I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 196 Screw It... I'll Fight!!

“Created?” It was the first time for me to hear this term. “Didn’t I just copy the cultivation from that dark realm monster?!”

[Of course not! You created a new cultivation way, unique only to you] Yonker’s words made me finally realise how big the feat I did here was.

It also explained why he decided to stay behind.

[Don’t celebrate too early. After all every advantage comes with challenges]

“I know that,” I nodded, “so what are my challenges here?”

[You can’t use any known cultivation way to advance your cultivation] he first threw such a bomb before throwing a second one, [You also can’t use any known technique. You have to come up with you own ideas from the scratch]

“I have to create my cultivation manual and techniques?!!!” Even though I was prepared for this news, they came much worse than I expected. “Isn’t that too much?”

I wasn’t flinching back from this. Just from hearing the words of the old man in his recordings, I knew how complicated the world of cultivation was.

Just understanding the existing cultivation ways and techniques of other races was just a headache. Imagine creating these from scratches!

For someone like me with no prior cultivation experience, I had to admit my lacking in this field.

[Don’t panic so early] but Yonker’s words came to reassure me, especially when he added, [You created a new cultivation path. Each one who made such a feat had to face the same challenge. But that doesn’t mean you are out of options or can’t take any help]

“Will you help me?”

[Not to that extent] he laughed, [it’s not up to me actually. After all, it’s all related to you. You are the one to decide everything. All I can do is to just give you useful data to use in your research, also will open the big library up for you to access]

“Library? What library?” It was the first time for me to hear about such a thing.

[The universal system library. What? Did you think we were experimenting all these years without a road map? Or did you think we will depend on our memories and long life span to keep track of everything that happened?]

His words made sense, but that also didn’t explain the value of such a library to me.

[As for its value, you’ll see for yourself when you start reading its content. But for now I have one single tip for you to know]

“Tell sir,” as he decided to help me to such an extent, I tried to show little respect to him.

[No matter what you plan or devise to do, you have to know that first things always matter] he said such vague words before adding:

[If you started your cultivation based on black energy, or lightning energy, then you’ll be forced to continue your cultivation path down that road. If you decided to upgrade your cultivation base and built it on a certain model, then you’ll stick to that model till the end]

“Aha, I see,” I nodded in realisation. I now understood what he meant earlier.

[Don’t belittle this, it’s a major step that you won’t have the ability to undo or fix later] he stressed over this again, [So before taking a single step forward, I strongly advise you to seal your cultivation and not use it in any fight at all. In addition to that, you have to first read through the library records and deeply ponder over your next step before doing anything]

“I get it,” despite not liking the idea of abandoning my cultivation after paying all this price for it, I had to accept what he proposed.

After all, according to the old man’s words, a cultivator without technique was simply useless! The only benefits I would gain here were the ones related to my body strength, speed, and tenacity.

Other than these, I’d have to wait until I create my private self created techniques. Besides, low level cultivation like mine wouldn’t do me any good actually.

I would run out of spiritual energy even if I used the simplest techniques out there! I had to first raise my cultivation base before doing anything else.

So it all came to reading, studying, and thinking about a way to raise my cultivation base rank.

[I’ll leave you for your pathetic fight then] Yonker’s tone returned to his arrogance and impatience, [Just a gentle reminder… You attracted many eyes towards you by what you just did. Don’t disappoint all of us by losing to such useless worm]

“I won’t,” I didn’t know why, but just hearing him calling that dragon archlord a useless worm made me smile and feel more confidence inside.

But whom he was just talking about now? Were they also higher ups like him? Or other beings I never knew about?

Damn! This universe felt like a real maze! The more I knew, the more I realised I knew sh*t!

As Yonker was gone, and my cultivation was done, I had time to care about the ongoing battle here.

I opened my long row of messages and scrolled till the end. I got messages from the system telling me that I opened my cultivation.

I was asked to name that cultivation, as it was a new cultivation method. Also I got access to cultivation limited market interface. I didn’t open that yet, as things were too chaotic here.

My team was dispersed at some point in this battle. According to the messages I read, things were going smoothly until that archlord came.

I inwardly cursed that Berserker’s paragon. If he listened to my words and kept that dude in check for a longer time, then this city would have long fallen into my hands.

Yet just as the troops finished digging tunnels underneath the walls, and as they were preparing to get inside and attack the city, that dude arrived with a great army of his.

