I Pulled Out the Excalibur

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 – The Snake that Swallows Gold (3)

The Arbenia Duke’s mansion.

With its vast gardens, splendid buildings, and a number of servants too numerous to take in at a glance, it truly befits the reputation of a duke’s household. Dieta, having alighted from the carriage, sighed in front of her home, returning after 5 years.

The ancestral home.
The place where she was born and spent her childhood.

There was not a speck of comfort or coziness that one might feel upon returning home. For Dieta, this mansion held no particular memories, at most those with her mother…

But such memories had long been forgotten.

When she saw her mother’s corpse hanging in front of her, all memories turned into nightmares. Dieta had thrown away all such depressing recollections.


After a long exhale, Dieta stepped into the mansion. Unlike her brothers and sisters, who paraded around with numerous vassals, Dieta was accompanied only by her bodyguard, Pasion.

She moved forward under the gaze of the servants.

“We welcome you, Miss Dieta.”

Following the servant’s lead, Dieta moved forward.
Unlike the times she wore fancy dresses and walked as if dead, Dieta was now walking through the mansion’s corridors dressed in the uniform of a merchant lord.

Not as Dieta Arbenia.
But as the merchant lord, Dieta.

Therefore, there was no need to bow her head. Her destination was the reception room. As the servant opened the door, the one waiting for her inside… was the master of the Arbenia household.

Osman Arbenia.

Dieta’s biological father and the head of the Arbenia ducal family. His eyes bore the same yellow hue as Dieta’s. For a moment, as their gazes met, Osman Arbenia smiled brightly.

“It’s been a long time, Dieta.”

At Osman’s smile, Dieta inwardly cursed. Acting from the very start. However, there was no need to reveal her true feelings. Dieta responded with a smile and sat down in the chair prepared in the reception room.

“It has been a long time, Father.”
“Yes, it’s been 5 years since you left the family to see the wider world. When you disappeared with just a letter, I was so worried…”

Osman continued after a brief pause.

“But you were with a trustworthy knight, and I heard you were doing well in Cambria, so this father could finally relax.”

The image of a father worried about his daughter who had left home.
His tone was natural, and his expression was too natural. However, Dieta knew all too well that this was just a facade.

She remembered Osman, who coldly viewed her mother’s cold body and ordered it to be “removed” with a click of his tongue.

And she hadn’t forgotten the way Osman’s eyes appraised her, standing by his side. Dieta still smiled and nodded.

“Yes, I have been living my best not to tarnish the name of Arbenia. It’s an honor that such news has reached you, Father.”
“To think you rose to the position of a merchant lord, controlling a city from the ground up in just 5 years, I am truly proud of you.”

Osman smiled.

“Merchant Dieta, I’ve heard a lot about the trading company you named after yourself. Though there are nasty rumors in the world about you being the abandoned child of Arbenia… How could I abandon you? You’re the only thing she left behind.”

Lies were exchanged, and false smiles were shared. Both were conversing while wearing masks. When the conversation was ripe enough.

“The reason I called you today is none other than to commend your achievements.”

Osman Arbenia broached the main topic.
Dieta looked at Osman. She was on edge, trying to understand the meaning behind each of his words.

“I was quite surprised by the trading company you built with your own efforts, not relying on the family’s power. It’s something that deserves praise.”

Up to this point, it was as she expected.
Dieta bowed her head. Why had she been called back to the family? After pondering over it during the carriage ride, Dieta had come to a few conclusions.

The trading company was sufficiently on track, a feat that even the head of the Arbenia ducal family would acknowledge as an accomplishment.

Dieta had proven her worth. And Osman Arbenia assesses the value of people. In his eyes, Dieta was too valuable to discard, a talent that could bring greater value if embraced.


He would want to create a connection with the trading company and Arbenia. Now, was he trying to correct the rumors of an abandoned child and accept her as part of the family? Of course, she wasn’t that optimistic.

‘It’s a bait.’

If it were Osman, he would create a connection with the trading company and gradually take control of it. And eventually, he would swallow the trading company whole. Even expecting this, Dieta had come here.

