I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 362 The Third Soul

That’s what I wanted to hear. I looked at him in silence. I didn’t need to emphasise how important this mission was.

If he failed, if my boys failed, then we would be doomed. If I was trapped, then the spearhead ability would be sealed and my boys wouldn’t be able to hit anything.

I didn’t place much hope on their shoulders to destroy these weapons. But I hoped they could at least buy me half an hour.

I only needed half an hour, and my next soul would be integrated into my platform.

“Come forth… Ruin!” I didn’t delay and returned to sit on the ground. As I said so, the soul started to appear just near me.

This time I took six bones. I didn’t want to face the same problem as before. Two dark golden bones were enough to create such a wide ground for me.

So with six, I hoped this soul could bring me a surprise.

I closed my eyes, entered the shadow world. The world there was looking like my home.

I was still feeling a little weird about the current status of that world. When looking over it in general, my platform and dantian wouldn’t look as big as when I focused my eyes over any of them.

Especially my platform. It was like a gigantic place from one angle, and a very tiny thing from another.

“Ok, time to bring that dude here,” I returned to focus on my body. I controlled my energy and moved it outside, surrounded that soul and cut him into pieces.

The first soul I got was a boy, and the second was a girl. The two called me father and dad, making me feel already older than I was supposed to be.

But that also made me little anticipating this new soul. Would it be a boy or a girl?

I moved the soul pieces engulfed in my energy towards my shadow world. Once there, they moved like being pulled with hidden force, heading directly towards the platform.

And once there, the soul stopped over the second step, starting to gather there.

“What is… That?!!” I was surprised when the shape of that soul became clearer with each passing minute. “A… Twin?!!” I was shocked to realise that this soul wasn’t one, but twin.

Well… It was a good decision indeed to bring out six bones at the same time. Even if each bone was as huge as to cover the entire chariot’s length of mine, they weren’t enough to satisfy my girl’s need last time.



The two soft voices echoed in my ears once their full bodies were formed.

“Are you two… Ruin?” I asked in doubt, and the two nodded.

“I’m the destruction of Ruin pappa.”

“I’m the reconstruction Ruin daddy.”

I didn’t get what they meant, neither did I have time to worry about that for now. “Let’s start then, please eat as much energy as possible and start evolving my dear kids.”

One was a boy and the other was a girl. The next moment I released all the energy I stored nearby in the dantian, letting them be surrounded with dense energy threads.

Yet two opposing scenes appeared in front of my eyes.

The boy who said he was the destruction Ruin had a similar effect like Wither. The energy threads vanished, but not in the same fading and withering way like his older sister.

This boy here had the threads smash into pieces, then these pieces would smash into smaller ones until only specks of energy remained.

He absorbed part and the other he controlled and pushed to his twin.

The girl had a much different thing going on at her part. The threads didn’t break or wither, they were getting stronger and denser until they formed a cocoon.

As the cocoon of energy was formed, few thick threads were extended from it towards her twin. In front of my eyes, the two brother and sister twins were affecting my energy threads in two opposite ways, and they also helped each other at the same time.

Just as I was watching this amazing scene, a new change started to happen at the platform itself. The second step started to grow, not directly expanding like the first step did.

Instead it started to grow up, twisting and taking different shapes, expanding partly over the first step and the other started to form a curved edge at the border of the first step.

My bones energy was gushed in a copious and dense amount towards these two. And with it, new things started to appear.

“Are these… Towers and buildings?!!” I narrowed my eyes, trying to focus over these tiny and rich details in the small protrusions appearing on the ground of my platform.

Yes, these were buildings and towers, streets and other structures one could see in a very bustling city. I didn’t know what was going on here, but as these souls were doing things on their own, then I had nothing else to do but watch and wait.

Hopefully this would end up in my favour.

As minutes passed by, I was growing anxious. Were my boys successful? Did that spearhead pull a miracle? Or…

I didn’t want to think about the consequences if they failed. They were just too devastating and frustrating to make me not want to think about such an end.

The twin brother and sister kept doing their magic and the buildings kept extending without any signs of stopping.

But I didn’t get what was the benefit of such buildings. Having a city inside my platform… what would that help my cultivation with?

My puzzlement didn’t last for long. After roughly ten minutes, a strange building started to appear.

It was at the central zone of one side of the platform base. The platform base was already in hexagonal shape. At the side I was looking at, one building started to grow taller than any other building.

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