I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 52 – Like a Real Harpy

Chapter 52 – Like a Real Harpy

After leaving Garrena’s room, I walk up to the door of the adjacent one. I lean my ear onto it to check for any sounds inside. It seems quiet. We aren’t Partners yet so I can’t feel Nebu’s presence. I don’t think she tried running away so she might be sleeping. It wouldn’t be surprising. The change in the environment is definitely huge.

Just in case I’m right, I try to open the door and enter as quietly as I can, taking a peek through the gap I created first. She actually is lying on the bed with her back turned to me. I sneak inside and glance around. It doesn’t seem like she was as curious as the other girls and didn’t rummage through the room. Or she was too scared or reserved to act.

Seeing that she doesn’t react to my steps, I arrive on the other side of the bed and sit down. Nebu looks already much better than earlier. Her hair, skin and feathers are much cleaner and fluffier. And someone helped her get into a simple t-shirt and shorts. I can see her slim tummy from the way she is laid down. She is also clutching one of the pillows to her chest and face.

When I move my gaze to it, she slowly opens the one eye uncovered by it and stares straight at me. I try to show a gentle smile and tilt my head a little.

“If you are tired, I can come later. You can rest here for as long as you want.”

She continues to just lie there while observing me for a while longer and then carefully raises herself up, not letting go of the pillow she embraced. Nebu sits in a cross-legged position and puts the soft rectangle on her lap, positioning it vertically. She then squeezes it even harder with her wings and hides her chin and part of her mouth behind its top, showing me a shy gaze from below.

Gods… Did Sirgia finally get a rival in her cuteness? If she keeps this up I will have a hard time not jumping in to pet her...

“No… I’m fine…” she answers my question with a quiet whisper.

This might be tough. She truly does seem like a very delicate girl. I’m not sure how exactly I should approach her. Oh well. Let’s not overthink this and just act like I usually would.

“Are you nervous?” I ask softly.

Nebu nods her head just a little bit. I try moving my hand placed on the surface of the bed towards her and she instantly catches onto it with her eyes. Harpies do have amazing eyesight as far as I know. Especially when it comes to movement.

“Why are you… so nice… towards me?” She actually asks a question on her own.

“Do I need a reason to be kind to a cute girl?” I say without dropping my, hopefully, gentle smile. “That’s just how I am. I bet my elf friend talked lots and lots about me, isn’t that right?”

I wait for a longer moment this time, but she finally nods her head.

“Then, are you perhaps scared that she was lying?”

Her eyes wander down onto the bed and she visibly ponders over my question. “I... don't know… She seemed… happy… Was it really true?”

“I’m sure it was.”

She returns her gaze to me and we sit in silence again. It’s going slow but I don’t want to appear too forceful with how meek she is. I sigh a little. Nebu tilts her head seeing me do that.

“Say, can I do something to help you relax? Maybe, if you let me touch you for a bit, I can take away your slavery seal? What do you say?” I decide to use her mark as a means to reassure the timid harpy.

As previously, the answer comes after a few seconds and it’s a shy nod. I also nod with a smile and begin slowly moving towards her on all fours on the bed. Stopping in front of Nebu, I sit on my knees. The way she looks at me with those big, deep brown eyes is just so adorable.

I raise my right hand and bit by bit approach her wings which are hugging the pillow. Nebu observes my fingers very carefully. After what feels like an eternity, they finally touch the top of her arms. I graze over them first, trying to be gentle and caring. She looks to be fine with this much.

And she also is smart enough to figure out that I won’t be able to do anything with her sitting like that and Nebu moves her wings down and to the sides, releasing the pillow she was squeezing. There’s still one thing in the way after I take it away.

“Are you fine with taking your top off?” I ask.

Nebu nods. “Ummm… Can you help me with it?”

