I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 117 – A Bumpy Ride

Chapter 117 – A Bumpy Ride

We walk through the mansion while holding hands. It’s just a little nothing that makes you all giddy on the inside. And seeing my precious girlfriend smile happily as we do so is one of the best feelings in the world. Shino is just so charming when she smiles.

Noticing how she seems to have gotten lost in her thoughts a little, I bump into her with my waist. Shino giggles while stumbling a little and squints her eyes at me with an even bigger smile painting her lips. I don’t have to wait long for her to reply to my mischief with her own push.

The corridor gets filled with chuckling and giggling as we keep hitting each other repeatedly, having way much more fun than such a silly activity should bring us. I guess it feels way different when done with someone you truly appreciate.

Meiya and Neiya suddenly show up behind a corner and catch us bumping butts in the middle of the hallway. Shino instantly turns red and drops her gaze to the ground, making me chuckle at her adorable behaviour.

We stop for a brief moment and exchange a few words about their time when I wasn’t here. I learn that our Satyr duo turned our garden behind the mansion into a literal masterpiece as they quote Cornelia’s words.

They seem a tad anxious about it even though they inform me that they asked Cornelia and Elea for their opinion, advice, and permission before doing anything. Naturally, I assure them both that I will surely appreciate their effort and that I’m going to check on it soon.

To not delay too much since the rest of Shino’s party is definitely waiting for us, we bid farewell to the cute Satyrs and hastily make our way towards one of the VIP chambers which has been turned into a meeting room some time ago. 

Exactly as expected, we find everyone there, snacking on a bunch of pastries and simple, very fruity desserts prepared by our passionate cooks. Besides them, each of my precious wives is present too. All of the more expressive women smile at me when I enter with Shino by my side.

Neira walks up to me and invites us to join the welcoming feast, which looks extremely healthy and tasty. I plop down between the sea of beautiful flowers of various skin colours and dig in. 

Shino strategically doesn’t take any spots close to me and lets the others who haven't seen me for quite a bit to be close. They obviously notice and nod appreciatively at the samurai shortie, who blushes faintly when receiving their gratitude and praises.

As the girls start feeding me various delicacies, and me responding with the same, especially towards a certain very cuddly dwarf taking up my lap, we begin chatting about everything that happened on both sides, us on the journey and theirs in the mansion.

Our adventuring party starts first and we gradually fill everyone in on the details of the events that transpired during our quest to escort Ghilerie home. My wives already know most bits since we’ve talked through Whispers now and then, but we go more in-depth this time, and Marcia’s storytelling skills surely help.

So, we recap everything while talking in turns. There are parts causing the beautiful bunch to chuckle, giggle, and laugh openly, but also appear anxious or scared, or even shed a tear a little. The last one happens twice—when Marcia shares her secret with everyone, of course, while emphasising how much I wrecked both of her holes during that certain event, and when I bring up everything I’ve seen about Hecate.

Since my new companion hasn’t been properly introduced to everyone yet, I call for her and she slowly descends from the ceiling while upside down, hanging on her wire-like thread. That motion surprises a lot of people as they didn’t even sense her presence with her unimaginable stealthiness. I don’t think anyone noticed how she disappeared shortly after we entered the mansion.

The women welcome Hecate with kind words and warm hugs, which don’t put even a dent in the stoic expression of the pale-skinned spidergirl. I observe her attentively to make sure she is fine with everything but it seems that she doesn’t really mind.

Sirgia points out how her panties are moved aside, revealing her girly bits, and I explain why that’s intentional. As expected from my incredibly talented master artificer, she immediately starts thinking about something to replace that piece of underwear that will provide more utility without inconveniencing the user.

I shower her in ferocious, loving pats and mention that one of our new additions coming from the Wood Elf village likes dealing with fabrics and clothes and they could perhaps team up together. My little dwarf agrees with the idea and promises to chat up our new friend. I will have to have a talk with the Elves soon too.

