I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 54 – Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd, and Six’s an…

Chapter 54 – Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd, and Six’s an…

While Cornelia enjoys her time poking fun at me with her teases, a trio of girls approaches us. My charming slimes and the cute dwarf come closer and Emi soon jumps into my embrace.

[Master! The picture is amazing! You look so good in it! It’s perfect!] the overjoyed, emerald girl conveys before starting to rub her face into mine.

Safi stands behind her and smiles charmingly. [I agree. And the other girls are drawn in such a dazzling manner too. Neira is a really talented individual.]

“You should be telling that to her then. I knew nothing about this. Even if she said I helped a lot, I did barely anything. I just visited her once or twice and that’s all. She is too humble,” I reply with a smile while rubbing Emi’s head.

“Inspiration is a quite crucial part of anything. And I can confidently say that you are certainly good at giving it to others,” Cornelia shares her opinion.

“Well, I guess.”

After Emi finally releases me from her clutches, I kneel down to get on Sirgia's level. She blushes just slightly under my pats.

“I think… Master looks really handsome there.”

I chuckle and place a kiss on her cheek. “Oh, thank you. I’m happy to hear that. I’m sure that if she drew you, you’d look gorgeous too.” She starts fidgeting a little hearing my words.

“Hey, that’s actually a great idea,” Cornelia says as I stand up. “If she would be up for it, we could decorate this chamber and the hallways with paintings of the girls. Not all need to have you in them. This centrepiece could be a unique one while all other ones hung around would just show our residents solo or in groups.”

Pondering over her words, I look around. There certainly is a lot of space on the walls here, and there is the level above us too. Those who wouldn’t mind could get their portraits or full paintings displayed in the lobby. That would create a fitting atmosphere for this place and solve our small issue with the lack of relevant decorations as we took off all those depicting racial cruelty or such.

I nod after a moment. “I’ll bring that up when I talk with her. I’m sure Neira will be thrilled to be able to draw so many different people. A nice way to show my appreciation for you girls.”

“Yes!” Cornelia agrees enthusiastically. She seems to be looking forward to being painted.

“Hmmmm…” I visibly stare at her for a few seconds and bring out a grin onto my face.

She obviously notices that and raises her brow at me. “What?”

“Nothing. I was just wondering if I should accompany you when it’s your turn. It would be hard for you to pose without my help.” I keep smiling.

Cornelia furrows her brows at me before her eyes widen in realization. “You jerk!” She hits me in the shoulder. “There’s no way I would ever want to be drawn in that shameful state! Not even talking about other people seeing it! NEVER! EVER!”

I chuckle at her reaction and pull Cornelia closer, preventing her from hitting me more. She glares at me with a slightly flushed face.

Something tells me otherwise. At least about the first part,” I lean to her ear and whisper.

Our connection allows me to feel her getting aroused just by the idea of being pictured in restraints, completely exposed and vulnerable.

“Besides, it doesn’t have to be displayed here. I would gladly put such a masterpiece above my bed,” I continue after backing away to be in front of her red face again.

“Bully…” she says, looking away from me, making Sirgia giggle a little. 

Cornelia looks down at the cute dwarf and squints her eyes. “Don’t you dare laugh at me, you little pervert. Or else I’ll order Neira to draw the two of you during one of your forging sessions and nail it above the main entrance.”

Sirgia turns quiet in an instant and pales a little. I can see a bead of sweat rolling down her forehead. She glances up at me and quickly runs to my side, hugging my arm tightly.

“Master wouldn’t let you!” 

“Oh? Are you sure about that? Because I’m sure if I asked kindly, he would. Am I right, da-r-li-n-g?” Cornelia smirks at her and leans more onto me, using her hand to pull down her top a little, revealing more of her cleavage.

“That’s not fair!” Sirgia cries out and begins looking around. 

She runs away towards the reception and soon comes rushing back with a stool from behind it. Placing it by my side, she hastily jumps onto it and pulls my head into her chest, which is now at the level of my eyes. She uses one hand to hug me to her small breasts and the other one to affectionately brush through my hair. I catch a few people staring at us while grinning. Especially the groups of dark elves and tieflings.

“You think this is enough to win him over? You have no chance against these. Men love them big.”

Cornelia grabs my hand and moves it to squeeze one of her boobs while starting to leave kisses on my neck as she stares Sirgia right into the eyes.