Having her permission, I grab the bottom of her t-shirt and begin slowly pulling it up. It passes her chest and covers Nebu’s head with her arms raised. Her perky breasts jiggle a little when the material brushes over them. From the first glance, they aren’t that big, perhaps only a little bit more sizable than Sirgia’s. They still look insanely cute and charming.

“Ummm… You can pull it faster... Master. My feathers will be fine.”

Mistaking my short pause for being worried about her wings, Nebu is the one to reassure me that it’s okay to continue faster. I quickly comply with her words before she realizes what was the real reason for it and free her from the clothing completely. She covers her chest with her wings and glances down a bit, still keeping her eyes on my face. I’m going to end up with diabetes if this continues.

I switch from sitting on my knees into a cross-legged position and tap my lap. “Come here. Don’t be shy. I promise I won’t do anything that might hurt you.”

Nebu follows my request and I help her settle down on my legs while sitting with her side towards me. I put my left hand on her head and gently push it against my chest so it leans over it and I start affectionately brushing through her hair. She glances up at me and I smile.

I move the other hand to her wings and wait for Nebu to notice it. After her eyes drop down onto her chest, I carefully uncover it by moving her left and right wings to the sides as she watches over my movements. Finally, I approach the seal with my fingers and tap it to accustom Nebu to my touch a bit.

“Okay. I’m starting then. You might feel a bit warm in your chest. Just relax and enjoy the sensation.”

After she nods, I go over the process of removing a seal that was registered to me. It takes just a moment and it soon disappears from Nebu’s collarbone, not leaving even the tiniest trace after it’s gone. She uses the tip of her wing to rub the spot and smiles very faintly. I use that moment to hug her closer and keep scratching her head. She closes her eyes and lets me caress her with that soft smile still present on her lips.

Three minutes pass before Nebu opens them again. Not wanting to impose on her too much, I help her sit in a bit more equal position, still on my lap.

“Better?” I ask.

She nods a bit more noticeably. “Yes. Thank you… Master.”

“I don’t know anything about your past or what other Humans might have done or said to you, but you really don’t need to be scared of me. As I said before, I will do everything I can to make sure you have a happy stay here. But now, I’m actually not sure if this is okay after seeing how reserved you are. Did you really understand what you were getting into back there in the slavery company?” I decide it’s a good time to start our main discussion.

“I did.” This time, the reply is quick, almost instantaneous. Nebu’s expression darkens a little though. ”I didn’t have that bad time with Humans… They were rude and scary and sometimes hit me but… it was okay… They… didn’t hit me as much as other Harpies…”

From her tone and dispirited gaze, I can easily guess it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows before she was captured. I pull her closer again and resume caressing the poor girl in my arms, waiting to see if she will continue her story. I’m pretty sure I can guess the contents anyway. It most likely relates to her personality.

After a moment, Nebu speaks again. “Thank you… Ummm… you see… I… I’m already five years past the age of reaching adulthood right now… Humans caught me two years ago… But before that, I… couldn’t do it… I... couldn’t mate…”

You don’t need to be an expert counsellor to notice the heavy shame in Nebu’s voice. Her eyes run away from mine. I still don’t know the details, but it’s clear that in their society it’s something frowned upon, at the very least. 

To show her even more of my support, I lay ourselves down on our sides so that Nebu’s and my face are in front of each other. I bring myself closer and lean my forehead against hers, using my left hand to brush her cheek and the right to embrace her and rub her back. One thing I must commend Nebu for, even in this situation she still hasn’t blushed even a little. Sirgia would have been at least fully rosy right now. She might be timid, but I don’t think being intimate embarrasses her that much.

She takes a deep breath and decides to share her worries with me. “I was scared… Every Harpy starts mating after they mature. It’s something normal. But I… couldn’t do it… I saw many of my friends and sisters do it, but I…” She closes her eyes and sighs. “For my first time, mom even brought a Human that didn’t look intimidating and wasn’t very aggressive… but when that touched my skin, I panicked and jumped back… She consoled me saying that it happens and it’s okay… but we tried many times and I couldn’t do it… I was scared… I am scared… of pain down there… I saw blood when my sisters mated for the first time…”

A moment of silence passes and I wait. Letting her finish is the most I can do for now.

