I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 304 Meeting With The Four Big Names


As I couldn’t stop him with my glaring eyes, I had to use one of my weapons. With a simple snap of my fingers, I called forth one of my dragons.


My dragon landed beside me with a mighty roar that managed to silence that dude. Finally! He was like a talking machine, knowing no limit.

“Ahem,” I cleared my throat before asking, “which company are you from?”

“Is it safe?” yet instead of answering me, that wolf seemed to be more interested in my dragon, “can I have one?”

“If you wanna die then be my guest,” I simply waved my hand in an invitation, one that Wolf had to turn down with a retreating couple of steps.

“I want an answer, Wolf,” I leant over my dragons, slightly in a move to threaten that talkative and slow minded guy.

“I… I’m from Lockheed Martin company,” he said and I frowned when I heard what he said.

“Aren’t you from the Raytheon company?” I asked, but he shook his head then pointed at someone else:

“He is.”

“Hi sir,” a slightly smaller built dude stepped forward. Compared with Wolf, this one seemed much smarter and a bit fierce, especially with his sharp deep eyes and bald head. “I’m Moore, nice to meet you sire.”

“Nice to meet you,” I shook his extended hand before he added:

“I’ve moved here by your orders. But these dudes here…” he moved his eyes around, seemingly with an annoying expression on his face, “they appeared a couple of days ago.”

“They?” I asked, moving my eyes around the other eight people, “which companies do you belong to?”

“I’m from Reston company.”

“I’m from Northrop corp.”

The ten people started to stand in different groups of five. Four of them belonged to the four big companies I heard about from that major. Each one had one to two people standing together, with Wolf and Moore standing alone.

As for the fifth group, it had three people in it. Unlike the other four, this group was formed entirely out of young people.

“And you?” I spared my questions for a later time. After all, I knew that one company was situated here, and the other three were around Washington D.C. city.

So it seemed a little weird for the other three to send representatives here. In fact I didn’t intend to take the trouble and go to their locations for now.

I had my hands tied with many things already. I might be able to go to their locations after the end of the upcoming big battle, or perhaps after the end of the fourth quest.

“We are the leaders of the MIT student force here,” one of the three youths said, while moving his eyes around, seemingly more terrified of my boys than the other big guys around.

“Don’t worry, they are docile as long as you don’t touch them,” I smiled before adding, “so you are the ones leading the campus here, right?”

“That’s… that’s before these dudes arrived,” he said, while focusing his eyes over one person here; Wolf.

“Wolf… What did you do?” I asked that talkative person, and he shrugged.

“I did nothing,” he lied, “I just executed the CEO’s strict orders.”

“Which are?”

“To take control over this place and heavily fortify it.”

“Oh,” I recalled what that major said about the Lockheed Martin company. He described them as a big fish, the biggest military company ever in the entire world.

And with it they intended to continue as the biggest fist in the new world. But who told them they were the biggest fish here? If so, then what should I call myself? A shark?

“So how come you all are here?” It was time for me to understand what happened here, “shouldn’t you be stationed around Washington?”

“In fact…” Wolf started speaking for a long half an hour. That dude had the ability to speak for all this time without taking a single break! Damn! He was something else.

But from what he poured unto my face, I learnt a lot about what happened. It seemed the leaders of the other three companies met together or spoke remotely. And they agreed to not let this chance slip off their hands.

Of course I could understand their reasons, but these folks missed a big thing here. They just sent lots of their forces and much of their weapons to here. But they sent a few of their scientists and engineers.

I didn’t care that much about the weapons, brilliant minds were my main goal. Unlike what they expected, I’d never place what they brought into my eyes.

For example, the Lockheed Martin guys sent a dozen of their latest stealth bombers. Come on! Were you still living in the old times or what?

Bombers? What would I use these useless pieces of metal for? To me they were useless. To anyone in the apocalypse, they were useless. Even after a hundred years they’d still be useless!

Lockheed Martin wasn’t the exception here. All the other two companies did the same. Despite the fact that what the other two brought was much better to me than those useless bombers, I still couldn’t value their things this much.

Compared with the Raytheon group, who brought over their entire base here, these three companies were destined to fall behind.

Raytheon guys brought over almost one thousand engineers and scientists, making me grin when I heard that from Moore. As for the other three companies, the best brought only less than one hundred!

“Why do I have the feeling you aren’t that excited about our presence?” Unlike Wolf, the others from the other two companies weren’t as slow as him.

One of them asked, in a harsh tone that told me he wasn’t pleased with my reaction.

“And why should I?” I wasn’t fazed at all with his attitude. I slowly crossed my arms and added, “after all what I’m looking for isn’t weapons but the brilliant minds behind making such toys.”

“Toys?” that dude seemed to be insulted by my words, “these are the best of what humans made before all this sh*It happened! You can’t find any better weapons than these anywhere in the world!”

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