I Persuade People With Reason

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

He sent the little dumpling, who was almost tearful and thought he would die soon, back to the palace. However he didnt return back to his mansion.

There are still many things he needs to deal with.

If he is correct, morning court should be very busy tomorrow?

The next morning, when the emperor came to the Tai Chi hall, he was surprised to find that the number of courtiers seemed to be wrong.

Before he could ask questions, Prime Minister Su was the first to stand up: Your Majesty, this official has something to say.

At the same time, his eyes looked at his highness, the crown prince in black robes was standing below the imperial throne.

This is the first time that Yuan Buwei officially went to court since arriving in this world.

He is tall and straight, with an upright jade body. No fluctuations could be seen on his calm face. Radiating an awe inspiring momentum, that makes people mysteriously intimidated from a distance. By standing quietly in this Tai Chi hall silently, no one can ignore him.

To tell the truth, with prime minister Sus shrewd temperament, he didnt want to confront the crown prince like this. Even if he already knew the emperors intentions.

However, after attending the wedding banquet with his front foot, his back foot arrested the guests coming out of the prime ministers estate. Still blocked in front of the door of the prime ministers estate to arrest people. If he still didnt say a word, who knows how many people would secretly laugh at him for being a powerless prime minister.

Facing the eyes of the Yuan Buwei, prime minister Su took a deep breath and continued: Yesterday, his highness the crown prince blocked the guests in the prime ministers estate. Arresting more than ten important ministers of court into the prison of the ministry of justice. Till now, this official still doesnt know whether they are alive or dead

With prime minister Su taking the lead, other officials also stood up one after another. A group of ministers who have disagreements on weekdays and rarely worked together, criticized the crown prince and for his inaction at the gate of the prime ministers estate last night!

Many of them had no conflict with the crown prince, but what happened last night really stepped on their bottom line.

It is a major event that the crown prince was poisoned in an assassination attempt, but isnt it too much to arrest so many ministers without evidence? Not to mention, without so many people, can court sessions still operate as usual; Without word or reason, proceeding to arrest people with only a little doubt made many ministers feel threatened for their own future.

This precedent must not be allowed!

The emperors eyes showed surprise: Crown prince, are our officials words true?

Yuan Buwei admits frankly: It is true.

Although he said so, his face looked calm, without any sense of regret.

Suddenly, the clamor in the hall became louder.

The emperor was also surprised.

Although it was when handing over the imperial edict to Yuan Buwei he had expected a resulting big fallout. He did not expect that the crown prince would be so vigorous and resolute, not even sending a notification in advance.

The emperor was still tossing clouds on the belly of a favoured imperial concubine last night. So he didnt know about his amazing move until now!

Sat majestically on the dragon throne, he looked at the chaotic hall and frowned.

Enough! In the Tai Chi hall, among dignitaries and court officials. Its not proper to be so chaotic!

Seeing that the Tai Chi hall was finally quiet, the emperor continued, Everyone, this matter involves the attempted assissination of the crown prince, which is of utmost importance. As such we should ask the crown prince about the details first. Then he looked at Yuan Buwei.

Crown prince, do you have any defence? Was there evidence found in relation to the poisoning?

The show of favoritism in the emperors words is obvious.

At the beginning, he let the crown prince go to investigate the case, and even decreed that he could make a decision without needing permission. His original intention was to hope that the other party would make rash moves under the influence of anger. Its best to offend as many people as possible and involve as many people as possible.

the crown princes popularity is too high! It would not do to go on like this.

Now, the prince not only perfectly understood his intention, but also implemented it far beyond his expectations. Just looking at the anger of these ministers, zhen can see how excellent the crown prince did!

So how could the emperor blame him? He even wanted to encourage the crown prince to do more, and it was best to offend all the ministers of the current dynasty!

At this time, the emperors eyes looking at Yuan Buwei were very loving. Fully showing gentleness and concern, and the complete support of a loving father: Do it. As long as you can find out the mastermind behind the poisoning, zhen will bear everything for you.

The brown prince also seemed to understand his hint and immediately said, Imperial father, the emperor knows everything. Although Er Chen has not found any evidence in relation to the poisoning, there are gains.

He turned and looked at the many ministers: With the crown princes authority, Er Chen will not arrest people at will. Each of these people arrested are highly suspicious.

Under the doubtful eyes of the civil and military officials, a stack of memorials was taken out of his sleeve.

Looking around, Yuan Buwei found the little dumpling was missing. No other choice, he raised his hand to signal a little eunuch waiting in the corner of the hall.

You read it.

Seeing that the emperor had no objection, the little eunuch trotted up, took the stack of memorials, unrolled them and read aloud.

The contents of this memorial are all kinds of small movements made by the arrested people in private. Of course, they have no involvement in poisoning the crown prince. Still, as the small eunuch read out the small things that seemed innocuous at first glance, even the military generals could detect there was something wrong.

Because their little moves are all aimed at the crown prince.

If you pick out one thing alone, perhaps no one will notice it, or even treat it as an insignificant accident or coincidence, but if you read it out together, anyone can feel that there is a problem.