Afterwards, it’s their turn to share some stories and I allow them to speak freely, knowing that they won’t divulge any serious matters without first running them through me. Therefore, we learn how the whole idea behind the carriages came to be and how it was executed.

Most of it was handled by Cornelia and Ria. They used some of their old connections to hit up a few people to not rely only on Ross and successfully secured everything necessary to put their spontaneous plan in motion.

Besides that, there was the incident with the Nereids and the Nershark but that’s pretty self-explanatory. They also share with us a few funny stories from their daily life and work, causing us to laugh at least a dozen times about what silly things people did or attempted during open or even closed hours.

We empty the table from anything possible to consume in a flash. When there’s nothing left, and our tales also run out, we glance at each other with our bellies full, barely able to move. The girls outdid themselves with the food. I need to check if they didn’t capture and trap some top-tier chef to prepare it.

“So, what now?” Paul asks after a moment of silence.

“I assume you aren’t talking about seconds or what comes after, right?” Cornelia replies and he nods. “Then, I would suggest meeting the King first. A lot has happened and part of it concerns the kingdom so I’m sure he is eager to speak to you face-to-face. And not just he.” She sends me a cryptic smile during the last part.

I’m not that oblivious to miss the meaning behind it, smiling wryly. It looks like two very special women talked or met a lot when I was not here.

“Admit it. You just don’t want them to be here when we finally reveal the results of the bet.” I smirk at her.

My charming magician blushes and squints her eyes at me, causing me to chuckle lightly. Someone got caught red-handed.

“I agree with Cornelia-san, Sensei,” Shino joins in. “We should talk about that situation with the villages and perhaps if there are some new plans for us as Heroes.”

I nod at the wise-speaking, black-haired cutie. “You are completely right. There’s so much I have to do here first, though. Like checking very important results of a poll, for example.” I grin even wider at Cornelia, who runs away with her eyes. “There’s also Lord Jericho. There’s just so much stuff.”

“I think we should let our guests rest a little and relax after this small feast and then move on to the next step. In the meanwhile, you can deal with the majority of the stuff in the mansion if you choose to skip that part,” Elea suggests.

“Don’t forget we now have carriages. They are faster than walking,” Neira adds after her.

“Alright. I guess that’s the plan. Everyone okay with it?” I glance at each person in Paul’s squad and they nod. “Great. Please, enjoy your stay for an hour or two and let's meet in the main lobby after that. All the facilities are open to you, just ask. I’m pretty sure someone would happily lend you a hand even outside working hours. And I don’t mean only that.”

After acknowledging my words, they all leave with Elea, who gathers up the other Dark Elves and assigns her friends to each person as guides and temporary servants before coming back to us.

She smiles sweetly at me. “Now, we are finally all alone.”

I chuckle wryly, glancing at each of my enchanting wives. “Don’t tell me you kicked them out just to jump on me.”

She also chuckles and shakes her head. “As much as all of us would love that idea for sure, especially after being separated for so long, I think there are more pressing matters to resolve first before we indulge in ourselves.”

As if on cue, the door opens and Elise walks inside with a very faint blush. She nods at me politely and trots to our sofa, standing behind it. 

Elea brings a piece of paper from the spatial storage in her collar and waves it in the air with a smile.

“Unless you would like to skip this and go straight for the real welcoming party, fufufu~”

“I think we all know which option is currently more desirable, don’t we?” I raise a brow at her while glancing over the rest of the women.

A wave of nods and eager smiles responds to my words and I turn my attention back to the thick chocolate beauty.

“Do the honours, Elea. Before Cornelia explodes from anxiety, hahaha.”

The magician-in-question slugs me in the shoulder. “Better ready yourself for a week of flashing instead of teasing others.”

“The only one who needs to ready herself to feel the breeze between her legs is you,” I quip back, causing her to redden even more.

Almost everyone chuckles, excluding Astrea and the slightly tense Elise. Cornelia locks onto Sirgia’s quiet giggle, squinting at her very intently. My shy dwarf covers her mouth with her petite hands but her eyes completely betray the wide smile currently curving her lips up.

