I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 394 A Scary Being Appears

“I still can’t get used to their ruthlessness,” during this, few of the remaining forces on that paragon side were hit and fell as well.

“Trying to run?” Just as that happened, that dude tried to control his island and move towards the other paragon. I also noticed the other one was also trying to come closer.

The metre of completion of the curse didn’t exceed fifty percent yet. I needed more time here, and I had to make sure that second bastard wouldn’t go away.

Alright… He had a small shield to cover him up from my threads. Let’s put it to test against my falling gods.

“See that fly over there? Aim at it and try to fry it using your attacks.”

Since the forces of different races here got the bait, I refrained my forces from joining the fight. But now I had to use them. After all that bastard’s shield wasn’t properly tested.

He also moved fast to dispose of the enemies over his island. Of course they were much, but they weren’t that big to threaten him in any way possible.

Unless his shield wasn’t that sturdy enough to keep him alive.

*Flash!* *Flash!* *Boom!*

Just as my boys released their first attacks, that bastard started to burn out treasures. That was, without doubt, a very delightful familiar scene.

If he was forced to burn his own defensive treasure like this, that meant his shield wasn’t that good at all.

“Stay your hands motherf*cker!”

Just as the first wave of attacks ended and the second was just going to land, the other paragon screamed in a fierce and angry way, making me laugh.

“If you have the ability, then try and stop me,” I said amidst my laughs, feeling more formidable at this moment than ever.

Even a paragon of such a mighty race was racing time to stop me, but he wouldn’t. Even if he used his treasures, he wouldn’t help at all.

The only regretful thing here was my curse. It already was past sixty percent. But that didn’t matter. Killing that dude here was what mattered.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

The second wave of attacks landed, but the explosions I heard didn’t come from that direction. I turned and saw that second paragon releasing a mighty wave of attacks that managed to deflect many of my boys’ ultimate offence.

But many still landed and hit that paragon. As the dust settled, I saw that paragon standing in a shaky way, with a body filled with holes and bloody oozing out of many ugly looking wounds.

Even if I spared my hands here off him, he would still need a miracle to survive all these wounds.

“Keep attacking,” but I wasn’t that kind of a merciful guy, not to my enemies at least.

The third wave of attack landed and that paragon issued a heart curdling scream of agony before passing away.

He was dead. He was the second paragon I killed. And from whom? Those amazing Hectors.

Damn! I was so cool!

“I’ll kill you!” but the fight was far from over. Seeing his friend die on my hands made that second paragon enraged beyond any imagination.

“Even if it costs me my life, I won’t hesitate to do it to bring you down with me here… You… Is it cancer to my race…”

“I can’t argue against that,” I gave back a loud laugh before watching the sky above change.

Something was happening. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew it was what that paragon was trying to do for a long time.

A mighty figure of a mighty race took all this time for just a single technique? It must be something out of my league without doubt.

Should I run?

Of course the answer was simple…

[He is an enemy!]

The next moment I used my Libra on him. Like the previous two paragons, that dude here fell for my curse.

Yet the curse took as long as what it took at the last two paragons. During the time it took to cross five percent, the sky showed what was coming.

“A portal of blue silver and golden clouds? Interesting…”

It was a big portal that seemed to link to some scary place. The first place that popped into my mind was the dark realm world.

Was this dude trying to bring forth another scary dark realm monster? Well, I just hoped he would. I needed lots of bones for my cultivation and killing another scary behemoth like that would be something good for me.

Just as I watched that gigantic cloudy portal, thunder of different lights started to appear over its edge. It was loud, fierce, and scary, giving me an eerie feeling to be honest.

“Damn! That bastard seems to bring something even scarier than those dark realm monsters,” I sucked cold air of breath while watching a large series of gushes of clouds that came out from within that portal.

A cloud portal was giving birth to different coloured clouds… Interesting…

“Who called forth for us?”

Just as the clouds kept popping out like mushrooms stalks and heads, I heard such a deep and strong voice coming from the direction of the portal.

“We have war with each other, why not come here and show us how mighty you really are.”

Just as that sound landed, and before its echo would disappear, that paragon spoke in a mighty and loud voice. For a second there I felt he was putting a fake front, trying to force the owner of that voice to come here.

“A lowly class world with a baby apocalypse? Hahaha! That’s hilarious!” the owner of that voice spoke, and even if he laughed he looked really scary.

Just the sound vibrations created shocking explosions in the air when he laughed. I even saw the air break and long black cracks appear before amending themselves fast.

Scary! If that thing decided to pass through that portal to here, then this world wouldn’t get it.

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