“I tried and tried… Mom didn’t force me at the beginning and I only tried it during our mating seasons… But… it didn’t work… I even hurt the males a few times when mom and my sisters had enough and tried to push me onto my partner…  After a year, everyone in our flock was laughing and cursing me and… hitting me… Even mom pushed me away… She said I’m not her daughter… I’m not… a Harpy… I’m… I’m...”

I stop her by moving my thumb onto her lips and shush Nebu down. “It’s okay. That's enough,” I speak to her with a very quiet whisper and pull her as close as I can. While I keep repeating to her ear that everything is fine, Nebu’s wings cover my back and she hugs me tightly. I slowly brush her back with as much care as I can muster.

We stay close for a few minutes and I don’t stop my hands for even a moment. Nebu finally moves a little and I let her out of my arms. She pulls herself up again to get back in front of my face. Hers have clear traces of a tear or two here and there. I clean them with my finger. I didn’t hear any sniffles or sobs. She is stronger than I thought, letting only a few tears out while reminded of such things.

After Nebu calms down, I smile and brush a lock of hair behind her pointy ear. “I’m sorry you had to think about it again. But then… If you are scared of mating… Why did you agree to come with us, knowing exactly what we do here?”

Her gaze starts jumping all around me. She is definitely looking for correct words to explain herself. 

“I wanted to leave… And… if I were ordered to… then maybe I would finally be able to mate… When other Humans ordered me there, I had to listen or it really hurt… or my body moved by itself…”

Even with all she went through in the past, she still tries her best to overcome her fears no matter what. Even if I tell her she can just live here without having to do it, nothing would change. She would still feel ashamed.

I take a deep breath and sigh heavily. She returns her focus to my face. “Okay. I can see how much this means to you. You are a very strong girl, not letting go of your resolve after all that. I want to say that you don’t need to have sex to prove that you are a real Harpy, but that would be just rude of me. So, instead, I will help you do it. If you will trust me, that is. What do you think?”

Her eyes widen a little and she opens her mouth to say something, but quickly closes it and stares at me without moving. I can feel her hesitation and uncertainty even without her being my Partner.

“You see, Nebu, I mated with girls from different races. And they always enjoyed it a lot. Even during their first time. And that’s partially because… my magic… can make the other person feel really good and… make the pain go away. If you do it with me, I can promise you it won’t hurt even a little bit. I think this is your best chance. I don’t want to force you. I will not order you to do it. You don’t have a slave mark now anyway. But, if you ask me, I will do whatever I can to help you.”

I finish trying to convince her and move both of my hands to Nebu’s cheeks, slowly pulling my face closer towards hers. Seeing that she doesn’t stop me, I plant a gentle kiss on her forehead. I don’t go for her lips. Not without a clear agreement. After the short peck, I quickly withdraw myself and wait for her response.

“Is it really possible?” she asks with a little bit of hope showing up in her eyes.

“I have no reason to lie to you. If I wanted to do so, or just to use you, I wouldn’t have removed the sigil. I can bring here my dwarf friend you spoke with. She can confirm that I dealt with her pain during our first time. Although, she will definitely be really embarrassed to talk about it with a stranger, hahaha,” I suggest with a smile and giggle a bit.

Nebu also smiles a little when I mention Sirgia. She must have left a positive impression on the harpy girl during their talk. The feathered woman tightens her wings and hugs me again, nuzzling her face to my neck. I pat her head in the meanwhile.

“Then… I want to try it,” she announces very quietly.

“Okay. Let me know when you will be ready and I’ll do my best to help you. I will make you into a proud and bold Harpy that can mate with any male she wants.”

She pushes herself away from me a little and looks up at my face with expectant eyes. “Can we do it now?”

