I Pulled Out the Excalibur

Chapter 71

Chapter 71 – Hunter, or Hunted (2)

The Snake that Swallows Gold, Dieta.
Having cast aside the noble family name Arbenia and become a commoner, her daily life had surprisingly not changed much. As always, she organized documents in her office and maintained friendly relations with her business partners.

Her daily life as a merchant remained unchanged.
What had changed was her life as ‘Dieta’.

Whenever she took a break from work, sipped her coffee, or absentmindedly looked out the window, Dieta found herself unwittingly sighing.


The employees of the trading company interpreted her sighs as “She must be tired from all the work,” but to Pasion, the knight who guarded Dieta closely, those sighs seemed far from the sort related to work.

Dieta, with a melancholic gaze, looked out the window.

Her gaze was that of someone longing for someone else, a girl anxious because she couldn’t meet her lover. Since her master usually didn’t make such expressions, Pasion found Dieta’s current state both unfamiliar and refreshing.

‘She must have really fallen for him…’

Pasion groaned.
It had been over 13 years since Pasion started guarding Dieta. Initially, he guarded her at the request of Dieta’s mother, but as years passed, Pasion came to think of Dieta as his younger sister.

A cute younger sister with a significant age difference.
It seemed like this younger sister had someone she liked.

Pasion, who adored Dieta terribly, would ‘normally’ go find the man Dieta seemed to have fallen for, interrogate him, and assess him… but knowing who the other party was, Pasion couldn’t do so.

‘It must be Ivan, that young man.’

Who was this young man named Ivan?
Talented, hardworking, and skilled. Moreover, he was a rare romantic aspirant knight in this era, valuing the pride, honor, and loyalty of a knight.

Even from the perspective of Pasion, a knight, it was impossible to score him lowly based on these qualities alone…

‘And furthermore…’

He infiltrated the villa and rescued Dieta.
He fought against the Knight Commander risking his life.
And he ultimately brought Dieta to Cambria.

He was truly someone Pasion should kneel and bow to in gratitude. Imagining all these, it was only natural for his master to fall in love. Pasion swallowed his saliva.

‘He’s indeed a prime candidate for marriage.’

His future is bright, making him an unmatched suitor.
However, it seemed like this young man named Ivan had no interest in romance. There’s nothing more regrettable than unrequited love.


Watching his master sigh for the 37th time today while looking out the window, Pasion broke out in cold sweat. Eventually, Dieta murmured in a small voice.

“I miss him…”

A very soft murmur.
Yet, the superhuman hearing of a knight caught even that. Pasion was contemplating bringing Najin over seriously when there was a knock on the door.

Knock knock.

The voice of the secretary announced a visitor. Dieta wasn’t expecting any visitors today, she thought, just as someone entered after the door creaked open.

Anytime. Freely. Really comfortably!

The person Dieta had emphasized several times to the staff to just quietly send up if he visits, was standing at the door.

“I came because there’s something I need to ask.”

So, Najin was standing there.
Dieta’s eyes widened. With slightly parted lips, as if she had been stunned, Dieta blinked.


Najin called Dieta’s name.
Though they had agreed to drop formalities, calling each other by name was part of the deal. Najin called her by name, wondering if she wouldn’t respond otherwise, but…


In this case, Najin’s call was a critical hit. Dieta, with her ears turning bright red, started hiccupping.

After gulping down tea and taking several deep breaths to recover from her status ailment, Dieta spoke up.

“So… you came to ask about the city of Regenoff, right?”

The reason Najin came to see Dieta.
It was to gather information about the location where he was to carry out his quest. After hearing Najin’s brief explanation, Dieta tapped her fingers on the table, organizing her thoughts.

“Regenoff city was once dominated by dark mages. It’s a story from decades ago, but there was a fairly large group of dark mages that had seized the city.”

Marauders, Regenoff.
The city was known by such a name decades ago. Recalling information about the city, Dieta continued.

