I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 247 It's Really Him!!!

“Hmm… Have we met before or something?”

I was really shocked to even speak! In front of my eyes, in front of me, there was a younger version, a typical younger version of my old man!

His face was void of his deep running grooves in his skin. His hair wasn’t that dishevelled or white yet, only moderately long black and well combed strands.

His eyes held such a strong vibe of life, something that I never imagined to see in the eyes of my old man. Even when he was telling me his stories, or at our last meeting, his eyes always held that touch of despair, a look that told me how broken that man was.

“Ahem, you don’t know me?” I regained my composure and decided to act cautiously here. This man wasn’t the old man I knew before, even if the two were really one.

The one I knew lived for almost a hundred years! A more desperate version of the man in front of my eyes.

Even if the two were the same, this young man here didn’t live to see what my old man did.

“You are Hye, of course I know you,” he said as he misunderstood my question, “I have followed your channel since day one of its establishment, watched all your struggles against the angels and the apocalypse. You really gained my admiration and respect a long time ago, human.”

“And you are an angel, a real angel, right?” I slowly asked while closely watching every single reaction on his face.

Right now I realised what Sith meant by his last words. He was speaking about this dude. Wait a second… Did that also mean my old man was a god?!!

“Oh, how did you know?!” he seemed to be shocked to jump in fright from my words. I didn’t mean to startle him, but I just wanted to be sure of my guesses.

And only from his reaction I was now sure of his identity.

“Don’t panic, we are all friends and allies here,” I simply said while walking towards the central zone of this wide hall.

The hall was void of anything else but two seats for the two of us. When I came closer, I noticed that this man was slightly taller than my old man.

Or was my old man so old to have his back arched and his body dwarfed by the act of time? I couldn’t tell, to be honest.

“It’s just…”

“Weird, right?” I stopped one metre away from him, extended my arm and added, “I’m Hye, nice to meet you.”

“Call me Lok, or the old foreteller as my friends used to call me.”

I shook his hand while feeling a strange melancholic feeling at this moment. The old man’s name was always the old foreteller, told to me by the system and himself.

As I shook my hand, he took this gesture as a friendly move from me. Yet I was really doing this for the old favour of my old man. I was honest in my appreciation and respect for this dude, even if he didn’t realise any of that.

“Let’s sit and talk,” I led the way, unlike what was supposed to happen. “So you are a god of the angels, right?”

“I’m considered one of the last group of living gods of my race,” he bitterly said while I saw a flash of darkness passing through his eyes.

He was really defeated, hopeless, and feeling all powerless at this moment. Of course after knowing secrets about this race from Sith, I grew more understanding towards all these feelings.

And at this moment, I also felt more appreciation towards Sith. He wasn’t just telling me stories about the old man of mine, but trying to pave the path for this meeting, helping me to better understand this broken man’s cause.

“I’m here to speak with you about being your sponsor,” he started his talk with that but I shook my head in response.

“What? Do you plan to renege over your promise?” he asked in doubt and little fright.

“I’ll accept you as my sponsor, that’s something we don’t need to even discuss,” I first reassured him before adding in a more serious way, “but this meeting shouldn’t be about any of this. Tell me, will that help in restoring your race’s power?”

“My race’s power? Sigh, I hope I can live to see this day or help in making it happen.”

You already did your part, old man. I silently watched his dark expression while recalling the last request the old man asked from me.

That man lived in the shadows of his mission, to restore the glory of his race or even help in freeing his people. He was a poor man, a man who lived and withered under the burden of his cause.

I felt like I could see through his body and look at his soul. It was fragile, fatigued and ached with all the burdens and threats he was experiencing.

Of course if Sith knew about his presence, then other high grade gods would also know about that, including his enemies, our enemies.

“I can promise to help you in achieving this dream,” I didn’t say it lightly, yet the reaction over his face told me he took my words as such.

“You just a kind hearted person, Hye,” he mistook my meaning again, “but you know nothing about my race’s predicament.”

“You belong to a race who was crushed by the traitors from this universe,” I didn’t change my expression or my tone, “your race was such a fine one, blessed with many superpowers and special abilities. That’s why the enemies targetted you among the first races here. After all, your race can be considered a sharp blade directed at their throats.”

“You…” This time his shock was deeper and he seemed to start taking my words far more seriously than before, “how did you know all of this?”

“I had someone to help me fill in the gaps,” I simply shrugged, throwing everything on the shoulders of my Sith, “someone who truly wants to help you and your cause.”

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