I sigh softly and chuckle. It was obvious this would turn out like that after my last words. I didn’t plan on sleeping with any of the girls this quick, before even releasing their seals together, but I can’t trample on the resolve Nebu has gathered. I inform my girls that I will be busy for a while with our new friend using my Whispers, and return my attention to the adorable and motivated harpy in my arms.

“Of course. Will you let me take care of you?” I ask while looking down at her.

Nebu nods a few times. “Yes. Please. I want to finally become an adult Harpy. I’ll do what you say… Master.”

“Okay. First, please, accept me as your Partner. It’s part of my skills.”

I send the invitation and she instantly agrees. A wide smile appears on my face. 

“Have you ever kissed?” She shakes her head. “Then this will be our first kiss. My saliva can get rid of pain so swallow as much of it as you can.”

I start pulling her body up and Nebu even pushes herself with her legs to meet me midway. At first, I only gently brush my mouth against hers, observing Nebu’s reaction with a smile. She keeps staring into my eyes all the time. Then, I begin softly pecking her lips and she soon copies the action. After a short while, I slowly send my tongue out and she lets my muscle in. We share a calm and slow dance where I try to pass my saliva to her. Nebu sucks it greedily like it’s some kind of treasure, gulping it down as instructed.

Her expression softens and her gaze also turns much less tense. After around two minutes of this exchange, we part our ways and start panting softly. While we rest our foreheads against each other, her gaze drops down. I leave one more peck on her forehead and raise myself up.

“Let’s first get you accustomed to the thing,” I say and throw all my clothes, besides the underwear, into my storage ring.

Nebu also sits up and glances all over my body. “Master… looks better than other Humans I tried to mate with…”

“Oh, thank you. Have you ever licked a man’s penis?”

She tilts her head. “Why? It just goes inside my hole, no?”

Figured. I don’t expect Harpies to have developed their lewd techniques more than it’s necessary to satisfy themselves during their mating seasons.

I reach my hand out and brush her cheek. Nebu pushes it into my palm and rubs it against my fingers herself.

“Yes, that’s the main part, but there are also other things that can make you or your partner feel good, like the kissing we did just now. Did you like it?”

She nods. “Mhm. It was… sweet.”

“I can give something even better,” I say with a smile and pull off my shorts, revealing my erect rod to the cute harpy.

Nebu of course recognizes the male genitalia and her gaze almost instantly locks on my cock.

“You can take a closer look if you want.”

I sit with my legs spread to allow her to approach it comfortably and Nebu crawls closer on all fours until I can feel her breath on my sensitive penis. She curiously examines every inch of it from all sides and angles. I don’t think she paid this much attention to other dicks before.

“To make a male feel good, you can use your tongue to lick it. Like honey from a honeycomb. Want to give it a try?”

Nebu glances up at me slightly uncertain but nods after a moment. She then opens her mouth, brings out her tongue and starts to very slowly shorten the distance. She stops for a moment just short of my cock and hesitates, taking one more look at my face. Seeing my smile, she pushes forward and takes a long lick from the bottom to the top. Of course, the way she does it is crude and not that good, but it feels nice nevertheless. Her tongue seems a little bit rougher than the other girls I’ve done this with. Might be a racial thing.

She repeats the motion a few times. “It’s… weird. But am I doing good, Master?”

“Yes, you are. You can play with it a bit more. Leave some kisses here and there. Try licking around the tip or these two bulbs down there. Just be careful with the top, it’s sensitive. You can even take it inside your mouth, but if you scratch it with your teeth it will hurt me. I trust you though. If you are curious, you can do it.” I try to fill her head with various ideas so that she grows more fond of my penis.

Nebu listens to me and follows my guidance. She starts leaving kisses along the shaft. Then, she moves down and gives my balls a few licks and gentle sucks. Next, Nebu travels with her tongue all the way to the top and greets my glans with some pecks too. She jumps a little when my cock twitches in response and glances at me with a slight worry.