“Keep dreaming. Master loves petite chests. Doing it with him more times than you speaks for itself.”

My lovely magician is the one to freeze and turn quiet this time.


“Alright. Enough. Both of you.” 

She opens her mouth to fight back, but I stop her before she finishes by squeezing her soft boob a little harder, which evokes a small moan from Cornelia. At the same time, I turn my head to the side and nibble on Sirgia’s nipple over the material with my lips, causing her to release a quiet yelp of surprise. As expected, she isn’t wearing a bra.

“We are in the middle of something and you are causing a scene. Quite an embarrassing one at that. Others are looking at us, you know?” I say to them and they both blush heavily after realizing most of the gazes are focused on us. I chuckle. “I love both of your chests. And everything else about you.” I give a soft peck to Cornelia and then to Sirgia before helping her jump down from the stool. They both apologize.

Well, this was something new. Cornelia seems to be getting more competitive, or rather more into teasing others. I guess that’s partly to her semi-tsun personality. She might have gotten somehow used to others’ presence and it's now showing more. But for Sirgia to answer such provocations instead of just blushing and looking away, she might finally be breaking through her shell. I’ll miss the timid and passive dwarf cutie if she changes completely one day. Who knows. We’ll see.

I’m thankful Emi didn’t suddenly decide to join the action. I have a feeling that Safi held her back when my attention was on the two love rivals on my sides. After some casual chatting for a few more minutes, Cornelia takes the empty glass I was still holding and the girls let me go to speak with others. I head straight for the elves.

Unfortunately, before I arrive in their close vicinity, three colourful ladies cross my path, showing brilliant smiles. Their tails dance gleefully behind their backs.

“Man, I’m so jealous,” Mafaris speaks first. “That painting looks glorious. The details on all the girls are so good it makes me wet just by looking at them from afar. Mhhnnn…” The crimson-skinned woman bites on her lip. “Fuck… Dark Elf pussies are just so hot… and the way they are dripping with love...”

I show a wry smile at her wriggling as one of her hands snake down towards her nether regions in front of my eyes.

“Yeah. I haven’t seen anything with this much effort even back at home. It feels almost… enchanting. My body gets hotter when I take a peek at your chiselled body… I hope you aren’t planning on going back on your word, Master…” Shawure walks closer to me and embraces my arm.

“Of course not. My focus will be all on you girls soon.”

“Good. Even I can tell that Shawure is almost going through that again,” Zalia comments from the side with a giggle.

“I’ll be there to help then,” I say with a smile, leaving a soft slap on the purple-skinned beauty’s bottom as she frees my arm. All of them chuckle while she moans loudly. “And don’t worry. I was just going to ask Neira if she would like to draw other girls besides her friends if they were up for it too, so you might have a chance to get portrayed soon.”

“Really?!” Mafaris shouts in surprise.

“Damn! I’m so hoping she agrees!” Shawure joins her.

“Hell yeah! Let’s get painted together! It will be like our own, group memento!” Zalia adds last. Then, her eyes sparkle and she quickly turns to others. “Hey, can I be the one who gets her pussy drilled by Master’s cock in the picture? Please!”

I slightly choke on air while the group of tiefling women starts discussing in the open who should have the privilege of getting depicted with my dick inside. 

Are my normal days coming to an end now that we have finally opened the establishment? Well, not like I should be calling the previous ones normal, but it definitely looks like it will be getting only more and more lively now. I worry about what the future holds for me and if I’ll be able to handle it. Especially my body.

But before that happens, I need to focus on the present. “You want to be drawn while having sex with me?” I ask them to stop their friendly argument, which again starts drawing attention towards my person. Fortunately, some of the people less acquainted with me already left.

Zalia turns back to me. “Of course! What could be better?”

“That would mean you’ll have Neira literally watch us while at it, you know?”

“And? She is one of your girls, isn’t she? It’s not like she is some random stranger,” she answers.

“I wouldn’t mind such a pretty girl seeing me naked…” Mafaris adds while sending a glance towards the group of dark elves. It seems like Neira caught her eye.

“Okay, okay. I wanted to let everyone get a picture however they like so I guess it’s fine as long as she has nothing against it. I’ll ask about that too.”

