I have Nine Lives

Chapter 194: Fused Menace (2)

Chapter 194: Fused Menace (2)

Things were becoming increasingly pressing for Marshallo as he held onto Felix's unconscious body. The area that the fused twins were searching was getting increasingly closer to his actual location, and no matter how hard he tried, he knew that the moment they got close enough, he would be found out.

Marshallo was sweating inwardly as he did his best to recover his energy. But considering he was hiding, it was harder than normal. If he decided to quicken his recovery, he would surely attract the attention of the twins. And doom both himself and Felix to death.

Marshallo took deep breaths as he entered a zen meditative stance to increase his internal recovery rate. Without using external means that could attract the attention of the twins.

The twins were outside the spatial crevice, a few hundred kilometers away from the ships, still searching around the place where the arena previously exploded.

They were getting increasingly farther away from the area as their eyes were filled with red energy, which let them scan the area for any signs of Marshallo and Felix's whereabouts.

Things were very annoying for the twins as they were rather worried about the outcome of these two regaining their full power.

The twins were doing their best to search, but Marshallo had picked a good spot where he would be hard to find at first glance.

Plus, he was also doing his best to keep himself hidden. While the twins' strength had skyrocketed after their fusion, they were confident in taking care of the weakened duo. Their senses weren't extremely enhanced compared to before.

"How should I find these two hiding rats..."

"Things need to be faster... I need to go faster, or else I will fail!"

The twin's eyes reddened as they unleashed their full power. As they looked around, energy overflowed from their eyes, trying to identify which direction Marshallo took when he fleed from them with Felix in tow.

They strained their eyes to the limit as blood started to flow down their cheeks 

Suddenly in the corner of their eyes. They saw a shadow that was moving slowly towards a faraway place.

From what they could see with their newly enhanced eyesight, that shadow fully resembled Marshallo!

They decided to follow the shadow slowly from behind, but as they analyzed it. They realized that what they were seeing was akin to a recording. It didn't actually matter if they were near the shadow or not, so they picked up their speed, and so did the shadow. However, the shadow didn't disappear from their view as it remained neatly at the corner of their eyes.

They realized that after they injected so much energy into their eyes, they unlocked a new ability that was helping them with tracking the escaped duo.

They weren't sure how they unlocked the ability. They only did what they did due to desperation, as they knew that if Felix and Marshallo recovered, they would be doomed and even if they went back to the planet. Things were rather complicated between them and the royal family. They wanted to use Marshallo's head to make things good again between each other.

The shadow suddenly disappeared in one particular place as the twins stopped and looked around. They had followed the shadow for around 20 hours before they stopped, even though they had increased their speed. If they increased it over a certain threshold, the shadow would become blurry and disappear. So, they couldn't go at their full speed.

"I can smell them..."

"They must be around here... hopefully, this new ability isn't a phony one."

The twins continued to look around, but to their disappointment, their eyes couldn't actually sense where Marshallo was, even though they could feel that he and Felix were supposed to be around here somewhere.

"This is strange..."

While the twins were looking around, Marshallo was sweating really hard as the twins were basically near him. The only thing that kept them away from each other was the fact that Marshallo was basically in a different dimension compared to them.

While Marshallo had taught them a lot of techniques. He still had some of his trump cards for survival.

He rarely employed them, as he didn't need to, but that was also an advantageous thing now, as the twins didn't know where he was nor about his technique, so they couldn't infer about his location even though they did sense that he and Felix were hiding somewhere around in the area.

Marshallo continued in his zen state as he quickly recovered his energy, he was back to around 70%, and the further he recovered, the faster he did.

Felix's body was still immobile on his back, and it didn't even twitch once during his recovery period. He could still feel that Felix was breathing and alive, but he seemed to be in a coma of some sort.

Suddenly he felt his muscles twitch as an opening appeared near the spatial crevice where he was situated. The twins finally realized where he was hiding after an intense concentration and the use of their new ability.

"Here's Marley!"

The twins shouted in a demonic screech as they broke through the dimensional barrier and entered the spatial crevice, ready to decapitate Marshallo, who was quickly getting up from his recovery state and powering up his aura.

Marshallo's half-yellow aura engulfed him and Felix as they broke away from the secondary dimension they were in. Such spatial crevices were rather unstable for fighting, and if it collapsed on them, they would be lost into that space until they found another breakthrough point. It would also create a destructive spatial tornado which could also kill all three of them.

"You are no fun Marshallo, trying to run away from us, even though you owe us so much. And that friend of yours deserves to die, he is the sole person that can protect the planet that our race has its eyes on, hand him over right now, and I might just put a good word for you to their highnesses so you won't be tortured too much before your execution."

Marshallo laughed as he threw Felix away, making the twins rise their eyebrows in question. They pointed their fingers towards the rapidly moving Felix, ready to shoot him down, but before they could do that, Marshallo appeared in front of them and grasped them by the wrist. A cracking sound appearing quickly as the twins felt the iron-like grip on their wrist intensifying every second that it remained there.

"Let go you..."

However, the grip remained no matter how they tried to remove themselves from Marshallo's grasp. Felix's body had already disappeared, making the current fight between the twins and Marshallo a one-on-one fight.

"Don't you think that you have got us!"

The twins ripped their arm away, leaving Marshallo with one hand in his grasp. Another hand quickly grew from the twins' bleeding stump then they launched themselves at Marshallo. An energy sword grew out of their left hand as they started a deadly dance with Marshallo.

Marshallo waved through the energy stabs and slashes as he suddenly felt something wasn't right, and he was kicked in the head before the twins started to shoot energy blasts towards his downed form, which didn't land as he regained his balance and started to dodge them from side to side. But his feelings told him things weren't as good as they seemed on the surface, and he was right as soon as his instincts told him that, the twins appeared in front of him and grabbed him by the neck with their right hand before blasting him into oblivion!

However, Marshallo had defended himself from the point-blank attack with the armor and energy skin methods. There was a hole in his neck that was quickly closing. But his head was still on his shoulders, so he didn't die.

The twins frowned as they put their fingers together to create a supernova of crimson energy that they threw directly at Marshallo, not letting him disturb it again just like he did when he escaped beforehand.

Marshallo didn't have enough time to dodge the supernova, so he roared as his aura engulfed him, and he put his hands forward, stopping the supernova in front of him before uppercutting it away into space, where it exploded into a fiery firework show.

Felix's immobile body was quite far away from the fight as it slowly started to twitch. Things were changing in his unconsciousness as his soul body had absorbed enough of that crimson energy. So he could break through the sea's restrictive tentacles and return to his body. He needed to help Marshallo and get rid of the twins. To finally stop the war between the invaders and his planet.

His left hand's fingers started to move as his closed eyes twitched and opened suddenly, the same amount of crimson energy was running from them just as the first time he interacted with them. But now, sanity and control were visible in his eyes.

He controlled his body as he looked around to see that he was floating in space. And there was no one around.

However, he could sense the shockwaves from the fight between Marshallo and the twins, so he knew in which direction he needed to go.

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