According to my team’s words, the army that the dude bought was really massive in number. Also they had many elites and strange weapons and abilities.

This didn’t come as a surprise for me. I knew that drags were a race with much wealth in their pockets than any other race in the apocalypse.

Besides, they weren’t stingy. This wealth would be used to buy many rare and unique things. Just look at my chariot and you’d get the idea.

So my forces were forced to give up on our plans to screw that city. They also got chased down so fiercely that they couldn’t regroup till now.

Each one of them was leading a group of his forces and trying to fight back. Some were trapped in the middle of this army, but luckily my girl was safe away from such trapped forces.

The jumper wasn’t! That cautious dude seemed to greatly hate dragons to the extent of fighting on the frontlines all this time!

And Wryly wasn’t doing any much better than him.

Putting my forces aside, the soulers kept fighting into this great army. They were killers, compared to other warriors I had were the perfect counter to this army.

I lost none at all from them. And they kept themselves close to my chariot. They kept killing, yet their numbers weren’t enough to make a big impact or create any difference here.

I thought for a moment to call the lady nymph and buy more of them. I didn’t need any other bones from other races for now.

But the problem still lies in my limited souls! After all these hours, and with the intense killing spree happening everywhere, my soul points replenished and even got doubled.

Yet recalling the big debt I had, I knew that bringing more soulers would be a risky and rash move.

But what if it was a risky and rash move? I looked around and all I could see was an army in millions covering up the entire world!

This army was within my grasp! All I needed to do was to be more courageous and take more risks. What if I bought more soulers? Would I struggle to pay them souls? Give them stat points?

I knew my debt was so deep and huge, but I still had six months ahead of me. So why would I shake in fear, and think like a coward or a stingy man?

I raised my eyes, exchanged a brief gaze with that damn dragon archlord. The look over his face… That look… I really wanted to wipe that look and replace it with a look of bitterness and regret!

I looked at the city within my reach. It was something I knew I’d pay tons of wealth and resources, plus lots of time and effort to get such one.

This city was lying in wait, just a mile or less away from me! Surrounded by a defensive shield? I had tunnels ready underneath its big and pretty walls.

Having a grand army defending it? Then I have my own warriors, soulers, and fallen gods to kill them all.

Having a mega gate that kept flashing and sending troops out like a running river? I’d go there and shut that thing down!

Screw it! I’d better try all my best to claim this valuable trophy than retreat and leave such a sore thorn in my back all the time.

This city didn’t only hold great value in its buildings and defences, it lied just west to my about to be established territory.

Instead of leaving such a dangerous poisonous dagger in my back, why not do everything I could and turn it into a mighty stronghold, enough to defend my entire kingdom and act like the main doorway to my land?

Why not turn it into a symbol of fear and terror to my enemies. Here a human kingdom lies and I challenge anyone to come and try his luck against my crown jewelled fortress!

Screw it! I’d risk everything to get all or demolish this massive and impressive city brick by brick over these drags thick skulls.

[Lady, I want as many soulers as you can get me] As I finally made my mind, I didn’t hesitate to ignore the attacks coming from everywhere and sent such messages to the lady.

[I got a few thousand here, but are you sure you want them?] she asked, [We were going to slay them as we can’t support most of them by souls]

[Just bring me everything you got,” I didn’t flinch back, “also work your magic and bring me more. With each thousand you get me, I’ll gift you one bone of mine as a present]

[What?] I bet she must have jolted on her feet by now and screamed in surprise and delight, [Are you for real? This isn’t a joke, right?]

[Since when I joked with you before?] I evilly grinned, [Bring me ten thousands and you’ll get ten bones. Bring me a hundred thousand and you’ll get a hundred bone]

[Damn! All I can get is only a couple of tens of thousands… Let me contact everyone I know and return to you]

[I have no time for this] I knew once I started, I would have little attention to spare even on talking with her, [Just send me a contract. When you get some, the system will automatically pay the price for you. Ah, the price of souler should be lowered a bit]

[Sure sure, you are our best VIP customer for now] I knew she was speaking about herself and not the impact here. Damn! Was she drooling right now? That would be an epic scene to watch!

I got the contract. In it the price of a thousand soulers was set to be a batch of my bones.

I looked into my inventory. After fighting against many races for such a long time, my store of bones was getting inflated.

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