I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

A group of people arrived at the outskirts of South City. They were unable to enter, so they had to park their vehicle.

Yin Cheng got off the car and looked at the abandoned car yard in front of him. The human traces were obvious. It was deliberately pushed to stop vehicles from entering. The main road was not blocked by abandoned cars but was filled with densely packed zombies.

Meng Lao got off the car and was very excited when he saw the situation in front of him. Are these conscious zombies? Are they so smart that they know how to push cars to block the road?

Yin Cheng smiled and said, Its not the zombies that are smart, its the person controlling the zombies who is smart. I am becoming more and more curious about who Wen Qingling is.

Meng Lao regretted, Its a pity that Old He didnt come with us. Otherwise, how excited would he be to see his speculation come true?

Psychic ability users can actually control zombies to such a degree!

They were standing outside the South City with so many people gathered together, but the zombies did not rush over to bite anyone. This was already very unusual. When someone tried to approach and their footsteps exceeded the first car, the zombies would howl and rush over. The person retreated to the outside, and the zombies continued to ignore them.

Facts told them that the South City was not to be trespassed.

What happened outside South City did not escape Wen Qinglings mental perception. He said to Xiao Hen, Your people are here to find you.

Xiao Hen was stunned, Ji Rong and the others?

He had instructed them to return on their own after the matter was over and not to come to South City unless there was something particularly important.

Wen Qingling said, Not only them but also others.

Wen Qingling took the initiative to reach out his hand, Thank you for your help. We have learned how to use the weapons.

As for accuracy, they can only slowly practice it later. They couldnt keep Xiao Hen here forever.

Xiao Hen understood that this meant Wen Qingling wants him to leave. Xiao Hen looked at him for a while, then reached out and shook his hand.

Wen Qingling said, Please tell them not to have any ideas about South City.

At first, Xiao Hen didnt understand, but when he drove out of South City and saw all these people gathered outside, he understood.

The way Xiao Hen appeared surprised them. The zombies did not attack him and even gave way to him. Were these still zombies?!

Xiao Hen scanned them coldly and finally looked at Yin Cheng. What are you doing here?

Yin Cheng said with a sneer, These zombies are so polite to you that they didnt attack you. Its surprising.

Ji Rong, He Lin, and Shi Chong walked to Xiao Hens side. They are planning to catch a few zombies and study them.

Xiao Hen saw someone tying a rope. They were really going to catch the zombies.

Xiao Hens eyes turned cold. Yin Cheng, youd better not mess around. The situation in Ling City is not as simple as you think. You should give up those crazy ideas.

Yin Cheng laughed. I just want to catch a few zombies. Meng Lao needs material for research. Is that a crazy idea?

Meng Lao nodded. He was already curious about conscious zombies and now he wanted to study them himself.

Xiao Hen fell silent. Wen Qingling valued these zombie minions of his. If he took a few away, he might anger him.

Yin Cheng laughed. What? We cant even catch a few zombies? Are these zombies raised by you?

Suddenly, Wen Qinglings voice appeared in everyones ears. Indeed, you cant. They are mine.

Everyone was startled by this sudden voice and looked around to find the owner of the voice.

Wen Qingling continued, Why did so many of you come without being invited?

Yin Cheng smiled. You are the dual-ability user, Wen Qingling, right? How about we sit down and talk about South City?

Xiao Hen and his group were sensitive to this and knew that Yin Cheng was about to do something stupid again.

Wen Qingling didnt say anything in response to Yin Chengrui. Instead, a group of zombie roars could be heard. Yin Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, Wen Qingling, will you come out on your own or do we need to go in and get you out?

Ji Rongs hair stood on end and he quickly looked at his boss, Yin Cheng had already offended Wen Qingling since he arrived. What hope did they have for the future? Was he out of his mind?

Xai Hen didnt care about Yin Chengs death-seeking act, but he couldnt watch so many people being affected by his actions. Xiao Hen warned him, Yin Cheng, dont stir up trouble.

Yin Cheng sneered, Colonel Xiao, whose side are you on? Youve been in Ling City for a while, have you forgotten your mission?

Xiao Hen replied, My mission is to protect Mr. Meng, not to go crazy like you. You should be thinking about how to move the equipment out of the West City Research Institute, not attacking the South City!

