alone, and even if you team up with this outsider. I doubt that he would follow you to our home planet! You knew each other only for a few days through fighting. He might even forbid you from going back to the planet after you swear the oath to become his servant, think Marshallo!"

"All I can think about right now is that the two of you talk too much!"

Marshallo slapped the twin he held over his half mouth, sealing his ability to talk, and Felix did the same thing. Both twins were trying to create discord among them by making them doubt each other. However, Felix and Marshallo just got annoyed by their antics and decided to shut them up.

The twin halves started to struggle under the energy bindings that Marshallo and Felix put them in.

They wanted to fuse again and run away. They realized they weren't a match for the duo's ingenuity and battle tactics even though they were weakened, if the twins didn't have this fatal weakness of theirs that could be exploited, they might have stood their ground and continued to fight. But in this situation, they knew that they were doomed if they didn't escape!

While their voices were sealed, they could still talk telepathically to each other due to their link:

"Brother, what shall we do? This situation is deadly. We need to escape!"

"Stop saying the obvious you fool. I know you are at a lower intelligence level when we are not fused, but you should have learned something by now."

"I see. I see. So we will do that brother?"

"Indeed. It's our best bet against them, we shall be crowned as heroes when we get back to the home planet as well. We might lose our individuality, but our fused personality won't be that different from now."

"Let's do it then."

"Have been waiting for you to say that."

The twins' parts. Which were currently quieted under the bindings, started to become active once again, which gathered the attention of Felix and Marshallo who were both currently resting.

"What are they doing, Marshallo?"

Marshallo frowned as he put a finger under his chin:

"Within their current state, they shouldn't be able to do anything unless..."

Marshallo immediately appeared at the side of the twin he captured as he realized what they were going to do.

"Felix, attack them, we can't let them fuse!"

Felix appeared to the other side as he charged hex energy in his fist and unleashed it in the bound twins' side, trying to break whatever he was trying to do.

However, gigantic red sanguineous light exploded from both of the twins at the same time. The light resembled blood cells and the DNA helix as it floated above the arena, the helix was halved into two parts as they combined at the middle, ignoring Felix's and Marshallo's attempts at stopping the twin's doing.

Marshallo frowned as he backflipped until he was ten meters away from his previous place, Felix appearing near him instantaneously as he glanced at the sanguineous aura that exploded in the middle of the arena and hid the twin's new body from their view.

Felix could sense that the sanguineous aura didn't come from their energy as he glanced at Marshallo and asked:

"What is this?"

Marshallo shook his head as he glared at the silhouette which was slowly becoming visible as the sanguineous aura transformed into threads that entered the silhouette's body quickly:

"This is a technique that the royal family can use with people of similar bloodline... I'm not sure of the technicalities because they would never let someone like me take a look at it, but I had seen it once when I was little in action. I think things will become a little hard for us from now on, and keep your guard up no matter what!"

Suddenly blood flew out of Marshallo's mouth as he looked down and found an embedded fist into his chest. The attack created a shockwave that pushed him out of the arena and broke his energy armor, leaving him naked once again.

Felix felt his hair stand on end as he moved his head slowly to look directly at the person who attacked Marshallo.

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