I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 241 Giants, Shaders, And Grounders

[Don’t panic, you can consider it an upgrade from the earlier quest of races]

[In which way?]

[I want more races from all the nineteen worlds in my apocalypse group]

[All of them?!!] she seemed to be shocked, [Are they also their enemies?]

[You can say so] I didn’t explain to her my real intentions here.

[Alright, it’s your money and your bones anyway] she agreed as fast as I predicted, [I’ll prepare a new contract and send it over]


[I also have another batch from soulers, double the number of last time. I’ll send them also with this batch of races, ok?]


By this I’d gain another twenty thousand soulers. I didn’t know what my soulers would do in the upcoming two quests with my punishment. But at least I knew how deadly they were.

I wouldn’t doubt their ability to do massacres against any enemy, be it illusionists, the succubi, or even dragons.

[You got twenty thousand soulers from the Bringold impact]

[You can find them in your inventory]

The first to arrive were the soulers. Then in the next five minutes, I got another message of the arrival of my long awaited races.

[You got five hundred thousand races from Bringold impact]

[These races aren’t warriors, they are normal races just like you]

[They can’t be stored inside your inventory]

[They can be brought only through portal teleport]

[You have to pay fifty million coins for their transfer]

Fifty million coins? That meant one hundred coins per person!

“Alright, I agree,” but who cared! I have tons of coins in my inventory so far.

[All the races are forced to sign a binding contract of loyalty under your name]

[Do you accept these contracts?]

“Of course I do!” without these loyalty binding contracts, I’d be in grave danger without doubt.


Just as I agreed, fifty million coins were deducted from my personal account. Then a grand portal appeared in front of my eyes.

The portal wasn’t grand in height, but in length. It stretched to cover up an entire mile distance. It was my luck to be outside the city this time, or else it would be impossible to bring them here using this portal.

*Flash!* *Flash!* Flash!*

Just as the portal appeared, endless flashes of light appeared in succession. I stood over my chariot overlooking them like a god looking down on his subjects.

“Who the f*ck are you?”

“Are you that damn bastard who brought me here?”

“I’ll kill you!”

“Let’s kill him, boys!”

“Don’t say boys! We have girls here!!”

Many unneeded shouts and even death threats came from the races that came. From the first look, there were seven races here.

One race was just like what I imagined. The giants were almost ten metres in height, giving me an intimidating impression with all these bulging muscles with brown lustre in their arms, abdomen, and legs.

They reminded me of the Berserkers, wearing light short clothes while proudly exposing their body physique. The only regret I had was their numbers.

By look, there weren’t that many in these rapidly increasing densely packed races. I’d say there were mostly ten thousands here, no more.

[You gained the loyalty binding contracts of all races brought by the Bringold impact]

[A special icon for contracts you had is created for you to easily access from your profile]

“Thanks system sama,” I said while opening my profile and accessing the contract menu.

It was pleasant to see things organised there. The interface had many submenus there, including free scrolling in the entire contract list, contracts arranged per race, and even contracts arranged by date.

I selected the races menu and there I found the seven races in front of me in addition to humans, succubi, Selvators, illusionists, and Berserkers.

I didn’t have any contract with any dragon race yet whatsoever.

“Hmm… So I have twelve thousand and three hundred giant race fighters… that’s better than I initially thought,” I surfed the menu, checking the races and their numbers while ignoring all the death threats coming from the races down below.

“The shaders are fifteen thousand… not that much either… the grounders are the largest so far… they are around forty thousand…”

I read through the menu before realising that most of the races I got belonged to useless races that I wouldn’t need.

I didn’t hurry to kill the rest. I just started surfing through their race names. Werewolves, Zulbors, Reaters, and shriners were the names of these races.

I knew werewolves. I already fought against them so many times and even ended up merging their souls with dragons to form the dragolves race I currently had.

They weren’t that bad, but they weren’t that good either. I hesitated for a moment but I reminded myself that I should seek building elite forces and not just big masses of cannon fodders.

As for the other three races, I got absolutely no clue at all about them. Yet looking at the large number of races down there, I knew they wouldn’t be that much of a help.

The races lacked any great build. Many even looked smaller than humans. I decided to proceed as planned.

“Listen to my orders and heed by them or you’ll die,” I shouted after releasing a single warning attack from my chariot in the form of an energy impulse of intermediate grade.

It was enough to scare and silence them, coupled with my chariot’s start to fly in the air. “Giants, Shaders, and Grounders… Move here.”

I pointed towards a location that was almost one mile behind my chariot. For the first few seconds, I got nothing in response but heavy silence.

“You are all bound by loyalty contracts,” I said in loud and yet firm tone, “failing to obey my orders means instant death by the system. It’s your choice.”

“F*ck you!”

“Go to hell!”

“Screw you, tyrant!”

Different curses and mean comments came from these three races, and yet not a single one of them refused to move.

I didn’t comment or even show any response at all. After all, in the next ten minutes, the massacre that would erupt would be enough to make a clear statement towards all of these three races.

As for those rude and mean races down below, I didn’t feel anything towards them. Their leaders acted against my humans, and it was simply fair to repay this kindness back in folds.

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