Yin Cheng chuckled, Could it be true that your relationship with Wen Qingling is not ordinary as they say?

Xiao Hen frowned and looked at Ji Rong and the other two. Ji Rong stuttered, Fang Shenlong said that you and Dr. Wenare together.

Xiao Hen hoped that Wen Qingling hadnt heard this, but the probability was small. He replied with a cold face, No.

Did an invitation to bite count as being together?

Yin Cheng asked, If not, why are you so nervous about attacking the South City?

Xiao Hen replied, I dont want everyone to die because of your foolishness!

Yin Cheng laughed unreservedly, When did you, Xiao Hen, become so timid? Oh, maybe its because you dont have enough manpower and confidence. Look at the people I brought. If you need them, I can lend you some.

Xiao Hen stared at him like he was an idiot. Was he bragging with just a few people? Were they bragging about their weapons? Regardless of people or weapons, they couldnt compare to the Civilization Base, alright?!

Yin Cheng continued to shout at Wen Qingling, Wen Qingling, have you made up your mind? If you dont come out, we will have to come in and kill you.

Wen Qingling still didnt respond.

In Yin Chengs view, Wen Qingling must be afraid, after all, he had so many people and so many weapons, any normal person would know how to choose.

But Xiao Hen noticed something unusual. From his understanding of Wen Qingling, he was not one to be taken advantage of, and he would retaliate on the spot if he had a grudge. It was not normal for him to remain so silent. Was he holding back some kind of trump card?

Soon, Xiao Hen found out what Wen Qinglings trump card wasa group of zombies in camouflage uniforms, who appeared in their line of sight. They each held an automatic rifle and were within range.

The number of zombies was not inferior to the number of people Yin Cheng had brought!

Yin Cheng:


Yin Cheng pointed at the group of zombie soldiers, What the hell are these? Soldier zombies? They can all use weapons?!

Arent only specific evolved zombies able to use weapons?!

Yin Chengs expression was very much like he had seen a ghost.

But Xiao Hen and his group were very calm. They had seen this kind of thing before and had learned to accept it calmly.

Everything that was impossible could become possible in South City and with Wen Qingling.

The zombie soldiers stopped their steps and raised their rifles, aiming at Yin Cheng and his men.

Come on, lets fight!

If they couldnt blow a zombie soldiers head off with one shot, the zombie soldier wouldnt die, but whether Yin Chengs men would die or not was uncertain.

Wen Qinglings voice appeared again, If you hurt one of my zombie little brothers, I will kill one of you. You can come in and try.


Yin Cheng looked at Xiao Hen in disbelief, Is this Wen Qingling crazy? Hes using zombies as companions and theyre using rifles against humans? Xiao Hen stood there, waiting to watch the show. Yin Cheng couldnt take advantage of Wen Qingling at all.

Xiao Hen: If you were human, he would definitely raise the weapon.

Yin Cheng was choked by this sentence, So, are you not going to invite him out to meet now? Mr. Meng is here and he definitely has many questions he wants to ask Dr. Wen. Since you are familiar with each other, why dont you come forward and Ill shut up.

Xiao Hen raised his eyebrows. The skill of shifting the blame hadnt changed at all.

Xiao Hen said, Mr. Meng, the situation in South City is quite special. If you want to study the zombies in South City, its better to wait for a chance in the future. The most important thing now is to help you prepare the research institute or you can take your assistant back now. If you need any materials, we can transport them back to you. Ling City is very dangerous and you really cant stay here.

Yin Cheng interrupted him, The order has already been given from above, allowing Mr. Meng to establish a research institute in Ling City, to research antibodies and develop vaccines. Its not up to you to decide if he can go back or not.

Xiao Hen looked at him coldly, Is Mr. Meng more important or the order more important compared to dying here?

They all knew how important Mr. Meng was to humans, of course, Yin Cheng wouldnt dare to answer that. He just said, If there is really a danger in Ling City, can Wen Qingling establish a base inside South City?

Xiao Hen didnt want to talk to the idiot, afraid of being infected, he just looked at Mr. Meng, hoping that he would make a decision.

Since Mr. Meng insisted on coming over, he wouldnt easily leave without achieving results. So he still refused and wanted to stay here.