Ekhm.” Elea clears her throat. “So, before I announce the final results, I need to say one thing. I put a lot of effort into this to make sure that the voting and counting processes were free of any issues and as accurate as possible so there’s almost no chance for mistake.”

“Oh no. That doesn’t sound good,” I say with an awkward chuckle.

Elea sends the three of us who are involved in this bet a smile before opening the folded piece.

“I hereby announce that between Cornelia and Elise, the one with more votes from the people that took part in the poll is… neither.”

“WHAT?!” Cornelia jumps to her legs while a round of gasps follows. “How? What does that mean?”

“Fufufufu~ Calm down, my dear. It means exactly what it means. Both you and Elise gathered exactly the same number of votes, ending up in a tie,” Elea explains.

I roll my eyes. “But of course…”

“Are you serious?” Cornelia continues barraging our referee with questions. “How is that even possible? What are the chances of that?”

“I don’t know but I can assure you that it’s the truth. I was surprised too, which made me run five more checks just to be completely sure, even asking Ria for help, but there’s no mistake.”

“Perhaps the customers accidentally manipulated the poll?” Shino suggests and Cornelia instantly locks onto her.

“How?” she asks.

“Ummm… It looks to me like a big part of your clientele consists of regulars, right? Maybe someone didn’t want to make either of you sad and asked the others about their votes, later influencing the future ones to get exactly this result so that Cornelia-san and Elise-san don’t feel like one of them is more preferred than the other. It’s actually not that uncommon in our old world…”

“Good gods…”

Cornelia takes a wobbly step backwards and falls back onto the sofa, sighing heavily. We all chuckle a little and notice Elise timidly raising her hand.

“If neither of us got more votes… Does that mean that Cornelia and Alastair both win or lose?”

“Well… Considering that they both bet on who would have more… I think we can safely assume that they both lost…” Teffith shares her opinion.

“And that means…” Shino glances at us.

Sirgia giggles adorably again. “They both have to walk naked for a week since it was a punishment game.”

Cornelia whines in defeat as I shake my head. I had a feeling things would end up like this, for whatever reason.

“So…” Ailish, who has been silently listening to the entire conversation while leaning onto the sofa from behind, catches our attention.  “Effective when?” She licks her lips seductively.

All the gazes instantly land on me.

“Uhhhh… Let’s at least wait until we have a proper talk with Vanessa, please?” I smile innocently. “She’s in a tough spot currently and I wouldn’t want to appear in front of her with my dick in the open during this time. Her head is a mess. The last thing we want is her incorrectly assuming I’m mocking her.”

“Yes, yes, I completely agree,” Cornelia quickly adds after me, nodding repeatedly.

They chuckle a bit, totally not fooled by her eagerness to save the princess from the unexpected sight. Or sights.

“I think that would be wise,” Neira comments. “We can officially start the moment you return from the castle. Your friends won’t be here that way too.”

“Well, they aren’t that much of an issue but yeah.” I nod and everyone agrees to that plan.

We wrap up the reveal ceremony and the girls start tidying things up, not letting me help them even a little and saying that I have my own important things to take care of while they can happily deal with the simple, mundane tasks.

Sirgia asks me to send Hecate to her workshop later today and trots away to meet the Wood Elf I mentioned earlier. This damned workaholic. She’s already going to jump straight into crafting an amazing piece for our spidergirl. I bet she already has plenty of ideas.

I’ll have to shower her with lots of love soon.

Shino splits up from us and goes ahead to check on Vanessa. I let her know that I will join her soon but she encourages me to do my own stuff since I just returned and promises to Whisper me after our poor guest wakes up.

She is true about the first part, for sure. I have no idea where to even start. I could visit everyone and see how they are doing like a good boss and caretaker should. I could talk with Dhosk and all the involved people about their alchemic achievements. I could speak to Meru or the Nereid ladies and properly introduce myself. I could also help our new Wood Elf friends get more accustomed to their new home too.

