I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 282 Cults!

“If we are going to have a serious talk with them,” I said while gently waving the few strands of her long hair away from her face, “then we should do it the right way.”

“A real tycoon is always surrounded with beauties,” she chuckled, as she got the point. And I only smiled in response to her words.

“Hey,” I pointed at one of my dreadful looking lightning fallen gods and added, “go down there. Tell them that the lord wants to speak with their representatives. I’ll wait for them here on my chariot.”

If I wanted to turn them into my side, then I should first show off my superiority. Even if I was the one needing them, I had to show the opposite.

They had to come onboard for me, not for me to disembark and meet them up.

“I like that,” Hilary painted a soft mark over the side of my ear with her soft lips, making my body turn slightly on fire.

Yet I controlled this desire and suppressed it for now. I had to first meet this group of humans’ leaders and find out about their origin.

Something kept bothering me about them. They showed every single sign of being elite forces in such dark times. I, the jumper, and Hilary were just exceptions thanks to our special abilities.

But them? I couldn’t believe they were blessed with leaders of the same calibre like the three of us. Then what was it? It wasn’t long before a group of five people came on board.

They looked a little similar to each other. Not in the colour of their gears, but also in their faces.

A family… a group of siblings they were, or at least cousins. They all held the same white features of any east european people.

“Hello fellow friends of the human race,” two girls and three boys, all in their early twenties. The middle one spoke in a tone that didn’t show any humbleness or arrogance. “I’m Mouven, the leader of the human forces here.”

“Hi Mouven,” from his tone I noticed a weird accent that told me he wasn’t from here. “I’m Hye, the leader of all these forces,” I said in a tone that was filled with arrogance.

“You aren’t from here, right?” Hilary spoke and one girl of them, one with pure pale blue eyes said:

“It’s not a place for hookers to step in.”

“You are the only hooker here,” Hilary snorted and unlike what I expected, she hugged me tighter, relaxing her body while adding: “Darling, can you bring that seat again? I’m tired from standing up.”

*Snap!* without saying a single word, I simply looked at my Gollum from before and snapped my finger at him.

With his giant body he walked and extended his arm, letting me set and Hilary leant over me while waving away her long hair.

“Ahem,” the one called Mouven cleared his throat, giving the girl that spoke next to him a warning gaze. “We are interested in knowing your origin, Hye.”

“I also have the same desire,” I nodded before adding in a sharp tone, “you start first.”

“Isn’t it more appropriate for you to start?” That Mouven said, but I could tell they weren’t happy with what I said.

As I expected, from the first words we both seemed to stand on distant shores apart from each other with clashing waves.

“It’s you who are coming to us,” Hilary said, “so it’s normal for you to speak.”

“We aren’t your dogs!” the girl who spoke first said in an aggressive tone.

“If you don’t want to enjoy your lives, then keep that attitude of yours… Snap!” I said while snapping my fingers. This time I simply recalled twenty dragons, twenty fallen gods, and one hundred soulers, before summoning them here with the snap of my fingers.


“What’s the meaning of this?”

“Are you going to fight us?”

“We aren’t that weak, you know!”

“That’s expected from a hooker and her master!”

The four of them exclaimed in alarm when my boys appeared. In fact they got all the right to be so restless. But who said they had to be this rude? This is full of themselves?

Even if they were unique and strong, they were nothing compared to me or my forces. This was their last chance, either the spine of their arrogance would be crushed and they would end up on my side, or…

“Shut up!” Mouven showed his demeanor as their leader at this crucial moment. I looked up at him, waiting to hear what he was going to do next.


“I said shut up!” That girl seemed to have an unexplained feud with Hilary for unknown reasons. Yet the last shout from Mouven managed to shut them up.

“Sorry about that,” he said before adding in a tone that seemed directed to his siblings and not mine, “my cult never placed fighting humans against each other as a good thing. We despise such actions, and only hope for mutual cooperation.”

“A… Cult?!!” It was Hilary who spoke. As she was already leaning on my chest, I could easily feel the faint tremble in her body.

Cults were such a familiar name to me. I read many records about those crazy and lunatic humans in the eyes of the world before the apocalypse happened.

They were people so much believing in the end of the world. Unlike any religious group, these people believed that the world would end with a big test for humans for survival.

They long forecasted the happenings in the apocalypse, prepared lots of things for that day. They built shelters, so deep in the ground, so well protected and provided with everything any human would need to survive.

They also provided survival skills training for anyone belonging to them. It seemed they were quite successful at the early days of the apocalypse, as they got their names mentioned a lot at the records of the early days.

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