I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 402 Eggs!

It was now a pure race against time.

I made sure to buy myself more time by pushing all the controlled exile creatures to compete with those thick clouds over death energy.

I didn’t have time to observe how this affected my controlled creatures, nor had time to enforce contracts over them. All my attention now was focused over the fight with that damn paragon.

He must die.

“Keep hitting him!” I kept giving orders to my forces to never stop firing their attacks. Even if that bastard was this close from death, I had to make sure this happened faster than the arrival of those damn enemies.

“Screw you! I’m going to die and bring you down with me!” just as this moment, that paragon screamed in such a way all of sudden.

He seemed to get this close from depleting everything he got. I watched the flashes of light getting intensified all of sudden before few moved towards that gate up in the sky.

“Damn! Pulse wave attack!” I didn’t know what he was going to do, but I was sure it was nothing good.

The only thing I thought about was to use the pulse wave attack of my chariot, in hope to stop these lights from reaching the portal.


The next instant my chariot attack expanded and reached these lights in a blink of an eye. I watched many of these lights being pressured and pushed aside, missing their target by metres luckily.

But one or two fell on that gate eventually. Well, from the initial dozens of beams, two weren’t that much to be worried about.

“See you in hell, I’ll make sure your stay there will be a real pain,” yet that distasteful voice of his came to make me worry again.

What were in these two beams? Were they going to change anything?

The next wave of my boys’ attacks came and cleared everything at that damn island. That dude’s voice vanished and suddenly the world ushered under weird silence.

“It’s closing…” the first thing I did was to raise my head up and watch this gate. “It’s not vanishing, but shrinking?!!” instead of fading away like the last portal, that one here didn’t experience that.

Instead it kept shrinking in size, until it reached the size of a portal enough to pass a hundred human forces side to side.

During this, the clouds coming out from the portal started to twist fiercely as if they were getting under much pressure. I was sure if these things had mouths, the world would be bathed under their deadly screams of pain right now.

Many started to crush down, fade slowly as their stalks were cut by the shrinking gates. But in the end as the gate stopped shrinking, only few clouds remained.

“Hmm… It seems I underestimated you again,” at this moment, that hegemon bastard spoke again. Just saying he underestimated me gave me goosebumps already.

Come on dude, after all this and you say you underestimate me? Damn! Don’t you have any bottom for your plans for me or what?

“Killing the one who summoned the portal so it can be closed? That dude seemed to have a death enmity with you, sacrificing his bloodline in return to support this portal for one more hour.”

“One hour? Phew!” Once I heard that, I couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief.

“Hahaha, quite relieved aren’t you?” but when that bastard spoke again, I felt cold shivers down my spine.

Damn! I should have kept that to myself!

“I know one hour might seem little, but I promise you this fight is going to be far more interesting. I’ll send in one of my beloved Childs, and be sure to treat him nicely.”

What the f*ck?!! For a second there I paused in my place, not knowing what he was talking about.

Was he trying to crack a joke here or what? Sending one of his kids and asking me to be nice to him?

What did this even mean?

*Vroom!* *Vroom!* *Vroom!*

Just as if machines were turned on, all the remaining clouds started to emit such weird and loud noise. I looked at these without knowing what was going on.

With that sound, the ends of these clouds started to shine, releasing pulses of light before it started to expand and distort.

Cracks appeared slowly there, and the light beams started to seep through these cracks. I couldn’t see what was going on inside, but for sure something bad was coming.

All I could think about was that the bastard must have changed his plans, doing something new to these clouds.

I expected the clouds to act just the last ones, absorbing the death energy before releasing much of the deadly forces out of their guts.

But as things started to change, I didn’t know what would come next.

*Flop!* *Flop!* *Flop!*

As if something was oozing balls out of their gut into the ground, these cracked clouds started to emit weird looking eggs on the ground.

At first they released a few of them each second, but soon after the first minute, these eggs started to appear in massive numbers.

Each egg was like a big rock, covered with a thick black shell that had many shallow drawings on the surface. Each passing second, these drawings kept shining in bright green light.

It gave me an eerie feeling. Coupled with what those archlords here said before about the eggs, I knew something disastrous was about to happen.

These eggs… I had to do anything and prevent them from hatching.

But just before I could give any order for my boys to attack, I was surprised to see these clouds go into a berserk mood.

They started twisting, throwing eggs everywhere like they were splashing water. I saw many of these eggs fall even beyond the reach of my shield ring, giving me the impression the world was going to be bathed with these eggs.

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