And all of that are only the things I should put some of my time and effort into in the mansion. There’s no doubt a meeting with Jericho would be only proper. I’m curious if he managed to actually come up with something that helped not only the brainwashed women but also his son. Then, there’s Ross.

If things are going to look like this each time I leave the city for whatever reason, it’s going to be really chaotic. Thank the Goddess I’m surrounded by incredibly smart, wise, and resourceful women. Each of them is invaluable. I really don’t know how I can repay everything they do for me.

But, standing still without doing anything surely isn’t the best possible choice out of all the listed ones. Therefore, I decide to inquire about the cure first to know a thing or two in case I get in touch with Jericho earlier than I will plan to.

The faint connection between us allows me to find Dhosk in the underground section of the mansion and I step into the lower level. 

I can’t believe how much it has changed since the very first day. There are so many chambers filled with various appliances now, each manned by talented ladies. Thankfully, there’s still a lot of space here for future improvements.

Who knows, maybe one day we will run out of rooms our residents can use as their own and we will have to add some living quarters here. Since this underground area runs as far as the premises of the estate, we shouldn’t have issues with space here for some time.

At the same time, part of our residing employees uses their assigned room for work too. Quite a few of those have been customised a bit to fit the likes and requirements of the owners. Unless the customer requests something special that has to be fulfilled in a specific chamber, they can freely and easily partake in more normal activities in their personal rooms. Our maids change the sheets a moment later and voila, just like new.

While reminiscing about the past when we were just starting, I reach an unfamiliar door at a quite familiar place. Dhosk’s presence can be felt from the other side, there’s no doubt about that. A little confused, I knock on the metal door with what seems to be a rubber band covering its edges.

Our scaly friend opens the entrance and nods at me politely. “Welcome back again, Master.”

“Thanks. This is your lab, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I don’t think I can express my gratitude enough with just words for this incredible gift. Your alchemist friend truly did deliver. I’ve never seen such a complex lab with so many devices and appliances in my whole life. It’s a pleasure working in it. I now wish I had actually learned more alchemy than just what my tribe taught us.”

I smile faintly as the Lizardfolk lady talks about it with clear enthusiasm in her calm voice. It’s already been worth it just with this much. I don’t know why, but seeing people happy about something makes me happy too.

“Well, then. It’s never too late to learn, as they say. And, as a teacher, I can wholeheartedly agree with that. Maybe I could get you someone for a tutor or something. Sir Jericho might know a person or two.”

Dhosk’s slitted eyes narrow even more as shock overtakes her expression.

“But, wouldn’t that be too much, Master? Would you really go that far for someone as unimportant as me? I wasn’t planning on staying here initially, even.”

“Initially?” I raise a brow at her.

“Well… That might not be completely true at this very moment.” She shows a small smile. “I think I’m slowly growing fond of this place and people. I would have honestly never expected that.”

“I’m glad to hear that, partially. You are always free to go just as we discussed in the past. But, even so, I still think that’s a different thing. While you are here, I would like to provide as much as I can for you. If you decide to leave, what you gained here isn’t completely lost. We might meet again in the future and you might help us out with something.”

“I’m really not used to so much kindness from Humans…”

I chuckle a bit. “Trust me, even Humans aren’t.”

“Ah. Please, come in, Master. I shouldn’t make you stand at the doorstep. How rude of me.”

She makes some space and I walk inside. The sight almost overwhelms me. I suspected that Jericho and his men would go quite far with the construction of the lab but they exceeded all my expectations.

Dhosk’s alchemy den is possibly even more complex than Sirgia’s forge. I’m not even going to try and identify the numerous glass contraptions, appliances, devices, or things. He didn’t lie saying he would make it even greater than the royal workshops. I don’t know half of the things present here.

“Quite breathtaking, isn’t it?” Dhosk asks.


“The cupboards, cabinets, drawers, everything is full of ingredients, materials, and appliances. There’s dedicated storage in the further part too. All of this is way too much than what I can operate with my limited knowledge but it’s incredible for what I can actually do. The production of some of our special goods sped up immensely.”