“Great! We won’t hold you back any longer then!” Shawure grabs the other two and drags them away while they get back to discussing who gets to have the dick.

I shake my head and chuckle to myself. The night I finally visit them will surely be an unforgettable experience for me. They are such an energetic bunch.

Finally reaching my target, I stop in front of the six graceful and dark-skinned beauties. They surround me in a half-circle and smile elegantly.

“You really did a good one on me, didn’t you? Hahaha.” I laugh a little after looking at each of them.

Elea steps forward and bows to me. “I apologize on behalf of all of us for keeping this a secret from you, Master. I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive this little mischief.”

“No need for that. I know it was meant as a surprise. It went flawlessly. Now I’m starting to wonder what else could you be hiding behind my back,” I reply with a smirk.

She makes a playful grin and glances at all the other girls. I raise my eyebrow at her. It didn’t feel like just an act to keep our fun exchange going. Elea only giggles and smiles even more suspiciously.

Before I get the chance to question her, Neira breaks the line too. “I’m sorry too, Master. For using your person in my work without asking for permission first. I know it wasn’t right placing your depiction in a situation I wasn’t sure if you would find offensive, but I just couldn’t throw the image I had in my mind away.”

She is still visibly anxious about the whole thing. I step closer and hug my amazing painter, patting her on the back.

“You are an artist. You know best what goes well with what, and I can clearly see that your artistic sense is on another level. I’m really happy with your choice, even if it is a little embarrassing to me right now. It’s truly beautiful. Even others are moved to the core.”

Neira slowly backs away and looks to the side, avoiding my gaze.

“Umm… That may or may not be only the fault of the painting’s quality and detail…”

“What do you mean by that?” I ask, slightly confused and curious.

“Some of the paint had my mana mixed in it, and I also used a few techniques that are known only to my lineage. They… enhance the picture and its reception by the onlookers.”

I ponder for a second before my eyes widen a little. “Is that why everyone was acting so boldly?”

Neira nods. “Yes. What I did and used has an effect that helps whoever is looking at the picture bring their true desires, wants and thoughts out. Their true self. Additionally, slightly… boosting their libido.”

I snicker. “So, you basically created a piece that makes people horny when they look at it?”


“Hahaha, goddammit. I can’t say that it’s not perfect for this place. You chose to hang it above the reception exactly because of that, didn’t you? So the visitors will see it and get into the mood. You are a sly woman.” I laugh openly. “But why don't I feel much different? I know you said it only works slightly, but… Ah... Is it perhaps similar to Charm Magic?”

“To some extent, yes. And I’m sorry I didn’t ask for permission for that too. I can easily teach others how to resist it immediately after we finish here. I hope I didn’t get ahead of myself, Master.”

I rub her shoulder reassuringly. “It’s fine. I don’t want to drug our clients to make them addicted to our services, but this little incentive is okay I guess. You said it helps them be true to themselves. That’s good. People being too afraid to pursue their likes is one of our major problems due to the common racism and beliefs.”

“Thank you. I promise it was only this once. I really wanted to surprise you. I’ll consult my future work with you, Master.” Neira smiles beautifully and bows her head a little before stepping back.

“Ah, on that topic, I have something to ask. Would you be willing to decorate our mansion, especially the lobby, with paintings of our girls? It could work as a little showcase and they would also love to be drawn by you after seeing this magnificent masterpiece here.”

Her eyes open wider and Neira blushes really hard. It’s clearly visible on her dark cheeks now. “I… I… I would be honoured! I’ll gladly do it!” She starts nodding enthusiastically while clenching her fists.

“Good. Don’t rush it. You can talk with everyone and decide to work on those whenever. And also… the tiefling girls wanted me to ask if… you would be willing to… draw us. Having sex,” I explain slightly awkwardly. It’s still impossible to speak about this in front of six girls, where five of them didn’t get that close with me yet.

Neira chuckles at me. “Of course I wouldn’t mind. That would be extremely helpful to me too. Even back at home, I’ve drawn such scenes only once or twice. I’ll talk with them about it.”

“Thank you. And the rest of you too. For all the work you’ve put into it and are putting into everything else here.”

They all bow elegantly and smile at me. To not prolong this grand reveal unnecessarily, we stay together only for a few minutes more. The girls tell me they’ll take care of cleaning and such so I walk back to my room to resume working on whatever I was focusing on before coming to this surprise party. There are a few things I might be introducing in the near future and have to go through some notes and plans about them. I can’t stop imagining the reaction of people who will come here during the next open night.

