I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 251 The System Intervention

I selected Lok’s icon and an interface appeared in front of me. And there I found the quest menu. Just one quest was there, one flashing with a bright myriad of colours; gold, silver, red, and black.

It just looked special. Please be special, please grant me tons of blessing points, please.

[Favour point quest: Extraordinary quest. Issued by your sponsor god, Lok.

Quest details: you are asked to seek favour points and bring them to Lok. for each favour point, you’ll get one million blessing points in return]

It was there! One million blessing points… Damn! That meant I’d end up having five million blessing points. I just hoped it would be enough to cut the link of my entire force.

[Warning: This quest’s reward is way above the limits of the current apocalypse stage]

[Warning: A change in the reward is being processed]

F*ck! How could that happen to me?!!!

“This is unfair!” I shouted at the sky, as if I was speaking with a true god or something up there, “I worked my as* to get those favour points! They can’t be treated like dog sh*t or something!”

[Warning: A change in the reward is being processed]

As if my complaint was thrown out of the window, the system kept showing me these messages until one last message came.

[Change is done!]

“And?” I powerlessly and dejectedly asked.

[Your reward will remain the same, but a limitation over the number of favour points you can give to him has changed]

[You can now give one favour point every quest]

[You can give only one favour point to him now]

“Screw you!” I wanted to smash anything at this point out of rage, “I’ve already finished two quests and am waiting for the third!”

[This quest starts with quest three. The already finished quests aren’t calculated or considered]

Damn! They didn’t even consider this quest starting from quest two but three!

I was anxious, so I started regulating my breathing in an attempt to calm down myself. After a few minutes, I regained my composure.

“Alright, give him one favour point,” I said while clicking again at the quest, “one million blessing points isn’t a bad thing either.”

I started looking at the bright side, ignoring the gains I lost with these modifications.

[One favour point is deducted successfully from your account]

[You gained one million blessing points]

[You are now considered the wealthiest of the entire apocalypse participants in blessing points]

[You can’t gain anymore blessing points until you spend at least half of this amount]

“F*ck you!!” Even when giving me what was rightfully mine, that damn system placed such unrealistic limitations on me. “Just wait and watch, I’ll consume most of them now!”

With an immense rage roaring inside me I controlled my chariot and went directly towards the big masses of the three races of mine.

“Stay put and don’t move a muscle,” I shouted even before getting there. I was so pissed off right now, and the only thing to vent my anger and cool down myself was via using that pair of scissors.

Of course with simple math I could tell there was no value in using the scissors to cut directly their god links. Each usage would take away one hundred blessing points, a price I was sure would be much lower if I filled the scissors with fuel.

But currently it had zero fuel point inside. The only way was through letting it deplete someone’s blessing points.

“Come forth,” I took it out once my feet touched the ground. Once I let go of the rope, I went to hold that heavy looking scissors.

But I didn’t hold it from the right angle. I pointed its tip towards me and simply stabbed it into my thigh.

I felt no pain at all. It was weird though what I felt, like I was inside a world of illusions. There a majestic voice rang as it said:

“The god nemesis scissors, I, can absorb the target’s blessing points. Do you want me to proceed?”

“Consume it all!” without a single moment of hesitation I gave the permission for my scissors to work his magic.

It was shocking to realise later on that the voice speaking here belonged to no one else but this godly item. However at this point, I wasn’t in any condition to let me think rationally about that.

I felt a strange weakness, an urge to sleep that I strongly resisted. It was so overwhelming, yet luckily for me the process didn’t take much longer than five minutes.

“Cough… Cough…” I coughed and sneezed once I broke free from my scissors’ clutches. It wasn’t a good feeling, something I hoped to never experience again.

Yet as I was weakly lying on the ground next to my scissors, I extended my shaking arm and touched it.

[Gods nemesis Scissors: God grade item. Bound to earthling Hye as a personal gift from death shrine god, Sith.

A weapon that can harm any god if used against him, regardless of his or her grade and rank. Can be used to cut the sponsorship between a god and someone inside an apocalypse. Can devour anyone’s blessing points and turn these into fuel to run the scissors.

Current fuel stored inside: Two million fuel points.

Each fuel point will be used to cleanse one god link with anyone.

Each usage time will consume one hundred blessing points if there is no fuel there.

Can’t be dropped. Can’t be changed. Can’t be sold]

Damn! That bastard’s equation between blessing points and its fuel was something else!

It seemed for each blessing point it absorbed, a single fuel point was added. But was it one fuel point or two?

For a second I stood in my place puzzled and frowning from this. Yet when I recalled the bonus of my blessing points gained, being doubled thanks to my sponsorship with Sith, I realised what happened here.

“So you tried to steal one million blessing points away from me? Humph, nice try,” I snorted while standing over my light glaive, using it literally as a walking stick.

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