The reason was simple.

Because she was confident. If it was just that level of trickery, she could overcome it and use it as a stepping stone to elevate her trading company even higher. That was her resolution in coming here.

“Unlike your siblings, you have achieved great feats at a young age. It’s truly remarkable…”


“Do you know what your brother has been up to? He’s smart like me and sits in a fairly high position, but he lacks experience and achievements. It’s regrettable that someone with talent hasn’t been recognized yet.”

This was something she hadn’t expected.
Why was he talking about her brother? Feeling a sense of unease, Dieta raised her head. There stood Osman Arbenia, looking down at her.

His yellow eyes were chillingly cold.

“Dieta Arbenia.”

Osman uttered Dieta’s name.

“You are my child. A member of the Arbenia family.”
“You are not an abandoned child. You are part of Arbenia. And, family should help each other out. Blood is thicker than water, as they say.”

Dieta understood the situation.
She grasped Osman’s intentions. Hence, a hollow laugh escaped Dieta’s lips. Osman Arbenia was saying.

Hand over the trading company to your brother.

For the sake of a line or two in your brother’s resume, who needs achievements… hand over the trading company you’ve built over 5 years. That’s what Osman was implying.

“You are mistaken, Duke.”

Dieta spoke.
She referred to him not as father, but as Duke.

“The trading company is maintained under my management. It won’t run smoothly just because someone else takes the position of the merchant lord. Above all…”

Dieta let out a bitter laugh.

“Do you think my worth is only that much in the eyes of the Duke? It took me 5 years to reach this position. Aren’t you curious to see how far I will climb after another 5 years?”

You are misjudging my value.
It’s worth more than just that.
According to Osman, Dieta had achievements. Because of these achievements, Dieta challenged Osman back. This was a wrong judgment, like cutting open the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Rather, create a connection with the trading company.
And take control of it slowly, isn’t that your way?

Wouldn’t it be a loss for you to cut me off just to swallow one trading company?

“You’ve grown a lot, Dieta.”

Osman only smiled in response to Dieta’s words. His mask remained trading company.

“You have received many marriage proposals. Many prestigious families desire you. Perhaps, they highly value you for establishing the trading company in Cambria.”

He does not answer the question. He only tells the stories he wants to tell. And, as with those who converse with Osman…

“They value you highly. Many are willing to offer much for a marriage alliance with you.”

Listening to the story, Dieta understands Osman’s intention. Osman Arbenia assesses value. And he did not belittle or ignore Dieta.

He simply assessed.
The value Dieta possesses, and its peak.

The trading company Dieta built was already on track. Her age was suitable for marriage, and her appearance had bloomed beautifully. Both the trading company and Dieta herself are at their highest value.

Sell when the value is highest.
That was the merchant’s principle and common sense.

Osman Arbenia was both a noble and a merchant. He believed politics was nothing more than doing business under the guise of justification.

“Do you remember the annex where you lived with your mother? Wait there. I will call you separately when the guests arrive.”

The annex located at the edge of the domain, far from the ducal mansion. The place where her disfigured mother, having lost her value, was banished. Dieta knew what that annex was called.

Arbenia’s birdcage.

A prison to banish or confine those who lost their value, preventing them from escaping. Dieta’s expression twisted as she read Osman’s intention.

The second day of the test also ended smoothly.

Leaving behind the examiner, who marked him pass with an incredulous expression, Najin headed back to his lodging. Walking along, Najin shifted his gaze. A splendid carriage was passing through the split crowd.

“It’s quite the spectacle.”
-It seems a noble is on the move, eh?

Najin squinted at the carriage’s emblem. A snake-like figure. He had seen this emblem somewhere before.

“Do you recognize this emblem?”
-Yeah. Back in my day, there was one who bore this emblem on their flag on the battlefield.

Listening to the story, Najin stroked his chin. Arbenia, Arbenia… He sighed briefly as he remembered.

The abandoned child of Arbenia.

When a ‘minor’ dispute occurred with the nobility, they certainly referred to Dieta in that way. So, was it Dieta’s family who had sent someone? With that thought, Najin watched where the carriage was heading.