After a few hours, then dinner with everyone, then another few hours of writing my ideas, I stretch myself in the chair and decide to end for the day. It’s time to take a bath and hit the bed. I should rest enough to start my meetings with the tieflings tomorrow before we open. If it goes exactly as I’m expecting it to go, I’ll need all the energy I can get.

Taking a dip in hot water is the best. While I soak myself in the warm liquid, my jelly friends come to accompany me. I welcome them with open arms and we cuddle in the pool. I expect them to try getting a piece of me but they just stay by my side enjoying some pats and kisses.

They tell me to leave first as they want to float some more. It’s rare for them to not come out with me, but it’s not something to take notice of. It might not be their turn to sleep by my side today. I’ve lost track of the schedule the girls are managing. It’s too unpredictable.

With just my shorts, pants and a towel over my shoulders, I walk back to my room. I open the door and the moment I step in, I almost slip on the surface of the fluffy carpet. But, it's not the main cause of that. The five, dark-skinned, completely naked women lying on top of my bed are.

“What the—”

Noticing my entrance, they sit up and turn towards me, sending a wave of jiggling mountains of various sizes as they do. “Welcome back, Master,” they say in unison.

This surely can’t be what I’m thinking of...

For a few moments, my eyes wander all over their delicious, chocolate bodies. From top to bottom, they are not covering anything, letting me clearly see every single inch of their skin in all its glory. Including the pinkish one down there. They giggle seeing me in a daze.

I shake my head to calm down. “Okay. Care to explain what is the meaning of this?”

“Isn’t it obvious, Master? We are here for you,” Cinra, the girl with long, silver hair starts.

“Yes. You don’t need to worry about anything and just come embrace us,” Filue, the grey-haired beauty continues.

“The Princess said it will help you a lot, Master,” Leyne adds after them as she throws her long, black hair to the back so it doesn’t obstruct the view.

“Wait a moment. Elea told you to do this?” I ask, slightly dumbfounded.

They all nod with a smile.

That woman…

I use my Whispers to call her to my room and she soon arrives here, just to see me with my hands on the hips and staring at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Is there some issue, Master?”

“Elea, I know that you want to help me grow stronger and find me more Partners, but you can’t force your subordinates into having sex with me,” I speak to her with a wry smile.

“But Master, I didn’t force anyone. Do you really think I’m a person who would abuse their subordinates like that?" She shows a playful smile and then turns to the girls. "They all want to embrace you. I only asked them if they were fine with things staying like they were and gave them the necessary push. They would never ask you to sleep with them by themselves due to the fact that I’ve already done it with you. Their previous status was preventing them from approaching the man I chose for myself too, even though I’m no longer a Princess,” she explains.

I glance back at the group on the bed. “Is that true?”

“Yes. We want to do it with Master too,” Roseni answers while twirling her semi-long, brown hair seductively.

Elea steps closer to me and bows a little. “I apologize for the misunderstanding I caused. You don’t have to worry, everyone here thinks greatly of you, Master, and there’s no one who has even a hint of dislike towards you in their hearts. You saved them, gave them home and cared for them greatly.”

I’m still slightly hesitant even though I understand all that. Just the sheer number of girls here overwhelms me, not letting me fully comprehend that all of them are fine doing it with me at the same time.

Elea approaches me from behind and her hands appear on my chest, sensually tracing over my uncovered abs and abdomen. I feel her breath over my right ear.

“They can barely contain their pussies after I told them how amazing our first time was, Master. Can’t you see? Just look down there. The sheets are already soaking wet, ufufufu~” she whispers naughtily, giving my earlobe a gentle kiss.

Now that she mentions it, I can certainly spot visible stains on the material under their nether regions. They are already looking forward to it even before I did anything. I turn my head to Elea with a surprised expression.

She giggles after seeing it and moves her attention to her stark-naked friends. “As your superior, I order you to give honest answers. How many times did you masturbate last week while thinking of Master?”






I’m dumbfounded. Completely shook. Flabbergasted. Frozen. What the hell is wrong with these numbers?! Twelve?! That’s almost two times a day! And that reply came from Neira, who looks to be the only one even a little bit nervous, stealing glances at my face repeatedly as if judging my reaction.