“It’s okay. It does that when it feels really good,” I say and move my hand to ruffle through her hair.

I’m just going to say that this should be enough for her little date with my junior when her lips part and Nebu begins aiming her open mouth at my glans. She readjusts her chin a few times while trying it out over my tip and takes it inside after achieving a wide enough gape. The hot insides of her mouth assault my dick instantly and her tongue brushes the underside a little.

“Don’t push it too far or you will hit your throat. Just use your tongue to lick it around a bit and we can finish this. Look me in the eyes if you will need help to get it out, okay?”

She nods very slightly and follows my advice, starting to coil her muscle around my glans. Again, it’s not that skillful, but it’s the very first time she even thought about putting a cock inside her mouth. Sirgia’s first blowjob might have been awkward too, but she knew it was an actual thing people do. 

Nebu glances up and I place my hands on her cheeks to slowly guide my rod out of her mouth without grazing over her teeth. We succeed. She licks off the saliva trails that appeared on her mouth and keeps looking at me.

“How was it?”

“It was sweet too. A bit different than before. I think it was stronger and more… syrupy? I didn’t know it was so tasty,” she answers.

I chuckle a little. “I’m pretty sure it tastes much worse in the case of other males. But we can talk about that on a different occasion. It’s my turn now.”

Nebu tilts her head, trying to figure out what I mean by that, and I place my hand on her cheek before giving her a small kiss. Then, I gently push her down onto the bed and move my fingers all alongside her whole body, reaching the material of her shorts.

“To make sure that you definitely won’t feel any pain, I have to lick you down there too,” I say while rubbing my finger over her panties. “Tell me if it feels uncomfortable, and don’t hesitate to stop me if anything happens, even if you would risk hurting me.” Making sure that she nods, I pull down her panties, slowly tracing them over her long legs ending up in talons.

Surprisingly, there’s not even a single strand of hair down there. I guess Harpies just don’t have them. Even the fibres on her head felt way different from what I am used to. They very well might be differently shaped and structured feathers too.

Nevertheless, that’s not the part I should be focusing on right now. The beautiful and petite slit in front of my eyes deserves all the attention. Nebu’s lower lips seal the entrance to her girly parts so tight one could wonder if those soft folds have ever parted. This image is just the cutest sight my eyes have ever feasted on.

Feeling now not only her nervous gaze but also a little bit of an anxious mood, I decide to not prolong this waiting game and lazily bring my lips closer to Nebu’s petite flower. Her body shivers when I leave a kiss on it. I wait a short moment and look up, but she keeps observing me attentively. More pecks follow until Nebu doesn’t tremble when our bodies make contact.

I take it as a signal to move onto the next step and very carefully uncover Nebu’s most secret entrance. The moment I pull her smooth petals to the sides with my thumbs, a tiny trail of slimy liquid travels down towards her cute anus. It seems that this long-neglected place is very much looking forward to some action already.

With a smile, I give it what it yearns for and use my tongue to make a single, long lick from the very bottom to the very top of the pink crevice. Nebu’s body trembles again. Looking up, I see her making a heaving sigh. Thinking that I’m waiting for another permission, she quickly nods her head. No need to correct her. I dig in according to her wishes.

Already having some experience behind my belt, I try to bring out my most trusted and tested techniques and patterns when caressing the inner side of her pussy’s lips. Nebu shivers from time to time but her increasingly faster breathing announces that those are the good shivers.

I switch into a higher gear and move my lips over her shy, little hood on top of her precious spot, closing them around the stiff bulb with utmost care.


Finally, a gratifying sound reaches my ears. Nebu’s first moan. I might be weird, but I feel much better hearing it than when she licked my dick. That’s perhaps what they call a man’s ego. I redouble my efforts and tickle the tiny orb with the tip of my tongue while giving it playful sucks.

