I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 280 Teasing The Spearhead

By this, they started to move towards my direction with their entire forces. Just watching the seemingly endless lines of humans alongside their warriors was satisfying.

I planned to wait until all my scattered forces regroup here. But at this moment, I started to consider leaving things here to these three. Or to be more precise, leaving things here to her.

“Hey Hye, can you get down here? Or let me come onboard!”

Angelica seemed to get along nicely alongside Hilary. The former was the one who shouted in such a way.

“Really?” I waved my glaive and pointed its tip towards her direction, “last time I checked, we weren’t this close to speak in such a way to me.”

“Oh… It’s just…” she paused and I could see her body trembling faintly before she looked at Hilary’s direction.

“She is fine Hye, she is my friend now.”

“As if your words count,” I shrugged, before adding, “for them I’m their boss. Besides, this girl is always trying to get me in her bed.”

“I won’t say anything if that happened,” unlike what I thought, Hilary raised both arms in the air as if she had no control over this.

“See? That’s why I like her better than that cold hearted Karoline!” Angelica seemed happy, she even laughed while saying this.

“Alright, get in and don’t make a fuss,” I just was teasing Angelica, but never expected for Hilary to stand by her side. What? Did she really have no problem with me dating other girls or what?

“Don’t give me that look,” as the three boarded the chariot, Hilary first jumped into my embrace as if this was some sort of our way of greeting, “I told you before, I won’t mind sharing bed with you and that cold Karoline.”

“You are really my idol!” On the side, Angelica’s eyes shone in a bizarre way. Her idol? Come on! You two just met a couple of hours ago!

“You two… Looks like things aren’t as I heard,” just before I could say anything to Angelica, the spearhead threw this phrase, the one that confirmed my earlier guess about him.

He was here only to act as an eye for the jumper. That bastard… Who told him he could control my personal life? Who appointed him as my parents?

“Things are never what they look on the surface,” I said these words while deeply placing my hands under the thin chest plate Hilary was wearing.

My hands met something fluffy and pointy, and in a reflex I gently squeezed it.

“Ahh!” in a soft tone she moaned, twisted her body weakly in my arms, placing her head intentionally closer to my head. I gave the spearhead a sharp gaze before lowering my head and taking a soft bite off her cherry red lips.


“Just stand silent and listen…” I firmly supported her body while pointing towards one of my Gollams. He came and stretched only his thick arm, letting me sit over it like it was a seat or something.

And with a swift and simple move I carried her light body and placed her seating over my legs, while her head was left to rest over my chest.

“We will have a good time soon,” Angelica chuckled, meaningly saying these words with evil intentions while focusing her eyes over the spearhead.

That dude was destined to feel this awkward for a long time. Who told him to accept such a low mission to act as that bastard’s eyes over me? Screw him and that jumper both in the same breath!

“Ahem, I saw nothing,” under the threatening eyes from me, and the mockery in Angelica’s eyes, that spearhead finally knew what was best for him.

I didn’t fully believe him. But who cared? The happiest one here was none other than Hilary. Just in these brief minutes, she enjoyed being in my embrace, being held like a pride by her groom.

“I will have to leave you here,” I finally started speaking about the real deal, “the three cities up north from here are all taken by the same race, the Hectors.”

“I never heard of that race before,” Angelica turned to me before adding, “are they that strong?”

“They are much more dangerous than a diseased bed partner,” Hilary said and I didn’t follow what she meant.

“They are hellishly strong,” I said in a way I could relate to. Yet from the response over the other two faces, it seemed I didn’t need to do that. “Anyway, they protected the three cities with a big and mighty shield, the one you can see clearly from here.”

“We can see it,” the spearhead said, “but boss, it looks strong.”

“It is,” I nodded, “but it has a weakness.”

“It’s not complete yet, right my darling?” Hilary raised her head and her warm breaths were so close to my face, shattering all my mental defences and letting me surrender under this merciless attack.

After another bite, yet much hotter and longer than the first one, leaving Hilary a bit drowsy and much weaker, I said:

“The shield has holes in it. I plan to get through these towards the cities inside. But that doesn’t mean things are going to be calm here.”

“We will hold the line, boss,” Angelica mimicked a military salute as she added, “we won’t let anyone get close to the city. By the way, I noticed the presence of strong humans here. Who are they?”

“Yes boss, I also noticed how strong they are,” the spearhead said, “can I add them to my forces?”

“No they are mine!” Hilary said, in a much weaker tone than before, “I need such strong dudes to help my weak army.”

“They aren’t under my control yet,” I shook my head, recalling this mysterious force. I had to meet up with them before going towards the shield. But they were all entangled deeply with the enemy. I had to first find a way to disengage those berserker-like fighters and have a word with their bosses.

“Oh, is that true?” Hilary adjusted her body as she sat facing me directly, “have you met their leaders yet?”

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