The carriage was heading towards the trading company.

Eventually, people alighted from the carriage that had come to a stop. Four knights in shining armor and a man in splendid uniform, unlike Dieta, with striking blond hair.

The man, accompanied by the knights, made his way towards the trading company’s building. Four knights followed him, and behind them, a knight in shabby armor joined. It was a familiar figure.

Dieta’s bodyguard, Pasion.


He suddenly looked back.
The moment Pasion’s gaze met Najin’s, it wavered. But that was brief, and with gritted teeth, Pasion followed the man into the trading company.

…The trading company’s name changed from “Dieta” to “Arbenia” the next day, and a letter from the Arbenia trading company arrived for Najin.

An invitation from the Arbenia trading company.

Holding the invitation, Najin headed to the trading company. Although the building itself hadn’t changed much, knights were standing guard on the stairs leading to the office. They stepped aside when Najin showed the invitation.

Up the stairs to the top floor.

Unlike before, servants were bustling about on the top floor. A servant, recognizing Najin, knocked and opened the door for him, sparing him the need.

Inside the office.

The brown-haired girl who always warmly greeted Najin was not there. Instead, a blond young man and two knights were sitting in the office, one of whom was Dieta’s bodyguard, Pasion.

“Oh, a distinguished guest has arrived.”

The young man sitting in the main seat smiled.
As Najin stared blankly at the young man, the knight standing beside him glared.

“Show respect to Lord Agesio. Bow and introduce yourself.”

The knight looked ready to pounce at any moment.
Najin frowned at the knight’s command, his gaze towards the knight full of disdain. Just as the knight was about to reach for his sword at his waist.


The young man burst into laughter.

“Indeed, a renowned adventurer from Cambria should be like this. Sir Phileon? There’s no need to be so strict. This is the city of opportunities, Cambria. When in the city of adventurers, one should follow their rules.”

He continued with a laugh.

“I am Agesio Arbenia. The eldest child of the Arbenia ducal family.”
“I’m a Green-rank adventurer, Ivan.”
“Ah, I’ve heard some stories about you. Apparently, the former head of the trading company… my sister had a good relationship with you.”

Continuing the conversation, Agesio flicked his finger.

“Sit down. If I keep looking up at you for a few more seconds, Sir Phileon might break your knees to force you down.”

The knight standing beside Agesio.
Glancing at the glaring knight, it indeed seemed like he was about to charge. Najin exhaled shortly and sat down in the chair before him.

“Well, the reason I called you here isn’t so grand. Now that I’ve taken the seat of the head of the trading company, I’ve been checking the ledgers and sorting things out… and there’s quite a bit written about you.”

Investment in talents by the trading company.
Among them, the investment related to Najin was personally written by Dieta. Armor made from the skin of a blood-red troll and numerous items that were planned to be supported.

Dieta’s assessment of Najin was written as “a talent worthy of eyeing the White-rank adventurers.”

He didn’t believe all the assessments, but they were worth considering. Indeed, the rumors about the adventurer in front of him had reached Agesio’s ears beyond Cambria.

“The protagonist of the Demon Knight subjugation, I’ve heard a bit about you. Even the Knights of Atanga mentioned your name, so it would be strange not to know.”

Agesio laughed with his arms crossed.

“As you can see, I’ve taken the seat of the head of the trading company, but I don’t plan to stay here long. It’s just a temporary position. But, I don’t intend to take it lightly either.”

He looked directly at Najin.

“Wouldn’t you make a deal with me?”
“A deal, you say?”
“Yes. I’ll only be in this city for a few months at most… but during those months, I intend to gather talents. There’s a need to invest in the future and achieve some accomplishments.”

He extended his hand towards Najin.

“Aren’t you too talented to be in such a city? The Arbenia ducal family will stand behind you. Besides, you seem to aspire to be a knight…”

Agesio Arbenia smiled.

“Knighting is not a difficult task. If you accept the deal, I can easily arrange a knighting ceremony for you.”

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