“Ahmmm… Nhnnnn…”

I’m so fortunate she doesn’t immediately try to cover her mouth. Those cute, soft moans are like music to my ears. Nebu keeps her eyes locked on my head the whole time, and thanks to that, I can enjoy her expression which is growing more flushed with each second too. I spend two more minutes playing with her flower, adding some brushes with my fingers to the performance, and then scoop some of her love juices and move my face back to her.

“Do you see this?” I ask while rubbing my thumb and middle finger together in front of her. She nods. “This means that the place down there really wants to meet this guy and is more than ready to welcome him.” I bring my hand to my cock and stroke it slowly. Her eyes follow the motions.

“I… I’m ready too… Thanks to you… Master… I believe you… It won’t hurt…” she says it more to convince herself than to inform me about her trust.

I lean forward and we join our lips for one more kiss before the main thing. I pass her some more of my saliva during our passionate exchange and then pull away, moving back down. Positioning myself between her legs, I place my hands on Nebu’s thighs and rub them reassuringly. My rod slowly descends onto her awaiting pussy. I stop just short of it, glance at her again, and while we keep eye contact, press my shaft over her slit.

There’s a shiver, but she doesn’t instantly kick me away or starts thrashing as she mentioned in her story. Just that brings a beautiful smile onto her lips and I can see tears forming on the edges of her eyes. Just with this. She really wanted to do this for years but her fear was not letting her.

“Please… Make me into a real Harpy, Master!” she speaks a little louder and with some determination behind her words.

“Very well,” I answer and lift her butt up, angling it so that she can see more of her beautiful pussy. “Watch carefully as you become what you always wanted to be.”

I rest her lower body on my thighs and use both hands to spread those overprotective petals of hers, pressing the tip of my cock against her yearning hole. Nebu takes my words a bit too seriously and gazes into the place where we are almost connected like a hawk eyeing its prey. But well, this is a very important moment in her life.

Not wanting to let her down, I swallow my saliva, praying to the Goddess that brought us here for the very first time for this to truly not cause the excited harpy any pain, and as gently as possible, I push the tip inside her untouched cavern.

Nebu’s mouth opens a little and she gasps, but I don’t think she is hurting in any way. I gradually slide my length deeper and deeper from slightly above and keep an eye on her expression. For Nebu, I might as well not exist right now. All her focus is directed towards my cock, unhurriedly making its way through her tight tunnel. I don’t think she is even aware of her gaping and panting mouth.

So far so good, but the real test begins now. I bump into a stretchy obstacle on my path and her body trembles.

“You okay?” I ask.

She nods very energetically. “Yes! It tickled, but it’s not hurting.”

With part of my penis already inside her hot and moist entrance, I release her thighs and lean forwards to hang over Nebu’s body. She glances at my face for the first time since the insertion and I smile at her from above.

“Welcome to adulthood, Nebu.”

With that, I push through her purity seal and slide further inside. The young harpy releases a prolonged moan while shaking and drawing her head to the back, but tries her best to keep her eyes on mine for the whole duration of this new sensation. After a few seconds, she raises herself on her elbows and pecks my lips. Tears are flowing down her cheeks. I sneakily move my hand down to cover our nether regions.

“Thank you! Thank you so much! There really was no pain!” She rains kisses on my lips while thanking me repeatedly and hugging me with her wings.

Calming down after a moment, she releases me and falls back onto the bed. She can’t stop smiling. And so do I. I’m way happier to be the one to help make her dream come true than to have sex with such a beautiful and exotic girl. And it truly feels amazing down there already.

Nebu finally notices my hand when she glances down and gives me a confused look.

“There’s a bit of blood. I didn’t want it to startle you. Are you ready to see the proof of you becoming an adult Harpy?” I say, still smiling.

“Yes, please.”

As she wishes, I take my hand away and a trickle of blood continues its path up her underbelly with her slightly raised hips after the obstruction in the form of my fingers disappears. She giggles a little. Giggles. So DAMN cute.