“Did they say the dark mages had swallowed the city whole? They brainwashed the lord, took hostages, and even spread a perception-inhibiting barrier over the entire city, trying to establish some foundation.”
“…That’s quite a large scale, isn’t it?”
“So it’s also recorded in the imperial history books.”

What became of that in the end?
Muttering to herself, Dieta clapped her hands with an “Ah.”

“Then they got caught by the empire, and led by the Royal Guards, the palace knights and mages swept through the city. I heard the Red Tower Master burned the city to the ground?”
“Burned the city?”
“That’s how deeply rooted the dark magic was.”

Dieta stood up, rummaged through a bookshelf, and handed a book to Najin. It was a contemporary history book of the empire.

“Here it is. The Regenoff Annihilation Campaign.”

It was a section with a rather chilling word. As Najin skimmed through the history book, Dieta continued her explanation.

“That’s a story from about 50-60 years ago, and the city was rebuilt with a new lord taking office. Since then, it’s been quite famous as a commercial city… It seems some troublesome event has occurred, right?”

Najin nodded.

“A quest to subdue a dark mage has come in.”
“Hmm, that would indeed provoke a sensitive reaction. Just when they managed to shake off the derogatory title of ‘den of mages,’ getting entangled with a dark mage again would be bothersome.”

Najin looked into the history book.
The Regenoff Annihilation Campaign.
An event where a group of dark mages led by the Seven Circle dark mage ‘Kefalon’ was purged, and all related matters were annihilated by the central government of the empire.

-Seven Circles dark mage…?

As Najin glanced through the book, Merlin spoke up.

‘Do you know him?’
-Not a clue about this guy. But Seven Circles is pretty high up there, right? In today’s terms, that would be almost Tower Master level.

Circles or Rings.
Najin knew it was a way to differentiate the stages of mages, but he wasn’t clear on the specifics.

‘How powerful is someone with seven circles?’
-Close to a Sword Master.

Merlin explained.

-Think of Eight Circles as Sword Master level. It’s not a precise division, but from Eight Circles, they are called Archmages.

So, Seven Circles would be close to Sword Master level.

It still didn’t quite click for Najin.
Since he hadn’t yet experienced ‘what’ a Sword Master could do, that realm still felt like grasping at clouds to him.

-If we were to compare you to a mage right now, you’d be around four or five circles.
-Yeah. Roughly around there.

As Najin flipped through the history book while listening to Merlin, he stopped his finger. There in the middle of the book was a name he couldn’t just skip over.

The commander of the operation, Gerd.

Najin had heard the name Gerd before. The empire’s first pillar, known as the strongest human, the Sword Master.

“Ah, I heard Sir Gerd, who was then a Royal Guard, also participated in the battle. It seems he was a Sword Seeker at the time.”
“That Sword Master Gerd?”
“It must be. He was originally from the Royal Guards.”

It must have been a significant event.
Najin felt that much. It was still an unexplored territory for him, so he could only imagine in his mind.

“There shouldn’t be anything in particular to be cautious about when going to Regenoff. Maybe just be careful if an Inquisitor accompanies you for the quest?”

Najin narrowed his eyes.
Inquisitors. Naturally, his alertness rose due to their connection to religion.

“Yes, the Starblood Sect will probably send an Inquisitor. Dealing with heretics like dark mages is their role. They are quite fierce people, so it wouldn’t hurt to be careful.”

It’s not the Starlight Order.
Then it didn’t matter much to Najin. He exhaled shortly and closed the history book.

“Thank you for the information.”
“Was it helpful?”
“Yes, very.”

Dieta smiled.

“But what should I do with this? It’s still too early to be thankful.”

She signaled, and the secretary brought a wooden box.
Inside the box was Najin’s armor and various equipment that had been sent for repairs, all packed in an adventure bag filled with ‘our trading company’s’ goods.