Elea releases my chest and steps to the front, turning around to face me. “See?” She smiles proudly and then leaves a peck on my lips. “I know you’ve read a lot about our race, Master, but there are some things that are kept a secret from the outside world. Like the fact that all Dark Elves love sex.”


She giggles. “You may be aware of our longevity and low birth rate, which are a curse and a blessing at the same time, but you definitely don’t know that all Dark Elves love physical contact and intimacy and they very often have passionate intercourse with each other. From that standpoint, it’s a blessing."

Elea shows a playful smile.

"Also, we Dark Elves don’t exactly marry each other like Humans do to form a bond as husband and wife. We consider sex as something casual, something friends do for fun and pleasure. Of course, when a woman gets pregnant, the man doesn’t just abandon her. No, he takes the responsibility and they raise the child together until it’s of age to take care of itself. They are already close friends with each other so it feels natural to do so.

She continues her story.

"And, romantic love sometimes takes part in it, but here comes the curse part of our longevity and birth rate, people change with time and we live really long. One Dark Elf can fall in love with many others during their lifetime and that’s why it’s not frowned upon in our community to switch partners after a few decades or so and why everyone considers others as friends at most.”

Elea chuckles again and pecks my lips.

“You kept saying that we are all your friends here. Time and time again. I’m aware that you were doing so to make us feel more welcomed, but these words had another meaning to us. After a few times, we took them to heart and started really seeing you as our friend, by our own definition. Thus, it was only natural for some of us to start wanting to do it with you.” She glances back at the group and then returns to me with a wide smile. “You don’t need to hold back. They aren’t virgins like me. I’m certain though that they don’t even hold a candle to your techniques, ufufu~”

And with that, she steps back and quickly walks to the door to leave us alone. She waves at me through the gap with a smile before closing the door and disappearing. I turn around to face the five expectant beauties and sigh heavily.

Is this karma for not doing it with the tiefling girls earlier? Five instead of three? Forget about having the energy to meet with them tomorrow, I’ll be lucky to wake up before we open… Oh boy, I can already feel my Rejuvenate rising a few levels from this.

“Alright. I guess everything is cleared up. I apologize in advance if I won’t be able to satisfy all of you girls. I’ve never even had a threesome in my life, not even mentioning this many, so I have no idea how far I can go, hahaha,” I say and laugh awkwardly.

“Master, may I?” Cinra raises her hand. 

Seems like without Elea present, she took the role of the representative of this small gathering.


“We also wanted to inform you that we decided to work for you after this night, Master. At least four of us did. Princess Elea already explained our nature, so I don’t think we need to repeat ourselves. We don’t mind doing it with Humans.”

“Is that so? Thank you then.” I nod my head. “Wait. Four? Who wishes to remain just a maid then?” I ask and glance curiously at the five of them.

Four heads instantly turn to the center and four pairs of eyes land on a single girl with short, white hair and the smallest breasts of them all, still impressive though, sitting in the middle. Neira.

Cinra scoots closer to her and embraces her from behind while looking at me. “I don’t think she wants to remain just a maid either, Master.” Everyone besides the hugged girl giggles.

“What do you mean?” I ask, glancing at Neira, who keeps avoiding my eyes.

“This poor soul seems to have fallen for your charms, Master,” Cinra informs me and then whispers something to Neira’s ear, which makes her look at me and then nod after a heavy sigh.

Everyone moves away a bit to give her some space and Neira slowly pushes herself to the edge of the bed, standing up from it. She walks closer and stops in front of me. She is only a tad shorter than me so she is able to look me in the eyes without any problems. Neira takes a deep breath before she starts speaking.

“It’s as she said, Master. Because of all you have done for us, for me, I seem to have fallen in love with you. I suddenly started feeling like I don’t want any other men to come close to me. I had many partners back at home but it’s my first time experiencing this. When I’m near you, my heart starts beating faster. When I think about you, a smile finds its way onto my lips. When you touch me even slightly, I get a strong urge to be in your arms.” She stops for a moment before continuing. “So, if you are fine with me, would you let me be your woman, Master?”