“But… It’s not yet all in, isn’t it, Master?” she asks after seeing my uncovered penis too.

“Let me fix that mistake now.” I gently push the rest almost to the very root, making Nebu moan softly. “So. How does it feel to have a penis down there?”

Nebu moves one of her wings and brushes over her navel with the tip of it. “It’s really hot. Your penis is pushing the insides of my hole around.”

“It’s called a pussy, Nebu. And people call my thing penis, dick, cock and such. All grown-up girls use those.” I decide to teach her a little about sex.

“My pussy is being spread by your hard cock... But… it now feels tingly. There’s an itch there, just a little bit further.”

“Let me take care of it then.”

With that, I slowly pull back, evoking another moan from the cute harpy, and plunge myself inside again, with moderate force, of course. I start repeating those thrusts while listening to the soft moans she releases.

“Ahh… Ahhnn… So this is real mating… Ahnnnn.” Nebu smiles at me. “It feels… ahhhhh… really good!”

As expected, my saliva and other fluids helped in our operation and she seems to be doing fine during her first time. Nebu locks her legs behind my waist and keeps covering my back with her fluffy wings while staring at my face with an overjoyed expression. I move my hips in a regular motion, not too fast yet, and keep rubbing the insides of her tight pussy with my thick rod.

“Ahhh… I was scared… nhnnn… of this? Ahhh… Ahh… Please! Ahnn… Mate with me harder, Master!”

Looks like she got into it straight away. It might be her nature as a Harpy finally surfacing. I follow her request and increase the pace bit by bit, ending up hammering her waist into the bed. To make it even better, I stop just looking at her face and lean down more, closing my lips over one of her beautiful peaks. My tongue tickles the erect nipple.

“Ehhhh? That place… ahnnnn… is for kids…”

As I thought, she knows nothing about real sex. I move my hand to the other breast and caress them both while plunging myself into the depths of Nebu’s neglected cavern. Her moans grow louder and she tightens her hold on me even more.

“Master! Ahhnnn… Something is… coming… Ahhhhhhhannn…”

“Then let it all out, Nebu.”

I keep repeating my thrusts the same way to not overwhelm her during the first time and Nebu soon reaches her first orgasm.


Her body convulses and I feel her pussy squeezing me hard. I decide to present her with one more gift and stop holding back my own high, releasing a torrent of creamy liquid deep into her scorching hot insides.

After a few seconds, both our orgasms end and I give Nebu a soft kiss, which she quickly reciprocates with a giggle.

“That warm thing… is that your seed, Master?” she asks with an elated smile.

I nod and she peppers me with pecks.

“Finally… I was able to take a male’s seed… Thank you so much…”

Before I pull out and lie down on her side, Nebu uses her strength to pull me close to her body and rolls us over, ending up on top of me, with my cock still buried deep inside her amazing pussy. She glances down at where we are connected and moves her hips around a little to take in more of this sensation, releasing a few cute sighs and gasps.

“Master…” She returns her gaze to me. A small jolt of electricity runs down my spine. Her eyes are different. Much more lively, hazy and… hungry. “It’s still hard. Other males I watched could only shoot their stuff once. I want more. I want to mate more and more.”

I chuckle nervously. “Hahaha… I sometimes really hate being right…”

Nebu leans forward to steal my lips, or rather drown them in a myriad of kisses, also licking all around my whole face, and starts moving her hips on her own, vigorously dropping her pussy onto my still erect cock. She slams her waist against mine much harder than my previous thrusts and the room gets filled with loud and erotic slapping of flesh hitting flesh.

“Ahnnnnnn… So good! Aaaahhhhh… Mating is the best!”

She turns a complete one-eighty. The reserved Nebu is no more. At least for now. It’s replaced with a real Harpy drowned in lust which was kept imprisoned for way too long. Her hips rain down on my junior like a guillotine. She seems to be enjoying herself to the fullest.

