I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 340 Attacking Flying Monsters

After a few minutes, I resigned to my fate. I sighed, looked at the mysterious bottom of this mountain and decided to give it a go and climb my way down all the way to the bottom.

Hopefully I’d find monsters down there to kill.

But just as I stepped down the peak, a sudden change occured.

With my first few steps down the peak, and as I was busy with finding a suitable and safe foothold for me, I felt a great threat coming at me.

“Damn!” I looked up and in a brief second I saw tons of monsters turning around and heading directly at me.

Those monsters… Were they protecting the mountain and preventing me from walking down?

Just the number of those monsters was too much for me to handle. Not to mention the fact that I failed to heavily wound these monsters, thanks to their protective bubbles.

From my clash from earlier, I knew these bubbles worked as a trauma absorption layer. If I wanted to seriously wound these monsters, then I had to first crush all these bubbles on their bodies.

But that was something to think about later. After all, thousands of monsters were coming in my direction at this moment.

“Screw you,” as I was forced to such an edge, I didn’t hesitate to run back to the peak. The moment I returned there, the monsters seemed to lose their aggro.

What should I do then? I looked up at the flying away monsters, returning to idly fly around with no target.

I now knew their purpose, they wouldn’t attack me until I stepped outside the protection circle of this peak.

Thinking about this, surrendering and leaving looked more appealing to me than before. However when I looked up again at those monsters, I couldn’t help but sigh.

I wanted these monsters! Dealing with them was a real pain. If I managed to kill even a single one of these, I could summon their souls later as my warriors.

My dragons were really scary. But compared to them, these monsters here were more versatile. They could be used in defensive and offensive battles. And they weren’t weak as well.

But how would I kill one of them? This looked a far impossible feat than I even imagined.

The most challenging part was facing such a big number of monsters at the same time. If I was dealing with a few tens then it would be feasible. But thousands? That was simply overbearing!

I stopped thinking in such a way and started to consider my current advantages. I was on the top of a high peak, having the advantage of terrain.

Besides I knew how to trigger the aggro of these monsters. Bit by bit, a crazy idea started to appear in my mind. And the more I thought about it, the more I liked it.

The only drawback of this plan was time. If I played it right, then I was able not only to kill one or two, but even cleanse all the monsters here clean.

But at what cost? I estimated it would take hundreds of hours to do that, even more. Was it worth it? Frankly speaking, I didn’t know.

If the time difference was large, then I’d regret losing this chance here. But if it wasn’t, then I’d regret wasting my time here.

It was a hard decision to make to be honest. Should I be greedy or be cautious? That was the question.

Feeling puzzled for a few minutes about that, I finally made up my mind. “I didn’t come here for a smooth ride anyway,” I said in determination. I came here to unlock that dungeon with the highest possible score.

Not to mention if the hardness of the test grew like this for everyone, then I doubted the final score would be that high. So winning this map here would be a great thing to do.

Even if I’d waste time here, I wouldn’t really regret it that much anyway. Not like if the final result of this test came to be disappointing.

“Come out,” as I decided to fight, I called out all the agile and toxic monsters I summoned before. I also added another hundred to them, making their numbers get to slightly over two hundred.

“Stay here,” I gave the order, “make sure to attack the monsters freely.”

As I left them here, I started to climb down the mountain again.


Like before, those monsters were attracted to me like iron to magnet. I wasn’t surprised like last time, and instead I kept watching the performance of my boys.

*Fwoosh!* *Fwoosh!* *Fwoosh!*

They kept firing their poisonous darts, hitting the bubbles and bursting them open at a good pace. Yet the number of the incoming monsters was so damn large.

In addition to that, each monster had more than fifty bubbles around its body. That meant the number of bubbles was already way too much.

But who said I was aiming at a fast and crushing victory here? As the monsters became closer to me, I returned back to the peak, getting rid of that aggro.

The good thing was that even if they lost me and returned to fly back, my boys kept attacking them non-stop.

It was better than I initially thought! I imagined my monsters would attack only when these flying bubbled ones would come at me. But now things looked much better.

As the monsters returned back to their initial positions, most of them went outside the attack range of my boys. There were still a good number of them inside that attack range.

So this time I didn’t hurry to climb down. If my boys could burst open these bubbles from here, why would I risk my life again?

I waited for five hours. During which my boys never stopped attacking for even once. During this time, a few monsters had their bubbles burst open, and they started to get poisoned with my monsters’ darts.

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