Instead of answering with words, I place my hands behind her waist and pull Neira closer, hugging her to my chest. The two, soft peaks press against my skin. With a smile, I dive for her lips and we start exchanging soft and affectionate pecks. A moment later, her own fingers appear on my back, caressing it lovingly. We take one step further and entwine our tongues in a sloppy dance for a few minutes. 

Finally separating our lips, Neira hugs me back even harder. “Thank you. I love you, Master.”

Ekhm. I don’t want to break your moment, but you guys are taking forever,” Cinra tries to get our attention.

Neira chuckles. “I’m sorry.”

She then grabs the towel that hangs around my neck and drags me towards the bed. The moment I get into their reach, all other girls grab whatever part of my body they can and pull me to the center. In a flash, I lose the only two pieces of clothing that remained on me until now. They push me down onto my back and a myriad of hands starts grazing my whole body.

“Let’s get him ready properly.”


A moment later, at least three warm tongues appear on my already erect rod from different angles. While those hot and affectionate muscles start lively licking my penis from the bottom to the top, Neira crosses her legs over my body and lays down onto my chest. She takes my head into her hands and starts another passionate kiss.

Keeping my focus on her sweet lips, she prevents me completely from seeing what is happening to the lower part of my body. I have no idea who is who. The only thing I know is that everyone down there is doing heavenly work.

Two people keep licking my pole like a lollipop. Someone starts gently sucking on the tip, parting with it with each pull, releasing loud pops into the air. Another person mischievously plays with my two, precious orbs, stroking one with their fingers and tickling the other one with their wet tongue.

In just a few moments they manage to bring me so much pleasure I’ve never felt before. And I can clearly tell their actions and movements are very refined. Each of them knows what they are doing. It’s pretty much my first time with someone who has more actual experience than me and it shows. I can barely keep myself from moaning into Neira’s lips.

After a short while, my jewels are freed from their assailant and Cinra speaks up. She is most likely the one who played with them. “Alright girls, let’s leave it at that. We shouldn’t waste Master’s stamina if we all want a piece of him.”

All of them stop whatever they were doing and sit up around me. Only Neira remains on my chest. She looks me in the eyes.

“Who do you want to start with, Master?”

I smile at her. “Since you are already in a perfect position, why won’t you give me this honour?”

She blushes just enough for me to notice and a moment later, she turns her head back in surprise. The other girls spread her buttcheeks and place my rod against the entrance to her pink crevice.

Neira turns back to me. “Looks like I will,” she says with a dazzling smile. “Please, don’t hold back, Master. Pound me as hard as you can. So hard that I will forget all my previous partners forever. I want to remember only you. My whole body is only yours from now on.”

Giving her a small kiss, I nod and begin slowly sliding my hard member into the moist cavern placed above its eager tip. Neira closes her eyes and releases a prolonged moan as her insides get spread by my cock bit by bit until it's swallowed whole. I can feel how hot and wet it is in there.

As she wishes, I instantly start moving my hips, gradually increasing the speed of my thrusts. Regular pounding makes her body move up and down on my chest and her erect nipples graze over my skin.

“Ahnnn... Yesss… It’s already so much better… Mhnnn…”

In a few moments, we reach a pace where I have to grab her enticing butt to keep Neira from sliding too far up my body or she would fly off my cock. She moves her arms to my back and hugs me too, allowing me to pound her even harder.

“Ahhh… Ahhhh… Nhnnnn… Harder! Ahnnnn… I still remember them!”

“Well then… Allow me to fix that for you…”

I move my arms up and tighten my hold above her waist in a bear hug. With her position secured, I start pushing my hips upwards as hard as I can, bouncing off the mattress with each return to gain even more force. My cock relentlessly hammers her pussy from below. Violent slapping and wet sounds travel through the air in the room. The bed is squeaking like never before.

“Yessssss! Like that! Ahhh! Ahhhhhh! Ahnnnn! Ahhhhh! I’m going to cuuuuuuuuum!”

Hearing that, I leave only one arm on her back and move the other hand to grab her shoulder from behind, beginning to pull her whole body down to match my thrusts. I can feel her orgasm quickly building up.


She arches her back and bites on her lip. Neira’s head flies to the back and her whole body starts spasming. But, I don’t stop. Instead, I push her thighs up with mine and lock my feet behind her waist, increasing the intensity of the drilling her pretty flower gets even more. Using my intertwined legs, I push her butt down against my pelvis as I thrust up, shoving my cock even deeper inside.