“It’s a gift. The adventure bag is filled with our trading company’s goods, so please make good use of it.”

Dieta, who stood up, unfolded the repaired armor and approached Najin.

“Stay still for a moment. Raise your arms.”

Then she busily helped Najin into the clothes.
After checking the fit and adjusting the length of the straps, Dieta smiled faintly.

“It suits you well.”

Handing over the bag filled with adventure goods, she waved at Najin.

“Then, take care on your journey.”

And please share your stories when you return.

“Oh, you must be that adventurer, Ivan.”

On the carriage to Regenoff.
In front of the carriage stood a knight who had come to meet Najin. He was a knight dispatched by the lord governing Regenoff. He offered his hand to Najin.

“I’ve heard of your fame. My name is Ileph.”
“Pleased to meet you, Sir Ileph.”

The two shook hands and boarded the carriage.
As they rode towards the city, Najin was able to hear stories related to the quest from Ileph.

“Lately, suspicious movements have been detected in the city’s slums and sewers. Traces of dark magic were also found. It’s being assumed to be related to the dark mage ‘Fauve,’ who fled from the Inquisitors.”
“Do you have more information on the target?”
“Of course.”

Ileph continued his explanation.

“Fauve is at least a Four Circles mage, with an unknown school. However, considering she killed five Inquisitors, she might be of a higher level.”

And as for special notes.
Muttering to himself, Ileph spoke up.

“She possesses a masterpiece, Shadowflame.”

The dark mage Fauve owned a masterpiece.
Hearing this, Najin immediately murmured inwardly.

‘Do you know anything about it?’
-I don’t know this masterpiece either. Not all masterpieces were discovered in my time.

Even Merlin didn’t know this masterpiece.
Hoping for more information, Najin waited for the knight’s further explanation, but Ileph just shook his head.

“I don’t know its effects. Only the name ‘Shadowflame’ was revealed from the unearthed ruins. However, according to the testimony of an Inquisitor who survived a battle with Fauve…”

He briefly stated.

“Don’t trust what you see.”


The sound of high heels echoed deep in the sewer.

Click-clack, click-clack.

The sound was accompanied by someone’s screams. Someone was screaming as if their throat was being torn apart, but the scream didn’t spread far. Several layers of soundproof magic were in place.

Only one person listened to that scream.

The owner of the high heels seemed to find the scream in her ears delightfully sweet, humming a little tune.

The owner of the high heels, Fauve, dragged a mutilated human deeper into the sewer, humming cheerfully. She was actually in a good mood right now.

“The great predecessor really laid a solid foundation. Don’t you think so?”

The dark mages following her nodded.
With three dark mages and two sacrifices in tow, she descended deeper into the sewer. Decades ago, the damned empire may have ruined the great predecessor’s plan, but…

Even that effort wasn’t entirely in vain.

The hidden workshop of the legendary dark mage who conspired to overthrow the state, built deep under the city by the great Seven Circles dark mage, Kefalon, survived the empire’s scrutiny. Even the flames ignited by the Red Tower Master couldn’t burn down the workshop located at the very depths of the city.

A hidden workshop of a legendary dark mage who attempted a state coup. Isn’t that a drool-worthy tale?

Deep in the sewer, Fauve waved her finger. Black mana rose and seeped into the wall… Click, with the sound of something being pressed, a path leading underground was created.


Just as she was about to step onto that path, a disturbance was felt from the other side of the sewer. A soldier patrolling the sewer. The soldier, with wide eyes, attempted to signal the knight the moment he moved.

Hehe, Fauve chuckled.

She flicked the lantern at her waist with the back of her hand. As the lantern swayed, shadows were cast in the sewer, defying the common sense that fire doesn’t cast shadows, and engulfed the soldier’s vision.

Then, splash.

The soldier abruptly threw himself into the sewer.
He drowned with his head submerged in the water. There were no screams or noise in his death.


Only the sound of flowing water echoed.

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