“I can imagine. This is really something. Ten or more people can work here simultaneously and not run out of space.”

She nods. “You might not be aware of how accurate that statement is, Master. We’ve worked here with eight people total at the busiest moment. It was an incredible experience. And partially what made me desire to learn more advanced alchemy than just my tribal expertise.”

“I’ll have to put some real effort into finding a good instructor then.” I smile at her.

Dhosk responds with the same, not rejecting it anymore, and we start chatting about the lab as she gives me a tour. She also briefly summarises a few key points in their research, analysis, and development of the cure, and how they suddenly discovered some side effects to it at a later stage.

It’s a bit tough for me to follow all the specialised terms and knowledge but I can tell they went down hard on it. I don’t want to break her quite passionate explanation and just listen to the story. I’ll get some more dumbed-down details from Jericho and the other girls. Dhosk rarely gets so expressive and it makes her so precious.

Afterwards, I bid farewell to my soon-to-be master of alchemy and head back up. According to Shino, Vanessa is awake and feeling a little better. When I arrive in the room we left her in, the two women sit together on the bed while chatting quietly, with Shino holding Vanessa’s hand.

My samurai girlfriend has informed the princess about our plan to meet Ross and she wants to join us as she could properly speak with both me and the King at the same time that way. I of course agree but ask if she’s well enough or would like to rest more. Without a surprise, she insists, saying that she’s fine after talking with Shino briefly and apologises for her breaking down a little in my arms earlier.

I don’t wish to make it more awkward for her so I drop the topic and inform the others about the slight change in plans. No one has anything against including Vanessa in our delegation as she is already pretty much part of their team after spending quite some time with them.

And with that, we agree to head out right now. The carriages are called and soon two of them arrive in front of the mansion. We can’t all fit in one but they are spacious enough for six people to ride them comfortably so more than this is just unnecessary.

While Vanessa joins Shino and the others in their carriage, Cornelia decides to accompany me into the castle. She quickly switches into her beautiful purple robes and jumps in, taking a spot by my side.

She looks so charming and lovely in those fabrics. They just perfectly showcase her divine thighs as she walks while also bearing a very respectful and mystical aura of someone almost at the peak of magic. Badass, mature wizard ladies are damn sexy.

We start our trip to the castle and travel in relative silence while gazing through the windows. Shortly after we depart and put the mansion some distance behind us, Cornelia stands up and begins covering them with the violet curtains. She then switches on the light crystals of the same colour and turns towards me.

I watch her with one brow raised. Just as I’m going to ask why she did that, she reaches behind her neck and unpins something. Her charming robes fall down to the wooden floor, revealing Cornelia’s gorgeous body, without a single piece of underwear on. She’s been completely naked under those this whole time.

I stare at her perky, enchanting breasts for a brief moment before dragging my gaze up to her face, which is covered by a heavy blush and a faint smile. Cornelia steps closer to me and climbs onto my lap. She sits over my legs and gazes deep into my eyes as her fingers find their way to my hair.

“You spoil me so much…” I whisper.

Her smile grows a bit and Cornelia leans down to join our lips in a slow, sensual kiss. I let her lead it and relish in her loving caresses, starting to run my hands over her warm skin to respond with some affection of my own too.

She is the one to stop the pleasant exchange and returns to watching me from slightly above.

“Have I told you how gorgeous you are?” I ask, brushing over her slim stomach.

Cornelia chuckles softly. “That would be the twenty-eighth time.”

“Did you really count those?”


I’m pulled into another kiss which I welcome wholeheartedly. It doesn’t last long and Cornelia backs away again. Her hand starts grazing my chest, slowly heading down. I mirror her motion and soon arrive at her pretty lower lips.

“What made you so eager to even act this bold?” I ask with a tiny smirk after running into some wetness down there.

She sighs quietly into my face. “Can’t I look forward to getting a little intimate with the man I love after being separated for weeks?”

