I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 392 I Found You!

From the first moment of their arrival, they started to hit the Hector forces with everything they got. The Hectors didn’t have any free time until two hours passed.

And with it, the shields started to merge together into one colossal ring of shields.

With this the trap was finally ready. Once that ring appeared, it forcibly separated the forces fighting here into three parts; one in the trapped zone in the shield, one inside the ring, and one outside.

My main focus wasn’t over the later two parts. The ones inside the ring were destined to go nowhere. As for the ones outside, they were fighting fervently like they lost all sense.

All races killed each other, in a big brutal battle that spanned a long distance around me.

“Time for me to add more loyal soldiers,” as for the one trapped inside, they had one fate to face; my technique!

It was my second time using my technique, but where else would I better use it but here?

The enemies were all busy fighting each other, entrapped by the gigantic ring of shield, with no other place to go at.

This came as a surprise move indeed for the strong ones below. Once I drew that circle once more, drenched my fist with blood while absorbing energy from five bones, threads started to move in fast flashy ways towards the world down below.

And once my threads appeared, they started to control large numbers in a few minutes.

I looked around, at all the numbers fighting here. Few groups started to break free from the fights, seemingly strong enough to control their elites and make a futile attempt outside.

“I got you!” using my hawk eye skill, I kept scanning the area until I found my target. It was one of the two paragons of the Hector race.

I found a few archlords of different races, but didn’t find any interest in targeting them for now. I recognized the paragon by the suit he wore and the elites around.

These fine scales were things I’d never miss anywhere.

As I spotted him, I instantly moved towards him. Among all the hundreds of thousands here, this dude here was the most threatening one.

I wanted to get rid of him fast, without him doing anything crazy to change the fate of this battle here.

But just before I’d get near him, he seemed to notice me coming. I saw a strange rod taken out from his inventory before it started to shine in weird silver blue light.

The light expanded and covered the entire area here. But weirdly enough, it didn’t extend upwards or in the air, only moving at the ground and enveloping it.

“Die!” without waiting for him to complete whatever he wanted to do, I controlled the threads, forcing many to attack that paragon and his elites.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Crack!* *Crack!*

But just as the threads were spanning wide in his surrounding thousands of elites, the entire ground here shook and exploded in a fierce way.

The explosions didn’t come from the part that paragon stood at, but it came from all around, at the areas adjacent to the slowly expanding inwardly ring of shield.

The ground kept cracking, but the explosions came when the light that paragon released got in contact with my shield. It looked like two adversaries and nemesis forces got in touch with each other, ending up in a fierce final explosion everywhere that happened.

“Damn! He is trying to create that flying island again!” I instantly recognised what was going on, and jumped to such a conclusion.

Yet this wasn’t yet over. I saw the fierce clashes between his skill and mine, leaving me with the urge to kill him.

But just before I could even let my threads get closer to him, he released a shield that protected him from my threads.

That was… New.

My threads weren’t stopped by any shield the other paragon used. Indeed fighting against paragons was a fight of another level.

That dude must have studied my technique thoroughly, until he found something that could stop my threads.

“If I can’t kill you, I’ll make sure you are cursed forever!” As things reached this point, I let my threads span around freely, getting control over as many as possible.

Then I took my Libra out and started weighing his soul.

[He is your enemy]

That was the expected result indeed. The next thing that happened was for the metre of the Libra to move slowly, very slowly in fact.

I wasn’t puzzled or surprised by this. The last time I used my Libra it took much longer than I used to.

But there was something that never changed; even if it took forever, it would eventually work.

Even if that bastard managed to escape here, he would end up getting cursed and weakened.

“That won’t work on me!” but just as the metre was getting near five percent, that paragon screamed in defiance before a shock wave erupted.

This time the ground started to shake fiercely, breaking up into parts in different sizes.

Like my chariot’s gravity control skill, this dude used something similar that started to raise up large blocks of earth, moving them fast towards my direction to be smashed against my shield.

And just before they could reach my chariot’s shield, a strange arrow appeared in the sky at this moment. The world was already dim, so the appearance of such blazing blue fire was eye catchy.

That arrow seemed to defy any logic as it stood in midair, almost one mile ahead of me. It started to shine brighter before releasing a torrent of smaller blue fiery arrows.

The blocks of earth that got attacked by it turned instantly into big pieces of blue burning embers. I watched while big blocks of blue embers started to smash and crash against my chariot.

And for the first time ever, with each hit my chariot was getting pushed back. The shield that stood against many things before started to show fine cracks with each hit.

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