Is there really a force secretly targeting the crown prince?

All the courtiers faces distorted, and previous courtiers who had accused the crown prince of disorderly arrest retreated silently. They felt as if they almost stepped into a pool of unfathomable muddy water.

Even the emperor started to feel uneasy, and his joy faded away.

The atmosphere in the Tai Chi hall became stagnant.

Unable to stop shrinking his neck, the little eunuch continued to read. Originally, Yuan Buwei just listed suspicious activities, but did not say the specific names of the people. Now, the little eunuch finally read the most critical part, a series of names, official positions and titles flowed out of his mouth.

There were even a Jun wang, two Guo gong,1 several officials above the fourth grade, and two generals in the army.

While the emperor listened, his expression worsened.

These names are familiar to him. Arent these all his confidants who he spent much effort to pull to his side? Ones he placed absolute loyalty in.

With a thump in his heart, he almost jumped up from the throne.

Fortunately he kept control of his expression, his eyes immediately swept carefully through the courtiers.

Although he realized that the number of people in the hall was wrong, these courtiers lined up in several rows, and the people in front blocked the people behind. The emperor couldnt tell who was missing with a glance.

Now taking a closer look, the fury overflowed.

Sure enough, except for a few who were not qualified to go to court, all the others were caught by the crown prince!

Unexpectedly another strike reached his heart: Gu has been away for many years. Gu never thought there would be so many hating oneself. Most of the people who plotted to poison Gu are in the capital.

Speaking of this, his highness the crown prince sighed gently.

Usually his appearance is excellent, containing frost and snow between his eyebrows and eyes on weekdays. With a majestic aura that can not be looked down on. At this time, with a slight sigh, the frosty indifference suddenly turns into disappointment. Spreading to affect other peoples emotions.

His highness the crown prince spent years fighting outside, wholeheartedly defending the country, but within those he protected are villains plotting against him. How can he not feel sad?

Suddenly understanding the crown princes mind. The courtiers who were angry before were silent, with a new clarity as to why the crown prince was so irritable last night.

In the past, they only saw the crown princes invincible and undefeated god of war. It seems only now they noticed the many difficult aspects behind this title. Thinking back, his highness is staying in the capital now because of the recurrence of the old injury

Before the emperor spoke, the courtiers came forward one after another and began to take the initiative to defend the crown prince.

Such as Your Highness was just impulsive, the villains are to blame for being too excessive, Although so many ministers are implicated without evidence, we can understand your painstaking efforts, Anyone suspicious cant be let go when it concerns the crown prince, and all colleagues who were arrested should understand this.

Except for a few smart people who had vague guesses about the emperors intentions, the attitude of other courtiers had changed greatly.

Of course, there are some of those who support the crown prince in order to fish in troubled waters and incite public opinion.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Yuan Buweis lips slightly hooked.

This is the reputation Qi Mingxuan has accumulated over the years!

As the crown prince, he joined the army as a young man, won every battle and recovered the Central Plains Only so many ministers in the imperial court admire him, not to mention the common people.

No wonder the emperor was so afraid.

Looking at this scene in the hall, the emperor sitting high on the throne took a few deep breaths. He still couldnt suppress the rancid breath in his chest. Instead, he covered his chest and gave out a violent cough.

He granted the crown prince the right to make decisions on his own judgment, in hopes the crown prince would offend all the ministers and lose his prestige. Not to let the crown prince arrest all his confidants, at the same time winning the hearts of the people!

Cough, cough, cough!

The emperor patted his chest and coughed fiercely.

Suddenly, a mouthful of blood gushed out.

Imperial father!

For the first time, the crown prince, who had been indifferent, had a change in expression and rushed forward.

Imperial father, whats the matter with you? Dont ruin your health for such treacherous villains!

The emperor was so angered by this that he couldnt speak. He raised his fingers, rolled his eyes and completely fainted.

Yuan Buwei quickly ordered people to carry the emperor down. His Highness the crown prince turned around in pain and looked murderous:

As an important official of the imperial court, they intended to assassinate the crown prince and even hurt his majestys dragon body this crime is unforgivable!

His pale and handsome face seemed to glow crimson because of extreme anger. Dark eyes as deep as a frigid lake, invisible murderous aura immediately exuded.

The ministers immediately realized what he intended to do and looked frightened. Prime Minister Su came forward first:

Your Highness, you cant, according to the law

With a sweep of Yuan Buweis eyes, he immediately shut his mouth.

His highness the crown prince, who is extremely pure and filial and angry because of his Majestys collapse, has turned coldly looking sullen.

The imperial father has been harmed to such an extent by these rebellious ministers How can they stay alive? His tone repressed deep anger, and the sudden momentum made the ministers dare not speak out again.

In the silence, only Yuan Buweis cold and solemn voice was heard.

Drag them out of the south gate immediately and kill them all!

1 This is my current understanding of the imperial hierarchy not including nobility:

(Highest to lowest)

Qin wang ,

Si wang ,

Jun wang ,

Guo gong ,

Jungong ,

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