But… Ironically… I’m actually wrong this time. Nebu still yearns for more and leaves my face alone, sitting up straight. I watch as she jumps up and down on my cock while moaning fervently. Her beautiful, slim body, with those perky, jiggling breasts is a spectacle on its own. Yet, this is not enough for her.

Nebu spreads her wings fully to the sides and I instantly get chills from how powerful and menacing the figure towering over me looks. I feel like a hopeless prey caught in her clutches. She smiles hungrily and flaps her feathered arms once, raising her body into the air just high enough to barely leave the very tip of my dick squeezed in her narrow entrance.

My eyes widen in realization when her talons tightly grip the sheets on the sides of my abdomen, and before I can say anything, she flaps her impressive wings again, upwards this time. With the joined force of her leg muscles and wings, she comes crashing down onto my waist, plunging my cock irrationally deep inside herself, doing the mightiest squat I’ve ever witnessed.

“Ngggghhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnn! Yeeessssssssssss!”

While I groan from the powerful blow, Nebu screams in ecstasy. It wasn’t painful for me. Just unexpected. And really powerful. And obviously, it doesn’t end there. She keeps moaning even louder while repeatedly shoving my cock into her yearning cave at different angles with those air-boosted slams. The bed caves in so deep with each attack I wasn’t even aware this mattress could deform so much.

“Ahnnn! Ahnnn! Ahhhh! Cock! Ahnnnnnn! I’m mating! Ahhhaaann! With a male! Mhhhnnnnnnnn! It’s the beeeeeest!”

Her breathing is a mess and it’s no wonder. I’m surprised she can even fit words between the moans and gasps for air. I’m in not much better state myself with how roughly she assaults me, but still, Nebu is doing all the work now. If all Harpies get this ferocious during their mating sessions…

It doesn’t matter now. Let’s give Nebu the best finish I can under those circumstances. Which are… kind of limited. But I still can find the proper timing and thrust my cock upwards the moment she drops down.


And it works splendidly. Nebu throws out her tongue in pleasure and gazes deep into my eyes. I don’t think she’ll be able to speak again like this. Starting to sense her approaching climax, I keep pistoning her pink flower from below with perfectly adjusted movements and reach with my hands to her chest, pinching those cute, perky nipples between my fingers.

Within a few more seconds of violent smacking and me caressing her breasts, Nebu finally reaches her second climax and I shove my cock upwards with whatever strength I have left, flooding her tight tunnel with another load of the whitish delicacy just as she starts spasming.


“Guh… Fuuuuck…”

We both ride the wave for many seconds until our convulsions tone down. Nebu’s shivering body begins falling forward and I quickly stop it with my hands on her chest, calmly lowering her onto myself. I brush through the hair of the almost breathless harpy in my arms. I’m panting only slightly less than her.

A minute or two passes and Nebu finally calms down enough to cutely snuggle up to me. I pull her up from my cock and lay her down on my side, turning to her too. She covers the remaining distance and instead of a kiss, she rubs her nose against mine with an adorable smile.

“I’m finally an adult… I’m so happy…”

I keep patting her head. “I’m glad you are not scared anymore. You are now a big and strong Harpy.”

Nebu backs away a little and looks me in the eyes. “Ummm… If I stay here… I will be able to mate with other males too, right?”

I smile at her question. “Of course. If you let me teach you a bit about sex, I’m sure there will be many Humans wanting to mate with you.”

She instantly dives back into my embrace. “I will learn. I want to stay with you, Master. Mate lots and bold like a real Harpy.”

It looks like she is slowly turning back into her more reserved mode. She is still a little bit livelier than before, but I’m glad Nebu didn’t turn into a sex fiend permanently. It’s enough that she gets this passionate when being intimate with a man. Guess people who like to be dominated will have someone to choose now after she joins our ranks.

We rest on the bed together for a few minutes more. Then, I pick two lengthy towels, wrap one around Nebu and the other over my waist, and princess-carry my little birdie to the bath. We both really need it after all this.

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