We smile at each other and I bring my lips to Cornelia’s collarbone, beginning to rain soft pecks on her exquisite skin. She won’t admit it but she definitely had to feel lonely at least a bit when I was gone. She rarely is able to push through her shyness to do something like this.

Before I get the chance to do anything more, she pulls my head back, separating my lips from her body, and slowly steps off me. In the next moment, she’s between my legs, unbuckling my belt.

“Cornelia, I—”

“Shut up and enjoy. I know what you are thinking and I appreciate you for thinking about me so much but I want to do something for you without having you worry about not giving back enough. Got it?”

She pauses for a moment to wait for my confirmation and I nod at her. With a satisfied smile, she finishes dealing with the belt and brings my member into the open. Giving it a few loving strokes, she starts using her tongue to caress my shaft while looking at me from below.

My hand wanders to her hazelnut hair and I softly brush through the gentle threads as she showers my cock in tender care like it’s the most precious thing in the world. She looks so sexy and beautiful while doing it. I sometimes still can’t believe this amazing woman is really in love with me.

Perhaps noticing my inner thoughts through our bond, Cornelia smirks at me and slides my tip inside her mouth, starting to rhythmically bob her head up and down on my dick. She puts a lot of effort into making me feel good so I don’t hide anything from my precious magician wife.

As my thumb grazes her cheek, she pushes it a little more into my palm, trying to smile with her lips spread around my member. It makes me chuckle a little and smile warmly at her. Bit by bit, she brings me closer to climax and I don’t prolong the inevitable, knowing well that this is just the beginning, and we don’t exactly have a lot of time before our arrival at the castle.

With a nod as a warning, I let the build-up reach the peak and release a few serpents of white delicacy into Cornelia’s hot mouth. She takes them without an issue and proudly gulps down the whole load, leaving my penis alone for a moment with a quiet pop.

Standing up, she gets on top of me again, this time, sitting on her knees with her legs spread over mine, placing her dazzling chest right in front of my face.

“Would you be so kind as to point it towards the right place for me?” she asks in a seductive tone.

Doing just that, I place a kiss on her supple peak. “With pleasure.”

Cornelia then lowers herself onto my cock, gradually taking it inside her hot pussy. She bottoms out after a few moments and ends up right in front of me. We smile at each other once more and dive in for a deep kiss while connected down below.

“I love you so much,” I admit honestly after we part.

She chuckles. “I love you much more.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah. Is this not enough of a proof?” she asks with clearly flushed cheeks and starts slowly riding me.

I support Cornelia by wrapping my arms around her waist and holding onto her dearly as she makes love to me. We keep gazing into each other’s eyes as our breathing grows slightly rougher from the delicate lovemaking.

Thankfully, it seems that those carriages are really well-equipped as we barely experience any shaking or jumping even though it’s clearly on the move. They must have been tweaked by the obvious person just for this purpose.

“Ahhhh… Ahhhh… Mhhnnnn…”

My lovely magician releases amorous moans as our lower halves dance together with passion. I would have never thought my tsundere partner would ever initiate a sex-in-the-car scenario on her own with how second-guessing she usually is with herself.

Yet, here we are, with Cornelia’s snug pussy embracing my member as we make our way through the town. Just as she requested, I try to hold myself back from actively responding to her efforts and leave myself in her care. For now.

“Mhhhhmm… Ahhhh… Ahhhh…”

Placing her hands against the wooden wall of the carriage behind me, she switches from jumping up and down on my cock to grinding her hips and tight pussy in circles, clearly trying to bring some new sensations out for me.

I can tell she is gradually getting close through this so I stop limiting myself and take one of her tasty nipples into my mouth, evoking a small gasp from the gorgeous lady. I suck on the pointy tip as she increases the tempo of her movements, pulling my lips more into her breasts with her hands.

“Al… Ahhhh… Ahhhh… Just can’t help yourself, can you? Mhmmmmm…”

I chuckle into her supple breast and gently bite on the hardened nipple, causing a faint wave of shivers to run through Cornelia’s body. She tightens on my member and soon enters a small orgasm, quickly bringing my face up to seal my lips with hers as she rides her high.

