I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 356 Start Evolving My Souls

I got close to five million stored soul points here. If I paid to create three evolved human souls, that would mean I’d have to pay roughly three million and half soul points!

I didn’t hesitate for long. I had to take this step anyway.

“I want to use merge phase II to merge one thousand souls.”

[Doing So requires you to pay ten thousand souls]

[The end result will be a race you select from the list of the souls you currently have]

[Here is the list:..]

The next moment a long list appeared in front of me. I looked at all the names I and my forces killed so far. It was really a very long list.

“I select humans,” I didn’t have to go for all this. I knew which race I wanted to merge.

[Do you want to pay ten thousand souls?]


[Merge is complete]

[The final soul is two hundred percent stronger than the normal human souls]

[Please give a name for such new soul]

“Higher humans,” I didn’t find naming it anything important.

[Name is granted]

[Higher human soul is now included in your soul class list]

“Use soul merge II again,” I didn’t stop even to inspect that new soul. After all, I had a long way to go.

*Bang* *Bang!* *Bang!*

Just as I was in the middle of this process, the enemy launched his third wave of arrows.

They landed like the previous ones, forming a layer to trap me inside. Now I was trapped with three layers, which exerted a great deal of pressure over any attack getting out from my chariot.

“Boss, this… This is bad,” but as this happened, another one panicked here. It was the spearhead, and he had all the right to feel so.

“I know,” I didn’t even look at him, “just take more crystals and try to fight back.”

“O… Ok,” he seemed to want to say something, but he didn’t. I was looking really busy dealing with merging my souls here. And I didn’t need any disturbance for now.

I kept merging my souls as planned. In the end, I got the first one hundred higher human souls I wanted.

“Time for the real show… I want to use soul evolution.”

[You need to use one hundred upgraded souls for the evolution process]

[You’ll need to pay one hundred thousand souls for that]

[There is a failure possibility of thirty percent]

“What the f*ck!!!” I cursed out loud and that seemed to make the dude next to me more panicked.

“Boss! Is there anything wrong again?!!!” he jumped once I cursed, even ran towards me.

“It’s fine, stay and work at your spot,” I stopped him before returning to think about this problem.

Thirty percent failure percentage? That meant out of three attempts, I’d fail one. It wasn’t time for such a thing to happen.

“Can I lower that failure rate?” I asked with much hope for my system to give me a way out.

After all this system was acting stingy at many times, asking for my wealth if it got a chance to.

[You can pay one hundred thousand souls to raise your success rate by ten percent]

As expected! That meant to make sure my success rate was one hundred percent, I’d have to pay an additional three hundred thousand souls.

Well… That wasn’t bad, I could cover up this cost.

“Do it,” I firmly said, “pay three hundred thousand extra soul points in the process.”

[Evolution is under progress]

[One percent is done…]

[Two percent is done…]

[Three percent is done…]

Damn! It was going like a snail! I didn’t have anything to do this time but wait. That system was trying to delay me as hard as it could.

As I had to wait for a couple minutes for this countdown to end, I paid more attention towards this battle.

Well… the battleground changed once the third wave of the trapping weapons appeared.

This time, my boys’ attacks moved at a very slow pace inside the three layers like they were crawling to get out. I looked at all the arrow-like bolts that moved slowly in the middle of the three layers and had to sigh.

That enemy of mine was really trying his best here. Even with the third layer, he was still bringing more weapons to this world via that gate.

“The fourth is the end,” I looked up at the sky before adding, “I hope this way can do the trick.”

That god didn’t answer me. I knew he was listening, watching, but he didn’t say anything to me this time.

Perhaps he was waiting for me to finish the evolution. “It’s done,” as I saw the evolution bar reach its end, and before I could read the messages that popped in front of me, I added, “what should I do now?”

He didn’t directly answer, and I started to read the messages that appeared after the evolution ended.

[Congratulations! The first evolved soul is being born]

[The soul is an evolved human soul]

[It’s one thousand percent stronger than any human soul]

[The soul developed a special ability; Wither]

[You need to give a name to this soul]

“Let’s call it…” just before I could find a useless name for this soul, the god sent me a message, barely stopping me at times.

[That god says you shouldn’t rush and name that soul. He says that name is very important]

“How?” I didn’t continue to name that soul and only looked up as if I was speaking directly with him.

[That god says that the name of this soul will determine the nature of your first cultivation stage]

[You need to think of a name that will suit that soul ability to make the best use of it]

“Can you explain it a bit further?” I decided to keep merging the souls until this talk was done, “I need to better understand your idea now!”

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