Neira enters another peak shortly after I start this intense movement and that’s when I release my withheld load. Waves of white delicacy wash over her coiling insides just as she starts trembling again. I hold my cock in her lily for as long as Neira’s body keeps shaking, unplugging her precious place afterwards.

She is an even bigger panting mess than I am while she lies on my chest. I start casting Rejuvenate without a moment lost. There are still four girls that are waiting for my affection. When I glance to the side, my eyes widen in surprise and my ears finally register what has been happening around us this whole time.

“Mhnnnnn… He is so fierce…”

“Fuuuck… I wish that was me…”

“Nhnnn… Nhnnn... Ahnnn…”

All of them are sitting or lying in different positions and either schlicking their petals or fingering their holes while moaning to the heavens. The amount of wet noises they create is like a synchronised orchestra. Only Cinra somehow manages to keep her voice relatively low, biting on the fingers of her hand as she flicks her little bean just inches away from my face with the other.

I chuckle at that spectacle and she finally notices my gaze. Instead of freezing completely, she bites on her fingers even harder and increases the pace of her rubbing, staring straight into my eyes. Using the sheets, I pull myself closer and drive my tongue into her dripping wet tunnel, starting to lick the walls inside it.

She keeps masturbating for a few more seconds and then moves both of her hands to my head, pushing it against her clit with all her strength, grinding her flower against my mouth repeatedly.


A stream of liquid splashes onto my face as she cums violently. After she stops spasming, I sit up with Neira in my arms. Leaving a kiss on her lips, I place her down beside me and look around at all the other girls.

“Are all Dark Elves this erotic?” They all giggle at my question. At least those three who can do anything besides panting. ”Sorry for leaving you out like that. Let’s start the party. I’ll do you all at once.”

They glance at me with surprise and look down at my junior, still full of vigour. Leyne, Roseni, Filue smile impishly and crawl to me. I grab the closest one to me, which still is Cinra, and push her down onto the bed.

I pick Roseni and Filue up and throw each of them to Cinra’s sides, telling Leyne to sit on her face. No one protests. Even the silver-haired beauty in the middle seems to be looking forward to what’s going to happen.

Without any further ado, I shove my cock into her freshly-out-of-orgasm pussy and start pistoning through the scorching hot tunnel, at the same time inserting two fingers into Roseni’s and Filue’s leaking honeypots. They start wriggling the moment I begin caressing their sensitive orbs with mana-filled thumbs. Of course, I don’t forget about Leyne and ask her to lean towards me so we can start passionately making out.

And with that, we create an accompaniment of moans, schlicking and slapping sounds. Cinra understands her position but struggles to please Leyne’s flower above her mouth while I keep drilling her yearning pussy. With my lips sealed, I send Whispers to the two girls on the sides and they extend a hand each to play with Leyne’s jiggling mountains and stiff peaks.

“Ahhhhh… Ahnnn… Even his fingers… Mhnnnnnn… Goddess almighty… Nngggghnnn…”

“Ohhhmmmm… I know! Ahhhhnnn… Damn Neira! Ahn... Ahn... So lucky to be first! Ahhaaann…”

Unfortunately, I’m not able to hear the opinion of the one girl that actually receives my pounding as her mouth is blocked by Leyne’s lower lips and all moans are turned into vibrations that further increase her pleasure. From how Cinra’s body jerks when the tip of my dick scratches against certain spots as I relentlessly keep trying to find even better ones, I understand clearly how good she feels. 

After a few short minutes, I sense the three lying women approach their climax. Making good use of my Mana Control, I tune my caresses to their increasing pleasure and make them all cum at the same time, spraying Cinra’s insides in white in the process.


She actually manages to scream loud enough for us to hear something from under Leyne’s pussy. Her own vagina releases another burst of love juices and pushes my cock outside. They wet my and Leyne’s whole chests and we both chuckle as a bit of them sprays onto our faces. She is such a squirter.



Roseni and Filue reach their peaks at the same time and start spasming while grabbing their pussies to rub them fiercely after I pull my fingers back. Only Leyne is left without coming, but I won’t let this state persist for much longer.


