I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 162 Conquering Cities

This added more heat to such weird competition. On the side of it I stood in silence, asking myself what I got myself into by adding Wryly and his forces to mine in this fight.

Would I regret it later?

“So we aren’t heading towards the city of that bastard?” Wryly asked in doubt and little anger as if I conned him or something.

“What’s the problem here?” I shrugged, “the competition is still going on. Adding more time will only add spices to things here.”

“Hahaha, yes you are right,” he bought my silly reason, “ok boys! You have enough hours of fun before we march towards that funny little dude’s lair. Let’s see if I’ll change the roster of my vices today or not!”

And when I heard these words of his, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes in helplessness. Those dudes… They were really nuts!

The first city we’d hit was the middletown city. Followed by it, I’d go to Poughkeepers, Newburgh, before going south again and hitting White plains and lastly Yonker cities.

The biggest of them according to Isabella’s words was Yonker city. It was situated just north of New York, and with it I’d close up a tight net around my last target; Hackensack city.

This time I’d make sure my enemy wouldn’t have a way to breath from. If that dude tried to escape, I dare him to do so.

“This is the first city,” I said before turning towards Wryly, “you have men here?”

“Sure, let me contact them,” he said and while he was doing so, I sent a warning message to Fang.

“They are ready,” Wryly said, “but whatever gates we conquer, they’ll end up in my hands.”

This was what I was worried about. Just as expected, the answer that came from Fang was cold as ever.

[It’s none of my business] he sent before adding, [You give me total control over the city by the highest number of controlled gates and you get your camp. Other than this, you’ll lose your camp in this city]

“Bro,” as Fang didn’t yield, I had to find a way to make that Berserker yield.

“What?” Wryly seemed a bit aggressive as if he felt what I was going to say.

“How about this… You fight with me and then you get two gates at the end with the one under your control. In return for this, you’ll release my human race held in cages in any gate castle or normal castle you conquer.”

“Why should I agree to that?” That dude decided to be smart here.

“You can sit back and watch,” I shrugged before adding, “or you can jump in and have some warm up before the real fight. I’ll strike more cities other than this, so you won’t get any losses in this deal.”

Wryly seemed on the verge of declining my offer, so I threw in my last chip, “you can just sit here and watch the fight while in the end you’ll gain one additional gate castle. But that means you won’t get any normal castles or emblems in the city.”

“This I can’t accept,” he said in a firm tone, “alright… We’ll do it your way then.”

“Good deal,” I wanted to pat him on the head and say good boy but feared he would become berserk about this.

Besides he was a giant, and the highest point I could reach was the lower half of his arms!

“Let’s go,” I summoned everything I had, “go and kill those filthy drags, illusionists, and succubus.”

“Even the succubus will be killed?” Wryly gave me a look that worried me.

Dude! Leave your thing behind and only bring your sledgehammers!

“They are our enemies,” I said in a decisive tone, “they are helping dragons and illusionists in this war. What? Don’t tell me you can trust such a double faced race!”

“I can’t say that but…” he was still shaken. Damn! Those succubus really were the deadly weakness of such a mighty race.

“Alright,” I didn’t want to create any trouble especially now, “let’s do it like this… any succubus race you get can be yours. Also if my forces had any surrendering succubi, they’ll give them to you. Happy now?”

“Very happy,” like a bulldog he nodded and I even doubted he would extend his tongue out and lick my shoes for that deal.

“Arlight, let’s get rolling then.”

With the absence of the deadly star weapon, the angels here didn’t pose any threat at all. In fact they lacked the power to stop us, and as such this city and all the others ended up in my grasp.

For the sake of my deal with Fang, I had to give up all the gates I conquered. So in the end Fang got three, and Wryly got two, and I got my training human camps.

Everyone ended up happy in such a scenario, and now my eyes were fixed upon the grand prize.

“Wryly, you know the upcoming battle involves a mega gate, right?” Before starting to march, and while my forces were scattered all over the Yonker city claiming all the loot they could get, I said to Wryly in a warning tone and gaze.

“Are you sh*tting me? Damn! Why didn’t you say that from the beginning?”

“Why?” I shrugged, “this mega gate already belongs to Fang.”

“Not again!” this time he roared in defiance, “that greedy bastard! He isn’t satisfied with one mega gate and sat his eyes over this one too? Come on bro, you know I’m not an archlord so I don’t have the power to turn any gate into one like these. Please give me this one, please.”

“But Fang isn’t taking it for free,” I calmly stated, “he paid a hefty price to get it.”

“This…” the face of Wryly fell before one of his vices whispered something in his ears. “Can you give me some time? I need to discuss this with my archlord and paragon.”

Finally a big name was added in my deals. Paragons… Yes, it was time for me to interact with one of them.

“Sure,” I shrugged, “but you have until we arrive at the city. If by any means you failed to give me a proper price, much higher than that of Fang, then forget about having this city’s mega gate then.”

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