I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 165 Alert! Alert! Alert!

Of course she would. She was a merchant, sly and dirty but yet a merchant. The god of any merchant was money and profit, and in this deal they were going to profit so much out of it.

At least they were going to trade useless races to them by the invaluable bones of mine.

[All the amount you can provide] I acted like a tycoon.

[We can provide much more than you can imagine!]

[Just do the maths and tell me for each single bone of mine, how many races can I get] I sent to her while ending such useless discussion here.

If she already agreed, then it was useless to keep talking about other matters like this. After all, I still held a grudge towards her for not telling me about this dirty trade.

As for what I was going to do with those races, the answer was simple. What I mostly lacked during this moment of the apocalypse?

Correct, I lacked souls! All the races sent to me would be killed in revenge for what they did to my people. And in return for that, I’d solve another problem that was hindering me from growing my current army to a terrifying scale.

It was a win-win situation for now. Regarding those races, not long time would pass before they would notice what was going on. Of course they would be mad and might try anything to stop this.

But I bet on the impact’s professionalism and greed to deliver what they promised. Besides, if the word spread, who would prevent other impacts from jumping in and contacting me to have the same kind of deal?

I was just starting a snowball motion, small yet it was deadly and effective and unstoppable. As for worrying about those bastards doing something to me here, I hardly believed that.

They couldn’t come here themselves as they weren’t part of this apocalypse. The most they could do was to contact other races here and ask them to try and get rid of me.

Selvators and Berserkers were already in my pocket. I had a deal with an archlord from one side, and a paragon from the other side. As for the other three races, they were already my enemies.

So why should I worry then? Let things escalate and be more fun. Who told them to mess with a race who had someone like me?

[You have five races who are currently participating in apocalypses] she sent after five minutes, [Each ten thousand of them will be in return for a single bone of yours]

[This high price… What for?!!] I was surprised when I read her words. This was something I never expected. My bones, my precious bones could only buy so few souls?

[It’s a fair price] she tried to give reasons for such an extravagant price, [Don’t forget we’ll bring them from routes that aren’t yet established. Besides, we will find a way to deliver them to your current apocalypse. After all you still don’t own any realm gate under your control]

[Who said so?] I raised an eyebrow when I read the part related to realm gates.

[Oh, do you have a real gate already? Unbelievable!]

[I got one under my control] I didn’t boast in front of her. Who knows what she might do with such info later on, [how much will that differ?]

[Double] she decisively sent this answer almost instantly.

[Just this? No more for me? I’m a good client after all]

[I can promise you this… After ten deals we will work over some stable routes to bring you more. But for now I can’t give you any higher price than that]

For a moment there I felt like she was toying with me. I almost thought about reneging over this idea, but when I thought again about my real goal here I couldn’t help but agree.

[Alright, send me a contract] I said.

[Not now!] she instantly sent, [I still need to find routes to bring enough. But for a start, how many do you need?]

[Let’s see… How about fifty bones as a start?] I had a lot of white bones that I didn’t need for now.

[This…] she seemed to be surprised by my big opening hand.

[Can’t you gather such numbers? Then gather as much as you can and let me know] I would have gotten five hundred thousand souls from this deal. It wasn’t such a big number but as a start it was ok.

Five hundred thousand would allow me to summon ten fallen gods. Not to mention this was an addition from outside apocalypses. Adding the death toll here, I’d gain almost the same amount in less than a day.

[I can gather them but will need more time to do so. I just didn’t expect you’ll need such a number as a start]

[Then gather them and tell me when you are ready] I had to close up with her as there was a strange message that came from Fang at this moment.

[Alert! Alert! Alert!] he only sent me this and I didn’t know if he was joking or trolling here.


[The illusionists are sending a big army to attack the city with a mega gate] I looked at his message while feeling surprised by such a move.

[How many?] I knew how strong Fang was. But for him to send such a distressing message only meant the number was just beyond his ability to defend the city.

[At least a million] he sent such astronomical numbers, [mostly monsters. But the army contains lots of races. And that’s not the only army moving out]

[There are more than one army?!]

[They are heading towards the two cities north to the one with a mega gate] he sent and I instantly looked at the map drawn over my chariot.

So they were trying to clear the west side of Hackensack city. That bastard was trying to slip away by attacking three cities at the same time.

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