She shouts in surprise as I grab her under the armpits and throw her into the air just enough for her to land on my chest. She instantly entwines her legs behind me and I support her butt with my hands. Crawling on my knees backwards, I step off the bed to have solid ground under my feet and drive my still rock hard pole into her unsatisfied hole. God bless restoration magic.

“Ahn! Ahh! Thank you! Ahnn! Ahh!” 

She starts rocking her hips too while raining down kisses on my face and neck, whichever is close during various states of thrusting. Cinra did a decent job before, so it doesn’t take much to bring Leyne to her climax too, and within two minutes, I can sense her erotic walls beginning to squeeze my cock as if they want to milk me dry to the very last drop. I throw ourselves onto the bed and hammer her leaking cavern even harder until she finally comes.


I give her a few more thrust for as long as my little friend keeps sending new waves of semen inside, pulling him out after the job is done. Ignoring her post-orgasmic state, Leyne pulls me closer and steals my lips, sloppily joining our tongues. I let her kiss me for a short while before backing away. It’s still not the end.

“He is still hard? What a monster…” Filue comments on my ability to continue.

“How is that possible? He came 3 times and it looks as lively as before?” Roseni eyes the undefeated beast.

I chuckle and crawl closer to them. “The answer is simple. Magic. Don’t forget what my Class is.” They both giggle and start stroking my cock as I lean over them on my elbows. “While my mana isn’t infinite, I’ll do my best to give you what you deserve.”

“We are in your hands, Master!”

“I wanted to say we are in your cock, but that sounds so bad.”

Everyone except Leyne bursts out laughing. I shake my head and push Roseni onto Filue, with their chests joined together. Two intensively leaking pussies enter my sight. Their love juices join into one, steady stream of sweet nectar.

I take a deep breath and smile widely. “Alright. Time to dig in.”


I sink my little brother into the gates of the upper dungeon named Roseni, making the owner of them moan in surprise. Affirming my grip on her waist, I shove my dick into the humid corridor repeatedly, trying to explore various different points inside as fast as I can. Something tells me that’s what she wants the most.

“Ahn! Ahh! Ahnn! Ahnn! Ahhh! So fast! Ahnn! Ahnn! And fierce! Ahnn!”

“Not fair… I wanted it too… You always end up receiving things before me, even back at ho—AHHN?!”

Without any warning, I pull out of Roseni’s pussy and insert it into the dungeon on the lower level, starting to thrust my member inside with slow but steady and strong movements, slapping my pelvis against Filue’s bottom with powerful slams.

“Ohhhhhh… Nhnnhnnnnnn… Like that, please… Ohhhhhhhh… Ahhhnnnnnn… I love it…”

Same as with Roseni, I felt like Filue would have liked it this way. Their desires might be leaking through our connection or something. I’ll think about it later, I have two enticing girls to properly please right now.

“Ahn! Ahh! Ahh! Master’s cock is the best! Ahh! Ahh! I’ve never been fucked so good!”

“Uhhhnnn… Mhnnnnn… Right… Hhhnnn… He hits the best spots… So mighty… and slow… Mhhhnnnnn…”

I keep switching between the two and slowly bring them back to climax. I don’t have two dicks and it would be rude to give my load to only one of them while the other cums from my fingers, so I finish twice in quick succession, ejaculating with both of them one after another. My Class’s control over my orgasm comes really handy here.

They both moan loudly while receiving my seed and hug each other tightly. I pull out of Filue and admire my own work of two, exquisite, pink flowers decorated with my creamy-white semen spilling out of them. Their dark skin just accentuates this sight.

Sitting down on their side, I take a deep breath and sigh heavily. It is quite exhausting even with Rejuvenate. All the girls scoot closer and surround me from all sides, leaving a kiss on various parts of my face, neck or chest.

“Are you all satisfied or do you need some more?” I ask the question to everyone while patting the heads of Filue and Roseni who rest them on my thighs.

“You can still do more?” Neira asks and everyone looks down at my sheathed sword.

One touch later, and some greenish particles of light, the mighty rod reveals itself again.


“Are you a god?”


“This is unbelievable…”

I chuckle at their reactions. “So? I might be able to give you at least one more round.”

Neira pulls herself closer and gives me a loving kiss.

“I would love to. But. Let us do the thing this time while you rest and enjoy our bodies, Master.”

They gently lay me down and as promised, we go for one more session before all of us end up exhausted to the point of falling asleep right after finishing.

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