Mr. Meng really wanted to see Wen Qingling, especially after knowing that he had a little monster that could cure infected people. He thought that the vaccine for the zombie virus might be on the little monster.

Mr. Meng said, I want to see him. I have many mysteries I want to discuss with him.

Xiao Hen looked in the direction of South City.

Wen Qinglings voice appeared again, Theres no need to discuss anything now. What you should do most now is to run away.

Just at this moment, a roar that echoed throughout Ling City sounded. The once quiet Ling City suddenly boiled up. The howls of zombies sounded in unison as if responding to a call.

The voice of Wen Qingling sounded clearly in the ears of Xiao Hen and the other three, The General has evolved and there wont be any living humans left within 100 miles outside of Ling City! Leave here now!

Wen Qingling sounded urgent and Xiao Hen had never seen him like this before. His first reaction was to rush toward Meng Lao. Ji Rong had already taken an off-road vehicle and drove over. Xiao Hen helped Meng Lao into the vehicle, and He Lin and Shi Chong got in as well. But Xiao Hen stayed outside the car.

Boss! Get in the car! Ji Rong urged anxiously.

Xiao Hen replied, Protect Meng Lao well. Ill go to the Ling City Base!

Xiao Hen turned around and rushed towards another off-road vehicle, pulling the driver out and saying, Go to the truck and leave here immediately!

Xiao Hen started the car and drove towards the Ling City Base.

As a soldier, he couldnt just sit back and watch so many people die in the hands of zombies!

Even if he couldnt stop the zombie horde or save the Ling City Base, he had to spread the message and let those who could and wanted to escape leave quickly. Every life that could be saved was important!

Xiao Hen asked Wen Qingling, Will you be in danger?

Wen Qingling replied, No, it only kills humans.

It doesnt kill its own kind.

These were Wen Qinglings unfinished words, but Xiao Hen understood what he meant.

Ji Rong started the car and rushed out.

Wen Qingling pointed the way for them, Go south, the further the better.

Ji Rong turned the steering wheel sharply and headed south.

Yin Cheng jumped up in a rage, Xiao Hen! Ji Rong! Where are you taking Meng Lao?!

Everyone got on the big truck, and the convoy followed Ji Rongs off-road vehicle. However, before they had gone far, all the zombies in Ling City, like tigers out of their cages, rushed out in all directions!

Among them, the eastern region has the most zombies, forming a large-scale zombie wave!

Over there is the location of the Ling City Base!

However, the running speed of the zombies is far from that of the speeding off-road vehicle. Xiao Hen still has a chance!

Among the four directions, only the zombies in the south are the fewest, thanks to their leaving ahead of time, otherwise, they will be directly submerged by the zombie wave.

Yin Cheng was lying on the window, looking around with a telescope. His whole body was covered in goosebumps, sweating profusely.

What kind of place is this? How come the zombie wave comes without any warning?!

Seeing the off-road vehicle driven by Xiao Hen being chased by the black sea of zombies, Yin Cheng was about to explode. He said I was crazy? I think hes the crazy one!

The zombie wave spreading to the south is chasing Yin Chengs convoy. Yin Cheng constantly urges them to speed up, but no matter how fast the truck is, it is still slower than the off-road vehicle, especially with a car full of people.

The off-road vehicle at the forefront left the convoy far behind. Ji Rong kept wiping his sweat, This is too damn dangerous. We would have been done for if we were one step late!

He Lin said, Thanks to Dr. Wens reminder, otherwise we really wouldnt have made it out alive.

Meng Lao kept looking back, Weve all made it out, what about Dr. Wen?

He Lin said, He will be fine, dont worry about him.

Meng Lao sighed, With such a huge zombie wave, can Colonel Xiao make it back after reporting to the Ling City Base?

Once trapped in the zombie wave, there is no chance of survival for anyone.

Ji Rong, He Lin, and Shi Chong fell silent at the same time.

If possible, they would rather go and report themselves.

Ji Rong comforted himself, Itll be fine. The leader is a space-type supernatural being with excellent escape skills.

I was thinking Should I change Meng Lao to Old Meng or just let it be?

The Lao in Meng Lao was not actually a name but refers to old. I just noticed it today while TLing this chapter. Gooosh

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