I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 380 The Jumper Fans

“They won’t fight with you?” it wasn’t just the jumper who said this, but also Hilary and Karoline.

“They aren’t here to fight,” I said before stressing over this again, “they aren’t here to join any force.”

“Then…” Hilary moved her arms at last, looked at me with doubt, “why are they still alive?”

This girl… she really got the way I used to think. She knew if I didn’t use them for a fight, then I’d have killed them a long time ago.

“They have a role to play,” I rolled my eyes, “they are going to train our forces from now on.”

“Train? What about the other two?” The jumper got instantly what I meant, and he even linked this with my deals with Fang and Wryly.

“These two aren’t humans,” I firmly said.

“Neither do these Hectors,” Hilary pointed at them, “A good Hector is a dead Hector, let me kill them.”

“No,” this girl seemed to have something against Hector’s race. She didn’t just propose that, but also moved towards them to do it.

If I didn’t hold her body from the back like hugging her, she wouldn’t have stopped.

“They are valuable assets,” I stressed over this point.

“They can’t be trusted,” she argued, “just look at all the humans they brought from other apocalypses, they enslaved us!”

“They are now my slaves,” I understood her rage, partially. But that didn’t mean I’d throw away this chance, not like this.

“Bound by contracts?!” The look of surprise over her face told me this was something unheard of.

“Is it hard for Hectors to be bound by contracts?” the jumper also felt the same weirdness in her tone so he asked.

And she nodded.

“These folks are more arrogant and self focused than even the most arrogant dragon. They’d never accept signing any contract with anyone outside their race, and even in their race they’d also pick their masters slowly… Oh, they call these masters a unique name, a mighty one.”

“Yeah, they are calling me this,” I helplessly shook my head, making her eyes blink twice in doubt.

“Do they?”

“I told them to call me lord, so they called me the mighty lord,” I could hear the muffled laugh of that bastard next to me. Do you have an issue with that?” I turned to him but the jumper raised both arms in the air as he said:

“It’s nothing, mighty lord.”

That bastard! I bet he was inwardly laughing at me.

“Anyway,”‘ I decided to ignore such a jerk, “now you go down there, start selecting your new army… Ah, don’t forget to interrogate them.”

“About what?” the all silence Leo finally spoke. He was this busy looking and flirting with Sara, yet the latter just gave him a cold shoulder all the time.

“About the worlds they came from, idiot,” the jumper was the one who answered him.

“We need to understand everything about their worlds… the apocalypses they lived through and how they end up in this situation,” I explained further before adding, “sum everything up and send me the data. Don’t miss anything, and don’t just take your info from one source.”

“Got it, boss,” the spearhead said.

“I want five of you to come and get that bastard’s inventory,” I looked at them, sparing Karoline from these words. Yet she strangely decided to move first, only to be stopped by a clear refusal by me.

“Not you,” I said, and she just stopped while giving me a daring look.

The jumper, Sara, Hilary, Angelica, and the spearhead were the five to have such honour. I also pointed at the dead bodies of his followers gathered by my dragons and asked them to share the loot together.

I didn’t forget to prevent Karoline from joining them. Till I’d know what went wrong with her, I had to cut many benefits off her.

Angelica gave me a thumb up as everyone descended. Only Hilary and the jumper stayed behind.

Hilary’s stay was something I could understand. But the jumper?

“What do you want?” as he stayed back like this, that meant he had something to tell me about.

“I want to speak about something…” he paused while taking a long gaze up at Hilary.

“I’m not leaving,” but the latter said that in defiance, crossing her arms and giving the jumper a gaze filled with challenge.

“Ok,” the jumper shrugged, “I want to speak about Karoline.”

“About that…” I realised why he looked at Hilary in such a way, “speak then.”

If Hilary decided to stay behind then there was nothing I could do.

“She started acting weird all of sudden,” the jumper said, “after we came back from that dungeon stupid test, she was fine. She even got a fight with this sexy b*tch here.”

“You are a jerk, do you know that?” Hilary didn’t give me the chance and screamed at the jumper’s face. I knew from this intense reaction that this fight was something big.

“After that, she went missing for one day and returned when we marched to the battlefield,” the jumper ignored the shout from Hilary, as he added, “but since she returned… She looked just like this… Very weird, very different, and very…”

“Cold?” I added the word he was looking for. And he nodded.

“I also know she is different, but we need to first investigate.”

“That’s why I’m asking you to check your channel. Don’t you record things there?”

His remark wasn’t right. After all, my channel didn’t record anything without me asking for it.

“I’ll find a way,” but I knew there was another way to find the truth.

“Asking them?” the jumper read my mind as he pointed to the sky.

“Each one of you has fans, believe it or not, you have a large fanbase, dude.”

“Me?” he pointed at himself in surprise.

“Don’t give me that look, I also don’t know what they find interesting at following someone cold and rude like you.”

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