A lively moan reverberates through my mouth as I release the second load, this time deep in Cornelia’s hot insides, spraying her furthest depths completely white. We keep kissing until our respective highs fade down.

“So, is it finally my turn to act like a proper husband and satisfy my wife after neglecting her for so, so long?” I grin at her and she smiles back warmly.

“I’ll allow it.” She pecks my lips.

I quickly spin her around, causing Cornelia to giggle quietly, and immediately begin thrusting my hips upwards after she lands on me in a reverse cowgirl, more or less. Holding her closely, I make sure her precious lily receives all the affection from my cock it can get.

“Ohhmmmm… Ahhhh… Ahhhh… What a wild husband… ahhhh… I have…”

She peeks at me over her shoulder with a grin. I get the memo and plow into her from below with even more intensity, filling the muted carriage with loud lovemaking sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and a myriad of moans.

I smirk back at her, confusing Cornelia a tiny bit, and she squeals a little when I suddenly stand up and press her into the side of the carriage opposite the door. I keep hammering her pussy while standing as she stares back at me with a slightly awkward smile.

Her eyes then follow my hand which moves closer to the curtains her body rests against and her insides tighten around my shaft when it reaches the parting.

Just as expected.

“Al? Ahhhmmm… Ahhnnn… Ahhhh…”

I lean closer to her ear, pushing Cornelia stronger into the durable window. The moment I pull one of the curtains just slightly aside, she squeezes my cock once more as her eyes widen in realisation a little bit. A small part of the window ends up uncovered,  just big enough for her face to show up in it and for us to see the moving city on the other side.

“Does the thought of getting discovered excite you so much?” I whisper, evoking another faint squeeze and a melodic moan from Cornelia. “Do you think no one will realise you are having your pussy drilled in a fancy carriage in the middle of the city?”

“Ahhh… Ahhh... Please… Don’t… Ahhh…”

“Oh? Why do I feel like you are getting tighter when I pull this little fabric more aside?”

“AL! Mhhhhnnnnn!”

Cornelia shivers strongly and enters another peak from my teasing. I let go of the curtain to not accidentally reveal her gorgeous figure to the world and thrust myself one last time into her incredible pussy, which is embracing my twitching member so lovingly.

We both grunt in pleasure and I empty myself once more as far as I can, filling Cornelia up to the brim with my creamy seed. She trembles a little while receiving it and I join our lips for a tender kiss as we slowly come down from our respective highs, with her body still pressed into the side of the carriage.

Afterwards, I bring Cornelia with me to the bench at the back and sit her down on my lap.

“You damned tease…” She playfully hits my chest while resting on it.

I chuckle at her. “Admit it. You planned this. Was this one of your fantasies?”

Cornelia escapes my gaze and somehow manages to blush even more fervently.

“I love you so much,” I repeat once more, placing a kiss on her forehead.

“I know.” She smiles at me. “It makes me so stupidly happy to hear that every time.”

We share a few gentle pecks while just sitting like that, still connected, until we notice through the very slim gap that we are passing the castle’s gates. I quickly clean the carriage up as much as it’s possible with simple magic and help Cornelia fix her looks.

Putting her robes back on, she raises them a bit for me to clean one more place up. I smirk at her and rub my fingers around her lower lips instead.

“Maybe we should leave this one intact? I wonder if you are able to hold yourself back from leaving a trail behind.”

“Pervert,” she barks at me but I can see her face grow flushed again.

With a chuckle, I get rid of the evidence inside Cornelia’s precious place and even bring out a pair of panties fitting my lovely magician and help her put them on. Ready as much as we can be, we smile at each other and exit the carriage after it stops, walking to join the others.

“I bet Lianne will notice instantly,” I whisper to Cornelia’s ear, causing her to stumble over her own legs, and chuckle at the dread overcoming her expression.

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